• By -


2010, I’m getting in on so many financial crazes early and then tapping out before it all comes crumbling down.


Yeah imagine buying 1 Bitcoin for like 0.1$


Imagine buying 2 bitcoins!


Imagine buying 3!


Imagine buying some pizza for 10k bitcoin


My brother did that. His life is otherwise charmed though, so he's not bothered about the loss enough to use it as ammo to mock him over unfortunately. Plus it's not like I've kept any of the bitcoins I've had through the years, I just didn't spend any on pizza.


I bought $2000 in bitcoin when they were like $7. Cashed them out when they were at like $100 like in 2015?. Good return, but you know.. not 60k a coin haha.


Dude I'd do that to so many people. All my friends are getting bitcoin for 10 pizzas, and just gonna laugh as they are all millionaires later


Now you're just talking crazy!


That’s like 6 bitcoins! Mr. Moneybags over here!




Imagine buying 4!


I lost 4 🫠


My dumbass lost a bunch trading altcoins.


Getting a little ahead of ourselves are we


Then it would crash


Is everyone older than me in this sub? What if you’re like 12 in 2010? What do you do about bitcoin, stocks, etc?


Yeah, this makes the most sense. I’m choosing to go to the 1800s so I can be minus 200 year old.


They didn't say go back to the age you were whenever you decide to go to. You would take your 26 year old body and mind with you.


I couldn't do it ... I'm older and black I could go to the 80s and have winning lotto numbers but I'd be too old to enjoy the winnings....so no


Surely you could go to last week if you only want lotto numbers


You can still buy bitcoin at 12… have your parents open up a bank account for you and put your birthday/christmas money in it. Boom, you’ve got 200 bitcoin after 10 minutes on the computer.


Depends on your parents. I’m old enough to work and I still am not even allowed a savings account. Much less an account that can buy shady online currency, also not everyone even gets money for holidays. I always got items.


Why wouldn’t your parents let you have a bank account? My kids are 12 and 8 and have bank accounts already. It’s a great way to teach kids to be responsible with money.


No idea. My parents are strongly against it. They are also against teaching me to drive next year despite the fact that I’ll be old enough. I’m also not allowed to cook anything not in a microwave 


Dude you are so fucked. Start learning things by yourself, especially those related to home care(cooking, cleaning, basic maintenance) Your parents are stopping you from being independent so they can always keep you under control.


This is true. u/Repulsive-Sound-1159, you deserve better than this. Do the small things: state ID, birth cert, your own Social Security card, and hide them somewhere clever and dry, that they are very unlikely to look. Not under the mattress or under piles of clothes in your bedroom. If they "won't let you" do laundry, do some reading/video watching and teach yourself to do it. Same with light cooking. I've had friends whose parents wanted them to be babies forever. It's really unhealthy.


I’m sorry but your parents aren’t very good parents. They should want you to learn how to do stuff like this by yourself. My 8 year old daughter just helped me make meatballs for dinner, as an example. Can she do it by herself? No, but she’s 8. And she understands the concept. She could probably do 90% of it by herself.


Start a hobby mining rig in 2010. You'd still walk away with tons of money


Yeah can I just take a modern ASIC back with me? Edit: and a flash drive with a copy of modern Wikipedia lmao


Mine Bitcoin on the family computer


Buy literally thousands of bitcoin with your lunch money.


You could just go all in on Silly Bands and make 12 lifetime fortunes.




You wanna go back a littler earlier so you have money already to buy right after the 07/08 economy crash




I think this is the smartest answer for material wealth.


Last week with the winning lottery numbers in tow.


Came here to say this. Yeah it'd be really cool to go way back in the past or way back in the future and experience cool shit but I'd also be there by myself. I'm fairly content with my life and relationships right now so essentially keeping everything the same except winning enough money to never have to work again would be awesome.


Be there by myself, you say? I don’t see the problem.


The big bang


That sounds terrifying being stuck there.. not to mention you’d die 😂


Only in theory


I see what you did there!


If I go past the 60’s things get a lil dicey for me as far as being comfortable and safe.


