• By -


EZ, the furry.


Totally. You'll get used to them in the suit, and as long as they are just a friendly happy person, who cares what they are wearing? All the others sound awful with no redeeming qualities.


The "chatty" part was the potential deal breaker for me, but stacked up against the other options, I guess I could deal with it.


I'm mildly opposed to overly chatty neighbors as a general rule. That's more of a problem for me than the fur suit.


Same, friend. Same.


Same. And even then the furry's the best option 🤷🏿‍♂️


A few days before Christmas, I had come home from work and had just enough daylight to mow my front lawn which was pretty overgrown. I knocked out one side, crossed the driveway to do the other side, and was accosted by my old, retired, shut-in neighbor from across the street. I exchanged pleasantries and mentioned how I'm trying to finish the yard before it gets dark, want it to look good for Christmas, etc. Dude wasted 10 minutes of my daylight talking about nothing, then got offended when I kind of cut him off and said I need to get this done. I had to finish the last part of the yard with a freakin headlamp. Maybe he'll be offended enough to fuck off when he sees me now, but I somehow doubt that.


While that's fair, there is something nice about neighbors friendly enough to come over and chat when you're in the yard working or grilling. Even if they have different lifestyles, it's fun to get someone else's perspective on life. It keeps you from being in a echo chamber. Except for the racist dudes. They can keep their opinion.


I leave early for work and get home late. It took me nearly two years to meet my current neighbors. I don't see this as a problem


I interpreted it as 'starts a conversation whenever they see you' thing


I mean, as long as that conversation doesn't start with uWu I think I could deal with it


so UwU is fine?


wait, you telling me that's case sensitive?


Oh man wait till you find out Owo


I'm not gonna lie; I care a little bit.


Fair enough.


i care but the furry is just lviing life and not really bothering me that much, the others are actively being annoying and potentially dangerous


The furry thing is a distraction from being very chatty WHENEVER they see you. At least the drug addict sometimes isn't annoying.


No, I'll take the furry. I lived next door to a drug addict that was ok when he wasn't using and a nightmare when he was. I'll take the chatty furry any day. At least they will be nice when I say, "nice talking to you, I have to go inside now."


But to mention being violent when high is a deal breaker there.


Yeah, chatty is one thing, but not stopping or listening is pretty annoying. So that all depends on the chat level.


And when hes in the bad stage all your shit disappears to fund his next fix... Ask me how I know.


At least the furry isn't going to break into your house and steal your shit to fund a drug addiction.


The racist is old. There’s a slight redeeming quality of not occupying the home much longer lol. I kinda like the religious person. Just host a few orgies and invite them over to convert them to my religion 🤣


As long as the neighbor does not try to flirt with my dog - we are cool.


You could make bank by getting them to pose or something.


That one's just annoying and a little off putting. I'd take that over a violent, hateful, pushy, or outright asshole neighbor any day.


Yeah, at least the furry's annoying quality comes from a place of friendliness instead of just being a jerk like the others.


Easiest choice you could make. Dude isn't annoying, doesn't cause any problems and sounds friendly.


He is the most flammable one.


nope, that'd be #5, the heretic


Unless he's a prior of the Ori I don't think so much that makes him more flammable...


I do love a Stargate SG-1 reference.


Halo be the ori!


Hallowed are the Ori!


This was my first thought. As someone who unintentionally yet serendipitously found their way into FurCon; aside from the puppy play fetish/stigma, it's pretty wholesome subculture. Just because someone dresses up in a 5k animal suit, doesn't mean they want to be sexual. Some people just want to be in that furred up regalia around other people who want to be in that furred up regalia, or even in that furred up regalia around other people who don't want to be in that furred up regalia.


So there is one thing I will say, for the love of god build a fan into your suit and wear a LOT of deodorant. So long as the furry is chatty on their side of the street cool.


That… or, hear me out: stupid sexy Flanders…


I am a furry. Free friend.


Furry. No question. They're almost always harmless. Weird but harmless.


Used to live next to a very hardcore furry. I'm talking always at least has their ears on, barked at their dog, got mad if you referred to them as human, etc. Otherwise they were pretty cool. They did art and tried to teach me to draw. They got evicted cause the smell coming from their apartment was so horrendous you could smell it from down stairs. Turns out they were pissing on the floor.


What's the opposite of "had me in the first half, not gonna lie"


Had me in the second half. I am lying to you.


