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Exactly! I hate going to bed dirty and I can’t get out of bed in the morning.


This is me exactly and I dont usually smell unless I sweat like alot alot so im good in the morning and throughout the day


This is the exact problem I have with showering in the morning, as well. I’m not a morning person in the slightest so if I need to shower right when I wake up before work or an event then I’ll procrastinate and end up being late. Showering at night is my best bet.


I think you nailed it. Morning people probably like to shower in the morning, night owls probably prefer showering at night. I am a night owl and hate the mornings, so I shower at night.


Yes I agree . That shower after work is so satisfying. It literally feels like the stress of the work day is just melting off. And I don’t want to dirty up my bed. Plus I don’t want to have to wake up a half hour earlier than I have to. I’m already getting up at 4:50am just to make it to work.


I agree i have one in the morning i go to work at 6am then when im off i have a shower again i work with lien or im on the soiled side sorting all the dirty hospital laundry so refreshing


Same, shower at night UNLESS I’m going to the beach for some reason lol


I think it’s highly dependent on your hairstyle. Like I can’t shower at night only


Night. I can’t seem to sleep without a shower.




This is the way, once in the morning to face the day, another in the evening to wash off the day.


Indeed. I find a reason for both. However, I tend to use warmer water in the morning while cold water at night


Using warm water at night might help you sleep and cold water in the morning might help you wake up.


It also is healthy for your skin to have cold water in the morning.


Our body temperature drops at sleep onset, so showering with cooler water is beneficial for a smooth transition to sleep. Somehow it tricks the brain/body for better nighttime sleep!


Unexpected parenting tip! Thanks lol. I will remember to give my babe a bath on the cooler side of warm tonight and see if it helps him fall asleep.


Thank you!


Am I the only one who feels concerned for the water consumption? I’m not joking, we’re running out of clean water. So I always think that overusing water is bad:( cannot not think about it. Will shower twice if needed (stressful or just a hot day). But otherwise I really cannot keep those thoughts away.


I shower super quick so I'm not really that concerned


If you're worried about water consumption, don't buy almonds or almond based products like almond milk.


Also eating meat, they require a lot of water i.e. for themselves as well as to grow the food they eat. Also the lagoons used for the pig feces..


Are we really running out of water....🤔


We’re technically not running out of water generally, although I’m not sure that ALL the water getting condensed comes back down. I think it does. I digress. The reason is the cost of making water clean is expensive, and therefore why 97% of all the water in the world is undrinkable/un potable.


I shower both in the morning and at night, but in the morning at least, pretty fast. I'm not like luxuriating in there for an hour.


Yep. Morning shower is like a hot cup of coffee for me. I wash my face, brush my teeth, and shave during my shower in the morning. I really don't know how anyone can start their day without being clean. Then I shower at night but it's different. More of a rinse with a lavender wash and it's quick. So yeah twice a day for sure.


This guy gets it


Agree. I think of the morning shower as a refresher.


Yep. Especially since I tend to sweat a lot during the night.


Yup me too but I kinda have to because I'm on methadone and a side effect of it is excessive sweating. So I pretty much have to take a shower after I walk my dog in the morning because I come back all sweaty and feeling gross. And at night before bed because it just feels so nice getting in bed feeling all nice and fresh and clean.


THANK YOU!! This is the ONLY way. I’m baffled by these “night time only and I don’t smell next day” people. 🤢


I generally don't shower at night mostly for hair reasons. If you blow dry your hair before bed, it doesn't look as fresh in the morning. If you don't blow dry your hair, you need to make sure you leave enough time for your hair to dry before bed so your pillow doesn't get wet. However, it does significantly cut down the time you need to get ready in the morning if you don't have to shower.


Yes, I dislike going to bed with wet hair!


I love it but im not a female


that's why i shower early evening


You can use a shower cap to keep your hair dry.


My hair is thick, course, and long enough to get caught in my belt. If I washed it every time I shower it would literally never be dry again.