Yeah. This isn’t really a fun game if you’re not white, straight, and male.


Nonsense. Go forwards.


2023. I'm not going to leave my friends and family forever.


You know it's 2024 right?




Very honorable 💪


Plus I could just invest in some random stock or crypto that went up the most over the last year and be set for life


Nvidia probably


February when my baby was born and just enjoy it all again.


Congrats on the little one! 🥰❤️🥰


Thank you! I love her.


I should hope so


Drop me off in the Bay area of San Fran in the mid 60s. Ground zero for some of the best music of the late 60s and early 70s. Grateful Dead, Buffalo Springfield, Jefferson Airplane, the Byrds, Quicksilver Messenger Service. A burgeoning counterculture scene.


You passed the vibe check 😂


Passed the "he's white" check too.


that's just whether you go backwards or forwards in time imo


Is going forwards an option? How do you decide when? You could say "I want to go to 2053 but what if thats when world war three kicks off?"


My first thought as well.


I always wanted this. I make dr hook the greatful dead. because I think there music is better lol 😆 but I would join a commune or travel with a band


Those guys didn't bathe. The people in Haight Ashbury reeked.


Some future when medicine did advance and I can get a better body.


Some time in the early 2000s. I'd make some major quick money, invest in the right companies, cash out, and then buy Marvel and Lucasfilm before Disney had the chance to.


The building of the sphinx


Not to be "that guy" but if you show up there as a foreigner who does not speak the local language you end up helping build it (ie slave).


You assume slaves built it . I would have knowledge of working construction for over 30 years and living on a farm building equipment . And the knowledge to smelt steel . I know how to build a battery using citric juice . Meaning I know how to plate metal with silver and gold The best thing is I have the knowledge of what humans can achieve . I understand mathematics . I know how to build a boat that can sail against the wind . I know where gold can be found on the planet .


That's why I mentioned speaking the local language. After a few years when you have learned their language you can try and work your way up. However no one is going to give you the supplies to smelt steel to some foreigner no one can understand. Even once you can talk its just as likely the local priests will have you killed when you try to cut in on their monopoly of power with your mystic science. Oldie time are not safie times.


Could be a god. Could be a witch. I'd bet on the latter.


I dunno, they sort've had a thing about burning people...


2018 to my wedding day. Best day of my life, and if I could spend eternity dancing with my wife, i 100% would.


That’s so damn sweet! Wish you both the absolute best for the rest of your lives ❤️


Around 2006. I’ll invest everything into bitcoin and wait for it to peak and retire.


What ya gonna do for the 3 years while you wait for bitcoin to be invented? And what about those first few years when it was more like currency and less like art?


Invest in Know Labs. In 2006 it had a 194,556% return by the end of the fiscal year with really cheap stocks. Buy extravagant amounts at lowest price (0.23) Sell at its highest return point and place in CD to accrue steady interest. In 2010 I would get in touch with a crypto enthusiast named “SmokeTooMuch” and purchase his 10,000 BTC for his 50 dollar asking price and then get in touch with Lazlo Hanyecz in Jacksonville and purchase his 10,000 BTC for 100.00. Maintain 20,000 BTC until market open on February 2011, cash out cds and reinvest in BTC at 1.00 per BTC adding up to more than likely 80-100k BTC (lowballing it here) so roughly 100k BTC. Then wait until October 17 2021 and cash out at 66,200 per BTC equaling 6.62B Dollars. Crashing the BTC market and getting PAID son.


Early 90s. I'll be able to keep an eye on the stock market and become filthy rich. I'll also be able to go find the woman of my dreams years earlier than when I first met her.


