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Chandler telling Monica that she gives ‘the best worst massages’ because he knows that she’s so competitive that even if she isn’t good at something she still needs to be the number one in some way. ‘If there was an award for the best bad massage… who would get that’? ‘Oh it would be you’.❤️‍🩹


Chandler: Okay, but now, see, you're crying! Monica: I'm not crying about that! I'm crying about something that happened at work. Chandler: What? Monica: My boyfriend said he didn't like my massages!


Also telling that Oklahoma girl making passes at him that if Monica was here, she’d kick her ass :’)


She would too


Oh definitely! 💪🏼


That is one of my favorite Mondler scene because it show how much he understand her and always find a way to cheer her up. 🥰


I still think it was a missed opportunity to show her flipping through a newspaper looking for bad reviews of massagers, then calling the reviewers and insisting she was worse


Omg yes a credit scene. This would have been gold


He's incredible in that relationship which is why I never get Phoebe and Rachel having a low opinion on him whenever they argued with Monica.


I mean. Are Phoebe and Rachel really the standard when it comes to having healthy relationships?


Yeah, they're the female equivalent of two divorces and Joey.


Oh wow literally Rachel ran out on a marriage, basically broke one, and had a divorce herself And Phoebe barely really dated and only slept around mostly Cant believe it took me so long to realize


Phoebe also has a marriage and divorce under her belt


Two given that throwaway Las Vegas line


But still only one divorce apparently lol


I laughed so hard at this because you are spot on! I can't believe I never noticed that! thanks 🤣


That sounds like a bid for something at a yard sale.


Vikram is the supporting evidence for your argument.


Right and Mike was just a random pick by Joey that worked out phenomenally well… one thing I never understood is why we got that forced af hang out with Ross and Mike when Mike and Chandler actually had REAL bro chemistry


Monica is the only one with a healthy relationship


Right? Thank you!


They’re just being superficial.


"So they can say you're high maintenance, but that's okay, because I like... maintaining you." 😭


“I didn’t even tell him to say that!”


This is the most romantic line in the history of sitcoms


I would love for my husband to say that to me 😂🥰


Yesss, this is the most romantic line in the whole series for me, it’s so sweet!!


I would instantly fall in love


His adorable little smile when he says it


My biggest flex is that my husband says variations of that to me all the time! 😭


same here! 🥹💘


We’re so lucky!!


The little smile he gets before saying “maintaining you” is so cute too!! 🥰


I wanted him to call himself the ‘maintenance man’


“My wife's an incredible woman. She's loving and devoted and caring. And don't tell her I said this but the woman's always right... I love my wife more than anything in this world. And I... It kills me that I can't give her a baby... I really want a kid. And when that day finally comes, I'll learn how to be a good dad. But my wife... she's already there. She's a mother... without a baby... Please?” 💜


I’m watching the series for the first time and that was one of yesterdays episodes. So beautiful 😭


i cry my eyes out every time i see that episode and hear this speech!


Yeah that speech was really incredible. The feeling he put in it. 🥹


Winner, winner, winner. Just such a lovely moment.


“So they can say that you’re high maintenance but it’s okay because I like….maintaining you” is up there as one of the best romantic TV lines ever written


As someone who relates very deeply to Chandler's struggles but also his strengths as shown here, he gives me hope that I might be able to live the life he has...


Wish you find your Monica


He also set the bar very high for dads because of his decades of joke experience.


Not exactly unrealistic but he was just🤌


I’ve got myself a Chandler, they’re out there!


Same! And he’s even a transponster! But seriously, I love my husband. He’s kind and helpful, supportive, and always makes me laugh.


>transponster That's not even a woooooord!


Aw that's amazing! Much love to both of you💚


Me too! 🩵


I love this scene because how they played it out in this episode. Chandler tried to do such a sweet thing for Monica, knowing she will appreciate it nevertheless and everyone then gaslighted him into thinking he made a mistake. The poor guy got so scared 😄.. but I love how in the end Monica found it so sweet surprisingly and his gut was right indeed. Proving that he knows Monica more than everyone else. I also love how mon was like "sweety you don't have to be afraid of me". Like even she found it ridiculous that she'll ever be mad at Chandler for such a sweet gesture.


I never cry, I do the whole macho guy holding in feelings thing, but I’m legit sitting here teary eyed. Best relationship on TV of all time. Love Chandler love Monica 🫶🏻


Chandler is such a great example of how people can grow and change. He starts out as an immature commitment phobe and, over the seasons, becomes a devoted, supportive husband and father. PS Men like that do exist! I’m married to one.


It goes Chandler and Monica, Marcy and David (from Travelers), and then everyone else.


Peter and Elizabeth from White Collar.


Peter, Elizabeth & Mozzie*


Lilly and Marshall from HIMYM


Until she left him. That was brutal.


And drowned him in credit card debt - which she lied about for years - forcing him to take a soul-sucking corporate job which she then got angry at him for taking because he gave up on his dream job.


The credit card debt episode almost ruined the series for me. I wanted them breaking up and never getting back together - it was too serious a thing that it broke my sitcom immersion.


very very true. but hey never slept with anyone else.