Amazon has some large ones for people who have braids that go down to their knees, for about $10. They are a game changer....they fit ALL the hair.


Unfortunately I have the type of hair that either needs to be washed daily or every other day using a lot of dry shampoo in between.


When I shower at night I put a towel on my pillows but then my hair is mostly dry, I have a hair towel that I use


I prefer drying my hair right before bed, it’s a better texture after it’s had a chance to “set” for awhile.


lol I'm a weirdo who loves sleeping on wet hair because it gives me volume without heat 😂


Okay but serious question what if you work out in the afternoon/ evening? I don’t like going to bed dirty but I also don’t want my hair to look awful by sleeping on it. What’s the secret, aside from showering twice a day?


My hair doesn't dry properly if I go to bed with it wet. I have thin hair that can dry in minutes on a hot day, but for some reason if I go to bed with it wet, I wake up with gross, oily, damp hair.


I shower at night. Keeps my bed clean and it helps me fall asleep.


I just shower when I need to. I shower before work, after I workout, before I go out. So it just depends. But in general I like to shower earlier rather than later.


Same. Sometimes that means twice but I’m hardly not going to shower for an event or a date


I shower at night because I’d have to get up even early than the butt crack of dawn that I already have to be up at, and I am not a morning person. Plus, I do like to feel clean when I go to bed. My husband however, is a morning shower person (he works from home so he has a lot more time in the morning).


Curly hair checking in, morning showers all the way. If I don’t shower in the morning, I’ll look like an alpaca at work. After a hard day, I’ll shower at night and in the morning.


Do you sleep on a silk pillowcase or use a hair bonnet? Game changers for curly hair!!!


No, I just rinse and moisturize in the morning. I’ve been doing it for years, no big deal.


I’d like to be the judge of who looks like an alpaca, thank you


It’s a damn mess if I don’t rinse and moisturize in the morning.


Straight heavy hair here. My hair is untameable in the morning unless I shower. It will stick up in random spots and flow in multiple directions without any regard.


I am going to shower tonight, to wipe the smell of the piece of shit man I just fucked, off me. NSFW! Ok, friends, here's the story. I'm not going into gory sex details like I do with my other stories because I'm sure there's people here who don't want that info. The guy is 28, and I'm a bit older. Met this guy a couple of years ago when I was single. First date went OK, I fucked him, he was decent. I called him for a booth call a couple of weeks later, and he showed up. My friends hated him, arguments ensued, and we left him at the bar. End of Story. Until last year, he called and wanted to rekindle. I had no interest and ignored him. Last week, he hit me up again. He had good timing. I am lonely, and he laid the sweet talk on thick. He told me I was the one blah blah blah, and I jumped right in. We have been talking every minute of the day for the last week, and I'm super excited. Now, I'll let you, My Reditt Friends, start to count the red flags that I chose to ignore. The duplex he lives in is really his aunt and uncles basement. We have to use very quiet voices so as not to disrupt them. It's fucking 4pm. He had a surprise for me, it was a massage, which I thought was very nice. That lasted 5 minutes before his face was between my legs and 3 minutes later we fucked and 4 minutes later sex was over. (It was a little longer, but not that much!). He thought I had gotten off because I was so wet. I had not. After mentioning this, he wasn't concerned. The big part of this story is that we live in the Midwest. He asked me if I wanted to grab dinner. The usual conversation of where to go startsand he begins to tell me stories about all the " inbred bartenders" the Midwest has to offer. I am a bartender, and he knows this. I hear several stories of how horrible this man has treated people in the restaurant industry, and every time, he asks if he is wrong. I say yes. Absolutely. Now I'm using a sex haze as an excuse, I told him that as long as he didn't talk to any staff member where we go, I'll pay. On the way to the restaurant, 2 miles from his house, he keeps raging about Midwest folks and how friendly we are. At this point, I tell him the very most him and I will ever be is fuck buddies. Get to restaurant, he's still raging about Midwest people, I tell him after we eat it's back to his place, I'm going to hate fuck him, and we are done forever. I go to pay the bill, because of course I said I would, I forgot my cash and credit card in my car back at his house. "Oh shit can you pay? I forgot my cash in my car. " "Do you want me to run back and get it?" "No, can you just pay, and I'll pay you back as soon as we get back to your place?" He refuses, splits the bill, pays his half, and asks if I want a ride back or..... Yes, Want a ride back and as I'm calling friends to figure this out, he suggests we go to Starbucks after! No thanks. And yes. He had the money to cover us both. And yes, I had plenty of money in my car. I wasn't trying to scam a 30 dollar meal. I realize I have a credit card on my phone and pay for my half. $30. We get into his mini van, which has literally 20 water bottles on the floor, and he begins to chat like nothing just happened. I ignore him. He finally says, " this is done, isn't it?" "Fuck yes, it is". We get in front of his "duplex" I'm jumping out as the van is still slowing down and running to my car to gtfo. Yes, I see all the red flags that I ignored because I was still swimming in the ocean of endless complements and attention I had been getting from him the week before. I'm a dumbass, I know.


