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as an aside you shouldn't paint over brick


I have read that before. Brick houses are very common in my area (Belgium). I see a lot of people paint their houses around here. Wonder if they use special paint that let’s the brick walls breath or they just have a lot of problems with moisture.


Lime wash is what you are looking for


especially bad in wet areas with a lot of rain, I'd imagine a lot of people dont know what they are doing.


It's both, if it's done right you use a specific brick paint that lets it breathe like you said or they use normal paint and have major structural issues in 20 years


Time is the easiest. It'll fall off in a year or two. I wonder if there is an enzyme that would degrade the cellulose, there is no cellulose in the brick.


That’d be great. It’s been almost 3 years since I got rid of the vine though.


Should come off easily with a wire brush, try that?


Wire brush and putty knife to scrape and brush away the leftovers. Going to be lots of work.


But you can rig up a brush attached to an oscillating multitool bit to make it a lot easier.


Drill brush! My new favorite tool


Blowtorch would do it


Maybe even a can of deodorant and a lighter?


Grow the creeper back, that brickworks pointing is absolutely shocking.


I don’t see any pointing at all.


You don't. Pic one has a bunch of things pointing out of the wall.


That's actually a fair observation.


this is the way


Power wash?


Metal wire brush seems the easiest. Mechanized versions exist if you don't want a workout. FWIW, creepers are free airco, and paint does not require less maintenance. I'd plant a new one of my choice.


Problem was the insects that nestled in the vine. Our bedroom window was surrounded by the vine. You couldn’t open a window in the summer without a horde of insects entering. The roots of the vine also created little cracks in the sewar pipes that run under that part of the house to the street.


> Problem was the insects that nestled in the vine. Our bedroom window was surrounded by the vine. You couldn’t open a window in the summer without a horde of insects entering. Solvable by a mesh screen, which is very much recommended against mosquitoes when sleeping with the window open in summer anyway. >The roots of the vine also created little cracks in the sewar pipes that run under that part of the house to the street. There's no easy solution to that if it's all too close together, true.


Power wash to remove the vine bits. I would really hesitate to paint brick. In most areas where you see brick painted it is not true brick, it is cement brick. Cement brick can be painted as it is more resistant to water. But original and real old brick might retain too much water to paint.


Paint is expensive Make up for a house.


I would avoid power washing if at all possible. I am not a pro, but I wouldn’t stress that brick too much with pressure. Use a hose to rinse after scraping but not pressure.


I would try a wire brush in a drill or on a grinder.. being careful not to damage the bricks. Maybe even a hard nylon bristle drill or grinder attachment


i once cleaned whole brick wall from cement with a drill. used round atachment and lots of sandpaper


Stiff wire brush!


Spray the absolute fuck out of it with some roindup


first soak creeper remains with water, and than use wire brush, or attach something to power tool but careful to not scratch brick too much... its painful, those fuckers are really stubborn to remove.


That should be very brittle by now. Stiff brush, not necessarily wire brush.