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Most remote/hybrid  I've seen was originally in office and the remote was "earned"


Some blunt feedback, your post makes it seem that you only want the role because it is remote. That attitude will convey to company reps during your interviews. Do you want to be an HRG or do you want to be remote? IMO - figure that part out first. Being an HRG isn't for the faint of heart, you need to be engaged in the role.


Your best bet is finding a company you like and becoming invaluable to them. Most people earn it or get it when they threaten to leave.


i'm sorry but you're less likely to find a HR remote position in current times due to markets.


that’s a fair evaluation


You need to find a fully remote company or eventually move into an HR specialty where it typically doesn’t matter where you are located (comp, ben, HRIS). Until then it’s either on-site or hybrid.


1) Focus on San Francisco/Bay Area tech companies......VERY remote centric 2) Set alerts for your STATE. I have a job alert in Linked In for "HR DIRECTOR" in California. About HALF of them end up being fully remote OR only require once a quarter attendance, but you just have to be an in state candidate. I've gotten a lot of bites that way.


Check out larger and/or global companies - my entire HR structure is remote (couple hundred people) and based all over the world. It definitely has pros and cons but I have zero risk of needing to be in office and I love it.


I wasn't looking for remote specifically when job hunting. I was looking for literally any HR job that wasn't a soul sucking cubicle environment. Hybrid, remote, small company, big company with my own office lol whatever. Just... Not cubicles. I got insanely lucky and found an amazing remote HRG job on LinkedIn.