"way to bury the lede" works...


>Turns out they were pissing on the floor. That's some next-level commitment to the lifestyle.


Pets usually don't piss on the floor tho




Damnit couldve had a cool neighbor


That just sounds like a weird modern art performance at that point.


I have a housemate who pisses on his floor and shits in his room. He's not a furry, just a disgusting individual. Landlord doesn't evict him because he "does work" around the building. Except he *ready doesn't* cuz so many unacknowledged problems.


if i had a neighbor who WASN'T furry who would always try to talk to me, i'd lose my shit.


That's the only one I don't already have. From my porch: left of us is the meth mechanic (works on cars 24 hours a day for a few days and then we don't see him for a couple days) who sometimes gets the cops called for violence, across the street are 3-5 rotating 20-somethings who play loud music and drag race around town, racist is next door to them on the left, Bible thumpers are around the corner to the right and keep leaving pamphlets on our door because I refuse to open it for anyone and you can't blame me in this neighborhood. I'd trade the whole lot of them for furries.


It would be a lot cooler if you were the furry.


The others I can atleast report if they cross a line. Furrys weird me out in general I want nothing to do with them if I can help it. The deeper into the hobby the weirder they get and the ones who sexualise animal parts disgust me. If its the lesser said of the scale aka they don't bother me with the hobby or flaunt it in my face etc then I don't care. Clearly this neighbour would be one of the bad ones but maybe not disgusting level. Out of the list the furry is hardest to get rid of if they cross the line. The rest I can either report to the cops or housing if they cross the line which they 90% chance definitely will. Hell out of these I'm picking the druggy. Best case scenario I never have to interact with them. Worst case it gets violent I lock the door and call the cops. I'm definitely not picking the person who doesn't understand personal space and has a stalker level of obsession with being socially accepted and validated regardless of if you tell them to get lost. That's incel behaviour just wrapped up in a potentially perverted suit.


Exactly this.


If they really commit to the animal bit, a spray bottle of water may be enough to get them to leave you alone


Furry sounds fine, I’m not going to be embarrassed by what someone else is wearing.


I don’t care what he wears. I don’t want to talk to my neighbors. In and out with no acknowledgment


Furry. No contest.


Nasty old racist he doesn't like me. I don't like him. We leave each other alone. Perfect neighbor


Until he calls the police on you for literally anything you do. You and the local PD realize this guy is crazy, he possibly gets arrested for harassment or spamming 911 with pointless calls.


Should have really gone with a more extreme furry personality. Wearing a fur suit and talking to people is the mellow end of the spectrum.


you would think but there are a good amount of people that would rather have a racist or drug addict vs a furry. I mean A lot would want a furry but still more then you would think would rather not.


I've had at least three racist neighbors and can say their house could be on fire. They could be shot and bleeding out. They whole family could be held hostage at gun point, and they still will not come and bother you. I'm OK with my neighbors not liking or speaking to me as long as they keep that shit over there. I can confirm the police have never been called on me. I once saw my neighbor fall off his roof, and the guy just told me to get off his property he was 75, and his wife was 67. The dude stayed on the ground until some firemen showed up 40 mins later.


I have nothing against furries, but I'd take the racist or violent addict any day to avoid the ultimate evil of having a neighbor who tries to talk to me. I'd end up trapped inside for life if I couldn't get out without conversation.


If they weren't an overly chatty furry, I wouldn't have a problem with them I choose the old racist because they seem to be the least chatty and can say from experience they keep they shit to themselves.


I’m white I’ll call the police right back on him. Hypothetically.


Yeah this is like the easiest choice ever. All of the options are awful but it sounds like this guy doesn't seem you out like the rest do for the purpose of annoying you.


“I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.” \-Ron Swanson


Ngl...I'm having all kinds of shorties pull up, whether it's sexual or not, especially White women. 😂😂😂 racism and bigotry ain't enough to get under my skin, but the thought of who I MIGHT be penetrating and being the latest topic of who he's hating, that's dope to me. I love haters.


I've lived in my apartment complex for almost 3 years now and I've run into my neighbors in public like twice. The furry is for sure the best option by a wide margin.


Bring on the Furry... I will even hook them up with gifts related to their fursona if they are otherwise awesome neighbors


fursona. Love it!


I can't claim the invention of the term, I saw it in some online forums related to kink, and furries just happened to be commenting....


