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Man. I have 500 keys stockpiled. I have given the literal office dot com link to my list to 3 people with kids. “You don’t even have to tell me or ask me before you take something. Just highlight it in red and go.” No one has ever even looked at the list. I’ve looked at the login logs. Good fucking luck if they have to still make an account to redeem a gift code from Humble. Idk if that’s still a requirement or not. My game night friend said he doesn’t use humble because he doesn’t want to link his Steam account to auto redeem and is too lazy to copy paste into Steam manually. Edit: The amount of people begging for free stuff and in my DMs is absolutely pathetic. I’m like 90% sure most of them are bots. But still. If you look at their post history it’s all “Free game please” on the swap and giveaway subs.


I'm boggling at everything you wrote. Just... how.


I DONT KNOW. Man. I don’t even like Jurassic Park. I couldn’t even give that away to the parents of literal children. Those same parents are gamers and even know what humble is!! I have been subbed to monthly for years now. So I’ve just accumulated things I didn’t want to play. I never skipped even if I didn’t want anything. Hell. My wife redeems more humble games than I do. “Hey do you want civ 6 plat? Or humankind? I already own all this.” “Hey metro is sick. Want it?” “Dude you like deck builders? I have monster train.” “Dude. Your kid likes Dinos!!” “Hey man. I have this sick list of over 500 games. Christmas is coming up. Want to throw in some free games for brownie points? There’s AAA games in here too. Not just indie or shovelware slop” I can’t even give them away. Hopefully you can tell I’m not even lying about any of this because I’m pissed off now. Thanks OP. Much love in your quest though <3


I used to be active on key giveaway/trading sites. The thought of not being able to give keys away to people is just unthinkable.


I used to be very active on one of the trading subs. I still give them out here or there if there is a game someone wants and I have it. I gave out my keys for fallout 4 and 76 not too long ago when the show came out. But like. I don’t care anymore. I’m out of collage and make enough money to buy my own games instead of having to make bad trades to get an indie game I want. I pay it back when I can. I technically own/parked r/FreeGameFriday. But like it never became a thing. I got ZERO twitter traction. Salted the earth and never bothered with the Reddit.


Also. If anyone has any idea how to grow a sub. I’m more than willing to reopen it. And listen to ideas. But there isn’t an organic way to grow a sub like you can a Twitter or Instagram without spamming it and letting wom take over. And I don’t want to spam.


I can relate. I bought the humongous bundle back in the day and had some duplicate keys. I sent them to my sister for her kid (he's 2 now). Her husband could redeem cause he has steam. (Only plays euro truck sim though) They never did enter the keys i think. Just too lazy.


No this all sounds very real to me haha, and thank you. Same to you.


Well hey now if you ever have your own kids you have free gifts for em


“Kids. I’m sorry. I was never a good father. But I have left you a fortune on office dot com. My password is Hunter2. Enjoy my legacy.”


Omg, the account linking thing. All of my friends are like this. They won’t freaking hesitate to install Jim Bob’s Trust Me Bro VPN on their phone, but they don’t want to link their Steam account to verified and reputable game stores. How are there so many people like this?!? 😭


Many people are sadly computer illiterates. I am sorry to say, but it is true.


I'm wondering if you put a price on it, for like $1 or less, will people be more willing to take the keys. Sometimes it's easier to charge something for very cheap than to give it away for free. Humans are strange


I also have this situation and I don't get it. People in my immediate family play games and have Steam. And the only person who has ever taken one (1) key is my dad.   I did make something like a ruffle in the past, where I had a few steam keys as a price and my students were totally invested. Even though it was a math quiz at university. So, try to not just gift them away, let your close ones jump through a hoop or two. Let them solve some mean equations and they will take the keys!


That’s so weird… have you ever asked people why they are so against getting free stuff?? Like you I can’t be bothered trading. I regularly give away keys on /r/steam_giveaway. I have run into a situation where I wanted to give someone a key on Reddit I already was in contact with, and they were soooo worried that the key I was giving them for a game they really wanted… was not for that game, so somehow they’d end up with a game on their account they didn’t want (which you can fix btw)? What?! I’m giving away a free game, how am I potentially scamming you? That was so weird… I had to insist 3x before they claimed and they finally ended up so happy 🤷‍♂️


To be fair. A stolen code can absolutely get your account hard blocked worst case scenario. Ignoring losing your library. On Xbox that’s a huge deal because it can affect your literal Microsoft account which can spiderweb across multiple applications. Also with my friends. I’ve never asked. I’m not gunna push the issue. They don’t want it. So they don’t want it. I periodically remind them. But no one cares. Maybe they feel bad taking free stuff


Ah, alright. I wasn’t aware.


Also. Some people in poorer countries are more aware of costs. These keys are throw away for me. I could lose access to my list and not care. But it’s a bigger deal to them because it actually costs them real money to get a single game. So they may be hesitant to take that from you. Just keep that in mind if you are interacting. With someone on reddit at least. That’s a real possibility.


To be fair though, a lot of those countries also have much lower prices on steam. For example, my steam account is a malaysian account, Crosscode costs 2 usd instead of 5.99 usd in the US. But yeah, same here. I have a lot of keys and I think only a third of my friends actually take advantage of that. I did try trading before but it takes too much time compared to the cost and I got scammed the last time I tried.




