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It's solidly "fine". Safety: A huge portion of the entire province lives here and there's a sizable portion of homeless people near major hospitals due to issues in getting them back home (most out-of-town homeless require plane tickets to get to their home communities and can't afford them). We do have violent crimes, but most are limited to specific areas that are well-known as "bad" parts of town. Healthcare: Not great, but not bad. Our previous provincial government had an attitude of "let the poors die" and severely cut back funding, but that's slowly being fixed by our new provincial government. Finding a regular family doctor can be a struggle, but the quality of care is decent. Infrastructure: Roads are bad yo. That said, we have a pretty extreme climate and it can be almost impossible to keep up with a lot of the damage. That, and a good number of people think it's required to have a 2-ton truck to go to Superstore. It's not unmanageable, but it's bumpy most of the time. Climate: Spring and Fall are your friends. Summer can get up to 35+ and winters can drop belong -30. There's also a cycle of "2-3 days sun, 1 day of rain" in the summer. Public Transit: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Seriously though, it's god-awful, but it is scheduled to get a revamp next year, so it might become functional. As is, expect to take 2-3 hours to get across the city via bus. Source: I live here.


Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation, you're great.


I’d qualify a couple of of these: Infrastructure: yeah roads are bad but traffic generally isn’t that bad (especially relative to most bigger cities) and I very rarely ever have to drive more than 15-20 minutes to get anywhere (like, once every 6 weeks maybe). Climate: summer is great, not just spring/fall. Winter is long as hell and brutal though.


Looks like winter is the main drawback


Only if you don't like winter. I enjoy the winters here. Cold, yes, but mostly sunny and bright. There's lots to do outside in the winter!


I visited right before Covid in Feb 2020. My wife’s sister’s boyfriend got his truck stolen so we had to pick them up. Aside from that I really liked Winnipeg. It reminded me of a Midwest American city, where I was living at the time.


Summer doesn't get to 35+ that often. And even then, the heat is dry and manageable. Honestly, winters are the only issue here.


30 plus is normal for Winnipeg


Transit is officially getting re-planned tho! Should be a lot better by about a year from now


Try to avoid the handshakes.


Noted, thanks for the advice.


Why? Ive never heard that about anywhere in US/Canada before?


A “winnipeg handshake” entails getting stabbed by a broken glass bottle (usually a beer bottle)


Oh yes I will do my best to avoid those. Never heard of a winnipeg handshake before, thanks


Why is it called that? Homeless crime?


Winnipeg used to be the murder capital of Canada, a title it held for a very long time. I believe Saskatoon took that title from us in recent years however.


Because a Winnipeg handshake involves a shank.


It’s a nice city, though small. Cost of living is much lower than average, although has increased recently, especially rent and houses. Safety has always been an issue, compared to some places, as per capita it’s higher than many, especially violent crime. As someone who has lived here all my life, I don’t go to the dangerous places and you are generally safe. Feel free to ask any follow ups. 


Thank you very much for your kind response. I understand that it depends on many factors, but as a general estimate, is CAD 4,000 enough for two people to rent in a safe area and maintain a good quality of life?


Me and my girlfriend spend less than that and we live in st vital near the mall, a good area.  I would say that you can live in the suburbs at that price, yes. 


Thanks a lot for your help


We spend about 4600 CAD on two people per month, but that's because we moved to a house recently. Before that, our essential spending was $1700 - housing/utilities, $800 - groceries, $500 health&beauty, $300 on a car, and then the rest varied from month to month.


Thanks for the detailed information.


For sure you can get a nice place in a safe area with that kind of budget. Of course how big a space you're going for is going to make a difference, and for a lot of folks transportation is a big monthly expense. We're lucky to be on great bus routes so a bus pass is all we need in that regard.


I've seen many complaints about public transport not being reliable, especially in winter 🥲


I guess it depends on what you're comparing it to, it's better than plenty of other places I've lived. When there's bad weather (and also the first snowfall of the year) EVERYTHING on the roads tends to be a mess. The main roads/bus routes are more consistent and reliable, smaller a spur lines are more prone to delays.