Furry all day. To paraphrase George Carlin, it's a victimless hobby, and think how good the cat must feel!


Definitely the Furry, and if I ever have an IT issue like my router bein on the fritz, they’d be able to help!


The furry. Why would I not choose the furry?


well truth be told it is the better of all of them but my idea was since they try and talk to you a lot even in public it would make a good amount of people feel embarrassed since you would be seen with a furry and they are not really liked in real life by most normal people.


"Oh no, I have been witnessed conversing with an Undesirable, how will I cope."


You should have made the furry more annoying. Perhaps the furry would shit on your lawn or something.


Fuck, man. If dude wants to wear a furry suit that's on them. I'm not going to not make small talk with nice neighbors, assuming they are nice. And if someone wants to judge me for talking to fursuit neighbor, fuck them. I don't want to know that person anyway. Hell, if furry neighbor is attractive I might get my own fursuit, or at least get theirs off. Maybe they're like reverse furry, where they only want it off when fucking. Idk their hypothetical deal, man.


I wouldn't feel embarrassed by him being a furry, but I hate anyone who wants to talk to me all the time without being in my inner circle, so this is the worst choice for me. I pick whoever leaves me alone the most. Probably the religious zealot. Once I've said no a couple times, I won't feel bad about just ignoring them when they persist.


If I picked a furry, they would step outside of the house in their suit during the summer. They've get heatstroke in under 5min in my area of Texas


I honestly wouldn't care


The racist guy, only bc he'll at least be the most likely to leave me tf alone


Unless you're not of his race, or even better, you are, but no one else in your family is. Racist people who "are forced into diversity and the mixing of races" tend to be very active in showing their hate for people. I dealt with this as a child, and the racists weren't even my neighbors. They just had to drive past my house frequently. Killed them seeing a white family in the hood, and getting along just fine with their neighbors. My mom's car was spray painted with Racist slurs, the sidewalk in front of our house as well. My bedroom windows were broken out twice with death threats tied to a brick. Racists, grapists and pedos should have a season in which we can hunt them...


Yeah fr I hate grapists 😭


The Furry. Who else?


The answer is clearly the rich furry person. it means you live in a much better neighborhood and make more money yourself so you can be in the better neighborhood. They're likely also a full time programmer and either trans or a femmeboy and ever so likely a sub so... yeah that route.


Im gonna fuck the furry.


please do not fuck the furry unless said furry wants to be fucked thank you.


Doesn't say if the racist old man is chatty. If he's not persistently chatty I can avoid talking to him by pretending not to speak English or telling him once what I think of his opinions and telling him not to talk to me ever again. Otherwise the drug addict.


More than likely he's the 'get off my lawn' type but otherwise keeps to himself.


Furry. Friendly people are better than rude people no matter how they choose to dress.


The furry. I have yet to meet one that's not mostly alright IRL. Even when they're very sexual about it, they're not much more degenerate about it than your average weeb or gamer




If I'm the same race as 3, I'll pick him. Otherwise, the furry.


You’re the first to admit it and I may be the second.


I'll take the furry over the rest.


I’ll happily take the furry


It would honestly be awesome to have a Furry neighbor. Theyre definitely invited to the barbecue!


2 or 4, its a toss up


Give me the overzealous religious neighbor. I'll level. I'm going to engage him, I'm going to let him think I'm interested in conversion, I'm going to make him think it's working, that we're friends even...and then I'm gonna break him. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I've always found thise who rely on a spaghetti monster in the sky for their identity to be particularly easy to shatter. And human despair is just delectable.


Really depends if they are just overly religious or overzealous religious. The first you could probably do. The second would probably kill you.


*try* to kill me. Hopefully on video for both my exonoration in court and your entertainment on the internet


I too find Pastafarians to be easily thrown off balance and mentally unstable in general.


Never pissed off a cult before eh? The problem is they come in groups.


I've actually had the displeasure of living next to everyone on this list but 2. Every furry I have personally met so far, seem to be nice people insofar as people are nice. So definitely 2, the furry.


The furry. Mf will be my new best friend for all I care. Especially if they made their own suit, mfs take a lot of skill and dedication


I’ve had everyone of these types of neighbors except the furry. Numbers 1 3 4 often result in cops being called. They also pose a danger indirectly or directly to you. Number 3 might just attack you. Number 1 often has drug users and gang members present at their house. Number 4 occasionally has police for fighting and ambulances for drug oding at parties. I’m thinking the furry might be best simply because they have a less chance of causing me problems.


