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A: Oh a letter I wonder who wrote this? “From your secret admirer <3” (The alien opens the letter, there’s two Terran letters ‘I’ and ‘U’ with a Hephorsi Tri-Heart in the middle. The heart is still pumping with blood leaking out) A: …


I never specified the human as "Sane" now did I


I cardiectomy you


"There´s a Bomb Mail Pipe in ur Box" was my first attempt




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That would make this a *completely* different type of letter lmao


Kyls , the Muns Maiden : I'm glad you could help me, friend, i want to decypher this... Strange letter Vin van Vunks, the wanted bachelor : Yeah... I have a problem too, may i start? Kyls : Go ahead. Vin : " I just want to pin You down, gaze at your eyes , make You understand You are mine for eternity, that's there's no world without us, I'll make you happy, let me prove it to you, I'll be yours, you will be mine in both hearth and body. Let me know if you hold the same desires, I'll be waiting for you in my room, be aware, that what i promise, I deliver. With possible far more love that you can handle, Jane, the engine maker. " Kyls : Hmm... You know it started pretty wild, like she wanted to assault you, then it get's ... Pretty lusty? With a little of tenderness?... I don't know , are you into that? Vin : We'll , she has a beautifull caligraphy, she can't be that Bad, she looks pretty petite, but oh boy, she can lifts engines like it's nothing. I might give it a try... So, your turn. Kyls : You know, hearing your letter, makes mine a lor more obvious, it just say " The moment i saw your many eyes, i knew i could get lost in them every day of my life, when i heard you laught, i knew there was no better sound in the galaxy, i don't ask too much, just a chance to see you, in this letter there's a reservation to a restaurant, Let's get to know each other, i don't ask for more. Painfully yours, Gabriel, the militia trainer". Vin : Wow ... That dude is... Just wow, what are You gonna do? Kyls : We'll i'll go, he seems like a good hearted softie... He gave me chocolate and flowers, the chocolates are pretty good, but the flowers hmmm, what do i do with them? Vin : We'll, you could make a trail of petals to your bedroom. Kyls : Why would i do that? Vis : Trust me.


An alien that's not completely oblivious to human culture? Better start prepping, the apocalypse is just around the corner


as a mostly broken human i wouldn't recognize flirting if you slapped me with a bouquet of roses


Same here dude, most people don't realise that I need the subtlety of a sledgehammer in a glass house lol


I need those guys who help airplanes park to give me hints


Too subtle. *Way* too subtle.


What’s this “flirting” thing?


It sound like some kind of dessert. I bet it's pretty sweet


Thers a bomb mail pipe in ur box😁👍


And it's about to explode. Giggity. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Most, if not all, humans don't know either.


H: shit man what do I do? A: have you tried giving her the head of her most hated enemy? H: I don’t think she’d appreciate that, she’s not a war caste being like you. A: perhaps beating up her enemy then like in the Terran movies H: nah man, violence just isn’t her thing. A: …….. clockwork puzzle? H: now we’re talking *two months later* A2: ALY’CRIQ! A3: yes Val’sryr. A2: one of the human drop troopers gave me a bomb! A3: wut A2: and this cryptic note! “I am not the best at this sort of thing… but when solve this gift can I get your answer? -Jenkins” A3: ^jenkins? Oh that dumb bastard. A2: aly since when do you use human swears? A3: since I started patching them up. Solve the puzzle, it isn’t anything dan- uh, life threatening. *two days later* A3: VLAD’MYR DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU PUT ALY THROUGH! A: but I didn’t do any- A3: you gave Jenkins the asinine idea that almost gave the our botanist a heart attack! A: well it worked didn’t it? A3: that’s not the point! You can’t use the war caste way of courting on people outside of it! A: But… you liked the gifts. A3: *frills out and very flustered* THATS NOT… IT… SVAOPHEHQKQOSODKWJWKSJWJHXGSHQ A3: No bed sharing for a week! A: *sad insectoid noises* *meanwhile* H2: did it work? H: *smiling like a dope* uh-huh H2: nice H: how’d yours go? H2: I don’t think she liked Gramp’s chili. H: well she survived, that’s better than the latrines could usually say


The character is from Signalis btw. A great horror game if anyone is interested.


I wish I liked that game more but I completely bounced off the inventory system.


Understandable, it was an interesting choice to have certain puzzles need either a majority or all of your inventory in order to complete it without any backtracking to a safe room. The story, in my opinion, was top notch tho


Having to deal with that kind of inventory system in addition to respawning enemies was an... interesting design choice for that game


This reminds me of my D&D game last Saturday. A player wanted to decode a message inscribed on an ancient door. He was just short of the DC so I told him it read: "\*\*DON'T PIT FIEND OPEN INSIDE\*\*". "Obviously you don't pit fiend. That's a given, but this open thing sounds interesting."


*On the plane above us:* "Roll to interpret." ". . . Nat one . . ."


![gif](giphy|gmBjeu09SebhSwEFZD|downsized) You’re kidding right?-human


Or are you just happy to see me?


*loads shotgun* das ma daughter


We goin’ hunting pops? *racks shotgun* count me in!


Is this Elster from Signalis


Definitely Signalis, but I don't think it's Elster. The hat.


Is "pipe bomb" a eupemism for... another rod-shaped object?


No. In glorious Eusan, euphemisms are forbidden.


Thers a bomb mail pipe in your box


There is a bomb mail pipe on your box


theres a bomb mail pipe in ur box


Isn't that one of the characters from Signalis?