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A: No need to worry, your Highness. We have extended the sensor grid, not even a gnatling can come within \[1km\] of your location without being detected, intercepted, identified, and terminated. [*Meanwhile, a bit more than 1km away...*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_recorded_sniper_kills#Confirmed_kills_1,250_m_(1,370_yd)_or_greater) H: Adjust for wind... bullet drop... coriolis force... now smile, you bastard, I'm filming this...


**[Longest recorded sniper kills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_recorded_sniper_kills#Confirmed_kills_1,250_m_\(1,370_yd)** >Reports regarding the longest recorded sniper kills that contain information regarding the shooting distance and the identity of the sniper have been presented to the general public since 1967. Snipers have had a substantial history following the development of long distance weaponry. As weapons, ammunition, and aids to determine ballistic solutions improved, so too did the distance from which a kill could be targeted. In mid-2017 it was reported that an unnamed Canadian special forces operator, based in Iraq, had set a new record of 3,540 m (3,871 yd), beating the record previously held by an Australian sniper (also unnamed) at 2,815 m (3,079 yd). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The head of the guy next to you suddenly jerks back as he flops to the ground dead, and in the far far distance you hear someone yell *"sorry"*.


Nah, if there is something Canadians ain't apologetic about is war/killing, in ww1 maple chuggers were a menace


There is a reason Geneva Convention may easily turn into Toronto Checklist.


And Fucking saved!


M8, half of it is just shit the Canadians pulled


Canadians have it all. Badass soldiers, overall great musicians especially in the 60s-80s, so much redneck tomfoolery outside the city it'd make a rural American blush.


And Deadpool.


Who better to have act Deadpool than Ryan Reynolds?


Lumber loon, no!


It turns from scary-but-a-little-funny to just plain scary when the scene repeats a half second later, and your base is losing staff swiftly. Worst of all, they're *definitely* tracking you, because every death happens to whomever is physically closest to you.


Damn, 3.5 kilometers, that's a long ass shot


And presumably that wasn't even in optimal conditions. Imagine how far of a shot could be made without environmental hindrances


Snipers and recreational long distance shooter cross polinate a bunch. The hobby shooters have made shots on a good day in excess of 5km for years now.


The longest sniper shot (not kill) is 4.4 miles. Or just over 7 kilometers. They took 69 shots with a .416 https://cowboystatedaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/bullet-on-target-9-20-22.jpg Image of bullet in target. The bullet was also in the air for ~24 seconds.




long ass-shot


"One batch, Two batch, penny and dime" *exhale and squeeze"


Sounded like absolute nonsense but man that scene still gives me chills


I loved both series; both the storyline and as an honest exploration of the damage that PTSD does. Made them both very believable characters. But.. Frank Castle as a SpaceOrc? There's a gift of a writing prompt for you..


I gotta admit I wasn't a big fan of his "wholesome old fashioned family values" schtick, I don't remember that being part of the comic character and think it was just a thing Joe Bernthal brought to the character, otherwise hell yeah both series were great


H: Hmm.. I wonder how many wasps I'd have to release to overwhelm that sensor grid. Only one way to find out.


Bee hives would be large numbers and easier to mobilize. Wasp usually only group up underground. You could even prestage multiple hives in advance, and use a pheromone release device to cause them to swarm a specific area...


I don't mind sacrificing a ton of wasps on this. But I like bees.. Though, I guess, maybe we could go with the African killer-bees. I've heard those guys are assholes.


Bonus with bees, you get honey as a post mission treat.


Why just wasps, go further and use Hornets


Take it a step more, use a swam of M22s


OK, what's with the two Americans in the 1800s on that list? And the mad lad who scored a hit with a freaking M2 at over 2km!?


M2 have a single shot setting and some bored armorers in nam fitted scopes to them. Because the m2 is in a cradle with fine adjust knobs actually shooting well isnt required just a good ballistic solution.


The sharps rifle was a hell of an engineering feat. The movie Quigley down under has it as a central plot point.


Can you imagine [Simo Häyhä](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4) with modern tech?


