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The cosmic void was intimidating to most, but entirely liberating for others. Unlimited unknown wonders, treasures, and horrors lie in the void. Allies to meet, enemies to fight, discoveries to found, and fortunes to be made. Once humanity pioneered near FTL travel, most of their exploratory efforts were coordinated, planned and organized by their leadership. However, some ventured into the void on their own, as a lifetime of voyage into the unknown was far more exciting than a predictable existence on their home systems. They operated in many forms - as traders, pirates, or purely as explorers. The later saw a few take it to the extreme - by simply accelerating to nearly the speed of light, they sought to traverse not only distance, by venturing across intergalactic space to Andromeda and Triangulum, but also time due to relativistic time dilation.


Chief DiFalco: Heading sir? Captain James T. Kirk: Out there... thataway.


The Beatles song "Magical Mystery Tour" is named after the same concept.


As an old age pensioner in the UK, I have a free bus pass, when I use it I go to the nearest (big) town and get on the first bus leaving for some other town away from our area, so every bus journey is a mystery tour.


"I've a fondness for exploring myself. Getting lost and finding your way again is a pleasure like no other. We're exquisitely lucky, you and I." - a bug cartographer.


That sounds fucking awesome


None of this is true. Transport isn’t free, and this mystery bus doesn’t exist https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-brussels-mystery-bus-368682476199