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Yes. 21,917,802 years and enough time still left over to binge all of *Friends* one last time.


Yeah. I’ll take the extra life span and when everyone else is dead, I’ll just off myself


hmmm. can i take a minunte instead? much better to live 15 thousand years i think than almost 22 million. but anyway yeah id take the deal. id just off myself when i got tired of it. in all honesty theres a high probability youd die in an accident WAY WAY WAY WAY before your full life span. youd be lucky to make it 500 years in most cases


Even one second isn’t worth it. I don’t want 200+ years if it means burying my husband and children and parents and friends. Everyone you’ve ever loved will be gone. And even if you pick up the pieces and find more people to love, you’ll outlive them all too. Sounds like hell


You love your grandparents, but still manage to continue living after they die. It would just be the same with your other family members, but you get even more time with them than you got with your grandparents.


Yeah fuck that, nobody should ever have to bury their child


and your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren... etc. etc. You'd see the deaths of your entire family tree for what feels like an eternity.


Yeah, a hard hard pass


In a way that's actually the less selfless option. Your pain in seeing your loved ones die is being put above many other people's pain in seeing you die, and seeing you choose to spend less time with them than you could have. It's understandable though.


Easy solution, just don't breed.


Yes, but you also get to see the lives of your entire family tree.


They will all die at old ages and you will be there to keep your family together as it's protector


Sounds like life.


itd tear me apart when the people close to me die and id think, if only i had one more day with them, and id remember that i COULDVE had one more day and i took that from them


You could also have 1 more day with your grandchildren and your great grand grandchildren 


I think in most cases the last day is a very low quality day where the person is in pain or not doing well. Let's be real most people could spend a lot more days with someone right now, while they're healthy. We just don't prioritize it


Absolutely not. There's no way I'd ever want to live for millions of years.


I mean, from.the prompt you also keep.your current age, so possibly Eternal Youth added to the fact, and if you're not from an Abrahamic Religion you can just end your own life when you're satisified.


You don't even need to suicide. Go do risky stuff till you die.


And while you’re in the process you could make a huge YouTube/TikTok channel of you doing cool risky stuff.




You would be the perfect person yo start your own religion and preach for 100s of years and people would believe everything you say as you never age.


It's because some religions say suicide denies you paradise


Can I just take 1 cent from everyone on in the world instead?


I honestly don't think so, but not for the common reason. When someone you care about dies, you would give so much for one more day with them. But I would know, every time, that I would've had that day if I didn't steal it from them.


Maybe. Or maybe you were going to die far before them. For me, I’m set to clock out about 20-40 years before my partner… so I’ll happily take the day from them if it means I get whole decades back.


I mean you also might have gained an extra 50 years with that person, at the cost of 1 day.




The one comment I was looking for!


Yay! What's my prize?


You can take one day from my life :)


Aww, thank you! I'll cherish it for the entire day!


Hey get a room you two.


>Aww, thank you! You're welcome!


As quoted from Tuck Everlasting “Don’t be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don’t have to live forever, you just have to live.” That is my stance.


Thank you for reminding me of this book from like 20 years ago.


Yes, but I would consider it a debt and I would have to figure a way to improve the average life by a day. This is easier than one would think because there are tons of issues in the world where solving or even very slightly mitigating one would make that much of a change. Thing is you would have practically all the time in the world to do it (assuming you didn't die of an accident or violence or something. Just having 22 million years of lifespan doesn't save you from tons of other ways to die. If anything it is overkill because without aging you probably would succumb to something in about 10 thousand years on average.)


Just run for president. Being old is no barrier.


King and emperor for life. A really, really, really, long life.


Does that extra life also come with a fat bank account? 22 million years is a long time to pay property taxes and groceries.


Pretty sure if banks still exist that far into the future the interest on $1 a day deposited into a low yield savings account would accrue into billions, then trillions fairly quickly on your lifetime scale. You wouldn't be forced to retire until you have enough in the bank to live off of interest alone for the next few thousand years, then repeat every millenia or 2 to build up your nest egg again. Or have yourself installed as supreme ruler of the world and have makeup artists age you as you rule, then come back out as your own child when you're "dying" and have power transferred to your "heir".


Once you have a few million in the bank, you can easily live off of investment income. Just work until you've saved enough, then retire forever.


That works for a normal lifespan. It's a bit different if you're going to be around for millions of years. A lottery winner 50 years ago budgeting to live on $40k a year was living well when they won the lotto...but $40k is working poor today. Kind of like some of those really old buildings in England that still pay 10 shillings (and a few horseshoes) in rent per year. That was a lot of coin a few centuries ago....not so much today.