**[Simo Häyhä](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_Häyhä)** >Simo Häyhä (Finnish: [ˈsimo ˈhæy̯hæ] (listen); 17 December 1905 – 1 April 2002), often referred to by his nickname, The White Death (Finnish: Valkoinen kuolema; Russian: Белая смерть, romanized: Belaya smert’), was a Finnish military sniper in World War II during the 1939–1940 Winter War against the Soviet Union. He used a Finnish-produced M/28-30 (a variant of the Mosin–Nagant rifle) and a Suomi KP/-31 submachine gun. He is believed to have killed over 500 enemy soldiers during the Winter War, the highest number of sniper kills in any major war. Because of this he is often considered as the deadliest sniper of all time. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Kid named orbital bombardment


Alien Bodyguard to Alien Supreme Commander: "Our sensor coverage of this area is at 150% Sir. No power sources or operating electronic devices, no matter how small, can come within fifty kilometres of us! The closest human activity was just over sixty kilometres away, four days ago and was only a small, unarmed survey aircraft. This is the safest place on the planet." A meter behind the commander, the Gurkha hidden in the undergrowth, who had been parachuted into the jungle four days ago from the "Unarmed survey aircraft", checked his purely mechanical watch and drew his entirely unpowered Kukri. He and his nine compatriots, spread throughout the theatre of operations, struck within seconds of each other. Literally decapitating the enemy's command structure. Then they vanished, as silently as they had come, back into the jungle.


Good ol Gurkhas. The one force that can put the fear of God in anyone


I'm pretty sure they put the fear of all the gods and demons into anyone that spots them with blade drawn.


Do not fear the Gurkha you see, for he has chosen to show himself to you. Fear the Gurkha you do not.


Lure the target into a sand pit and play the floor is lava. But prefill the sand pit with Gurkhas


Considering they already drew the blade, blood has to be spilled.


I’m pretty sure they put the fear of god in god.


Nah. Those people are too busy being dead for proper fear


"The only people who bring a knife to a gunfight and win!" - the fat electrician


Of course. The battle doesn't begin until you're too close for a gun to do any good.


Damn right


Don't fear the big man with a small knife and a frown, fear the small man with big knife and a grin.


I mean it’s a great story but technically the human body could be considered a power source


Now, that's a knife!


reminds me of the ​ A: "anything can be a human even this vending machine" ​ H: "Actually im the drinking fountain"


Every Xeno gangsta until the bushes start giggling and speaking in Human Basic.


Yautja with his cloaking technology squats next to some bushes to scope out his mark. The bushes: cool stealth tech, man. But if you're here for the scrawny neck one with the funny hat, I called dibs already. Yautja: "^^Aaaaaa!" [Like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/oea7ia/ghilles_suit/)


Ahahaha! Or Yautja goes back to its ship after the hunt, and on taking off its high-tech helmet finally sees the human dick that was drawn on the back.


And sees 20 other humans returning to their ship from the same direction


Saw a documentary about camouflage. All about tanks, ships, holograms, everything they used for hiding shit. The end was the guy standing in a mostly empty feid explaining that in the end, the infantry is the biggest user and beneficiary of camouflage. He waved his arm and like 30 guys with guns stood up out of the empty field. He waved it again and they disappeared again. It was freaky


I remember that one


Braxis: So how did you do it? Jones: What? Braxis: Your time as a bounty Hunter, the kindrel species is known for its legendary and powerful sense of smell, how did you sneak up on it? Jones: Sneak? I brought water balloons full of bleach and overburdened it’s nose. Braxis: … what is bleach? Jones pulls out a bottle of generic cleaner: open this. *Braxis opens the bottle and screams in horror*


That is absolutely terrifying, especially if they depend on smell more than anything else.


There are MUCH worse things you can use than bleach. Aside from the stuff that is dead body smell concentrated that I can't reber it's name, I know there is a cleaning fluid for airlines that if the sniffer dog smells it it destroys his nose and they have to retire him. Leastwise I read an article about it years back.


Well, that sounds like a "nuclear option", nobody hand representative Gandhi a squirt gun. He might discover a new war crime, and cause a diplomatic incident.


Adding A new one to geneha convention


lol water gun full of concentrated cadaverine


In my garden center we sell a product called Bobbex: deer and rabbit repellent. This stuff smells vile! "Bobbex Deer and Rabbit Repellent is made of eggs, capsaicin, wintergreen oil, garlic oil, fish oil, castor oil, fish meal and meat meal. The combination and multiple redundancy of repelling ingredients make Bobbex a superior product over competitors. Bobbex was found to be 93% effective, second only to a physical barrier. Bobbex contains fish oil, an extremely effective sticking agent will not dissolve into a liquid once dry. Bobbex will last through heavy rain and snow." Once a client dropped and broke a bottle; the smell lasted for weeks...🤢


Similar concept in the discworld books. A mint-bomb, to counter a werewolf cop. Caught it full in her snout too. Garlic, mint, wintergreen oil, etc.


Yeah, but predators might like that smell


At least predators won't eat the flowerbeds


I've heard you can pee on the edges of your garden and it will keep deer away, big canivore marking their territory. Doesn't work if you're vegitaring though


Time to PEE around my house


It does make sense, but the chemical reactions to rubber for bleach and ammonia make balloons a bad idea. Maybe a sealed vial of the concentrated version (avoids the chance of adapting, chemical reactions, and allows for the inevitable humor of the overwhelming smell upon release...)


