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Elle Macpherson’s acting was literally worse than a middle school improv class but they were tryna pay the bills by having her on


She was so bad, it felt borderline experimental. 😆 🤣


Right oml 😭 they should have brought back Brooke Shields, she was fantastic and would have still brought in an audience especially after her previous cameo


Brooke Shields was so good on Friends! And so pretty. 


Anything with Tag or Janine. Tag was emotionless and Janine was clearly just a model.


Janine is the most correct answer


They really tried to make Elle McPherson a thing back then, didnt they? I remember her hosting some MTV spring break thing where she was just as bland as can be. Oh yeah, and she was in Batman and Robin. She must have had a killer agent for a minute there..


She was also in Sirens and the critics said she was so wonderful in it.


Also the movie " the edge" with Alec Baldwin and Anthony Hopkins. Against those two her lack of acting ability really stood out.




Janine is the *only* answer.


It's amazing how an actual Australian person can have such a bad Australian accent


Like Elizabeth Hurley and English accents. Hers is... bizarre.


She’s very lAuD for sucha smaul pehrson.


Can't see her without thinking about what she said about why her lingerie line wasn't released in China. "China hasn't been opened yet because the women have a different body shape; the position of the nipples, the position of the breasts."


As we all know, Chinese women’s breasts are on their backs


Seriously?! I had not heard that.


Julia Roberts is from Atlanta, and she has one of the worst movie Southern accents I’ve ever heard.


That’s because people from Atlanta generally don’t have southern accents


I’m a black guy from Atlanta and I don’t have a southern accent and everybody thinks I’m from up north or out west


i read that as janice and i was about to go to war


"I see that you're talking, but all I hear is blah, blah blah" might be one of the worst delivered lines in the series. Why on earth did they ever cast her?


I actually don’t mind her in The One With Ross’s Teeth. The way she says “it’s a curling iron” is pretty damn funny. But other than that it seems like the producers could get a big name and took it.


Yeah I know what you mean. For me it marks a definite shift into decline for the series, as sometimes happens when shows suddenly get a BIG GUEST STAR


I like Tag, I think he was funny with Rachel. Janine was a bad actress though, beauty isn't enough for a character that shows up in multiple episodes and needs to have chemistry with the main cast.


“We have got to move”, the worst


The Janine episodes are like eating law remon. Tag arc was pointless.


Eating what now?


LOL sorry I mean raw lemon. I guess Japanese studying has made me confuse the R and L.


Lol I thought you were censoring raw lemon for some reason I could not figure out!


Are you applying for a job at ichiban, lipstick for men?




I thought Janine was bad. But Tag was cute and I liked his presence in friends.


Tag was boring af, no personality. He’d be a good dude in real life but he’s a lame TV character


wont say pointless; made Rachel realize what she wants for her future


The Fake Monica. I think the aim was supposed to be a sympathetic character doing bad things with a good heart but the actress had no charisma and I just wanted her to be locked up and glad she was at the end. I didn't see what real-Monica saw in wanting to be that woman's friend. It was very out of character for Monica to be okay with identitiy theift too.


I always get annoyed when Monica visits fake Monica in jail and fake Monica says “I started my day peeing in front of 20 women and you’re worried about who’s gonna take you to the circus?” Like ok maybe if you didn’t steal someone’s identity you’d be able to pee in private but here we are


Identity theft is not a joke !








I think they needed a VERY charismatic actress to pull that off. I think she did fine, but I also couldn't believe Monica was enchanted by her. I do like the concept of Monica wanting to unwind. I don't like how she became just fine about her neuroses later in the show. Her stressing about the shoes shows how frustrating living like that could be.


Claudia Shear had a moment back then. She had a one woman show that was pretty popular. I saw it on PBS or something. Blown Sideways Through Life, I think.


The only thing I loved about the Fake Monica was that she hated Dead Poets Society. I hated it too and that was a VERY unpopular opinion at the time! Other than that, I agree -- bad acting and the storyline was pointless.


Why did you hate the movie ?


Not who you asked but for me a lot of it was super contrived and emotionally manipulative. There's also a lot of I'm14andthisisdeep type quotes/lines that are intended to be profound but just come off corny imo. Even more of an unpopular opinion I have though is that I feel the same way about goodwill hunting lol, but I've never heard anyone else share that sentiment 😬🤷🏼‍♀️😅.


