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I shower in the evening. I like to wash the day away, so to speak, and get into bed clean. And I feel like having that routine helps me wind down and sleep better, too.


A hot shower seems to melt the day away


I prefer a hot dab, but to each his own.


Why not both? 🤣


And at the same time too! I’ve got a toilet close to my shower, maybe I’ll take some fat rips while cleaning myself.


They aren't mutually exclusive, some of the best sessions I've ever had happened right before a shower


my routine after work is to pack a kief bowl, turn on my pc, take my dog out, and then jump in the HOT shower. my body hurts so bad & i feel so gross by the end of the day. this is the only way i get through the weeks 😂


Is “take my dog out” a euphemism?


no, i’m a woman 🤣


I feel dumb but what is a "hot dab"? I read some responses under yours so I still don't get it. Heck Im 65 and some lingo is lost on me. Care to share?


Hash oil, friend


Same here🤷‍♀️


Hot dab, luke warm shower, and a cold shower beer is the way.


Bro just had to find a way to let people know he smokes weed lmao


yeaa. a bowl or five before bed is nice.


Or five is right.


I prefer a low temp dah but cheers.


Username checks out


Dab then shower


Like a red hot nail and burn your lungs dab?


I agree, I shower at night. I do the actually cleaning part pretty quick. I like to shower lukewarm-warm, then after I'm clean. I'll crank it up to almost too hot and let it run till I can't stand it any longer, then I'll switch it over to cold and finish my shower with about 10 mins of cold. This is very invigorating, the hot gets the blood pumping and then the cold just demolishes whole body inflammation. It's hard to tolerate cold at first, but worth it and way easier if super hot before.


Same! I can't sleep if I feel grimy, not to mention that it's the best feeling ever to crawl into bed with clean, freshly shaved legs in the summer. It also feels so unsanitary to me to wait to shower till morning, festering in whatever sweat or dirt that accumulated onto my skin during the day - it sounds like the perfect recipe for a fungal infection imo, even if you change into sleep clothes first.


Even better when you just put fresh sheets on the bed! Always the best night's sleep!


“Wash the day away” is the best way to put it.


I do the same. I have my long shower at night, exfoliate, shave, use lotion after and blow dry my hair. In the morning I hop in the shower for a quick rub down so I still feel fresh for the day.


This is the way.


Same for me


I feel this way as well, but I work as a craftsman and can get pretty hot, dirty, sweater, covered in insulation, you name it. Don’t really have a choice on that, and generally prefer baths LOL. So many friends shower in the morning (my best friend put it frankly, white collar as opposed to blue collar). I think if I worked a white collar job though I’d still shower at night. My bed is a clean soft sanctuary, nobody is getting into that fucker without at least a quick shower.


Same here


SAME!! Tbh I never understood people who stuck to a routine of only morning or right before bed. I’ll shower in the morning if I need, but going about my day and then knowing I’m not heading back out is the perfect time to shower, no matter the time.


Best feeling


same !!!


Same here!


💯 you’ll sleep much better. Everything feels much softer and cozy.


Plus you smell good too, which helps me sleep better! Honestly I think all body wash smells good, doesn’t have to be expensive at all! And that nice clean smell seems to help me drift off to sleep. Of course you could get one with a lavender scent to really help relax.


I shower in the morning and evening, but also shower mid-day or middle of afternoon depending on what I'm doing and with temp / humidity as I don't like the sticky dirty feeling of sweat becoming dry sweat and the smell you can potentially have also.


This is the way


This, I also can't stand having wet skin or nearly dry skin and putting on clothes for the day. I've only done that a few times if i got really sweaty during the day.


Hot shower is great before going to sleep, but only if you give yourself an hour and a half to crash down after that rush of energy.




Start the day clean, get in bed clean


Same. Work long 12 hour shifts. And on my days off. Im either hiking or going gym. Which requires another shower either way


Working 12 hour shifts and going to the gym on days off is the kind of energy I need! Show me your ways Sensei.