All those pesky laser , plasma and other such fancy guns with their near constant heat generation and energy flow when you can just have a good'ol ballistic gun.


guns also cause heat, you must mean crossbows


Guns only create heat when they fire and unless you fire continuously, the heat will quickly dissipate


Modern composite-cased ammunition is even reducing the build up of heat in a firearm.


.....not really the powder burning is producing the same heat it just dissipates different they actually leave more heat in the gun as traditional brass absorbs heat more and then ejects it out of the gun. So yeah you don't have hot brass ejecting several feet into the air but the gun itself holds more heat. Polymer casings weigh less and don't corrode as easily but are less than ideal in high rate of fire platforms. M134 chain chain guns avoid polymer ammo as it would increase wear and tear on the gun and you would have to shoot less to avoid damaging the gun


Same with lasers, to a much smaller degree as well.


But the weapon has to be active at all times, thus energy flows in it, thus much easier to detect


Why would that be the case? Never heard of chemical lasers? Yeah, they are single use, but they are silent, have no bullet drop and leave no bullet to point at a possible culptit.


*Taking notes for sci-fi rpg game* Keep going..


Cartridges, around the size of a star wars lightsaber, inserted into a portable frame with a scope, grip and lenses. Futuristic technology could allow for lenses with an internal crystalline structure gradient. This way you have a set of lenses for different ranges. Cartriges use different kinds of solid state lasers like ruby or sapphire (they absorb energetic photons in an instant and emit that energy over very small timeframes, shifting the light to an equal wavefront, preventing interference). Each colour is suited for a different target and environment, from UV to Infrared. The reactions could be optimised for minimal thermal emissions and could be fully recovered after use. Can be fully mecha-chemical in design. Only issue is the volatility of potential light sources capable of sufficient energy release, which means that the weapon would not be applicable in a rough warzone by a field sniper - rather would be an assasination tool. It’s main feature would be the more linear trade between precision and consistency. If you absolutely can’t be there when you pull the trigger, then you would want to use a widening lens that would expand the beam to around 20cm centered on where the target would be making a speech, for example. Then use a mechanical clock or another directed laser to set off the weapon remotely.


> If you absolutely can’t be there when you pull the trigger, then you would want to use a widening lens that would expand the beam to around 20cm centered on where the target would be making a speech, for example. Hmm.. now you are making me think about explosion-powered lasers. If you aren't going to be around the laser anyway, who cares about the collateral, if it gives the laser some more oomph. Especially when you are expanding the width of the beam.


Who cares about collateral? Probably you do. A 20cm beam wouldn’t penetrate all the way through someone, in that case you would probably be hoping for brain trauma from the light going through the eye.


I would not want to be hauling a chemical laser around in a warzone. That stuff's nasty.


One issue the human body is also always giving off heat


But that's much easier to hide since your body doesn't produce magnetic fields like any electronic gun would


Alien: I have a heat vision sensor! Human: "I see your heat vision sensor and raise you MUD!" Alien: Well, then I have NIGHTVISION Human: "Can your fancy nightvision handle THIS?" (turns on a cheap lighter) Alien: DAMMIT!!! (shoots a dangerous light beam from their gun) Human: (holds up a metal bowl/spoon) How about a "light" meal!


Not bashing on the premise, but I see a Yatuja and I just hope people remember that, in the first movie, when Dutch went caveman during the final fight, he still got his ass beat and his main trap didn’t work. He had to improvise with the counterweight to finally score the kill (and even that was pure luck). Unga-bunga is good, but it’s always big brain time that scores the kill (with an assist from sheer fucking luck).


Also the Mythbusters proved that covering yourself in mud is not really effective against thermal imagers. Although they didn't test the concept in a tropical rainforest with higher ambient and more moisture than a warehouse in San Francisco.


Might work better in lower humidity, mud will cool you quicker


actually the main trap was the falling log much like the predator lured dutch with it's blood in the final fight he lured it into thinking the spikes were his final trap


Catachan Deathworlder human with blind faith , unreasonable hatred , xenocidal zeal and a pair of catachan knives. Sly marbo




Whistling did odd things to Tybathi sonar, so Lezzli was whistling a jaunty tune as she approached the cables with a fire axe. A simple swing, and...voila, no more elevator. Plazian, the Tybathi criminal, now had only the stairs to escape with. And escaping by stairs would be a very bad idea. Lezzli whistled her way to another easy paycheck.


