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I love you ladies and there are definitely some advantages to womanhood… But I’ve seen my wife doubled over in agony with menstrual cramps. I’ve seen her have to use disgusting porta-potties at concerts and campsites and have to _go in and sit down to pee_ (while I snuck off behind the nearest tree and peed to my heart’s content). Ladies are wonderful but nothing will ever beat writing your name in the snow with your own pee…. So no. Not a chance.


And if anyone is still unsure, ask their partner "name one time, just one, that you've felt unsafe" They won't be able to do it, because they'll have a billion stories of being followed at the local shopping centre, or having someone get rapist-vibes aggressive with them while trying to refuel at night or being drooled over by men in their forties while 12 years old in a swimsuit at the pool or having to take the long way home / detour past the police station because a suspicious car followed them. Just off the top of my head I can think of a story my wife told me about driving home one night from work, and a car pulled up behind her at the lights, started honking madly and driving aggressively. She was shit scared and ended up driving half an hour back to work where she knew someone would be there and she could have access to a phone to call the police if necessary. They eventually left, not to be seen again, but I'm fortunate that I've never experienced that as a man, and I don't wish it upon anyone.


Guys: "I would like it if women came onto me like that!" Me: "No you wouldn't. You'd only like it if it was attention from the women you *want attention from*. They don't like unattractive women grabbing them, or gay men, etc. Funny how agency works....


I mean, I got my biceps felt up by a drunk gay dude once, said I was hot and looked buff. It honestly has stuck with me and helped me get through some insecurities I was having. Men rarely if ever get hit on directly especially not to the level of being creeped out. It would definitely get tiring for a lot of people if it was constant. But a little bit is great for your mental well being in some cases. Women need to be more open about their attraction to others, and men need to stop using both heads when making decisions on if it's appropriate to do something to a complete stranger you find hot.


Dude with you, I actually went to Fantasy Fest in Key West in Drag. I am not gay, totally straight but not a homophobe, it is just kind of a long running thing people do. Anyways, my buddy came into town with his girlfriend and he bought himself what I could only describe as a swiss milkmaid outfit, and fake boobs to go with it that poured shots. It is a big drinking festival. Anyways, he bought her this little skimpy lederhosen outfit, half shirt and a stitch to accentuate the rear of a well figured person as well as the blonde pigtail wig to match. She was like no way I am wearing that. So, I am like fuck it buddy lets fucking see how crazy we can get, he is like no you won't,we have been buddies since high school, so when I was like oh fuck yes I will, he was like shit this is going to be a night. Anyways to get to the point, I was just being an asshat and having a good time, but I got proposition by dudes, couples and even a fuck ton of single women that I was like fuck it, maybe drag is my best me. I am married so I politely declined all avances. I jest about it, but it is absolutely flattering to be desired and I don't think people realize men appreciate it as much as if not more than women. It is very rare that it is overtly done to us, so it really sticks out when it happens.


Yea that's true and terrible. My wife doesn't have many stories, but a couple things happened that frightened her. That said, men are more likely to be victims of personal crime, much more likely to be murdered, much more likely to die at work and much more likely to commit suicide.


Most crimes happen to men. True. They are more in danger in most environments, but not all.


Here's the part that is crazy. Assume that last example *did* happen to you as a man, some car pulls up behind you at a light and starts honking and driving reckless. ... You'd just think they were drunk and that bit had literally nothing to do with you. It'd be annoying. Sure. But scared? You, a target? Wouldn't even enter the mind.


I’d be scared and also called names for being scared. My anxiety about those situations is through the roof but as a man I am not supposed to admit that.


That’s great and all but FEELING unsafe and being unsafe are 2 different things. Women can FEEL unsafe all they want but MEN are FAR MORE LIKELY to have violent crimes committed against them


In general, more crime happens to men, the robberies, assaults, murders, something like 86%. Of course, everyone thinks of rape, of course it happens more to women. Maybe 15 years ago, I read that 10% of reported rapes happen to men (I’m in Dallas, TX) however, men don’t report rapes as often, so who knows? The world is dangerous.


>Of course, everyone thinks of rape, of course it happens more to women. It actually happens more to men. However if you exclude the entire prison population, then yes, women report being raped more than men report it.


I'd like to know how those stats line up with the stats of men being involved in things like drug dealing and gang fights. I bet if the violent crimes associated with the victim's voluntary participation in violent and/or illegal activity were taken out, that balance would change a lot.


