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Ways to make a refrigerator quiet: - level fridge (if it is not level, it will be loud) - padded mat underneath (if it is touching the floor, it will buzz more) - try sticking foam around the fridge Hopefully this helps! High pitched fridge noises are the worst


No recommendations but sorry to hear this. The fridge bothering you that bad is crazy stay strong


Isn't the dB mentioned at the technical details when you shop for one? Also if it's new it will make the first hours more sound to cool down the temperature, especially if nothing is inside of it.


>Isn't the dB mentioned at the technical details when you shop for one? No. Not for refrigerators. They list it for dishwashers.


Even if it would list the decibels, its not really of much use. People with Hyperacusis hear certain frequencies much louder so one 40db can sound louder than another 60db


This is a timely post. My fridge died months ago and I've been living off a couple mini fridges and having a hard time finding a new one that is quiet. I just bought a kitchenaid side by side, but it has yet to be delivered. I paid for the $50 Best Buy membership to extend the free return period to 60 days. In my research, most of the compressors are the same. It's the high efficiency DC compressors that make a high pitched whine that bother me the most. I have heard of people putting thin insulation beneath and behind their fridge to mitigate the noise. I may try this, but you have to be careful to not obstruct air flow.


Please let me know how quiet that one is, and if it has the high pitched noise. I was actually thinking about looking into that one.


Will do. With all my research it seems to be somewhat luck of the draw. That's why I opted for the extended trial period.


So the kitchenaid isn't bad. I do hear the water from the ice maker and the evaporator fan from time to time but I don't hear the high pitched whine. I put some acoustic duct liner behind the fridge and beneath it (while still leaving some space for it to breathe). It seems to have made a difference. Hopefully the condenser doesn't overhead from the dutct liner being there. I'm still evaluating it, but so far I'm mostly happy with it.