Monica probably enjoyed putting everything back in its place lol


Chandler and Monica were 1000% a better couple than Ross and Rachel and I will die on that hill. They were so sweet and romantic and supportive of each other. Even when they fought they didn’t get nasty. Ross and Rachel had NASTY fights and unnecessary jealousy and toxicity.


>Chandler and Monica were 1000% a better couple than Ross and Rachel and I will die on that hill. Isnt this an almost unanimous opinion? Not only here but everywhere.


I think so. I think Monica and Chandler were a zillion times better than Ross and Rachel.


He is the archetype of what I try to be as a husband in a lot of ways.~


the high-maintenance speech is one of my absolute faves🥲💛😭




Please don’t let any women think that a husband who cleans is an unrealistic expectation


It's literally her character - she cleans to calm down, cleaning is a stress reducer for the character, and used to reduce anxiety. She loves things being clean, but also prefers doing it herself because she's extremely particular about exactly how things are done.


You should watch the show sometime, that’s not the point of the scene.


It was the point of this post


The point of the post is OP sees Chandler as a good husband through various clips. Not that cleaning was why.


From the first clip, I more got the impression she wants a husband who is scared of her?


The context is that she’s VERY particular about cleaning, always does it herself and doesn’t want help because other people won’t do it how she likes it. He thought because she likes things clean, a nice thing to do would be clean the apartment. Their friends saw and made him panic that she would be angry he moved her stuff (which is why he’s stuttering), but she was actually really appreciative :)


Not gonna lie. I just realized I kinda based how I treat my wife off of chandler


None of the friends are really unrealistic expectations as a partner.


Why put terrible music over this clip?


I’m not settling for less 😭


These expectations should not be unrealistic.


I think the part where her being high maintenance comes up and he is like “allow me the privilege to maintain you” or something and like SWOON




How is the caption nonsenical lmao




Oh, so you've just been living under a rock since the 90s. Got it.






Cleaning your own apartment is normal however. He freaked out when Ross reminded him who Monica is regarding cleaning


He cleans and reassures. The bar here is low 😂


Yeah people just want "the basics" but even then it's hard to find someone with all the "basic" qualities.


You forgot the part where he cares very deeply, pays attention to her needs and loves every part of Monica. Even the parts she's always been told were bad. In other words, he is entirely dedicated to her What more would you want?


Seriously, what out of the things you have just mentioned should be considered special in a loving relationship? I'm not saying I'd want more. I'm saying that the fact it's considered special to clean the apartment, reassure your spouse, care deeply, be aware of their needs, and 'love them', is a low bar. I don't get how that's sensational in any way.


How are you not getting this. Noone is saying it's special. It's saying it's how someone should be loved. Aka a green flag


I love Reddit. It’s full of gobby keyboard warriors. LISTEN, I get that these are green flags… that wasn’t my point. I’m saying these are low bars. It’s difficult to believe you cannot grasp this but Reddit never ceases to serve up idiots in these comment sections 😂 Stop looking for an argument, you’re bad at it.


Look in the mirror




What's green flag?


I know. I try to make my wife laugh, but she never knows when to kaugh if i dont turn on the laughtrack. So unrealistic.


Chandler had severe commitment issues to anyone he was dating (or engaged to). He panicked and was ready to leave Monica at the wedding until he thought she was pregnant. Him and Janice were a joke and he treated her horribly. Cathy was the devil but he did her dirty too. He wasn’t a green flag. He had one amongst a dozen red flags


Definitely not unrealistic. It’s just giving a good example of what you should be looking for and not settle for anything less. This is not unattainable, just too many men are crap. You’re worth a Chandler, don’t settle for a bad partner, look for your Chandler.


Green flag? This man gives off dating those crazys vibes lol, I dunno the clips you had made that chick look fucked


just another junky....


You lot really need to stop romanticising tv characters.


Why? It’s fun.




He deserved better than the love of his life? Ok.




Did you not watch the maintaining scene? He knows how hyper she is, but he feels like he balances her out, and he loves her no matter what.


Because Chandler never acted like a lunatic? Monica and Chandler have equal neuroses that balance each other out. Maybe you should look at why you forgive the male and trash the female.




That's a projection. I mentioned nothing about my opinions on gender. Where did you even get that? You're making things up. But clearly YOU have an entire opinion about one gender, which proves my point. Maybe look at that. Edit: Seriously, nothing ANYWHERE in my comment was trashing any gender. That fact that you IMMEDIATELY jump there shows that YOU do. And it's clear which one. Come one, dude, be smarter than that.


Simps die early. So sad.


Must be why everyone calls me Ross


Love him so much and no one is gonna change 🥹


I wonder how many of those lines he picked up on his many flights on Epsteins’ “Lolita express “?


Me: I don't think I'm like anyone on this show. Me watching Chandler in this scene: …Oh.


Hadn't cried for him yet today, made it ALMOST a whole day this time 😭


Been rewatching in spurts since the news broke of Matthew, realized very happily that my hubby is quite Chandler-esque 🥹❤️


Chandler was always my least favorite because he’s such a dick to his dad


How did they end up like this when young fat Monica used to drool over Chandler and Chandler didn’t give her much attention.