But there’d be a weird power imbalance in your relationship because you know everything about her and she’s much younger


1880. Even with my basic knowledge of investments I can build up a reasonable amount of wealth. I'll have electricity, plumbing, reasonable transportation with steam power. And gorgeous architecture, artwork, and all the elephants I can shoot. I'm a medievalist at heart so I'll be happy with all the gothic revivalism and medievalism happening during the *Belle Epoche* but I won't have to understand medieval german and break into the feudal social structure. I can have my cake and eat it too, being too old to die in the trenches of 1914




This guy Excels




To me there are 4 good Eras. 1. Manipulate family wealth, property I would travel back to the 1800's, that is the earliest family we can track. 2. The 60's /70's would be stellar for the drugs, and the scene. 3. High school in the 80's would have been amazing, and then college in the 90's! 4. 2007 to start buying puts on a ton of stocks, use that giant profit to buy back the stock, sell it at its peak of 2019, use the profits for puts, and then use those profits after selling in March of 2020, to buy back more stocks!


Bro just mine bitcoin from 2010 on. It's effortless millions


So this would essentially create 2 time periods right? Because if i can't go back what happens to my former self at the age of the time I travel back to, would i have to constantly avoid me. Would i have to kill me? If i killed me would i cease to exist? I need more to make my decision.


If you go back in time, it creates a branching timeline. This is a new universe completely separate from the old. So any changes you make there would not affect your time in the original universe. If you change the new universe, it might stop you from being born in the new universe, but that wouldn't matter since you were born in the old universe.


Back to the late 90's. Be there for bitcoin, try everything I can to derail The Real World on MTV and save the world from Reality TV, and buy a ton of Google Stock


As far into the future as my time machine allows me to. I am CURIOUS. I am also as an amateur linguist curious about if Esperanto is finally the world language!


Home if I'm going to be able to go to anytime period I think I'm going to go to the distant future. Either mankind is advanced and all the problems that I have physically and mentally will be able to be fixed. Or nothing's changed, or we've gone back to the Stone age, or mankind is no more and I'll be eaten by the roach overlords as a delicacy.


Do I still have my current knowledge? Define stuck? Like a time loop or do I live out my days normally? If I still had my current knowledge and I just loved it my days normally then it would probably be 1990-1998. Any of those years would suffice but the earlier in that decade, the better


Can I know what I know now?


Yes 🙏


Okay then. I would like to be 16 again.


2371. While I may be missing out on a LOT of easy living in the past, knowing future events with certainty and how to manipulate them to my advantage, I genuinely think I'd be more useful in the future - assuming it isn't post-apocalyptic, and then I'd be EVEN MORE useful (if short-lived).


I’m 99% sure it will be post apocalyptic 😂


Well, people have said that many a time before. And while I'm relatively sure we're not getting to 2040 without nukes flying, I do have faith that by 2371, humanity will have largely recovered from it.


You do know once you travel there you can't come back to the present time.


Yup. Leap of faith.


Unless time travel has been invented that far in the future


Current day is better than 99% of the past. (vaccines, modern dentistry, indoor plumbing). Very good chance 2371 will be better than now - even if you are lower class. Maybe the great barrier reef and 90% of the rain forests will be gone but I will console myself by hanging out with Margot Robbie in my virtual reality chamber.


Ahh shit you might be just in time to jump onto Voyager in order to stop Captain Janeway from executing Tuvix a year later!


I knew *someone* would figure out where I got that particular year from. :) Bravo.


>I genuinely think I'd be more useful in the future What is your skill set that you think you'll be particularly useful 350 years in the future?


Let me answer that question by posing it in reverse - someone arriving here from 1647 would be useful as a living witness to the colonial period. If nothing else, they'd be immediately snatched up as a period consultant to use in blockbuster movies for authenticity purposes, and their opinions on modern times would be all manner of interesting and inspiring to people.


Either within my lifetime or the future. Anyone saying the past doesn't know what life was like.


Something people don’t think about is does a younger version of you exist in that timeline? Like I’m thinking if I can go back to like 2008 so I could work, save and buy as much bitcoin as possible in 2010. But if younger me is there, that means what for me? What’s my family going to think? I couldn’t imagine living in a world where my mom doesn’t think I’m me. 


I’ve thought about how cool it would be to get to hang out with grandma and grandpa in their 30s and my mom as a kid. Hopefully I don’t think she is a brat haha


1950.  I love the style of the cars.  And the California Beach culture of the 60's would be fun to live through.


Early 1960’s LA. It’s like the Wild West in terms of the number of serial killers, bands, cults, movements, and other wild shit going on. That being said a person could do very well knowing a few companies, what land to value and collectables to hoard. Hopefully be rich enough to dodge othe effects of a few natural disasters. Maybe live long enough to prevent 911 or Sarah McLachlan.