Now you’re victim blaming…so in your mind sex workers deserve bad things to happen to them too?


I'm not saying any of it is deserved, I am definitely saying that violent crimes associated with participating in these things shouldn't count as being an inherent danger of being male or female.


"Lifestyle choice" seems like a really subjective way to draw a line. I assume you'd want to remove the same "high risk lifestyle choice" women from your curated statistics too. Where do you draw the line for the high risk behavior? Living in south Chicago?


Of course, if both sides of the equation aren't handled equally, it's fake numbers. Wherever the line sits for one side, it sits in the same place for the other. The discussion is about whether simply existing as a man or woman is more dangerous. And I specified "violent and/or illegal," living in a particular area is neither. But also, neither is walking alone at night. Or having a few drinks at a party. But both of those are significantly more risky for one than the other.


So you'd eliminate people using drugs (of any type recreationally, including marijuana) I assume, unless you're looking at one of the handful where it's legal. But you'll include people in high risk professions


What about dangerous jobs? Genuine question


I did specify "dangerous and/or illegal." So unless you're talking about being a hit man or something crazy, it's not what I was talking about. But I was also talking about violent crimes specifically, not accidents. I'm sure there are more men in dangerous jobs, not sure how that tips the overall balance.


Also isn’t it that, men are victims only slightly more? But yeah, when people bring these stats, they present them as if regular men are more likely to be attacked than regular women. But a large part of is just gang violence. Also women walk in groups and are wayyyyy more wary of their surroundings.


That's what I was getting at - who's more at risk doing normal daily activities - walking across a parking lot, riding public transportation, etc.


Holy fuck that's crazy. They followed her a half hour back to work?


Even if it wasn't painful who wants to deal with a period? Every month?? FOR HOW MANY YEARS??? **EVEN IF I GET SURGERY SO I CANT GET PREGNANT???** The weird thing is I hear women complaining about all the things that are women specific. Periods (not to mention cramps), discrimination, being physically weaker biologically, being able to get pregnant and the never ending drumbeat to take away their right to get an abortion. I hear their list and I'm like wow yeah that shit all really sucks. Then I ask would they rather be a man? I don't know if I've ever had one answer yes. On the other hand if you asked me if I'd rather have been born white I'd be at least a maybe and depending on the day I might even say yes.


For me, I wouldn’t want to be a man because I just feel like a woman. It feels like part of my identity. I have traditionally feminine interests and connect with people in traditionally feminine ways. I couldn’t be a man for one because the way they make fun of their friends to bond would hurt my feelings haha. I had to teach my husband not to do it with me


Yeah being a woman sucks but I really enjoy being a mom to girls.




Most men didn't like it as kids, it's a cultural process of learning to accept a certain type of insult as a friendly thing, and a different kind as a threat. I wouldn't be surprised if there were analogous ways in which young women don't like how other young women acted towards them, and had to learn what was pro-social vs anti-social within womens' social groups.


this is the answer!


Same actually. I still feel like if I was a dude my childhood and overall happiness would have been better and easier. Soley based on environment and physical strength. Other than those two things I do like being a woman too.


Being white isn't all that great. Sunburns, can't jump, get blamed for all the world's problems... I'm happy to be white, black, and Mexican all in one. All the genetic perks of all three, don't burn easily, can run, jump, and swim... but I still get blamed for all the world's problems because nobofy ever believes I'm mixed. Oh well.


Yep, love having my racial and ethnic history erased by white college girls and their simps because the views I'm expressing are inconvenient to them in the moment. They don't want inclusion and diversity they just want to use that as a wedge to gain power.


Statistically speaking being white is great in the West. Despite all the propaganda white people get disproportionately more of the resources and leadership positions.


I mean I'm not even white but can't that be because they're the majority of the population? They're 60% of the population as of 2021 and I imagine if you go further back in time they were higher. It would be kinda weird if a country was majority one race, they didn't hold majority of things lol.


That's pretty much it. Yes, in the past, there were injustices that prevented non-white people from attaining the positions the previous commenter spoke of, and today, there are some people who have directly benefited from those injustices. But today, there really isn't anything keeping people down for those who actively strive for it. If anything, non-white, non-Asian people had affirmative action pushing to get them in school (whether the merits of affirmative action actually helped is another discussion), not to mention all the DEI policies that actively seek minorities for positions, regardless if they are the best qualified.


