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Holding opinions until we get a trailer


That’s fair


Same, it’s easy to see how well it’ll hold up by the trailer. I do hope they don’t f*ck it up.


Same for me, but for the full release. But I can only imagine I'll feel the same as all the other live action remakes recently, an okay watch but left wondering "why was that movie needed?" after watching it.




I’m hoping they don’t butcher my favorite movie of all time, but I’m not too optimistic. I just hope the dragons look good.


Frrr atp i dont care that much for the cast for the ppl, like i can just imagine they look more like the originals, but the dragons im most looking forward to


https://preview.redd.it/q1jlmk94qz4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb366e752383b4d43b65c902496f6259519d758e The duality of man


https://preview.redd.it/wy7iiuoiwz4d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9106704b9301b9d0c9d290c535892a21c8cc2fd Post inception.


https://preview.redd.it/mi8jw3ohk35d1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=575ea462d8cdb0b2c68aff8a4344dad288b8b760 I don’t have high hopes




I don’t have high hopes.


My opinion is that cartoons and animated movies should stay cartoons and animated movies, most of the time


I just want to see another version of test drive lol.


underrated comment, that would be amazing


This is probably the one thing I really look forward to in the live action 🙏


My main issue is that they cast Ruffnutt with a 30 year old actress.


Everyone is complaining about the astrid cast...i like the cast of her. Just give blonde hair...but Fishlegs is the kid from deadpool 2...how?why?


Just like Disney's live-action films. They'll be inferior and dull versions of the more superior animated versions


inferior maybe, but does that make them bad?, like HTTYD is already at the top of the chart, if it's worse it doesnt have to be \*horrible\*, i know they probably wont make it as good as the masterpiece that they made on 2010 but i will still love it


Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella were good, story wise better than the animated film even.


Cinderella? yes. Beauty and the Beast? No.


I've never liked live-action remakes because I don't think you can capture the style of something animated with real-life people, and it also is further proof that all the big movie companies have no original ideas left so they just redo everything that made them money a long time ago. Also, the casting looks GOD AWFUL and that alone is more than enough reason for me to stay as far away as possible.


No, just no


Honestly I wouldn’t mind a live action book adaptation.


Yeah, same. The movies are fantastic, but they’re also rather different - I’d love to see a more faithful adaptation.


I do not want this movie. Sure its cool or so, but its unnecessary and the casting looks bad. I really hope it flops




dont watch it


I’m planning on doing it on streaming after the fact, not in the theater.


great! im going to watch it in theatres because i want to experience it in the best quality possible


I'm pirating it.


Skeptical, but in all honesty mostly just disappointed and uninterested My 2 main concerns are 1.) The way the Dragons look and 2.) The writing The way the Dragons look is a obvious one, if they look bad that easily ruin a good chunk of the movie from the jump As for the writing, my main concern is the higher ups and Dean Deblois specifically. I hope they realize one of the reasons HTTYD 1 is DreamWorks highest rated movie is because the writing is essentially perfect, no changes needed. Ever since Chris Sanders left after the 1st film, Deans solo writing has been off (2 felt a little strange at times, downright nosedived in 3) and I hope he doesn't just randomly decide to change plot elements that don't need fixing I really hope this film can rekindle HTTYDs popularity amongst the higher ups so we can get more quality content in the future because imo it's been on a downhill slope since 2018 and that makes me sad


Not to mention he called Disney lazy for making remakes. I respected him until he became a hypocrite.


(And he most likely took this job because literally every other 'big boy' live action film Dean's tried to direct since THW is dead in the water. All of them. He does not have one single complete live-action directing credit under his belt, and his last lead/solo endeavors were mixed bags at *best,* if not outright failures if you take off the rose tinted glasses. But hey, he can finally erase Chris Sanders' name off one more HTTYD film.)


Cringe. First off, it's not live action, it's CG with Greenscreened actors, so really, at best it's the original film but with actor faces plastered onto the existing characters. Even if they add some ren fair larp scenes for Berk, it won't reach the original.


then what are all the rest of live actions?? its literally CGI always, like if there was any other way, LOL


There hasn't been a single "live action" adaptation that reaches the original. It's a foolish endeavor, and has never been successful.


I beg to differ! No hate to ur opinion but LOADS of live actions live up to the originals (not always as much but theyre decent enough), like cinderella, maleficent, and the lion king. I think most of the reason why they seem "worse" or "not as good" is maybe because the colours are less colourful (yes real life is dim) and there isnt the nostalgia of the same songs/characters voices bc its different people.


Maleficent I can let source because that's just an original movie based vaguely on the looks of a Disney character. But the lion king movie was baffling. It's just the lion king, but with all facial animations, color, and dancing removed, and replaced by nothing. It's like going to the theater, and all scenery on stage has been replaced with a single wooden chair, and all characters are played by one person. Yeah sure, but why? It's a different experience just for the sake of being different, but the only people interested in it are people who somehow love photorealistic lions without genitals(?).