Sept 5th 1995,. I’d tell myself to just stay home & have an early night


I'm 28... Id go back to 89/90 go enjoy all the bands I love now that have died or replaced members, get in early on all types of investments early


Oooo 3000 I want a bending robot friend


1952, economics was recovering from the war, and it was early enough that I could build up a business or something so I could buy up some awesome 1960s and 70s cars.


The mezozoic era so I can look at a dinosaur, something no human has done… and then it will eat me and I’ll die


About 50 years in the future where I hope we would have finally worked out a global humanity in peace and technology and language will still be understandable for me.


80s Japan. The wild wild east


1999. For more reasons than I have time to mention.


1980. I'm gonna see some cool shit and become so rich thru buying stocks as I age. I can even will my money to my siblings so if I die before I meet them they'll still benefit from my wealth.


Go be an eccentric uncle no one knew about




Go back 1 week, buy lottery tickets for draws you know the winning numbers for, enjoy your life


Send me back to 1995


Wednesday morning, June 26 2024 and I’m playing 4 9 36 47 56 7 in powerball


Whenever Bitcoin was worth like 50 dollars and just buy up.


2000 might be too early but Good to get in on Google and Apple etc. 2010 is good get in on bitcoin and Tesla. Plus you get current technology a bit sooner. You might get more profit in 2000 but if you buy 10,000 bitcoin that’s plenty of money to live off of




When was the last big lotto win? About 2 hours before that.


1994. Then my music career can take off and not feel worthless


2019. I would buy shares in Zoom etc. - and lots of toilet paper.


I’d go back and take a dump in the primordial ooze, nip all this going to work shit in the bud nice and early.


1000 years into the future.


1999, that was our time to shine.


If I can bring some items with me I would go back to 1796 if I could only go back with what I'm wearing then 1987.


I feel like I already got this choice far in the future, said, "to the time I was the happiest", and then woke up here, like, awe fuck.


year 610


I'd go far into the future to see what that is like. Hopefully we will have space travel and haven't nuked ourselves to death.


5,000,000,001 AD


I'd tattoo last year's enormous lottery jackpot numbers on my leg and go back a year.


2000s. I would have enough time to build some wealth and be a "secret" financial angel to my family when the most need a couple of years down the line. Maybe even give my grandpa some decency in his last could of years after he had a stroke


I'm traveling to 4024. Hopefully, it'll be a better future than the present. I could be wrong, but I'll still roll the dice.




The year 3000. The healthcare and quality of life should be amazing and I really want to see those underwater cities.


Are you telling me that I'll be stuck at that exact moment in time forever?


1925. I had a Grandfather making moonshine within 10 miles of where Im sitting in that time frame, I even know the holler the still was in. Id join his operation and make sure he knew where to invest his money in Coca-Cola, and later in IBM and other firms before his death in 1986. Id live a life free of technology nannies, and my family would be set for life.


I’d travel to the period in which they have perfected time travel.


I’m going back to when I was a kid and my dad left. I’m going to parent myself, until the paradox breaks reality.


1 second from now.


Whenever bitcoin just came out. Heard about it and never jumped on board. I'd be set for life at their highest point.




50,000 years ago when the first humans walked the earth.


The crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. I have some questions.


The 70s. Lots of work and long careers. Cheap houses, cheap college… just the right amount of technology. Love to have my kids grow up in that decade.


1776 Colonial America, so I can stack bodies with the founding fathers. Oh, and I bring 1000 AR15s and 100,000 rounds.




to whatever year it was the easiest to buy slaves


5k years into the future


Back to the 70s maybe so I get to boomer it up as the kids now won't have it as good from now on... Or the serious answer is I'd stay put.


1960's, go see some of the best concerts ever.


I'm going back to the beginning of the month and playing the lotto to maximize my winnings without causing historical changes.


