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1993 is when Stern really hit is mark, imho.


2006, the start of the Sirius years. Unfortunately, it is the the beginning of the decline of Artie Lange.


But what a beautiful decline. Slow motion train wreck that I wish was still going...


Ah, The Artie Lange Addiction Saga is the friggin best man


January 3, 2014 Best stern show period. No comedy no hijinks no notoriety. Bradley cooper and Chelsea handler interview. Classic.


not sure if serious


I'm sure he's not serious


My personal favs are 2002-2003 and 2007-2008. So many great years though. The late 90's were great as well.


2001-2005 Artie, KC, Stuttering John, even Gary was good. Birth of Sal and Richard. They were all so viscious and hilarious. Especially when girls would come on the show, they would just ruthlessly tear them apart. This is also the time right before Howard started becoming really serious with Beth, coincidence?.. I just wish Hank the Dwarf and Artie ever met. That would have been my faaavorite.


I agree except for during 2004-2005 there was so much FCC and Bush bashing it kinda gets old after awhile. I mean, I agree wholeheartedly with everything Howard says about it, but he talks about it SO much, every single day. But you are right about 2001-2003. Probably the best years IMHO.


you sure artie and hank never met? I think Hank died right before 9/11 and artie was there the day after 9/11, so I would assume there was some kind of overlap, no?




I would say 1992 if you want to go chronologically. But I just jumped around the videos on youtube. Saw who everyone was, got familiar, then just listened to random bits from different times.




Any year but specifically anything with Billy West. I think that was around 1993. Leona Helmsley: I BUST BALLS!!!!!


2001-2010. The Artie years.




93 is the perfect starting point. its the first year where the majority of the shows are available .


Besides listening to the live show which I started to do about a year ago, I started listening chronologically from Sept. 1991 and am currently in March of '92, and it's hilarious. Currently, Howard is doing the Channel 9 show and recently expanded to LA. Definitely looking forward to listening to the rest of the 1990s and beyond


I'm doing this too, listening to the older shows is much more fun than the show today. Howard was actually putting on a great show every time because he was fighting for ratings back then. He was also fighting for subscribers when he got to Sirius in 2006 and really tried hard because he believed at the time he'd get his subscriber bonuses. After the lawsuit didn't go the way he wanted he jumped ship and said fuck it, putting his efforts into things like AGT and going overboard with the PC thing. Now that he's left AGT things seem to be improving again though. I think I'd recommend listening from 1994 onwards, because including that year almost all of the years after that are completely available online (aside from 1998 which is missing a bunch of shows). There's a big torrent on kickass torrents that has all of those shows and more, just go there, type in howard stern, click on Size to put the torrents in order of size and it's the one that's 159gb. I'd recommend choosing the year you want first or shows you want first by choosing them in your torrent client so you'll be able to listen sooner instead of waiting for the whole thing to download. If anyone has trouble finding it just PM me :)


every show 1993 -- 2000. Every show 2006 -- 2012.


wow the noobs are really clueless huh? start in the early 90s and listen to as much as you can find. trust me. the show used to be about 1,000,000 funnier. when howards shtick was still shtick. now its a goddamn cult of personality.