Some of Brad Pitt’s delivery’s are excruciating. ‘It’s no fat, no diary, no sugar…it’s no good throw it out’ his timing is way off.


Lol thank you!! I feel like so many people love this episode but I can’t even watch it.




I can't watch it. It is the most cringe to me. His delivery was horrible.


Anything with Joshua




What, he doesn't like Josh?


No, I don't.


I mean his scenes always felt awkward. I’m sure the actor is great but I didn’t like the character. Rachel however was so funny when he was with him….embarrasing , but funny😆


Yeah I love Rachel during that whole arc! 😆 🤣


Him and Jennifer Aniston had recently broken up, apparently it was tough for them to film


I didn’t know they used to date. Interesting


For several years!


They were even engaged! IIRC, Tate Donovan said that he would cry in his dressing room after filming with Jennifer because of their personal situation 


Idk, I cracked up with his handling of manic Rachel wanting to get married after 4 dates I'm thinking no, but, thanks 👍👍


He was so hot so I can forgive that he’s subpar


Well he wasn’t my type...but he was kinda cute 🙃


I actually like the proposal. I think it's very sweet lol.


When Monica puts on the jacket and breaks Rachel’s lamp, the movement is just so weird, said it before on here and got downvoted to hell..


So it WAS on purpose!!!!


I'll never not laugh at "well, you'll just have to eat the other lamps" though!


Similarly, when Rachel and Amy are fighting, you can see Jen turn around to see where the plates are in order to break them.


lol reminds me of when joey tackles monica to keep her from seeing the sex tape they took from richard’s apartment, you can see courtneys knee pads showing under her skirt


Also, the tv is clearly off.


This is a safe space :)


It’s funny you say that—Mr. Cadabra and I were just watching that one yesterday and when Monica put on her jacket he went, “Oh come ON, who puts a jacket on like that” 


I want to know what direction the actress in the “Joey has VD” poster reveal scene was given. The one who was flirting with Joey in the subway and they had previously worked together in the fragrance dept at Macy’s. Because she starts off fine but her line delivery when she sees the poster is so serious and grave when she says that she has to leave that it seems like it should be a scene in a drama, not a sitcom.


Honestly, Brad Pitt. He’s a great actor in other things but I really felt him trying to be funny and it just makes me cringe


He couldn't find the right angle to fit in the show, and he couldn't deliver his normally good performance.


That episode is the epitome of what it feels like to walk into your SO's workplace and meet their worksona with whom your chemistry is completely different to what it is at home. It's fascinating :)


His performance felt so forced and I didn’t believe him as someone who used to be fat/awkward.


Totally agree. His acting is AWFUL! He just doesn’t translate into the sitcom style.


I loved that episode! Very different and more exaggerated acting from him than usual yes, but I felt like that added to the comedy of having him in the episode. Especially with him and Jen being together at the time I thought that the whole him hating her storyline was only funny because he hammed it up to a silly extent. If he'd played that role more seriously I think it would have come across in an off-putting way in context


It’s like how he plays Lt. Aldo Raine in Inglorious Basterds. It’s the over the top nature that l loved. BON JERRR NO.


I hate the way he says rumour. Rrrrrumour. I thought he was terrible too. Op is also correct about the proposal scene. Terrible.


Yes, I hate the Brad episode. I never, ever watch it. It's soooo bad, I feel like dying inside.


Matthew Perry in the episode about Chandler's summer camp fat girlfriend. It sounds like he's slurring his words and really struggling to say his lines.


50 Vicodin a day or no Vicodin at all, I genuinely can’t think of a scene where his acting or timing was off. Slurred sure, but he was always good.


Wasn't he taking 50 vicodins a day at some point


Yep at some point. Not in this case tho. Here he was recovering from illness.


He said in his book that when he's fat it's because of alcohol and if he's thin it's because of pills. So the fat-camp episode he's fat, maybe he was drunk.


Well he most likely did struggled. It was in the 7th season, right? The first few episodes were rough for him.


Yeah, the first half a dozen or so episodes of S7 (most noticeable in 7x1 Monica's Thunder) it's like he's trying to talk without opening his jaw all the way or moving the sides of his mouth.