Well if you invest properly, your money will grow faster than inflation and the amount you can withdraw each year goes up. There's bound to be economic collapses in that time period, so it's not unreasonable for you to lose your fortune and need to work again at some point, but you should be able to retire for very long stretches in between periods of working.


Yes I would do it but your wording allows some wiggle room for interpretation on it being at will to include/exclude some people for personal reasons (rule lawyer over here) lol.


Yes, but only if I can share the accumulated days with my husband


That’s not how it works :)


Darn! lol then no deal. What’s the point of being alive if you’re not living.


That’s one of the cons. That’s a fair answer! Your husband is a really lucky man


Done deal. I become an immortal being, living through the millennia, gaining influence and after a couple thousand years begin subtly guiding humanity down a path I desire. After the apocalypse turns the planet into a radioactive desert, I use my millennia of accumulated wealth and knowledge to create an army of supermen and conqueror the world, claiming my rightful title as the God Emperor of Mankind. *All glory to the God Emperor!*


no. but i'll gladly give the rest of my lifespan to my kid.


If you want to remain sexually active though, there would be an increasing probability as time goes by that the only potential sexual partners would be your own descendants. 🤢


Pretty sure it was proven that that tends to 100% in way less time than the millions of years you would live


Everyone alive today may be descended from Genghis Khan, but Genghis Khan died: so his genes have been diluted since then. However, if you had a twenty million year lifespan, then unlike Genghis who did a lot of impregnating less than a thousand years ago but then stopped, you would be continually sowing your oats during that time. You can't rely on the science, because no-one has yet experimented on a twenty million year old man or woman.


Yeah for sure. That's easy.


Why would you not do this? 


It could take an emotional toll, outliving your children, your grandchildren, basically everyone you know, possibly many times over. Even the fact that you don’t age while everybody around you does could raise suspicion, leading to having to reset your life every 20 or 30 years. 


I’ll just shoot myself if it gets that bad there’s no real downside to this 


I mean you could always commit not alive when you’re ready. The prompt doesn’t say you can’t die ever, just that your lifespan is increased.


For sure! Would be nice to see if AI will take over the world.


I honestly don't want to live that long...


Can I heal existing issues? I can trade some days for it.




Wtf no. Even stealing one second of everyone is like 250 years why would I want to live that long?




I don't think so. Essentially you would be making the choice to immediately kill 150,000 or so people.


They're gone tomorrow anyways And realistically a lot of them that would be dying within a day are probably suffering anyways


Yes, yes, yes


Of course.


21 million years is a bit much. Of course ask me again after 21,917,801 if I feel that way! :P I like the other guy's suggestion. A minute... is 15,000 years. So I'm going to ask for 2 to 4 seconds! There are many outs in this scenario. Basically I think most people would be open to complete control of their lifespan if they were young and healthy... a lot of us would choose more. Imagine being at your prime... infinitely. All that energy. Little to no aches and pain. All that drive for tomorrow and well... sex. People say... you'd get bored! I dunno... I had a pretty happy life. The only parts that have sucked is getting old. Seriously if I felt as good as I did back then without any worry about tomorrow... I'd sit back and enjoy the same things I enjoy now. In fact... it'd be invigorating knowing that EVERY HOBBY is on the table now. You don't have to worry about if you've got the time for yet another thing to learn and do.


Yea.. long enough to feel like I've lived forever but not so long that I'm stuck floating around in the emptiness of space for eternity.


And Id feel feel guilty for millions of years for taking a single day from my own child. No I would pass on this one and not suffer watching my children grow old and die


On the other hand, you could be spry to help your children parent, help your grandchildren parent, help your great grandchildren parent. Your family over time becomes astronomically large.


eventually you would be the father of the whole earth


Sounds like I just became a god.


As another commenter said, that would mean that you would either have to become celibate or choose a sexual partner from among your great-great-etc.-grandchildren


I’m already tired at 36. I am not even about sex 200 years from now.


Per the terms of the deal you won't age so you'll still be physically 36. But I suppose in hundreds, thousands or millions of years you will quickly have had all the sex you'll ever need.


Am I trapped in life or can I choose to die? If trapped then no, I think the risk of drowning/suffocating/something else horrible for a vast span of time is too high. If I just have my lifespan extended but could still die from idk being stabbed or something then yes please.




Absolutely I hope to see our species evolve past our basic instincts. I want to see the new technology the world holds. Most Christians want to live forever in some fairytale world. I’d rather live 22 million years in this one and see everything the world has to offer.


Yeah why not, maybe I’ll be able to spread with humanity amongst the stars assuming we don’t moron ourselves to death by then.


Can you select which people you siphon life force from?




Of course.