A: 'Hah, foolish human you only bring a blade to a projectile fight?' Human Gurkha: "Yes, much fun, we always do this." A: "Who's this we? You're alone." H: Gurkha rises up behind it and decapitates it with a quick motion. "We do distraction all time, much fun."


Gronk: “Foolish human! My senses are infinitely better than any human warrior! You cannot take me by surprise!” Human: “FLASHBANG OUT!”


Are you sure it’s flashbang? More like QUACKBANG OUT


Jerl continued his patrol. His dull, repetitive patrol. But he wasn't sherking his responsibilities, even though he easily could. Last evening the Keldian ambassador arrived, complete with a platoon of his own personal body guards. The fuzzy, fangy, felines we're kitted out with gear Jerl and his fellow guards could only dream of. Multi-phasic visors capable of shifting through any visual wavelength. Fresh off the line XD-22 Zendian laser rifles. And symbiotic nano armor. Just one of those guys could take out the entire space station's security detail with little trouble. His armor clanged against his chitinous hide as he stopped at T junction. The Keldian guard that had been stationed on the opposite end of the hall was no longer there. As far as Jerl was aware, they weren't a patrol unit and should have been at his post. Of course, they wouldn't loop the lowly station guards into their comms, so this could be a simple changing of the guard. Still, he felt it was his duty to check on this incongruity. One side of the hall was empty save for a simple box against the wall. Down the other was a series of small storage lockers. There was no sign of the guard. His feet crunched on something. Picking it up he found it was a bit of dried herbs. It had a similar scent to Nip, a Keldian narcotic, but was much weaker, based on his limited contraband training. Even if the guard was a Nipper, surely the ambassador was paying him enough to get better quality drugs than this. A faint burst of static perked Jerl's attention. It seemed to have originated further down the hall but before he could investigate another noise took his attention. An odd fluttering and a smack to the ground came from behind him. He turned to see a magazine laying on the ground. An issue of PlayHive. Such material was highly sought after and coveted among the drones on the station. It was an older issue, but that didn't matter much. Jerl's mandibles clicked with excitement as he looked at the opened center fold. "That's one thick thorax." Bending to pick it up, he heard something behind him. Twisting around, expecting to see the feline guard, he found the empty hall. The box was still there but nothing ... Wait. Did the box get closer? He was almost sure it wasn't that close before. His antenna twitched as he scrutinized the bland, tan object. "Eh, it's just a box." He shrugged and turned back, pocketing the illicit magazine, happy to find that -even though it was an older issue- its pages flipped freely showing no signs of stickiness and use. "Unit delta, your check in is past due. Report!" A comm unit rang out. Even Jerl could tell from the muffling echo it was coming from one of the lockers. Turning around to race down the hall, he stopped when he saw the cardboard box, now sitting in front of him. "What the...?" The top burst open, jolting him backwards. The figure was clad in a dark uniform. A navy bandana wrapped around his forehead, just below his short cut hair. It was a human! "You're pretty good!" The human said in a gravely but impressed tone. Jerl reached for his weapon with one arm as his other went to activate his comm unit but there was short airy burst and he felt a cold jab in his neck. A small dart with a fuzzy end stuck out of the impact point. Jerl's arms fell slack and his vision swam. The last thing he remembered seeing before he fell in conscious was a set of feet under the cardboard box walking away.




Who's the alien in front? Don't recognize.


Think that's the original costume for the Predator.Look up 'Predator Van Damme suit'. Or, better yet... https://preview.redd.it/2hhd2985grga1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a72e3d6d0646bf2fd5678d37294873297377dea5


Never put the entrance of your bunker near a river.


as the concentrated liquid ass takes effect the xenos clear the building an imperceptible whistle sounds the mark grabs his neck and falls shortly after ..... gotta admire a good discount blowgun


My first thought on reading this prompt was about the Marines who fooled a robot designed and trained to ID humans on a battlefield. My favourite was the cardboard box. Second best was the guy who used bits of fir tree to disguise himself as a tree. He then “walked like a fir tree”.


A: So uh… why you wearing that tinfoil hat? H: it blocks the stations scanners.


Whos the guy on the left


Is that the original costume for the predator? Edit:looks like https://www.themix.net/2021/06/new-photo-shows-what-jean-claude-van-damme-looked-like-as-the-original-predator/


I’d also like to know


Oh your sword can block lazers? Thats great! ENJOY THIS *BUCKSHOT*


First dude in line: https://www.themix.net/2021/06/new-photo-shows-what-jean-claude-van-damme-looked-like-as-the-original-predator/


Okay, I love the little detail of the xenomorph tail poking out of the side of the pew.