Lion King remake is pure shit.


just because it doesn't reach the original is it bad to make it? and if it has never been successful then why stop trying? even better if it's a different company, they'll probably try different things




Stop making live actions out of animations. Come up with an original idea. Animated or live action. Don’t care. Remakes are off the table too. It’s sad that creativity and originality have disappeared.


I'm not sure how I feel. Legit question: Is it considered being racist if I wanted a true to original movie casting? I'm about faithful movie to movie adaptations. Alternatively, would have like to see a proper book adaptation.


I would personally not consider it racist for wanting a true to original movie casting


Disappointed and it sucks


what sucks


The live action


what live action?




Oh, you watched it??? how was it?




oh, okay, then i dont think you should be making assumptions about it without watching it, like, its not even out and you say it sucks, its the most stupid thing i have ever heard, i bet your family didn't say that you were going to be this stupid before you were born, have a little respect


Only reason because cast of Astrid is Not Scandinavian, well her appearance at least


so a "bad" cast is the doom of a film? honestly i think the cast is not great but it's still good, i dont think that single difference will make it bad




Fishlegs is the worst one. Not even close


Yeah I don’t like it it’s not even close to him and also he should be blonde




I hope I’m wrong but I don’t see this working well in live action.




the buildings look too … clean? They just look a little off


Unnecessary. Hope the actors get a huge carreer boost out of it though


Almost no animated movie/series are good live action (just ask Disney) but it can be done well if care is actual given instead of it being treated like a money grab.


so? DreamWorks is not Disney, HTTYD wasnt made by Disney, and how exactly do you know its a money grab? even better, please good man, define "money grab"


I’m not saying HTTYD is from Disney, just using it an example since the latter’s live action re-makes (Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Aladdin) have all been blatant attempts to appeal to nostalgia without caring about the actual product.


then what tells you that they're gonna do the same thing if they are a totally different company and work in a very different way?


I didn’t say it was a sure thing, I said that if they actually care about their product they can make it good. As at outside observer I’ve noticed that some animated stuff just can’t be translated as well in live action especially the company is just doing so a cash grab. I’m not saying Dreamworks will do this, but that doesn’t mean if can’t happen.


DeBlois said himself that Disney is lazy for doing remakes. Remakes are almost never about respecting the original content and instead they prey on the nostalgic and content starved. It's always about money. They wouldn't be doing it if they didn't think it would make money.


LOL obviously, so then you like to throw away money? i dont think it's how it works, companies, good or bad have to make money, because its the only way to continue existing also, what gives??, you can just not watch it, it's not gonna bother you in any way, that's called irrational aversion, stop being so fucking aggressive to something that doesn't even exist yet, there are people that want to see it, like you say, there are people "content starving" and they want to give them the extra content they want, what's wrong with that??? also, you know this is the work of other people right? cant you feel just the tiniest bit of empathy and be a bit more tame when talking about the film or other stuff in general, imagine how they might feel when seeing comments like yours, and comments like these are all over the internet, like, its not gonna kill anyone, let it live


Lmao you're just pulling stuff out of your ass now. I never gave an opinion on whether I was going to watch it or not. But since you're so curious, I do plan on not watching it - thank you c: I don't support corporate greed and hypocrites when it comes to my favorite movie. So I won't be throwing away my money. Have fun throwing away yours.


Waiting till trailer. Is that an actual set photo?


Yup, it is. [This YouTube video](https://youtu.be/C-fzXdca99c?si=mpsvGx6oxM3nWL6v) has like two more set photos along with photos of the actors and actress hanging out together.


No. A live action Road to El Dorado sequel, however


Burn down the set


bruh, bro is a terrorist


I’m honestly really excited!! I’m more worried about the accuracy of the dragons than the accuracy of the characters




I have high hopes


I'm really looking forward to it. I'm the kind of person who, since I like the original, I am going to like this, no matter how bad it is. I don't mind that the plot is going to be slightly different, all I want is for the dragons to look good, that'll make the film either good or bad.


im with you man! i really want to see Toothless


Gotta see the trailer first. I really hope they choose an actual wimpy pathetic actor to play hiccup and not make him all attractive ngl. I also am kinda hoping they make it more loyal to the books, but yknow how it is. Holding opinions til we get a trailer


I'm not looking forward to it but if it does work out and they do make it a trilogy don't make The Hidden World 2.0. Nobody wants to see that. We want to see a happy ending where the dragons live in harmony with humans forever.


I am reall undecided and scared lol. Either i risk it and get my perfect httyd memories ruined or it is gonna be a nostalgic trip. So really unsure if im brave enough to go through with it


I honestly cant wait bc mason thames is hiccup and hes such a good actor (ik hom from tbp), and he suits him quite a lot imo, idk abt the rest of the cast tho 😭 but i cant wait to see how they interpret the dragons in more of a reality type way, seeing as the drags in the original were rlly colourful and designed for younger audiences ofc.