If I go to the past are there two mes now or do I become my younger self lol. If it’s the first one ima prob go back to abt 2010 if it’s the 2nd prob 2008 or 9 so my lil bro stays born & yeah bitcoin. If not this then sumn like 200-300 yrs into the future maybe just to see what happens.


1400 years ago. I would love to meet the last prophet of islam. May God have mercy on him


2000. Gonna make a fortune and still Iive in the comforts of a modern age.


July 1st 2016. I wouldn't have told anyone I was pregnant. And done the whole house rebuild post fire differently. I would have immediately bought land and went down that road. yes and stocks and stuff. Lol But id still have my amazing kid. And I probably wouldn't have gone down the relationship pathway I did. Lol


I would go back to 1999, just before the Y2k and being in high school. I'd change so much for my life trajectory that it would be much better than current me.


Last week with winning lotto numbers.


Until my daughter was born, I’d have said 2004. Starting college over with the knowledge I have now sounds great. I could never do anything now that would risk her not being born


I'm gonna go back to like five years ago and invent NFT's that aren't stupid and I'm gonna make so much fuckign money


I'd go to 4573 AD. I'd be rich and famous within a week with my historic knowledge


Back when I was young. Give myself financial advice and save Harambe.




The absolute peak of post-scarcity Human interstellar civilization, if we live long enough to develop proper space travel and to colonize other planets.


200 years into the future sounds just about right for my nerd curiosity. Especially if im allowed a few months to study as much as i can about the current world. Future academics will be wanting my perspective. If not, give me 10 minutes to check last weeks lotto numbers and ill go back a week. To everyone wanting to go more than century in the past, good luck surviving the common cold without any real medicine and no immune system ready for it.


I’m black so nowhere before 1980


Fuck it. Year 3000


2007 cause Transformers cane out and I wanna see it in theaters. I missed it when it came out the first time


Hmmm....I probably just go back to when Bitcoin was coming out and dunno all my money into it plus All my parents money and any other money I find lying around #winningbutonlyinmyhypotheticalsituationsubreddit


I'm gonna take a leap of faith to the year 3500 and hope by then the planet has got it's stuff together better in general and medicine can heal a lot of my genetic problems.


Dumb answer but 3 years ago when I dog was still alive.


2100, Just so I can see which of my hiatus'd media become completed.


200,000 AD


In the unlikely (but still possible) event that someone does get sent back to the past from this thread, don’t buy lottery tickets, it’s a trap for time travelers. Just short the housing market, or buy Enron stock


27 May 2017 so I get another 7 years with my son


500 years in the future You said any time period!


If I’m stuck there then I’m going back to the 1990s when things were awesome. I’ll also know what to invest in to get rich in a few years.




Nov. 2022. For the 2 billion powerball prize solo win. That would be me.


Saturday November 5, 2022.


80s, I’d wanna chill with my younger grandpa.


ancient greece


3024. Life extension, if it is going to be figured out, would be around at that time. If a disaster happened, there would have been time for the world to recover. It is about as far out that you could go where your knowledge of english would let you communicate at least somewhat.


The 90s were pretty great. I turned 10 in 1991, so I’m a little biased, but when I look back on those years, the 90s kind of feels like it was our last hurrah.


Into the future by a few thousand years. Things might be way better, I might die, guess I'll find out.


I accept that I'm stuck there for the rest of my life, BUT what happens to the changes I make for my original younger self and everything else I change? Does that cause a paradox since I've changed myself to where I wouldn't need to go back to change it, thereby reverting the changes back and forth for all of eternity?


I'm going back a few days to win a Powerball. Anything that didn't win and I know the numbers. Pretty simple. Nothing really changes personally to say if I went back 10 years and did it. I'd have way to many new experiences and prob have different people in my life which I wouldn't want knowing what I know now


Do you like, have to avoid yourself or what?


Go back one week with the lottery numbers for both pools in my state. (Powerball & MegaMillions). Win both. Live my life as I am now - not need it to worry about setting up a valid ID. Still keep my wife, kids, friends and hobbies.