This is the only answer!


Not trying to be rude, but why do you feel the need to shower in the morning when you showered right before going to bed?


I sweat at night, I shed dead skin cells and I put lotion on before bed. I want to at least rinse that off before I start my day so I can put sunscreen before I go out.


Not rude at all and good question. If you have a scale that weighs in at least .1 lbs, weigh yourself before bed and when you wake up. I have a pretty fast metabolism and know that I burn a little extra, but I’ll wake up 5-6lbs lighter than I went to sleep some days. If I don’t use the bathroom, that means it’s all burned calories and water(sweat). Some will come out in your breath, but a lot will come out through your body. Along with all kinds of other secretions and oils. For me personally, showering is part of my morning ritual of starting a day. It has been my entire life. Adding a night shower was the extra one for me.


That makes sense, I never thought about that. Thank you!


For me, I find the rituals of baths/showers quite relaxing. I don't *need* to wash twice a day but a bath before bed is very soothing. Then a shower in the morning. I get a lot of joint pain so I'll use a muscle relaxer bubble bath. Even if I never left my flat all day then I'll still do it. Then there are times when I get night sweats due to my autoimmune disorders. Those times I definitely need it.


Same. I like to shower before bed and in the morning after I work out.


It’s shocking to me all the people who don’t do both - I was just talking to a coworker who got off an 8 hour flight and went straight to bed cause he “only showers in the morning”. Think of all that airport/airplane stuff all over you and you slide into bed…   GROSS




Both red leader checking in


For me, it depends. I feel like showering at night helps me sleep better at night but a morning shower helps me wake up. It just depends if I need one the most at night or in the day.


Me too. Weekdays I shower in the evening after work, weekends usually in the morning after a workout


So hot and night and cold in the morning?


Morning, I sweat a lot when I sleep so I have to shower first thing.


Same. Surprised I had to scroll down so far to find a morning comment. I wake up pretty gross, I absolutely have to shower first thing.


If you have it active sex life at night, there’s a whole lot going on so you must shower in the morning!


And at night!


Yep people who don't shower in the morning stink, it's disgusting when you encounter them at work etc.


Do you know every coworkers shower schedule? I'm really trying to figure out the logistics here. Do you ask the clean people, or the stinky people? Both? Is there a spreadsheet everyone filled out? A google form that was told to be anonymous but actually wasn't? I'm inspired, maybe I'll start asking around on Monday!


I had a coworker that kind of stunk. It wasn’t horrible, but he was never clean smelling either. Then work started sending us to a week long conference every year and we shared a room for the week. Turned out he was a night shower person, not a morning. Not a big deal, but it explained why he smelled the way he did. You could smell the faint night sweat odor all day long. It’s like smokers, they don’t smell their smoke smell anymore. People that shower at night are the same, at least my limited experience with it shows it. I’ve had other coworkers with the same smell. I never asked when they showered, but knowing what I know now, it’s probably before bed.


It's like a faint sour smell in my experience, not strong but noticeable. Now if they don't brush their teeth also then it is even worse.


I shower at night (some mornings too if it’s summer/hot at night, but usually not) and people frequently comment on how good I smell and how clean I smell. I have a couple friends who are a bit more smelly and all of them happen to shower in the morning, some of them both morning and evening. So I think it varies for everyone & some people are just a bit more smelly than others. Also what they do during the shower is important - I fully exfoliate my body, wash super thoroughly. Some people are just in and out the shower.


Same. I shower at night and people always say I smell great. A lot of strangers will comment this when Im out (Im a delivery driver so I encounter new people all day).


No we don’t lol


Yessss, morning shower for me too. Musty people shower at night and 'think' they are good in the morning. You can definitely smell things from night shower-ers at work.


Same, I would be gross going to work if I didn’t shower in the morning. I’ll shower in the evening too if I worked out, but always a morning shower.