FURRY. The end.


Ill take the furry.


Absolutely The furry. I can live with the somewhat awkwardness


I'm taking the furry.


Out of all of them probably the furry


I’ll take the furry easily, not like I’m the one wearing the fursuit and the other neighbours all sound like a nuisance


The furry, I can friendly with them at my convenience, and distant when I want. And when they see me in public, if someone asks "who is that" I go "oh that's just my neighbor, he's a furry, but pretty chill." I've known a few, they arent bad.


Give me the Furry. Probably the nicest of the bunch.


I'm sad that the Furry is even on the list with these losers. The Furry, obviously.


Any of them except 4, because I don't see or talk to the ones o already have. Number 5, I'd just go and shut the door on them if they don't take no for an answer. That leaves 4 as the only real problem.


I'll go with the drug addict. He might prove useful.


I have -NEVER- seen a fury but I know they're out there. But even so.... Furry one would be super easy to avoid.


You probably have met a furry and just don’t know it. I’ve known at least three, and all three of them didn’t tell me they were a furry until after we’d been good friends for over a year and I’d made it clear I’m not judgemental about harmless choices. Most furries keep it secret in their day-to-day life bc there’s so much stigma—which makes the fact that neighbor 2 is so confident in themselves and willing to face that stigma to be happy really cool.


>You probably have met a furry and just don’t know it. And this is just another reason why the furry is the best choice. Unless you're going inside your neighbor's house, they probably aren't going to be in full costume when you talk to them anyway.


5; I like arguing with zealots.


Furry for sure. Everyone has their quirks, who am I to judge?


I would go with #1. "... **known** for being rude and **violent** when high..." If I had to kill him, it would be easier to defend my actions in court, at least compared to the others you listed.


2 sounds like a chill person who I’d enjoy having as a neighbor, all the others sound like bad neighbors. Idk why them dressing in a different way than I do is supposed to make me dislike them?




Man, I lived within a block of all of these but 2 at once. I'll take the furry.


Yeah, no contest, the furry.


2 I've had all of them but the furry. Ideally any future furry neighbours will not be into zoophilia or plushophilia.


The Furry easily.


The Furry, I know quite a few, so wouldn't be a problem other than over chatty, but would still be low inconvenience.


Can it be all of them somehow? Racist, furry, jehova witness teens on drugs with an old man running the trap bitching to the HOA about your lawn.


I feel like this would lead to a insane war in the neighborhood :)


I'm talking about all the same neighbor.


All the same. Crackhead JW racist old furry that drag races up and down the street at 2am.


3 those are fun to talk with.


Furry for sure.


2 no question


The furry is the only polite one. I’ll take a nice human with some interesting hobbies over a bunch of rude people


Religious guy. One of the purest joys in my life is messing with religious bigots


The Furry


Furry hands down.


The furry. I'm in Oregon so this would be considered normal anyways.


Furry. Periodt. And in this hypothetical, i choose to believe that the furry is actually cool as hell, and funny as fuck. So we just vibin




The furry. No question. All of those other things are objectively awful. The furry is just odd.


Furry 1000%


I'ma be honest, furries squick me out. But furry is the obvious choice here. Loud music neighbors are the obvious fuck no, not in a million years.


You get #3 for free just by living in my city


I'll take the zealot. I love a good religious debate, and if they're a real asshole I bet I can scare them off.


Dude, the furry. Yeah, being a furry isn't my thing, but it doesn't affect me. The rest affect me.


#5, easy to ignore and not dangerous.




Furry, I've got a hunting li ense if things get out of hand.


The chatty furry for SURE. Not my kink but it's the closest I'm ever going to get to living in a cartoon. Just nonchalantly chatting up a giant beaver. Hell, I've had worse nights out.


4 that’s just my friend group anyway


The furry seems the least disruptive


Furry please.


I choose the furry. I’m not much into chatty neighbors, but I can be pretty hard to catch.


Deifnifely the furry


Honestly, the furry. Doesn't bother me any what other people do as long as they don't force me into their way of doing things, and their way of doing things doesn't hurt anyone else. The furry is just vibing in their furrsuit. They aren't trying to convert me into a furry, and aren't impending my life in any way like loud parties and such would. They're just doing their thing and say hi when you see them. 🤷‍♂️


Furry friend! They sound friendly, the others sound violent or disruptive. If they talk to me to the point of harassment in public then they will get the police called just the same, but at least they seem like they might be someone I could hang with. Plus, lots of furries are nerds like me, may have hobbies in common.