Well damn


A bit dramatic for this post? Sorry, Friends. I'm feeling a little dramatic right now.


Love the honesty thank you. scrub extra for me sister, lord knows I need it for past years of stupidity


Thanks for not making me feel like the only dumbass out there!




We all need somebody to lean on, scrub on sister scrub on. yal ever used essential oil diffuser in the bathroom at the same time!? Magic


I got so absorbed I forgot what thread I was in


I'll take that as a compliment, at least on my storytelling. Obviously, my judgment has a bit to be desired.


One time I had to wash the damn sheets AND shower


And clothes. Considered a lobotomy.


Oh god I just remembered the guy that passed out in my bed and wet it!


Ahhh. To be young & have choices. At least you have "sweaty" sheets. There's always an upside.


That was great!


Unfortunately, it really wasn't! 😆 🤣 😂 😹


Jeez, do you want to talk about it


I’d like to hear about it!


Name cracks me up especially for being on a sub like this


What happened?🍿


If you have any exfoliant (easy to make with a little salt or epsom salt and a smidge oil (almond, olive). Scrub that scrub off ya!




Lmao 🤣


He was indeed a piece of shit man.


both! as soon as you get home, you should shower or at least get out of your outdoor clothes and put on some clean clothes. this was taught to me by my nurse mom because with her job she would always come home and shower and put on a clean change of clothes and growing up after school we had practice for sports and when I got home we were never even allowed to sit on the couch until after we showered and changed clothes. and I also shower in the morning to help me wake up


Usually both but always before bed. A hot shower allows me to relax and unwind from the day. A cool shower in the morning, along with coffee... allows me to collect my thoughts and prepare for the day. If I have an earlier than normal start to the day, I'm ok with washing my hair and face, then on my way.


I have to shower before bed at a bare minimum. I cannot get into bed dirty. After that it depends on what’s going on. I wfh so a morning shower isn’t as necessary.


Shower at night, I don’t really sweat when I sleep


Both gotta have your backside cleaned at all times


Both, honestly. Not every day, though. My default is night but if it was hot or I ate something smelly for dinner the night before I usually jump in the shower for a couple of minutes just to hit the high points, as my family calls them. Just to make sure I won’t be offensive to the people around me.


I love it! Hit the high points!


I find my body gets real mad at me if I soap everywhere every shower, so I have had to learn :D


My mom always called this a “hippie shower”!


Morning, I’m trying to keep my friends around.


Always night I want to wash the day off me, I sleep better with it too. Gives me time to unwind and do to self care. I don’t sweat at night either so I just wash with a washer in the morning before work and apply my deodorant and perfume. Plus I have a physical job so I sweat during the day anyway better to wash that off when I get home.


I shower at night, if I find tike or need a shower in the morning I'll do a quick 5 min rinse, no soap rather than a full shower


I shower once a month


Both - I couldn’t imagine not showering after waking up and before going to bed. I’m a clean one, ladies


Morning…I can’t fully “wake up” without a shower


Morning always, and evening when needed.


