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This happens with a lot of us HSPs. Also really common with dysfunctional family dynamics like generational/narcissistic abuse dynamics. I highly rec Susan Forward's Emotional Blackmail & Mark Wolynn's It Didn't Start With You. While it seems a world away, it is possible to live your best life. It's so hard not to internalize those labels that were really "them" issues. But with healing comes better boundaries. It breaks my heart that so many people are so quick to label things or diminish others without understanding. The people most deserving of compassion rarely receive that. We may not be able to receive the compassion & kindness we deserve from others, but we can give that to ourselves 💜💙❤️💛 Hang in there, it's a lot to carry.


For me, I was even mislabeled as “unemotional” by my family because of how quiet and “self sufficient” I was. In reality I had an incredibly rich inner world that no one ever showed any interest in. My daughter is also an HSP, and though I don’t claim to be a perfect parent, I show an interest in her inner thoughts and feelings. I also frame her hsp attributes as strengths for her, because they ARE strengths (strengths that sometimes come with challenges).


Yes I think about that a LOT and get sad and frustrated. I absolutely think I’d be happier if I hadn’t been labeled as shy and weak when growing up. I think it’s just wrong and doesn’t capture what being highly sensitive is really about and those, even well meant, words do more harm when we go around beating ourselves up for being ”too shy” and ”different”, it puts unnecessary stress on our already sensitive nervous system.