We just discussed this! I think at some point around this time he got veneers or something. He starts to speak a little differently, especially on 's's and I was looking closely and his teeth are straight across versus having variation like natural teeth.


He got veneers around season 5ish because a movie studio told him to (I assume for Three to Tango.) But then his drug use kept fucking up his fake teeth. I do believe that he had emergency dental surgery before the reunion - his teeth kept falling out.


The weight difference in him from the end of s6 to 7 is so noticeable esp cos it’s supposed to happen over the same evening


Joey learning french.


I dunno if you can blame the acting here, I think the writing didn't give Matt (or Lisa) much to work with.


I think Lisa’s acting was perfect actually. Especially the “you’RE NOT SPEAKING FRENCH!!!!” at the end


Yeah she is hilarious as someone incredibly fed up with him 


Well exactly it really felt like they didn't want to be doing that so i think that's what's giving off this bad acting vibe


Can't watch that episode. Making him too fucking dumb


I have to go before I put your head through a wall.


I see so much hate for that episode in this sub. It must be because I'm French because I love Joey learning French lmao


I am not French (but I have studied the language off and on for years) and I have always found it hilarious!


The copy girl


When Rachel tells Ross she still loves him after the wedding and then starts laughing at herself for being stupid. The situation is cringey enough, but the fake laughing makes it worse.


“Was that a joke? Cause it’s mean.” is one of my all-time favourite Ross lines.


I think that was the point of the whole scene. To be awkward and cringe.


I hated that scene. I wish it had been a more serious moment for those two. Honestly the entirety of the aftermath of Ross and Emily, to me, was just awful.


to be honest i always laugh in serious scenarios it’s a coping mechanism. but it was out of the blue for rachel


For me it's not that she's laughing that's odd. I understand some people have nervous laughter - but her laugh sounded completely faked. For a while I used to question whether it was supposed to sound forced and maybe she was faking it to try and to cover up the awkward moment (which I believe there's other people that think that too), but the more times I've watched that scene I really think it was supposed to be genuine nervous laughter and wasn't supposed to sound fake like it did.


While I think he's a great actor, when Sean Penn guest starred as Ursula's fiancé. Another one that was disappointing was when David Arquette guest starred as Phoebe's stalker. I'm definitely not a fan of his.


A lot of the guest stars were not funny to me. The ones I liked best were the ones with sitcom experience, like Christina Applegate & Danny Devito. I guess it's just a hard medium to act in. To me, Reese Witherspoon gave a valiant effort, but still struggled. Brad Pitt was horrible!


I think acting in front of a live audience is very different than acting for a movie


IIRC reese was supposed to have a longer arc but cut it short for that reason


You’re Blursula!


:( I like the proposal scene


I do too!


Was scrolling and wondering if I was the only one who really likes it!


I think it’s just the most popular unpopular opinion. Most friends fans I know actually like that scene too. The crying and voices sound like what real people sound like when they’re emotional, not everyone sounds like Hollywood actors when crying IRL lol.


I hate that scene where Joey is eating the jam and it’s coming out of his mouth and phoebe is like “say it don’t spray it.” And “I asked for the news not the weather.” It’s objectively bad writing, but poorly acted as well.


Really? I thought that scene was hilarious lol


>It’s objectively bad writing You objectively don’t know what objectively means


The scene where Rachel and Joey are watching Kujo. Her scared and whining is so cringe to me.


Is this the scene where she says like “are you not scared?!” And hes all in his bag like “…terrified” Lol awful


The proposal scene is brutal, I have to skip it every time. Especially after the terrible writing surrounding it - the drama of it all was beyond cringe.


When Emily says "Oh, Liam!"      When Emily says "There's a deer just outside eating fruit from the orchard!" (Although it is funny when Ross repeats it) When Monica does an impression of someone during a date (I forgot who) Chandler saying "I love you, Monica" in TOW Everybody Finds Out.


I. hated. Emily.


For me, it was Will (Brad Pitt). He doesn’t belong in a sitcom.


Yeah I’d have to agree. The proposal scene was the worst acting I’ve seen in friends. It’s cringe. And there’s a bit where Matthew Perry is clearly not well, either drunk or on meds or whatever. It’s the episode where they have a dog in the apartment and he’s saying he lost the dog but knows where they can go alleviate the pain. Once I noticed it it stuck out like a sore thumb


He was referencing the guy growing weed on the roof.