Usually in the evenings, I like to wash the day off and go to bed clean.


I do both. I don’t like my dirty feet or body in my bed, and I need a quick shower in the morning to feel refreshed. My night showers are usually longer though.


Much prefer pre-bed, but the major con is that my hair dries a fool


I shower in the morning after my regular poop because I hate going about my day with poop butt. If I’m sweaty at night, I’ll wipe myself down with Anthony shower sheets and body lotion. If I’m too sweaty or if I’ve taken another poop after my morning shower, I’ll shower again.


Night, I use clinical deoderant you are supposed to put on before bed anyways so smell isn't a huge concern....I also work in a warehouse I NEED to shower when I get home I feel disgusting


I hate going to bed with wet hair but I also hate using a blow dryer on my hair so my shower times vary day by day I work from home so oftentimes I just shower on my lunch break at 11am.


I shower in the morning because I do tend to sweat at night and I like waking up with a nice shower. That said, as a woman with longer hair, I do not wash my hair in the morning if it’s a work day. I do that at night every three days so that it has time to dry and I don’t have to deal with it in the morning.


At night, long hair take time to dry


Occasionally at night. But usually morning. I feel gross in the morning and it wakes me up. And anytime i shower at night no matter what i feel like my hair just gets messed up in the morning lol


I shower at night. When you work in the trades and outdoors, makes sense to shower before hopping in your clean bed.


Morning and night. I never go to bed without showering.


Both, full shower in the morning, shave etc. bits and pits in the evening at a minimum.


>you might smell sweaty if you sweat during the night -if your bed is dirty then you are dirty for the next day Well your bed wouldn't be dirty if you're showering at night and regularly changing your sheets


Night, but I am not a night sweat-er. My partner is and so does mornings.








I have to shower twice a day, I’m a PSW/DSW working nights so I change a lot of people and my job is very physical!!! I don’t wash my hair everyday though


Both, I like to feel fresh in the morning and clean after a long day.


Generally before bed. *Sometimes* in the morning.


Both. Feel gross if I don't do both


i shower at night by default, but it depends what i’m doing the next day for me to shower in the morning. if i have work i don’t shower but if i have somewhere important that i would wear cologne for then i do shower


Usually night


If I have the time both, if not morning. I like to get out of the house feeling fresh out of the shower.


I WFH, so I shower at night. If I stink, I stink up my own area lol. If I feel extra icky I do both




Both. I shower at night because I have to be clean getting into bed and in the morning to prepare myself for the day.


I prefer to shower in the morning because I'm fresh but I am often forced to shower at night due to the nature of my work (animal hospital). It's nice to be clean before bed for sure but hard to feel fresh in the morning because I sweat at night. I sleep with a fan on so that helps a bit (even with the a/c on). I would shower twice but then I'd have to wake up earlier and it would dry out my skin like crazy.


Both. If I didn’t do much at all or sweat a lot during the day then I’ll just wash my face off and go to bed. If I did shower at night. I pretty much have to take showers in the morning before work mostly because I see and interact closely with a lot of people and my face gets very oily so without a shower I would be screwed.


I shower at night but I’m also biased cause I work in healthcare. I can’t imagine getting in my bed after becoming a Petri dish of everyone’s bodily fluids all night.




Both atm, I have cold showers in the morning just to wash my armpits, private area & feet, then I have a warm/hot full body shower in the evening / night after working out & to settle for bed. :3


Both, depending totally on that day's activity.




Got in the habit of showering at night years ago and now I work from home so I rarely shower in the morning.


Morning, or I feel unwoke and gross...it is about 190⁰(jk, but hot af) here in Georgia right now. Too lazy/tired/unmotivated at night


Morning! I can't leave the house without showering. I feel gross. If I shower at night, I still have to shower in the morning.


Night, but sometimes in the morning after my workout, just really quick to rinse the sweat off


Both unless I have go choose then evening.


