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F(40) can confirm hasn’t lessened in frequency or intensity


M(36) here


I'm 23. Hypersexuality was basically the first and most consistent symptom of my bipolar. I was masturbating at 10, sexually active at 12 and then from 13 onwards I was willingly putting myself out there in dangerous situations. It was when I was 18 that I was actually diagnosed and have been on lithium for my mania ever since. Knowing and being medicated has definitely helped with my impulse control, as has having a long term boyfriend who can keep up with me, but my sex drive has in no way diminished. If anything, because I'm older and I know my body more and what I want more, I probably engage in sexual acts more than when I was a teen, just in healthier ways.


I was 7-8 i think


29f, been like this since age 4


Omg same


Same but I'm just a teenager






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I'm 23. No change from in my teens, and it drives me nuts. Especially since I'm an introvert and live in a small town, so I can't just hook up with someone. 🙃


I'm 43... I think I was hypersexual until my 30s where I started to have an underlying health condition... It was only into my early 40s that my health improved and I got my libibio back... Now I'm wild.




As someone who was hypersexual as a teen I would recommend staying off the internet/not interacting with 18+ content Please stay safe, the internet is not an inherently safe place for minors, especially those under 16, and exposure to 18+ content as a kid was what triggered my hypersexuality. It was sheer luck that I managed to find actually good education content that helped me.


i understand, thank you for being good


M43 - same same but different. I have aged, libido is lowering (thank god) and my mind have matured and I understand better what and why… but still have my periods of sexting, excessive masturbation, searching for porn and kinks.. slowly getting better by the year and getting more joy out of life :)


I am 53 and only just recently heard the term HS in association with ADHD.  I started reading and think that may be what I am, I am not sure.  I am undiagnosed with ADHD and HS, but when I think about the things I do and how I do things, it only makes sense.


16 and It’s not getting much better


M33. I’ve had a strong urge for sexual things since my early teen years, even though I didn’t actually lose my virginity until my mid-20s (I grew up in a very conservative household). I first started to realize that it may actually be hypersexuality and not merely standard “horniness” when I entered my 30s and the feelings remained even though I was past puberty and a full adult. The hardest part is, due to being disabled, having social anxiety, and living in a conservative environment, I’m forced to experience these feelings and urges without the ability to “purge” them (ie, experience sexual activity with another person). It’s truly hell, sometimes.


I’m 31F. It’s gotten worse outwardly as I’ve gotten older. I think because I used to care what people thought so I tried my best to control it and would find other ways to keep myself busy or I obsessed about it but kept it to myself. Now I don’t care as much what others think so I’ve just kinda accepted my hypersexuality. I had to take on the “slut” role (which I’ve found the silver lining in that, lemonade from lemons 😉). I also am very open sexually online. I am trying to only pick partners who match my libido going forward instead of suppress my own. Idk. It feels like my hypersexuality is at an all time high but better than trying to control it.


Im 23F . Been hypersexual since I was a kid as a trauma response to my childhood trauma and my hypersexuality has never gone away


M63 and it just keeps getting stronger. Every fucking day. 


26. Been this way since like 11


Same but I’m 28


M 46. Been Hypersexual since I was 14


M41 here. Not only was I hypersexual but kept naive in my youth and then married a woman who turned out was gay at 23. Been divorced a few years now and figuring things out.


God that sounds fucking horrible man....


43M same, trauma and autism related, noticed no difference with time, just able to manage it better.


41 and the term is relatively still new to me. Have ADHD tendencies and bipolar family history but have always been able to function through it. Still figuring out what it means. I have a high sex drive but don’t put myself in the difficult positions others have mentioned but I realized for me it’s about constant intrusive thoughts. It has driven my behavior and the actions in order to “make time” for that behavior Early in my journey and making progress so feel for all those in here who have realized it early and still coming to terms with what it all means.




41 and it sucks


47 since i was 17


HS since I was a child, I’m talking pre-K/literally since I can remember due to having been sexually abused. Now 41, my HS has blunted the past 3-ish yrs. Reasons I suspect are a combination of meds (to treat my PTSD), having a high-stress job/working multiple jobs for many years and simply being way too tired and not having a lot of free time, cycling in and out of being suicidal, and purposely avoiding porn. I’ve seen a sort of resurgence with my HS the past year or so, ironically likely because I am in a much better place psychologically, but it’s definitely at a level I can control (due at least in part to better decision-making/I’ve been burned way too many times I finally learned my lesson). I am single and do not date and know I wouldn’t be able to maintain a monogamous relationship anyway. I don’t foresee myself ever being in a relationship ever again and a primary worry I have (that I keep pushed in the back of my brain) is how, when I eventually become a decrepit old lady, will I ever find a sexual partner(s)? I have two right now and an occasional third. The two are nearly 10 yrs my junior…….ideally I can just keep fucking them forever, but that’s unlikely. The third……….while he would be a good partner, he knows I can’t be monogamous, and his sex drive does not satisfy mine anyway. Sucks to suck. I’ve accepted this as my fate.


I'm 26 MTF trans, I've been this way since I was about 8 years old I think?


M33. I've been like this since I was 12, for reasons I'd imagine you can guess. It hasn't abated since and at times it's hard to get much of anything else out of my head.


M 29


M64. I also thought I was normal until my30-40's. My HS is just starting to recede - slightly. The desire isn't leaving - it's the uncontrollable lust that seems to be leaving me.


17 (M)


I’m 25 and have felt this way since I can remember but I don’t know if it was just me or from being touched at young age but it’s stayed constant


I’ve had hypersexual disorder my whole life… starting with some core childhood memories at the age of 6 (no trauma though, as far as I am aware) and masturbating from the age of 9 onward. I was officially diagnosed at 17… I’m 38 now.


16f and have trouble with it every day...




20 started around 10-14 I think not certain


39 and it’s going strong. Been sexually active since about 15.


M26 here. Have been hypersexual since I was 12 and exasperated by my conservative upbringing


34 here, been hypersexual since I was a kid and it keeps getting stronger. I don’t hate it in the moment and am extremely impulsive with it. After the fact is a different story but that doesn’t stop me from having dirty chats/experiences. 🤷‍♂️


21... I've been hypersexual since I was 3 sooo if this ain't getting more bearable... That really sucks.




Yep... I mean the sexual things go back to all the way then. I'm ADHD and Autistic too so that's why.


Have you talked to a psychologist about it?


No... I'm recently self diagnosed autistic so this all is very new to me - I need to get help tho, you're right. If I medicate, I might just be able to fix myself... Maybe.


Yeah you definitely need therapy


Okay... I get it. It's already so much of a shame.


I get the feeling of shame but its gonna be worth it with the right therapist trust me


I did get one :)) been learning a lot, learning why I didn't learn before... Etc. Praise God I feel hope as of now again. So yeah ty for this.


M35 and can confirm I'm hornier than in my 20s I feel. But I do enjoy it thus far
