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Personally I exercise regularly to get endorphins other ways and burn off some energy. This is a good way to keep things at a "simmer" day to day I find. Doesn't need to be an ultramarathon but something that gets your HR up and you get endorphins from with a slight ache in the muscles the next day. The main way that I cope is by painting model miniatures. Your version of that might be card tricks, coin tricks, crochet, knitting, anything that needs your focus and uses fine motor skills. It needs to be something that interests you, uses fine motor skills and draws your focus and attention. Hope these help.


Thanks! Unfortunately, I hate manual, detailed work, but exercising aggressively is probably a good plan. I do move - mostly biking, hiking and running - but it is hard when I am in a spiral.


I can relate with the exercise when spiralling but it does stop it getting *too* bad for me. It doesn't have to be manual and detailed just something that draws your focus and attention. An engaging distraction. Once you find what that is for you (friend of mine is learning to draw from YouTube videos) then that will help.


Exercising aggressively is exactly what I need 💯


Go to the gym and just work out for a solid two hours. Focus on a solid regimen that's going to really make you sweat and the endorphin release will hold you over. Run a mile, do some stairmaster and if your local gym has a full body circuit do it 3 times.


For me it usually ends up with physical exercise followed with quiet time/meditation. That is just me though. The name mechapossumz is fuckin adorable and made me gigglesnort. Than you very much.


Aw, thanks. Maybe I wasted it on my "I am actually unstable" account ahah


It's impossible to waste such a cool name.


Therapy is a good outlet to help you learn how to manage some of these feelings. Often times, it also helps you recognize certain patterns so you can better manage HS in your life. You have to get used to denying your impulses as well as processing why you feel that way. I find it really helped me get things to a much more manageable place. Especially if your able to find a healthy outlet like writing or drawing to help release some of those feelings in a way you won't feel gross or shameful about afterwards. Self care can also be helpful because when you feel good, and you look good, you usually tend to be in better spirits. So some light exercise or even just taking some time to give yourself little spa treatments can help improve how you feel or take your mind off those impulses.


I am on a waiting list - as I am not a danger to myself, I am treated as a low priority case. But it is affecting my life.


I got out of a v severe 3 month long episode by lifting. I started spending hours at the gym again between working out, deep stretching, sauna, hot tub, cold showers etc. Like i do still get horny here and there (i found out cycling gets me extremely worked up?). Also threw away my vibrator and stopped looking at porn which was hard to do


I've recently discovered that a very large amount of my anxiety manifests as HS symptoms. I've started to work on discerning where the anxiety is coming from specifically so I can try to find relief. Therapy is helping with this as well. Good luck, I know this shit is hard


Holy shit I've actually never met someone with this same problem I hate about myself.




Dealing with HS myself. Tried a ton of things, including off label usage for anaphrodisiacs. Not to rain on your parade but 1. Acupuncture is, as far as we know, quackery without any scientific basis 2. Hypersexuality itself is debatable as far as diagnosis go by current medical professionals, as if it's not a symptom of something else 3. The study you posted has n=1. That means the hypothesis was tested one one single person. It has no statistical significance. To make an actual study: 1. You get >50 people as diverse as possible and split them in two groups. All those people must have the same condition 2. You apply the treatment to one group and a fake treatment to the other, control group. he people applying the treatment don't know if they are doing the fake one. 3. You compare results and the control group must show the fake treatment to be no better than chance, and see how many recovered. The actual treated group should have significantly better recovery rate than the control group The study you posted is basically saying "this thing worked once for one guy". That's really bad science, given how the condition itself is debatable, and acupuncture isn't really known to have any effects, except probably minute burns, given how it is supposed to work. Qi, meridians and imbalances in energies aren't things we have proven to exist using scientific methods.


Did you figure it out? I won’t be able to see my regular FWB today and it’s taking all my will power to not sleep with a random person from tinder or bumble. Im so worked up and am about to burst…


For me I've been working out hard as fuck and only think about sex like a quarter of the time I used to. I'm talking like 30min-1hr of cardio then about an hour of lifting then another 30ish min of really hard cardio and a 15min cool down. Kills time and my drive apparently. Even through the next day I still feel pretty focused on real life.


When I feel the urge, I open up my yoga mat and focus energy there. As someone else said, I also hit the sauna at the gym and sweat it out as well..


Physical activity, filling up my schedule and making myself too busy, and finding dopamine rushes in other things work on and off for me.


The bad thing is that I ignore my damn schedule. I will sign back up to the gym tough :)


Deep breaths and focus it on the area where you’re feeling the horniness most (if you can pinpoint it) then try to release it with the exhale. Repeat


Genuinely just go out to a park and go for a walk and relax with the sun on your face try and empty your mind and enjoy nature