Yes I’m aware of that. I’m taking about his acting and how he looked in that scene that he was clearly on something


as far as I read, he was heavily drinking during that time, and was hospitalized soon after due to alcohol-induced pancreatitis. actually here’s the piece I read about his addiction struggles and list of episodes where he was the worst health-wise edit: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/english/hollywood/news/when-matthew-perrys-battle-with-addiction-reflected-in-select-episodes-of-friends/articleshow/104917870.cms


I always took it to mean he got high up there, which is why he's acting that way. In hindsight, it just makes me sad knowing what he was going through.


Yeah it is sad. I’m sad he went through all of that pain.


Any scene with Elle McPherson.


anything with janine


I’m not a huge fan of the later seasons, I find the over acting of Monica irritating (but I also know it was the writing and they became caricatures)


And it sucks because Monica was originally a great character, but then...idk what happened to make them change her.


I have a gripe with Matthew Perrys acting in general when it’s anything sentimental. He drops his voice to above a whisper and does this half smile. It comes off very disingenuous to me, and actually makes me cringe.


You’ve described that to a tee 🤝


I do agree with this. I think he wanted to be cute, which I respect, but I think he was afraid to drop his shield and really give in to emotional scenes. I like his speech to the adopted mother, but he still does the voice thing a little.


Agreed. Outstanding comedic actor, just didn’t have the same strength in those sentimental scenes.


You are so right and not just on Friends. When tried to be overly romantic like on some of the romcoms he did it’s so cringe and fake.


Rachel’s (Jen’s) fake crying really annoyed me. Same with ‘I just don’t see why those two can’t work things out’. Although, it must be super difficult to cry on cue if it’s not something a viewer would cry at.


100% agree on the proposal! It could have been so much more beautiful if they weren't forcing the tears!


When Chandler tells Richard he’s a good guy. I’m no actor, but Perry’s delivery is weird. Even the audience laughs at it.


Definitely the proposal scene, especially when chandler starts his part and says "I thought...." And "i can do this I can do this" when he starts fake crying


Wow! I don't feel that way at all! It's interesting to have different interpretations.


I've always thought that! Even from watching it as a kid


I love his comedic acting, he was an absolute master at it, but anytime he has to do some more serious scenes, it felt really unnatural.


I liked his scene with Erica where he says Monica is already a mother without a baby. That was very nicely done, imo.


LMAO! I agree so hard!


When Monica dances with the turkey on her head and the way Chandler says ‘you are so great, I love you’ just felt so unnatural and forced, I think it was the tone of the ‘I love you’ that seemed off but maybe that’s just me


Proposal. Also when Monica was in charge of keeping Phoebe from Mike and went to the bathroom and came out yelling “kiss him you fool” bad acting - takes me out of the scene Rachel telling Ross she loves him when he was married (when she started laughing) it was very cringey


Honestly, Brad Pitt’s acting was dreadful! There are a few times in later seasons that Jen had some poor acting scenes as well. The absolute best was Giovanni Ribisi! He is a true talent! He certainly didn’t get the credit he very much deserved.


This is gonna be sacrilege but I wasn’t a fan of Robin Williams’ cameo. Having him do an over the top shouting improv for a minute was too goofy and disconnected from the cast for me. They could have written a great role for him instead of just putting him on camera cause he was on set that day.


Yeah, the funniest parts in that scene were Joey saying "Oh, you're the gynecologist" and Monica forgetting wtf she was going to talk about before. Crystal and Williams just weren't funny.


Can't watch the Bruce Willis ones.


Why? He’s just a neat guy!


I have to agree with this one. I have no clue why liz’s dad was written or acted like that


I actually thought he did a good job! At least he seemed natural on camera!




Gary Oldman as Joey's drunk co-star. Gary Oldman is a great actor, one of my favorites. But his drunk acting was a little over-the-top an not very funny.


I'm wearing two belts...


That's the only funny thing in that scene.


I personally loved when Joey threw him over his shoulder and Oldman goes "is that *my* ass??"


"Is that my arse?" Cracks me up every time.