I live in a hot climate- at a MINIMUM, twice a day. If it’s really hot, 4x a day.




Both with one or the other being more of a spot clean (pits, tits, bits, ass and toes) and full body rinse. I love showering and slathering on lotion and deodorant. No matter how ugly I feel some days at least I’m fresh 😌


Sometimes in the morning only but usually both. I shower at the morning after some training/before breakfast, and at night before dinner. It's not that humid or hot in my place though, but when it does, it's almost unbearable. Also I have this skin condition something like a heat rash--which makes hot days agonizing. So.. showering two times helps reducing the itch.


usually both


Both, indefinitely. Morning shower for freshness and I cannot sleep under any circumstance without a night shower. Gratitude for having access to two showers a day is a daily reflection (so many unhoused people long for a shower and a bed).


Night, midday is the only alternative time I will consider. I don’t sweat in my sleep unless I’m ill, and I genuinely *loathe* showering in the morning (unless it’s coffee I don’t want ANY sensory input). I’ve heard people say they love morning showers because it wakes them up. Tried that one morning when I was dragging before work, fell spectacularly in the shower and have had pain in my right side since, and that was over 6 years ago. Morning showers are a safety hazard for those of us who need 3-5 business days to wake up 😂


I shower in the morning because it wakes me up and I also shower at night because it helps me sleep better and it just feels good in general even if I didn’t sweat :)


I usually shower 2x a day. In the morning (if I'm going some where other than the gym or swimming, or I got sweaty at night ) and always at night.


I shower in the morning.


Night usually but when I wake I'll splash my face and chest to help remove crusties and help the puffy eyes. If I need to, I'll step in the shower real quick to rinse off the sweat but I've programmed my body that when I shower, it's time to shut down. I have gotten home from work and sat at my desk for hours before showering and climbing into bed because I know I'll have about 1.5 hours before i pass out.


At night. Even though I'm wfh now and leave the house like twice a week I still hate the idea of dragging the day's dirt into bed with me.


Both with various women


Night. I can’t imagine getting into bed without showering. It just feels so gross after being out and about in the world, especially if you sweat or work out.


Both. But wash and condition hair in morning so it’s not nappy.


Before bed unless I’m sweaty or something, in which case I’ll shower in the morning.


Both but if I had to choose evening all the way.


Night. I need to get the day off me before I get into bed.


Both. Usually just mornings but also at night if I gym


I shower every night. I love the feeling of climbing into my clean bedsheets while being freshly clean. It makes me feel extra cozy. I wash my bedsheets twice a week and have a fan on me every night as I live in Georgia and it stays hot here most of the time. I rarely sweat at night but if I do I just change my bedding the next day. Have 3-4 sets of bedsheets at home and you can change them out whenever you need to.


I shower at night because i can’t fathom getting into bed with all of the days sweat and ick still on me. I work a pretty physical job and i don’t really sweat at night unless i get like unusually hot so it just makes sense for me.


Pros: keep your bed clean.... that's a lie you people tell yourself to be happy. You are not clean when you wake up🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Whenever I feel like it


I shower at night. I like to wash the day off of me and get in bed clean and refreshed.


I shower at night cuz it takes me awhile to wake up in the morning and all I want to do is sit and drink my coffee while I wake up 😆


Both. I can’t get in bed dirty and my morning shower helps me wake up fully.


I shower in the morning, can't find it to leave the house unshowered. I want to start showering in the evening my only issue is clothing. I can't put on a dirty shirt. So if I shower I must change all my clothes. That would mean 2 of everything, every day 😂


Both. I only wash my hair with shampoo at night though.


Night and try to keep my house cool enough so I don't sweat. It just makes things so much easier in the morning and I don't like going to bed dirty


I shower twice a day! Once at night and once in the morning after the gym. My nighttime shower my actual shower where, depending on the day, I will wash and condition my hair, exfoliate, shave, cleanse + moisturize my body. Whereas my shower in the morning after the gym is simply a cleanse the areas I sweat(underarms, back of neck, back, nether region, in between toes, etc.) This is what works for me. I feel clean and got told I smell good and clean and my skin is soft, so it works for me.