Furry, for the win.


No contest - the furry!


I already have #3, I suppose it could be worse.


5, I have fun with these types. Had one before. We dressed up as devils and demons for halloween and made sure to hit their hose first 😂. And my kid and I would dress up as siths with red light sabres and fight the neighbors jedi kids.


2, 3, and 5 can be kept at bay with no trespassing and no soliciting signs so I'd go with one of those.


The religious one. I’ve been telling people I’m an atheist and their god is fake for most my life. I can do it to this guy too.


100% the furry. Because I like the fursuit :D


Nasty old man lol I'd have so much fun antagonizing him!


tbh 4 is the only one who would leave me alone.


Depending on if they're one of those "Being a Furry is my fetish and my fetish is my entire life" then I'd be fine with that. Otherwise the old guy isn't going to last very long so I'll have a new neighbour soon


Are you in NE Washington?


Furry. Always pick the furry. Out of those, they’re the most harmless, most friendly, and let’s be honest, if they can afford a fursuit, they are probably doing pretty well for themselves so aren’t going to be thing to steal from you or convert you like 1 and 5


Number 2, no question. In my mind she's a slightly chubby brunette with big tits who dresses like a squirrel. (I fear I've said too much.)


I'll take the religious neighbors please. They knock on my door the first time, I politely decline. Second time, I say no more forcefully. Third time and beyond, I answer naked. Possibly fully erect as well


The old racist. Seems like the only one who would mind their own business.


Give me the chatty furry, hands down. They can have all their furry friends over in fursuits for all I give a sh. Lol


Gonna go with the Furry at least the ones I have known were mostly sane besides the strange fetishes. But Drug addict would always be chosen last because the last thing I want is some annoying Vanilla Ice Tweaker in the neighborhood.


So easy. The furry sounds delightful. I’m weird and love weird people. Weird that it’s even an option given the other options.


The furry seems the most tolerable.


I think I'd go with the furry. They aren't beeing disruptive, dangerous, or a public nuisance. They're just being themselves.


Furry for sure. I would not want to be around an addict as they sound like they might start stealing if they need that next fix. Racists are annoying and evil, the kids would make sleeping a PITA, and as an atheist I would not want anyone pushing religion on me


I have no problem ignoring annoying overly chatty neighbors. The Furry is the answer here.


A neighbor that likes me and stories for ages, I don't see the downside to the furry.


2. I’d love to have furry neighbors.


1. I'm 56 and can out blast those "young adults" music-wise any day of the week. I used to go to CBGBs hardcore matinees and can afford an amazing sound system at this point in my life. The only person I'm scared of pissing off at this point in my life is my wife and she'll side with me in this competition. Bring it on! 2. I may not have hit the hard stuff but I've had (& lost) friends who have. I can deal with #1 and maybe even help them out. 3. I've never met a furry I didn't like. I may not want to deal with them 24/7 but every single one of them has been respectful of that fact and respected the simple "not now." Not even close to a question about having them as a neighbor. 4. Numbers 3 & 5 can go right fuck off. They'll dread having ME AND MY WIFE as a neighbor.


On my left I have a God bothering religious Karen nutjob who complained about "all the leaves" on my lawn when I moved in. There was like 20 leaves. On my left across the street I have a drunk old man who straight up told me "well I'm just glad we don't have ANOTHER fagg\*t on the street." He grunted and shuffled away when I told him I'm gay. And said over his shoulder "well just don't bring over any n\*\*\*\*\*s, they got diseases we don't got" And on my right a religious nutso who invited me to her church. She formed a cross when I told her I was a Buddhist. If I had a furry neighbor we'd be best friends.


The furry. The rest are far worse


Furry. Easily.


Well, since I'm in my 50s, I'm going for the older racist. Now, I have a new mission in life to give that old racist POS twat a heart attack or stroke for humanity's benefit. 😇


Furry - What's their furrysuit?


Definitely number 5. Only cuz I'M super religious and I would uno reverse and convert them


2. It would be awkward at first... but a friendly neighbor is always nice to have... even if they are weird.


OP is a furry


The furry. They may be weird, but they sound friendly enough!


The furry.