What about the sweat from the day?


are you not sweating at work? lol


Try a chilipad, or something similar. It was a game changer.


How often are you morning-only people washing your sheets?


I wash my sheets weekly


yeah and it’s nice to start the day all fresh and clean. plus i hate sleeping with damp hair. morning showers all the way


Nighttime. Even tho I wash my sheets 1 or twice a week I still choose night showers everyday. You just can't beat the clean pajamas clean sheets and clean body high jaja


like a sore dick , just can't beat it


Unbelievable I started coughing up my dab on this one 😭🤣


Not with that attitude. No pain, no gain.




Reddit poetry


Can't go to bed dirty but some times I shower twice.


Living in Florida, it's morning and night, possibly once midday too.


LOL this! Florida heat is no joke


Even w all this rain (Miami) it still be humid as fuck


I’m a Miami girl born and raised and I approve this message 😭😭


It’s not the heat that’ll get ya….


It’s that damn humidity 😭


I usually shower every other day but in the summer sometimes it is twice a day because it’s so hot. Usually I prefer night showers though, to wash the day away. I don’t typically sweat much at night


YES! Came here to say this lol


But do you ever dry off?


Yessssss. Florida humidity feels like a hot steamy shower and putting on your clothes without drying off.


Seriously! I found my people 🤣🤣🤣


Both. Quick rinse in the morning and a good scrub at night.


This is the way.


“I have spoken.” (I say this to my kids a lot.)


If I shower at night then I have to shower in the morning too. I can’t face the day without cleaning the sleep away. As long as you shower, that’s all that’s important.






Both. I don't know how people can go to bed dirty.


I have to shower every morning, or my hair will be flat and oily all day. I sweat at night, so I don't want to put clean clothes on for the day without showering first. If I feel sweaty, I'll shower in the afternoon or evening, as well.


the oily hair struggle condemns us


Both. Shower right after getting home and then the following day before I start errands


I love showering before bed. Nice cool clean skin in a cold bed is amazing. When I have to shower during the day, I don’t want to leave the house and get dirty again




I shower in the evening, I usually work and do things on my day off during the day, which means I'm gonna get dirty somehow. So why shower before you get dirty, you're going to have to shower again anyways. But also before I decide to relax or before I go to bed, taking a hot shower is relaxing in the evening. Best feeling in the world.


well not the best feeling in the world, I know a few other feelings that put a hot shower to shame. lol


Lol I'm guessing not pg rates


I hate the thought of getting into bed with all my grime from the day too, so I shower in the evening.












Night. Going to bed dirty is disgusting


Both, but I’m a big, hairy man.


At night. If I do a road run or workout in the morning, I'd shower straight afterwards and again at night. So depends, on mornings, but always at night for me.


Usually at night, but if I somewhere special to go, I will shower in the morning. Then I know my hair will look nice and I smell extra fresh.


My hair looks nice after it's airdried


More than often both, but sometimes when I’m unable to , I’ll prioritize night time shower. I like to get into the bed clean. I like to sleep in a really cold room so I never sweat at night. That way I always wake up clean anyway.


I sleep cold too!


Am I the only one that sweats at night when cold? I find it I don’t sweat as much when the temperature is 75 without the AC but I sweat when I turn the AC on 75.


I normally wait until morning except the evenings that I work out. Sometimes I shower 1-3X a day, just depending on hats going on. Most days just once in the morning unless it’s gym day (3X a week).


At night. I like feeling clean after coming back from work


I shower at night and once more during the day after cleaning


After cleaning your house?


Morning and evening and again if I feel gross at some other point during the day. I always use lotion or oil after so my skin doesn’t dry out. It’s not always a big everything shower but I at least clean bits, pits and feet. I looooove showers.




Both and in between. It's hot out here, I can't be walking round with swamp ass.


Shower with actual cleaning at night. In the morning, it’s just rinse while I brush my teeth, and I’ll scrub my feet with soap for a second time. The entire morning shower might take 3 minutes




Both, depending on what is happening that day.