>But today, there really isn't anything keeping people down for those who actively strive for it. Bullshit. We can measure racism and sexism in society (google 'how to measure racism', 'how to measure sexism'). It's active and on-going. It's better than it used to be and it's partly because of affirmative action.


Ah, Google. The authority on everything. Look, I'm not saying racism does not exist, but at the same time, rac is simply a social construct designed to separate people based on physical traits. If you actively look for racism, you're going to find it in places it doesn't exist, while missing the actual racism. That's how President Biden got elected. He convinced his voters to look for racism in places it didn't exist, and in doing so, got them to vote for an actual racist. But at least you acknowledge affirmative action was a perpetrator of racism. That's a good start.


Google's not the authority on anything. The references to the scientific literature where they actively study racism and sexism that you get when you google are. But, I was trying to keep it simple for you. You said: >But today, there really isn't anything keeping people down for those who actively strive for it. Yes, there is. Sexism and racism are alive and well, and keeping certain people down to the benefit of others, and we can measure it, and we do, and it's significant, your comments notwithstanding. I have a good idea of what you think 'while missing the actual racism' means and it's statistically incorrect.


What can we measure it with?




You would think that high level and money-making positions would approximately match the population structure. But they are not. 93% of fortune CEOs are white. 90% are men. Political positions are also white and male (though not as much). Now, it *could* be that white men are just better than everyone else. Or it could be a history of and continuation of sexism and racism. Which one do you think?


You could be correct but that is 500 people which represents a small portion of white men in the country. It’s also changing quickly. I think in 20 years this will be a non issue. https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/fortune-500-ceo-diversity/


People with over a million dollars are also overwhelmingly male and (to a lesser extent but exceeding statistical patterns) white, and that's millions of people. White males are over-represented in pretty much every category of high paying and/or powerful jobs. Yes, it is getting better; this is a good thing.


\>white people get disproportionately more of the resources and leadership positions. But they don't get those things from being white. Also, East Asians and Indians are the richest ethnic groups per capita in the United States.


Uhmm. Actually.. [This exists..](https://www.amazon.com.au/Standing-Urination-Portable-Reusable-Pregnancy/dp/B07YYGVTZK)


Yes, that takes ages to learn to use. It's not easy. It's best learned in the shower, and I'd still not trust myself with it.


Use an oil funnel from an auto parts store instead, much wider mouth that covers the whole area so leaks are impossible. Plus it allows a lot more volume if you've been holding it for a while. I keep one clipped on my backpack for back country backpacking. It's a breeze to use and I don't have to take off my pack!


I mean, if you're writing someone else's name in snow with your pee, that's true love.


Oh geez. Ooooold joke. Like at minimum 60 years old. Woman goes to her neighbors house to complain about the neighbors son writing his name in the snow behind her house. Neighbor responds: "I don't know why you're angry with my son. That's your daughter's handwriting. "


Nobody else needs comment. This man sums it up perfectly.


Lol! I commented that I enjoyed being a man too much, if anyone was going to ask me what is so great about it my first response was going to be, "being able to pee my name in the snow" 😂 💀


to be fair you can also squat I think, its not only being limited to sitting down and being but that may be more of an acquired skill


When you squat you run the risk of peeing on your pants/shoes. Forget about it if you have back problems like I do.


There is the hug-a-tree method, where you literally hug a tree or branch and lean your bum out as far in back of you as possible. As long as you're confident you can keep hugging that tree, it protects your pants/shoes (which should be low around the ankles).


And if you have terrible balance like I do, you're falling in it keister first.


😂 right, the only reason I want to be a man is to pee standing up and write my name in the snow.


If it's permanent than nah.


Like a day would be cool. Or as long as it would take me to get bored with the boobs.


For life it is.


Eventually they’d turn into me.


can I switch back after a while?


Yea, I had the same question. One-time switch, nope, but if I could be either at any time, hell yeah.


yup, swap to get out of speeding tickets, get free booze at a bar/club, get free meals, go to bathroom and swap back then walk out lol


One of the protagonists of The Boys spinoff Generation V can do this.