Unfortunately I’m legally required to tell you to buy RimWorld if you are into simulation/management Games.


Buying, selling, or trading of any kind is prohibited. Do not ask/trade for games, software, bundles, coupon codes, etc. Giveaways are also not allowed in accordance with Humble Bundle to ensure that people's Humble account are not banned. Also note that if a full key is posted, a bot will steal it to resell.




Buying, selling, or trading of any kind is prohibited. Do not ask/trade for games, software, bundles, coupon codes, etc. Giveaways are also not allowed in accordance with Humble Bundle to ensure that people's Humble account are not banned. Also note that if a full key is posted, a bot will steal it to resell.


I have a friend who when I told him that there is free game up to grab always asked me "what kind of game, is it any good?" expecting me to give him full review, because he was to lazy to check it himself. :) Imagine what happens when the free game require account on another site... So yea, some people ale just like that. :) Also, there are also people that are paranoid they will lose steam account because of some "hacks on 3rd party sites".


Wait there's an auto redeem feature? I've been manually doing it. I'm still not caught up


There used to be. But I don’t want to use it. I’m just assuming it is still there. Others seem to say it is.




Buying, selling, or trading of any kind is prohibited. Do not ask/trade for games, software, bundles, coupon codes, etc. Giveaways are also not allowed in accordance with Humble Bundle to ensure that people's Humble account are not banned. Also note that if a full key is posted, a bot will steal it to resell.


Damn your coworkers are lucky, how do I apply? lmao


> because he doesn’t want to link his Steam account to auto redeem and is too lazy to copy paste into Steam manually. This is how steam maintains such a total monopoly of things.


You desperately need to look up what a monopoly is. I can assure you it doesn't mean a customer saying 'I prefer this over that'.


I would use humble if they had a legit game storefront I could install like Steam (not just a key reseller). I’m vehemently against Tim and Epic. I don’t boycott the engine. Unfortunately the engine is good and helps out many small devs. But. I try to not give them any more money than I have to.


Most people don't even use key resellers and view them all as scams.


Because the space is unfortunately riddled with scammers and theft. And the biggest name is G2A. Getting a bad key can unfortunately run the risk of perma-baning your account. I wish could just throw my keys in a pool and take a payout when/if they got sold though.


I'm talking about actual game sites of which humble is one. They are not scams by any stretch.


Ah. My Bad. They are not so much as a reseller. But a passalonger. I kind of misspoke. But you still got the idea. But yea. I was sketched out by humble myself forever ago. It seemed too good to be true. There’s a high level of trust needed to break the barrier for most people in the space.


Yeah humble also gives some proceeds to charity.


Broke friend recently was gifted a steam deck. I offered a dozen steam game codes and nothing.




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Please follow basic reddiquette. This means no bullying, trolling, harassment, or hateful behavior. Don't instigate drama or bring up unrelated controversial topics, such as politics or religion. Repeated or egregious offenses are subjected to a ban.


I don't know if I'm breaking this sub's rules, but If you're gifting them to strangers, there are subs made for trade like /r/gamebundles or giveaways like /r/steam_giveaway.


I didn’t know this, thank you! 🙏🏻


Id be careful about gifting gift links from your end also. People got banned from their accounts for giving out lots of gift links and its one of the reasons gifting isnt allowed in this sub is people were getting banned for giving away their games. Best to reveal the code on your own account and then give out the code directly in a private message to them rather than gift links. If you plan to give it on public forums just dont type out the full code as bots snap those up like hotcakes so message the person directly that you want to give it too.


I got an Assassin's Creed Origins key from an Intel giveaway several years ago. I couldn't barter it for anything, "because it needed to be activated on Uplay" (well, duh, it's a Ubisoft game; even if you buy it on Steam, it needs to be activated on Uplay *as well*, and you need *both* launchers running). I gave it to a colleague about a week before the key expired. He let it expire without redeeming it. It was still selling for about £20, back then.


it seems nowadays that you have to pay people to take your spare keys


I wish I woulda seen that warhammer anthology one I woulda snatched in a heartbeat. I recently got into reading them or or taking audiobooks from the library to listen to them lol anytime anyone is trying to find someone to give a key too I’m always open lol


The good news is, bundles often aren’t gone forever. It’ll probably be back at some point.


I’ll have to keep a look out for it. Dan Abnetts books really got me sucked in. Started watching YouTube videos and everything haha


lol I can’t even get my kid to add his games from his sub.




I don’t unfortunately and I don’t see it on the store.


Oh no don't worry, wasn't a genuine ask, was more in jest because some of us are more than happy to take a free game if it's going! 😂 I get your sentiments however, my mates are never interested when I have keys to give, I end up just sending them out on GameFAQs, or I send them to random people on Steam 😂


Buying, selling, or trading of any kind is prohibited. Do not ask/trade for games, software, bundles, coupon codes, etc. Giveaways are also not allowed in accordance with Humble Bundle to ensure that people's Humble account are not banned. Also note that if a full key is posted, a bot will steal it to resell.