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What is an antimatter bomb, if not a jumped up nuke


"Dr. Strangelet or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"




I'm aware of the original title. https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/11866/how-would-one-create-a-strange-matter-bomb


Antimatter- pantsymatter, we can always add another stage to the device


An antiuranium bomb?


Quirked up bomb goated with the anti-particles


Why stop there? Let’s go full Red Matter.


Because that’s never caused any issues for us before.


[None whatsoever.](https://youtu.be/F2ohslGivm8)


“Sometimes, it ain’t about efficiency. Sometimes it’s about throwing explosions that leave lingering death at stuff until you feel better. And son, it takes a lot for humanity to feel better when y’all tried to glass Earth.”-Captain Leroy Jenkins, shortly before the end of the First Contact Whoopsie.


first contact whoopsies lol. best official name ever


Laughed in Casaba howitzer https://preview.redd.it/sac333vqxbga1.png?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f736fba70657f3c2ef7f28166b18ec58c72de9


Wait... It's a nuclear powered round?


Not propelled by a nuke, just a nuke in an artillery shell.


Atomic Annie?


To answer the last three comments from the top: It's developed from research into Project Orion. See where it says 'propellant'? What you do is kick one of these out the back of your spaceship, behind a **thick** metal plate with some good shock absorbers. The round points the 'propellant' end at the plate and goes boom. the propellent, converted into plasma, smacks into the plate, the shocks compress and the ship accelerates. Keep doing this and you can go places, pushed along by nuclear explosions. We know it works because non-nuclear versions were tested *fifty to sixty years ago.* If you aim it at something else, and (I think) change the 'propellent' you get what is essentially a atomic HEAT round where instead of a spherical burst of hard radiation, you get a smaller sphere with a focused jet (not a laser, bomb pumped lasers are a different thing) of radioactive plasma and radiation. Nasty Stuff. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtYisD7RqWk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtYisD7RqWk) ​ No, not propelled by a nuke (see above) and not a nuke in an artillery shell. CASABA HOWITZER was the project name, a sub project of Project Orion. Depending on the use, these can be kiloton to megaton range units. ​ Not Atomic Annie. ​ Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Obsolete? Those are fighting words.




You aight Based ---------> Mega Based


The allied alien general was holding what passed for its head in it's gripping appendages looking pained. "Please explain. You had a inertial suppressed, grav balanced C velocity railgun, capable of firing payloads that would impact at the speed of light doing unimaginable damage, even cracking planets open with a single shot, and you chose to load it with nuclear weapons?? WHY?" "We didn't have any antimatter left."


If it ain't broke don't fix it


I love Douglas so much 🥰🥰🥰


I still wonder if they made the right call to force him to retire instead of letting him nuke N.K. like, I know how bad a Nuke is and all. . . But N.K. is a massive freaking blight that's possibly even worse.


Those I's are so thin


I don't think they are real Is. I think they are this thing: |