Morning. I am in *that phase of life* where I wake up drenched in sweat multiple times a night and I'm ready to fight the young'ns who tell me I'm exaggerating. (Just my coworkers, don't worry.)


Depends what you do during the day but I like to do both. I’m a manual worker so a shower at night gets the days dirt off. I also like a quick shower in the morning just to freshen me up.


Both I shower twice a day


at night. sleeping in a dirty bed is gross to me. helps with my oily skin too.


Showering at night relaxes me and ensures I start fresh each day.


Once to twice a week it’s in the morning and that’s when i wash my hair. Other days it’s at night


Depends on the job, when I did physical labor, I preferred showering at night before bed. Now that I have a desk job, I always shower in the morning.


Straight after work. Usually as soon as I walk in the door I jump into the shower and get into my trackies. Nothing better than feeling fresh.


Both as the shower helps me wake up for the day and puts me to sleep after a long day. Also I have minor ocd so staying clean is what it’s all about.


Either or. Usually morning because I have my hair styling routine but at time at night. It really depends.


Shower at night. I work at Amazon as a driver so it’s kinda pointless to shower in the morning


Personally, I don't shower before bed. I'm the opposite of a lot of people here where showering wakes me up and doesn't help me fall asleep. If I take a shower before bed, unless I'm absolutely EXHAUSTED (24+ hours awake type exhaustion,) I'm going to be awake for a few hours afterwards. Showering in the morning helps wake me up and makes me feel less groggy, and helps jumpstart my day.






At night. I work overnight, so I guess technically it’s “morning” for me


So none of y'all sleep with the AC on? Listen I'm sorry I just cannot relate because it is freezing cold in my room even during the summer. Night showers just make sense.


Morning cold shower to wake up, I work from home so I’m not getting super dirty during the day to warrant a night shower


It’s a must to shower every morning and night. Idk how people don’t shower in the mornings!


Often both .


In the morning always, sometimes at night too if ive been sweating a lot or just want to relax, have more time to wash my hair etc.


I prefer showering at night because it helps me wind down. Plus, climbing into clean sheets feels like a luxury hotel every night.


I love a shower before bed because it relaxes me. I need a shower before an appointment or else I feel nasty. Sometimes just a quick rinse off(not washing the Mop, just the body) with bath and body smell goods is perfect to lift my mood.




Morning- helps both relax and energize me for the day, and doing my hair then going to sleep doesn’t set me up for a good hair day the following day.


Before bed. I am a nurse and I pretty much strip and shower when I get home so since I'm already nekkid I just jump I to bed.


Morning when in my home country. I sweat more at night than I do during the day and wouldn't want to be stinky all day. On holiday somewhere warm then either both or in the evening (as will likely be in the sea or pool in the day). If somewhere very cold then only evening as morning showering removes protective oils and makes you more likely to get cracked/chapped skin.


I simply can't shower at the morning even though i would like to do so. Morning time is hell for me, i struggle getting awakened , brushing my teeth, doing my skincare... taking a shower is nearly impossible to do for me at the morning. I enjoy taking a shower at evenings since it get rid of the dirtiness i accumulated during the day, especially when riding public transportation. I can't imagine myself going to bed after having spent significant amount of time in the subway, bus or tram. I want to keep my bed clean


Both. Morning is when I wash and do my hair...night is just a quick one to wash the stank from the day off.


Shower at night and in the morning. If I don't shower in the morning my body doesn't wake up.


Both in the summer. At night in the winter. Need two showers in the summer because super sweaty. Works well that only need to once in the winter because energy prices 🫣 More energy used heating the house so at least we are saving on not heating water twice a day!


¿Por qué no los dos?


I shower in the a.m. and p.m. Morning showers wake me up and evening showers help me destress.


Both but I prefer mornings. I can’t leave my house without a shower.