You’re imagining yourself as a hot young woman. Normal women don’t get those perks. Are you a hot young man? If not then you’d probably just be an average woman


No, being male, I know that damn near all of us are so starved for attention and also most of us males would do damn near anything if we even had a hint of a chance of getting laid


Yeah, now that you mention it, I guess I'd be a fat, unattractive woman (since I'm a fat unattractive guy). I think it would actually be worse.


As an attractive male I think my female version would be hot as hell and I'm so curious what that would look like. Not enough that I wanna go through the hassle of a whole drag get up though.


Nah, if you have a sister then chances are that's how you'll look or your mom


I don't get the relation, are you saying your mother and sister are hot?


Pass, I like my dick and suspect I would miss it.


I also like this guys dick, pass


I also choose this guy's dick


Thank you for this reference


And his Axe?


We're talking swords mate


A healthy woman, yes. A healthy dog, sure. A healthy tomato, I'd have to consider it carefully.


What about an unhealthy tomato?


got the real question here


This is my new go to insult, you unhealthy tomato.




A healthy tomato? OMG run, Del Monte on the way, if you don't hurry they're going to ketch up to you ...


an heirloom tomato perhaps?


Health *would* be nice


One factor needs to be considered, how beautiful or ugly would I be. Your experience as a woman seems VASTLY different based on it.


How about you'd be as attractive as a woman, as you are as a man.. off you're a 7 as a man, you'd be a 7 as a woman.


Thing is, though, that women are less visual about attraction and men are less conditioned to apply it their self-worth, so (assuming straight people) in situations where attractiveness comes into play, men who are 7s tend to fare a lot better than women who are 7s


This is simply false. Go look up sex statistics between the genders.


It's a fact.


>Your experience as a woman seems VASTLY different based on it. Possibly, but even ugly women have it easier than attractive men.


I'm happy being a man tbh. If I could switch back I'd do it, because I'd love the new perspective on things and I think it would make me a better person knowing another perspective, but permanently? no thanks. I'm 37 years old. I'm comfortable.


Yep, I would be fine trying it out and expect I would learn a lot - but I want to be able to swap back when I'm done.


Exactly. I quite like being a guy, and I don't feel bad about it. Like you, I'd love to have the opportunity to see life from another perspective, but I wouldn't want to swap permanently.


Same. My wife is pansexual, and it could really spice things up, but I enjoy my current tackle too much to lose it forever.


I'm in this boat too. For like a day, sure, but not permanently


I'm not sure if I'd even do it for a day. I know it sounds lame but I have zero interest in experiencing that. I feel like I'm already pretty good at putting myself in other people's shoes and I just have no desire to personally experience either the unique power or vulnerability that women can experience. I'll listen to female perspectives, read about them, think about how their experiences are different, and adjust myself accordingly. But it's just not something I feel any desire to feel. Actually, for research purposes, if I could lock myself in my room the whole time... maybe there's some applicable benefits down the road.


I would have to discuss it with my wife, but it's not entirely off the table.


I made the switch the old-fashioned way (transition) and am still happily married, so there's hope for you too.


That's a completely different scenario though. I'd do the magic swap. I'd never consider actually transitioning.


Everybody's situation is different, and that's okay! I spent a long time thinking I'd do it if it was easy but transition is too hard, right up until it was "I either do this or I don't want to live anymore" so I went and did it and it was my best decision ever. Definitely not for everybody though.


That is so rare. Congratulations.


I know four people (not counting myself) in my daily life who came out while married and three of them are still married, but none of the spouses (including the one who left) were exactly the straightest arrows in the quiver to begin with


Congrats on that. My ex and I broke up because of my transition. Not that I mind, because it wasn't the healthiest relationship anyway.


Or not "Honey I'm home, and I've got a surprise for you!"


At my age, no, I don't get any benefits. If I was magically 20yo, I would consider it.


if it fixed my shattered spine then absolutely in a heart beat.


Tryna get some good D?


Oh if i became a women, I'd be a lesbian.. women are just so much more attractive than men. Men are hairy and smelly and gross...