So assume it's manageable, thanks for helping.


As in 4K for rent per month? Or total earnings of 4K per month?


4K for monthly payments - rent, utilities, internet, transportation, groceries and etc.


Too many variables. Gf and I pay $1800 for rent (2bed) $2-300 in bills. Probably a solid $1000-1250 a month on groceries. Plus the vehicles and “etc.” and yours probably right around the $4k


It’d be close depending on your definition of good quality of life. A significant portion of that 4K would go to rent. Auto insurance is cheaper than other provinces if you drive, transit is cheaper but as mentioned above, not great. Our house is about $300 /month for water and electricity, you can get good deals on internet in the city. Groceries probably depends a lot on your shopping habits - even with rising prices we are around the $1200 mark for a family of 4.


It's actually more expensive than what I estimated. Thanks


Thanks for explaining. Now I have a better understanding.


We are getting close to a million people. We arent small; we just act small.


Small and large are subjective. This is a sub that is worldwide. Compared to other Canadian cities we aren’t small, but on a worldwide scale we are. 


It all depends on what someone wants, even though I have lived in Winnipeg my entire life I have travelled around NA quite a bit, I understand why people would want to live in Toronto or Vancouver or Calgary, like for instance hiking in Calgary or skiing in Vancouver or the nightlife in Toronto, I’m a gamer so that hasn’t ever bothered me, Winnipeg has everything me and my family needs, skating in there winter and decent beach’s in the summer. I guess the only issue would be north vs south, I grew up in the south part of Winnipeg but lived In the northwest part for 6+ years and to me it’s 2 different worlds, I love living in the south, seems safer, slower, not as much hustle and Bustle. It has everything that you would need if you aren’t “high maintenance” our winters are cold sure but summers are nice, we have some good restaurants. Like I said it all depends on on what you value or want, cost of living isn’t too bad, unemployment is lower then other provinces and if you do luck out and get a good paying job makes it even better!


Thanks for the clear explanation, I'd look for the south part to get an estimation for rent


Winnipeg: It's not as bad as people make it out to be.


As I understand it, it looks fun, especially in the summer.


I have been in winnipeg for 9 months. I’m from Calgary. Winnipeg is gritty. It has a lot of heart. It’s not very beautiful to the eye but very beautiful to the soul. I absolutely love it here.


Thanks for helping


This is a great summation. “Gritty, with a lot of heart” should be the city’s official motto. That’s a hell of a lot better than “Made from what’s real.”


My bike got stolen on the weekend


lol that sucks but at the same time my first thought was just “yup.”


That's unlucky, hope you'll get it back


That is an epidemic here. Especially downtown.


Winnipeg is a city where residents famously enjoy milkshakes, smoothies, and froyo.


Sounds fun)


You mean slurpees. We literally famously enjoy slurpees. It's an actual thing


Mmmmm nah, I'm pretty sure it's milkshakes, smoothies and froyo. Sometimes the odd slushie, or slush puppy. I've never heard of anybody from Winnipeg enjoying a Slurpee. You must be thinking of somewhere else.


Lol >Where is the Slurpee® capital of the world? Winnipeg is the Slurpee® capital of the world.   https://www.7-eleven.ca/slurpee


You seem like a very bright individual who catches on *quick!* ...would you care to see this bridge I have for sale?


And Slurpee! Winnipeg is called the Slurpee capital of Canada. It doesn't matter if it's -25 Celsius outside, people are still gonna have a Slurpee.


Would love to see the city and go to a Jets game while there.


Make sure you visit the Pembina valley


Definitely, I'll have plenty of time, thanks


Pretty good honestly. I find ppl here nicer than pretty much anywhere else I go. And lots of arts for a place of its size


That's a plus for us right now, thanks.




Lots of folks have two houses, one in the city, one at the lake..


Maybe in the faaaar future....