I do like a round of “You had a picture of Paulette in your pack?”


because Vincent, we were lovers... .... FOR **TWO** YEARS! best scene in the whole show lol


I totally agree, that entire storyline was frustrating


He's one of the best actors of all time for sure.  But the script he was given wasn't much.


And why did he have an American accent in one episode and an English one in the next?


Maybe the part he played required an american accent, so he kept it between takes, but when he was drunk he used his real accent?


Anything with Gary


The episode with Brad Pitt, he was so freakishly terrible that you have to wonder what was going on with him. Like, he's never that bad in anything else but he's sooooo bad it blows the mind. Maybe he just wasn't experienced in a multi cam setup with a live audience? Idk. That's the only one that jumps out hard for me.


I've already commented on this before, but **Lisa Kudrow's giggling** when Joey says "How you doin'?" to Phoebe… I don't buy it. I know Phoebe is silly, but in my opinion, that reaction seems a bit too exaggerated. Edit: [Another one I found](https://youtu.be/tTU_o-BH6PY?si=hEopN-8s02e2Z9g7&t=77) while rewatching clips as I read the comments. After Amy says to Rachel, "Well, how hard can \[raising a child\] be? You do it," **Joey goes, "Oooh-oooh-ooh."** It just feels so fake.


Same fight but when Jennifer Aniston so obviously turns around to see where the plate is so that Rachel can 'accidentally' knock it off the table. Drives me crazy every time. How hard would it have been to edit that blip out.


That giggle moment was so bad.


I don't remember the episode or what came before or after, but there's a scene where it starts snowing so everyone runs to the window and Rachel says, "oh my god it's so beautiful" in like the most deadpan voice ever. I've always hated that scene.


The throwback episode during Ross & Chandler's college reunion. The way Ross & Chandler talk about their band & both wanting to date Missy was like reading off a script. Chandler: I'm going to totally ask her out! Ross: Dude! I was gonna ask her out! Chandler: I said it first, bro! Ross: I thought it first, homes! Chandler: Look if you da- Ross: Wait! What are we doing? What we have is too important to mess it up over some girl. I mean we can get laid anytime we want


I mean, I would not want to judge the acting harshly as the show was mainly based on exaggerated characters and physical comedy, but I found Frank Jr. and Alice’s arc hard to watch (with all the kissing and giggling). As for the main cast, Rachel-Joey arc involved really bad acting in my opinion.


Tbf, Jen & Matt hated the storyline lol.


Jennifer Coolidge


I'm really not a fan of Jennifer Coolidge's broad comedic acting. I thought her acting as Amanda was really cringy and overdone.


That fake British woman's a real bitch, but she sure can dance.


That was the point though, the character was faking.


I don’t have any professional dahnce training


I feel like a perfect ARSE!


Smell my neck




All Phoebe's Brother scenes I hate it soo much


Especially the make out scenes with Eric Foreman’s mom. 🤣




“I love you too Chandler.” Yeah it’s super cringy during this scene. I love most of it but that part is not one of my favorites.


For me it’s the one where Rachel finds out. She tries so hard to cry, pouts the lip etc but she just can’t get there. And the “forever” line actually makes me laugh. So bad.


There’s one scene where Phoebe takes care of the triplets at Monica’s apartment and makes a mess. When Monica comes home, Phoebe is proud of herself, Monica is in shock and Chandler tries to make her see the positive side. That scene is badly acted. Monica says something like “but the apartment…” and Chandler cuts her off saying “…is the scene of Phoebe’s success” or something along these lines. Sounds super unnatural and theatrical.




The scene ur talking about is the one where Richard says “you go get her” and Chandler goes and propose and she hugs and cries? Even I found that episode terrible.


I agree with a lot of comments here. I don’t like the proposal or Chandlers over the top monologue during the wedding, they both are poorly acted and cringy to me. I also agree with Janine and Bruce Willis. I can’t stand either of those characters because of the acting.


Though I love Lisa Kudrow, you can so clearly tell when she’s trying not to laugh in a scene 😭


Brad Pitt. He doesn’t have comedic timing and delivery, its just awkward to watch the joke not land…


Agreed that mondlers proposal was terrible acting. I dislike most of that entire plotline/episode, and the god awful acting in the scene where it finally happened was such a terrible cherry on top of the episode