Pretty sure 99% of straight men who suddenly woke up one day as women would be lesbians. Unless the hormone changes cause some kind of dick craving


Anecdote and all, but as a bisexual trans person who has had both healthy estrogen levels and testosterone levels at points throughout my life, hormones definitely feel like they can affect sexuality to a degree. Now I'm not trying to say they realistically change sexuality in any meaningful way, but they definitely did something to me, and some other transgender people. It'd be a cool thing to see a study on some day, but until that happens the only study that does anything similar is a smaller one on transgender people specifically (which has its own host of issues, but who else are you going to get to switch their hormones entirely?) from 2014 titled "Transgender Transitioning and Change of Self-Reported Sexual Orientation"


Transgender person here and I'd like to say that, anecdotally, I agree with your statement. I've been bi ever since my hormones kicked in, but having high estrogen is definitely making me have cravings for certain things that I didn't before.


Then they could happily hookup with all the other former men who are now lesbian women 😂 so it would be a bunch of straight dudes having lesbian sex with each other in women’s bodies lol


No, why would I want to do that?


Better orgasms and longer lifespan.


> longer lifespan Only if you don't get ignored by a doctor and end up in critical condition before you find the one doctor in your area who doesn't automatically dismiss your symptoms.


Idk what to tell you, last I looked women lived longer than men


Zero chance. I like being alone and being alone for women brings out the creeps.


No chance in hell Being a man is a hard brutal path and still better than being a woman


This is the right answer


I cant believe how many ppl answer yea id like the be a woman for a day..wtf??? The absolute mindfuck to be a different sex would be unreal. Thatd be hell imo


For a day sure, but no longer then that. I’m quite happy as a man


I wish I could just switch back and forth, like on the daily. That would be ideal.


Trans women are forming a line as we speak.


Yeah, I was going to say. Anyone who would say yes to this is perhaps already not actually a man...


This is just a test to find all the eggs in hiding.


It's like Easter! I think


Such a sudden and violent change would fundamentally destroy my life without the ability to switch back. So, if thats the case, no.


No part of me wants to become a woman. Now maybe it would be a different answer if it was for one hour and nobody found out.. I'd like an hour alone with toys to experience a female orgasm... nothing else sounds worth a transition.. even for an hour haha.




I did it the "currently technologically possible" way and have zero regrets.


No, I'm not trans.


Yes (i am a trans woman)


Why are you being downvoted? This situation is exactly what you want. I guess it's because they see your comment as implying transwomen are not women.


Than this question doesn’t apply to you.


Nope. A lot of my hobbies, like weightlifting and kickboxing for example, would put me on an immediate back foot if I was female. Toss in the nutjobs trying to kick women back to the days when they couldn't walk outside with their ankles exposed and it kind of seems like a losing scenario.


There are plenty of women who do hobbies like yours. The other part is accurate tho 😂


Yes, but being biologically male is a huge advantage in both of those sports.


No. I love my penis. All other punishment is gross and I already have a hard enough time with women. Becoming a lesbian just sounds like extra work. Plus I'd miss my penis.


I love your penis too.


Same tbh.


You've never seen it creeper.


I don’t judge based on looks, that’s all.


Alright I am taking away the down vote because you got gumption but still gross.




You can keep it


Does my psychology and mind change too or do i still have my psychological preferences and biases despite having a different body?


nah change that if you're a straight guy you become a straight woman ig. If ur gay then you will be gay. not in a homophobic way but im trying to make a bit more sense here


No. Because I’m not trans. Why the fk would I want to change my sex?


No. I don't have gender dysphoria. I like the body I was born in and I have a partner that enjoys the body I was born in. edit: if I could swap back whenever I wanted yeah I would try it. I'd be curious enough to see what it's like


I'm in my mid 40s, so I'd quickly get to experience the magic of perimenopause. No thanks. Watching my wife go through that - I'm good.


Since we're already talking magic here, if I get to completely design my womanly body first, and make it how I want, then absolutely.


I really think I would. My reasons are controversial and only apply to probably 8-15% of men, but it can be life-ruining if your subjected to it.


This belongs in r/egg_irl


Came here to say this too.


Nope, don’t want to take a pay cut


Oh, man...I have news for you.


The 75 cents on the dollar difference is an average. It does not take individual jobs and job positions into account. I'm pretty sure it's fairly out of date these days, and the difference is probably a fair bit smaller.




I mean, I’m transgender so yeah


yes. I’m a horrible and ineffective man. As a woman I could at least be a loser cutely. it would be easier to leach off of people to support my lifestyle of thinking about stuff and browsing Reddit and people would be slightly more okay with it. Plus for some reason I picture myself as a woman despite not being a trans person.