Both. I work out every morning so need a shower after. Hate getting into bed “dirty” so shower before bed too.


I do both. I live in a humid climate, work out and I sweat at night. So I want to feel clean when I go to bed. But when I wake up I feel just ick.


Me too! I bathe twice a day. I have my whole life. I passed this on to my own children.




I always shower in the morning before I leave for work. It’s my wake up time and I feel gross if I don’t start the day with a shower.




Although I agree that showering in the evening is better, done is better than perfect and I prefer to shower in the morning. I can't start my day without showing in the morning so I never skip.


Makes sense!!!! People focus to much on perfection on this sub. We need to be practical and do what works for us


I’m a morning shower person, unless there’s a specific reason to shower before bed. If I worked and got dirty, if I went to the beach or pool, or if I know I’m getting oral sex then I’ll shower before bed. Otherwise I like a morning shower to help me wake up.


i dont really understand ppls disgust for morning shower people. if i feel dirty after work ill do a quick rinse shower, but if i dont, doesnt everyone wash their face, change their clothing, brush or protect their hair? plus washing pillowcases and bedding weekly :o


I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that it's a hygiene subreddit. Most people I know, don't or can't shower as often as anyone here does. The mighty reddit algorithm just recommended this place to me, and most of the stuff here is well informed so it's really interesting. But that's because people here care about feeling clean and comfortable, so they'll probably shower at night. I just shower to not stink when I go out personally.




uhhuh :] tho im not dissing evening shower goers at all. my reply was why people get grossed out at *morning* shower people. i even said i have rinse showers after work.


I do the morning typically. I feel like I can’t get going in the morning if I don’t. Plus i sweat in the night sometimes.


Both. I take a shower in the morning and then I take a shower before I go to bed.


Ideally both.


I shower both morning and night. Can't leave home without a shower or go to bed without one.


I shower every morning. I usually take a rinse off in the evening. I need to shower in the morning, I don't feel like myself if I don't






i shower in the morning before i go to work. on occasion of i'm extra grungy i'll shower before bed too


Soon as I feel the sweat from my back marinated in my ass crack I know it’s time


Morning. I have severe heat sensitivity, so I can't use a blow dryer. My hair is long and very thick, and takes hours to completely dry. I'm not going to bed like that.


Does that effect your use of heaters in the winter? Or going out in the summer sun?


I’m a mail carrier and like today the sun is brutal. I shower at night because I’m nasty when I get home.


Night is the only answer for me. I refuse to bring the yuck of the day into my clean bed.


I change it up. Both are great, honestly. Morning showers are a nice slow way to get up. Have a little coffee, and take a nice comfy shower. But then night showers are great too, because getting into bed feeling fresh and clean feels so good.


I alway shower in the morning, and sometimes before bed. Waking up and not taking a shower is gross. You smell, and even if you don't believe it, you stink and other people can smell your body odor from out and sweat coming out of your skin all night.


4 times a week. Almost always in the mornings. But that's what works for me and if I was a stinkier lad or had extra activity in the day id shower at night.


I shower twice a week and my skin and hair have never been healthier.


You brave soul you. How do you clean up in between?




I only really shower in the morning when I wake up. It helps me wake up, and it feels like it sets me up to have a good productive day. If I do something during the day to get really hot or sweaty, I’ll shower when I finish that activity, regardless of how far off bed time is. I wash my sheets once a week, and I wash the quilt/comforter every other week. I won’t shower twice a day (unless I get filthy), because it dries my skin out really bad and on top of that I’m currently pregnant and showers feel like I’m running a marathon.


Every night.


At night, I like to get in bed clean.


Depends! If I have the energy to shower after work, I’ll do it at night. If I’m off, I’ll shower in the morning or in the afternoon. Perhaps a controversial take for this group, but I don’t shower everyday! Usually every other day or every 2 days. Sometimes I’ll get to do it 2 days in a row. Very dependent on how tired I am after work, what time I get home, & what I’m doing the next day.