I will be reserving my overall thoughts until it actually comes out or once the trailer drops, but first impressions seem to be good for me, Gerard Butler stepping back in as Stoick, Dean at the directing helm again, the set and prop designs, the behind the scenes photo from Mason Thames.


At least the music will be good (John Powell will be back)


I have faith.


…maybe? Hopefully dreamworks does it better then disney


I’ll let them cook…for now.


I have no hope for it. Tired of live action remakes. It seems like a disrespect to the beauty of animation and all the hard work that went into it, like its "outdated" and "childish" now. Every live action disney remake since the lion king has been awful in quality and they often severely misunderstand the original story and/or try to shoehorn other ideas into it and I feel dreamworks will do the same. It just seems like a moneygrab when those resources can be put into making completely new films with new ideas.


Dragons should primarily be practical effects, enhanced by cgi Give the actors something to interact with on set


Wait what? I thought this was an April fools thing


Kinda. Mostly because it will help boost things like fanfiction and fanart. However if they don't have Jay Burchel narrating, I will riot.


That's... A lotta cranes.


I'll wait until the movie releases


Same opinion with like every Disney live action remakes


I would have been hyped if the cast wasn’t retarded


Im exited to see the trailer. The "black Astrid" is litteraly whatever. if its bad as long as Toothless looks good and is animated well and we get good gifs and clips


Black astred didn't need to change color


Ya but its not what is going to make the movie bad


Just "why?"


I don't care that much. i will formulate my opinion when the trailer drops. If it's good I will probably watch and if it's bad I will probably still watch it


I cant wait for it, even if it’s going to be bad I still want to watch it!


Ngl I REALLY hope they go more hard-core book faithful, because I would genuinely love a live action film version of the actual books. There's just so much unhinged nonsense in there, not to mention the incredible level of world building from Cressida Cowell that I think would translate so well to film. For people that don't know, the HTTYD films are VERY loosely based on a children's book series by british author Cressida Cowell that begins with How to Train Your Dragon. I say very because pretty much the only thing that carries over is some of the characters names. A lot of the characters are vastly different to how they're portrayed in the books. For example in the books Astrid is the daughter of another chief, not part of the Hairy Hooligan tribe that Stoick is the chief of. The main difference is that in the books, vikings have been keeping and training dragons for at least decades before hiccup was even born. The first book details how young vikings are taken on an expedition by Gobber to retrieve their dragon eggs and taught how to train them, hence the name. Additionally, few dragons in the books are large enough to ride. They vary from the size of a chihuaha to the size of a large real life reptile like the komodo dragon (though there are some ocean-dwelling species that are truly gargantuan in size more like the Shellfire and the Submarripper from the Dragons: Race to the Edge TV show, and the Bewilderbeast from the films, if not much much larger), and are generally used to fill the role of hunting dogs. Toothless in the books is a tiny common or garden dragon that frequently gets scared and hides in Hiccup's helmet. Stormfly is a mood dragon, about the size of a large cat. Also of note is Dragonese, the language of the dragons, which is possible to be learnt by humans and actually relatively close to English (or whatever language is actually being spoken in the books but has canonically been translated by Cressida Cowell). All this to say the HTTYD books are truly genius and deserve to be as famous if not more famous than Harry Potter, and I think they would make incredible live action films. I'd actually love to see them as a more sort of Jim Hensen style comedy with labyrinth/dark crystal style puppets for the dragons. This is unfortunately very unlikely to happen. HTTYD is just too famous as a film series for a live action version to not be pretty close to a shot for shot remake of the animations, rather than a more book-faithful adaptation. Also if you haven't read the HTTYD books I highly recommend them, the pacing is absolutely nailed down, with a brilliant mix of comedy and adventure, the world building is immaculate, and it's a genuinely fantastic coming-of-age story.


Gotta wait and see, because even the trailers may not portray how the film is, where the film may very well be good. So with that, I'll wait.


I understand people are skeptical, but with Dean back writing and directing, I’m super excited.


Bad idea.


Any idea when the trailer may come out??


I have no idea


The cast does not make sense whatsoever non of them are how I imagine them to look like,they don't look the age of the chareters imo(no problem with the actors more of the casing ppl it's just people usually imagine the chareters to look a certain way ,like the way they are in the animation) , when movies are remade they usually flop rlly hard. Plus I rlly hope they don't change the plot.


So far I'm equal with it,I don't hate it nor love it,although it might Changed when the trailer drops


I think that's dumb. They clearly just want to milk it for all its worth. The series shouldn't have been as good as it was. No way they capture that magic again.


It's something I had dread since 2017.


The time would be better spent working on a more faithful book adaptation.


It would never work they’d need lotr level hood effects to make it work


I am just gonna say if it works it will work if it doesn't in cant be worse than nine realms