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nothing to do except work. most of the work pays well though. other than that it fucking sucks


What kind of work is there?




Open pit mines, not rigs.


There are basically no rigs in fort Mac. It's a mining town.


Very much disagree. Do you live here, or fly in for work and your paycheque every 2 weeks.


Disagree, to have this opinion you either don't live here or aren't trying. This is a good place to live, there are countless things to do. My personal favourite is our ski hill, only 15min out of town. We have great rec centers, golf courses, walking/biking trails, social clubs and sports organizations, I could go on, but it'll read like a list you find in most small cities.


had a buddy live close to there for a year. Very cold in winters, can't start your cark because the engine froze kind of cold. Beautiful places nearby in the summer. Flat, not too much there but small redneck towns.


Sounds like your buddy didn't plug in his engine block.


Block heater. Not a lot to see other than the river. The nearest town is 200kms away, and its more like a hamlet with 3 gas stations.


fort mcmurray is in a valley and therefore not on flat land?? 


Lived there 12 years, owned a condo in FMM. What are you talking about? The whole city is on a river valley, and every section of the city is on a different hill. I personally really liked living in FMM. Great restaurants, pubs, movie theaters , mid-size malls, casino, camping, fishing, really beautiful sports complexes... and yes, the money was fantastic.


I spent a week there once. It was pleasant, but the exciting evening consisted of going to Boston Pizza.


Should have gone to Fuji's. Place is always a blast if you go with a group.


Fuji closed unfortunately. Although one of the owners Vincent has a sushi place called Fuji Fuji that he opened in the basement of Kozy Corner. I think it has karaoke too. I need to go check it out with the wife. Vincent is a gem of a human


Awe, Vincent is the best, I miss that guy... many of night, I spent drunk singing karaoke with Vincent at Fujis.


I lived there for 5 years and we used to say: 1. “It’s not the asshole of Canada, but you can see it from there”. 2. “There are 2 things to do in FMM, hunt and fuck. What do you hunt? Something to fuck.” Honestly if you enjoy a mix of transient workers, newfies and rednecks it’s the place for you.


It's like living in any small city in a remote area. I don't find it hard to find things to do. There are lots of outdoor activities to do, a decent amount of gyms and martial arts academies. Good schools for Alberta because a lot of them are new and had lots of oil money donated to them so they have lots of new equipment. Hockey, football and baseball teams of various levels to watch. There isn't much of a club scene or anything like that, and very few larger concerts. But I would say that's the biggest thing lacking up here


Beautiful summers (when the province isn’t on fire), brutally cold winters. Absolutely beautiful landscape, lots of wildlife, and lots of amazing well maintained trails running through the city. Decently large population for being such an isolated community but feels like a small town (that often includes the small town drama - dear god the drama sometimes is wild, there’s not much in the way of actual news sources so you’ll find everything out via hearsay on Facebook instead. It can be toxic at times). Cost of living is higher for a lot of things so the extra money you make working a site job doesn’t always go as far as you expect and people find themselves in debt if they’re not careful. A lot of people will say there’s nothing to do but there’s more than you’d think. It’s just that commercial rent is ridiculous, there’s a whole lot of crown land that isn’t permitted to be used for anything, and it’s just prohibitively expensive for a lot of small businesses to stay afloat. Not enough doctors up here so it’s hard to find one taking new patients, and if you need a referral to a specialist you’ll likely be making a trip to Edmonton. But the hospital is pretty good. Much more family oriented city than it used to be. Pretty sure there’s a higher population of Newfoundlanders in Ft Mac than there is in St. John’s so if you’re an east coaster you’ll fit right in by. Lived here 10 years now, love it in many ways but also looking forward to the day I get to leave.


The great outdoors,the crisp fresh air,the aromatic atmosphere from extracting the dirtiest and most expensive oil in the world,the minus 40 winters,the reduced lifespan from inhaling that shit,what’s not to like.


So fantastic then


Best kind


Is a nice, locally-oriented community. The population in majority in its twenties and thirties, and the vibe is what you would expect from that. Lots and lots of young families, who find time for family-oriented activities. Young parents will find their time consumed with dance, hockey, soccer, and martial arts alongside their work, which doesn't leave a lot of time for adult-oriented recreation. The local bar scene is diverse and varied, but the locations tend to come and go fairly quickly with new establishments superseding old as the "new thing". There's lots to do in terms of outdoors recreation in the summer, from multiple golf courses to local cycling, hiking, and outdoors groups to the local track for the more vehicle oriented. Winters tend to be quieter, as folks tend to stay home out the cold, but there are still the northern lights tours, winter camping, and sleding enthusiasts out and about. In Feb there tends to be a dip towards -50c that puts even the most diehard outdoorsists under cover, and then it's spring again before you Know it. It's primarily a mine town, and the local colour reflects that. You get all kind a coming through, and friendships tend to blossom and drift apart with equal suddenness. Social groups are rarely long term affairs, but close knit circle do tend to form and stick together for years at a time. It's a nice place to live.


I was born and raised in Fort McMurray during the 2008/14 boom and going back now, it's nothing like during those times. The city has calmed down a lot. The transient workforce is less in the city so there's like crime and delinquency. It's really a beautiful community now with amazing infrastructure and facilities due to the oil money. My only complaint as I now live in the Grande Prairie/Peace river region is that its just waaay too isolated. It's the same distance to edmonton as GP but the lack of settlements a long the way makes it feel very remote.


It's a riot, b'ys, when someone gets a gig offer for Fort McMurray, they hop on Reddit asking, "What's it like living in Fort Mac?" And then you got all these eejits yappin' the worst about the place from their miserable lives, scaring folks off. How do you expect the place to grow if you're shittin' where you eat? Fort McMurray's deadly for raising your young'uns or growing up yourself. Plenty of good folks around. Sure, for the 19-25 crowd, it might not be the best 'cause there's no university, but you can do college and transfer later. It's a quiet spot with loads of outdoorsy stuff. No massive malls or posh cafes, though. And yeah, the flights suck—no international ones from here. So if you're 25+ looking to rack up work experience, save some cash, or raise a family, this place is bang on. But if you're chasing fun—concerts, bars, restaurants, events—this ain't your jam.