I need to in the morning to do my hair and so i look clean


Morning and night. I cannot go to work without showering. I cannot go to bed without washing the day off. I only wash my hair once a week though.


I legit shower twice a day, almost everyday At night, it feels so good to jump into bed clean. In the morning, I always wake up kind of sweaty and sticky, and the shower also helps me really wake up and just get my day going right


About every third day. Time of day varies.


Night for the exact same reason.


Evening. Cleaner bed. And yes post workout...when that happens.


I shower in the morning and before bed. But, I’m up at 4:30am for work everyday; and don’t get into bed until about 10:30-11. At that point, there’s no telling what I may have done that day aside from working. I work, I come home and spend time with my husband and son, I’m in my garden, I help my husband with projects. I sweat at night, and I have to shower to wake up. In the flip side, I sweat during the day, and I feel I sleep better if I shower before bed too.


Morning showers are optional but night time is the right time. You gotta get the funk of the day off of you.


I was a night showerer my entire life, but since I started working out in the mornings, I switch to morning showers after workout. If working out wasn’t a factor, night is 100% the way to go


I shower like a quick rinse off in the morning and then i do a full business shower at night and wash the day away.


I cannot *stand* getting wet in the morning. Eww. But every night is great.


Depends on plans for the day. Cold shower in the morning will wake you up fast and get your day start with your brain running without the grog. Showering at evening will clean the stress away with a hot shower getting your blood flowing making you able to fall asleep easier.


Shower morning and night and after the gym… strange question but strange that ppl don’t wash their legs and have wash days too so…


Both every day


This sounds like the most delightfully clean, comforting, and enjoyable pattern, I just have one question. How do you have the audacity? I don’t mean that in a disrespectful way. I would do this every single day myself if I had not been guilted my entire life about saving water bc of the drought and global warming,causing the end of the world bc I’m so selfish. i hate to admit it but I feel like I don’t deserve to use that much water? Clearly I need to take this to therapy.


Indeed.. & no pun intended but what you are " saving" is literally taking a cup of water out of the ocean. It's not , IMO, making a difference, tho effort is there. Please... for yourself, feel free to take as many showers as u feel u need to feel good !! Good luck 2 u!♡


Both. At night I shower to get clean before getting into my bed. In the morning, I shower to wake up and to feel fresh for work.


Morning and night always!


Both lol. I use my exfoliating gloves and either Dial Marula Oil (very moisturizing) or Dove Sensitive Skin body wash. I love the smell of the Dial. It's normal too sweet but reminds me of honey or something. It's a great body wash IMO. no


If it’s 1 shower a day: night time is the only exception. It’s ludicrous how people can crawl into their bed disgusting AF and still get a good nights sleep.


I shower after I work out. Dependent on day it can be noon or 9pm


Usually in the morning on my days off. But in the night on my work days I need too shower immediately after work 🤣🤣


Depending summers morning and night Usually mornings go to my drs app or surgeons feeling freesh af


half the time i end up showering midday?? which ik is weird, i just usually go into work or class around that time and i just do stuff around the house until it’s time to get ready, and then i shower. i would rather shower morning and night but i’m worried about drying out my skin and hair too much despite the fact they’re both on the oilier side lol


I do both. One before work and one when I get off I work afternoons 2-10


I always shower at night cause I like being clean before bed, but I will take a midday shower if needed. Definitely not afraid to take two showers in a day, one of the luxuries of living in a modern society.


I like to shower at night as the hot water makes me very sleepy. It's a good way to help me sleep and it's very relaxing at the end of a work day


I shower before bed , I work shift so it could be morning or night depending on what shift I am on. But I need to wash the days funk off before getting in bed. both mentally and physically


Right before Bed. Rolling into bed with a day's worth of sweat is nasty