>Plus for some reason I picture myself as a woman despite not being a trans person. Ummm, have you ever tried getting a female friend to give you a makeover? A lot of what you said sounds familiar, and sometimes seeing yourself in the mirror the way you see yourself in your head can bring a lot more clarity.


I feel a similar way about being a female, but always picturing myself male. Wanna trade bodies?


Would if I could.


I’d rather not. I’ve spent this long being a bloke, I can’t see any benefits to having to learn a whole new being


Not sure, would i become a hot woman? if yes then maybe. Would i just not act like a dude and just know how to lady? so many questions.


No. I’d have to buy all new clothes and that’s too much bother.


I suppose that's actually one of the benefits. Women have way more variety. Men's clothing options are comparably quite boring. My closet is literally just various shades of Blue and Grey shirts.


You could just be a tomboy and wear your current clothes 🤷


Nope all my GF’s have told me how much menstruation sucks. (This reply assumes bio woman and not trans woman)


Only if I could keep my dick


Gee, well have I got some news for you!


No. No offense to women, women are pretty great and I actually kind of dislike dudes in general. But I really like being a dude. I mean not getting a period alone is a good enough reason, but also I enjoy things like peeing anywhere, not worrying about going topless, and not being a target for creeps. Women seem to get a pretty raw deal.


nah I like to pee standing up.


Nah man. I would never be able to wrap my mind around the transformation. I dread what dysphoria I would have... Like I am an ugly ass man... I'd hate to be an uglier ass woman


No. I've dealt with a lot of shit in my life, but watching the way women treat each other, that's a hard pass.


Multiple orgasms, more scholarships to choose from, and the most important part, free boobies. More seriously, I'd like to see a new perspective. Sign me up


“Multiple orgasms” love don’t get your hopes up 😂


Hey... It's possible... Just not with most guys...


Hate to break it to you but most men don't give a fuck about a woman's orgasm


The neat part is, you don’t need a man to orgasm.


And? Do it yourself or find a woman to do it. The post doesn't say "become a *straight* woman."


That’s a funny way of asking someone if they’re transgender. Nope, I’m very happy being a man




Absolutely not. I fully identify with being a "man" (nothing in the sense of being a macho or misogynist or anything extreme or hypermasculine, just normal "I'm a dude and that's how I feel" way). And I'm gonna be honest, I'd be terrified being a woman in this world. The physical power advantage we men have from testosterone alone is kind of a mild superpower sometimes, I would NOT like to be on the other side of that power dynamic...


I like who I am so no


And have periods, get pregnant, sit when I pee, wear makeup, long hair, actually have to look presentable.. yeah fuck that being a guy is way easier.


You do not have to be pregnant, sit when you pee, wear make up and have long hair when you are woman tho




No? Only trans people would answer yes.


I think that's the point of the question; a lot of trans people don't realize what they're experiencing until they're faced with a thought exercise like this and have a moment of clarity. There was a weekly twitter poll like this going around years ago that led to dozens or even hundreds of newly-hatched trans people in its wake, and a webcomic by Mae Dean that said something like "if the only reason you don't want to be a trans woman is because you think you'd be ugly, guess what?" that basically kicked off a tidal wave of transitions.




Would I want to earn less for the same job and be scared to go out after dark and have religous zealots trying to take away my bodily autonomy? Sure, sounds great.


I probably wouldn't switch either. But it doesn't sound great being more likely to be a victim of personal crime, to be murdered, to die at work or to commit suicide, either.


And women are not normally paid less for the same job at the same work. They are paid less for having different jobs.


This. People don't understand the why behind the wage gap. It's not women getting paid less for doing the same job and *that's it*. There are a ton of factors involved that all play a part. But no, the people who complain about the wage gap only look at the bottom line.


Facts are irrelevant to that argument. Among the left, it's become a law of nature, like gravity and systemic racism.


I fuckin think I'd rock being a woman and all that but I'll be honest with you man. If I ended up a woman, the word "safe" is gonna get redefined in a way I don't think I can handle lol. That and my sister gets cranky during menstrual cramps so I can only assume it's killer since she's one of those pollyannas, exceptions on school tests.


Nope. I have so much power as a white male tbh. (I say that in a way that nobody can threaten me, I CAN scare the hell out of someone doing wrong.) After that, as much as playing with my boobies would be I think as far as body toys a fire hose is probably more fun.