You never said I couldn’t kill myself get myself into a situation where I die so sure


Are you immortal the whole time because the odds of dying in an accident or succumbing to a sickness are almost certain.


Assuming this isn’t operating on a determinist mindset where I *will* live for that long no matter what, sure. I want to see how society develops, and how technology grows. If it ever gets boring or society collapses and I don’t feel like dealing with hunting and gathering, I’ll just off myself and be done with it. At the end of the day, suffering is irrelevant after you die, so even if it sucks for the last bit it doesn’t matter.


Can I do the reverse? 




Yes, I definitely do it. I understand this is not the moral answer. I'm willing to deal with that.




I'd take ten years, and then off myself the next day. Just out of spite.


ten years each from 8 billion people?


Assuming people wouldn't know, probably yes. There is nothing about immortality, so I could end it any time if it was too much. I already outlived most people I care about, so the "seeing all your loved ones die" objection doesn't really work anymore. The "if I only had 1 more day" is also irrelevant, because the reaction would be the same if that person has had one more day. It's an reaction in hindsight after acquiring the knowledge of it being the last day. Having a single day more without knowing all of that doesn't change anything. All the things you didn't do and all the things you didn't say would still be undone and unspoken And in the end I'd probably still not ready to die when the day comes.


There’s 8 billion people in the world. 8 billion divided by 365 is nearly 22 million years. That’s probably a lot longer than the human race as a whole will survive.


I'd do it. Nobody will miss 1 day




Yes why wouldn't you do it? A day is insignificant. It doesn't matter if you die on a Wednesday or a Thursday.


I’d rather give everyone one day of life from my lifespan.




hellya id take this deal, and then i would advertise some shitty product as the reason of why i never age and make millions


I don’t want to live my normal expected lifespan. Why would I try to prolong it?


Yes without a second thought


Hell yea I do! Easily.




Hmmm yeah I can do that.




I get 8 billion days and everyone else loses one? Sure.




Are you immune to injuries as well, or can you still die by bleeding out etc? Can your arm be cut off??


I'd do it. Sorry everyone else.


See this is the worst kind of game theory question. Because to me, my personal brand of morality basically says "If everybody can't do it, you shouldn't do it either, even if no one notices." And that's clearly what this situation is, right? Because if everybody on earth was offered this choice, it only takes 16,425 people to say "yes" before I *instantly die*. If .0002% of the population says "yes", *everyone dies who didn't say yes.* So if I was able to be reasonably certain that I'm the only person who was offered this choice, the easy answer is to say no. It's wrong, I'm not going to do it. But if there's even a chance that a significant percentage of the population got this choice, the only right answer is to say yes. Because otherwise, the only people who survive are the terrible people who would say yes and damn the consequences, right? If everybody said yes, then nothing would change and everybody would be safe. So how can you be certain that you're the only one being asked the question? And how willing are you to risk your life on that? And what if it's not everybody who got the choice? What if it's just some people? It's a prisoner's dilemma, except if everyone says "no" nothing happens, if everyone says "yes" nothing happens, but if any significant percentage of the world's population says "yes" and others say "no" or don't get the choice, it means the death of most of the non-selfish population of the earth.


No. I don’t wanna live that long.


No, I'd like to die one day. It's part of life.


Hell yeah. Almost 22000 millennium. Let's run it!




8 billion people, 8 billion days, 21.9m years with no aging past 32? I'll just sort myself out if I'm the last one left. Sign me the fuck up.


Since you don't specify that you are immune to other natural causes of death besides aging, it is virtually certain you will die within a couple hundred years regardless. So no, wouldn't do it. Massive waste of everyone elses life for a tiny gain.


Ye I’ll take that


No. I don’t want to live for 22 million years. Even if it was just a free 22 million years, I still wouldn’t want it.


I wonder if you could live long enough to get to the point where a form of time travel exists so you go back or bring back your family. At the very least AI will probably be able to make digital copies of loved ones in the near future. Although I do not know how I feel about that. On one hand can you be happy with the knowledge that the copies aren't real? On the other hand, who's to say that everyone you know currently is real and this isn't just some computer simulation? I guess ignorance really is bliss. /Oldmanramble


A day? Probably not. That's a lot to ask of people. But a minute? That might be something I could justify, especially if I could pass the unused minutes on to someone else when I'm ready to stop living.


One day from like 8 billion people? That's a lot of years added to my life span. Even stealing a day from like 300,000 people is nearly one thousand years added to your life, right?  I suppose I would. I assume if I lived long enough I would forget most of what I experienced, who I had loved and so on, so no idea who I would become over the years. 


Roughly 22 million years, yeah.


Nah I’m ready for peace now. Life is mostly horrid with some nice shit mixed in. But I gotta say I’m tired of humanity and everything it entails.