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Trump is a former President. I would assume different charges apply other than simple assault. You would likely just wind up shot anyway. But the keyboard warrior thing is right. An unmeasurable percentage of people who say stuff like that would actually even consider doing it irl. Those people always confused me. Why even bother wasting your time saying it in the first place? Im big on don't talk shit just do shit.


Agreed. Im still just curious what the charge would be? Why different ? Not that I’m doing anything but he just a citizen. Not above or below the law. I think people say those things because they think it makes them sound tough or cool. There is a reason we have all heard not to mess with the quiet ones.


Because it’s suicide. Even if we ignore the bodyguards, we have people in this country unhinged enough to murder and decapitate a parent ([not hyperbole](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pa-man-arrested-decapitating-father-youtube-video-rcna136509)). It only takes one person just as dedicated as the Trump-puncher to hunt someone down and reduce them to spare parts. I can’t think of anyone I’d punch, mostly because I don’t think I’d come out on top of most subsequent altercations. (Yes, I misread the post originally, but I don’t know that I could shake the mindset.) Maybe the guy who tried to hire someone to kill the bio parents of his adopted children?


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