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Once I get the proper connections in place, you can easily spend 100 million on some artwork in an afternoon. Some billionaire will always need some quick cash away from the prying eyes of the irs.


Came here to say this. Artwork is the easy way to do this. Don't even have to display it. Just have it stored somewhere safe and climate controlled for a year. Nobody has any clue about it. No clue you have this money. Sit on it for a year and done.


Nah, by the definition of the scenario, you have to use it.  So display it in my living room. Lie to everyone and tell them it’s a replica. It might get damaged, but whatever.  Nobody will know that you are rich. Then after a year, you get the billion and are free from the rules of the game. 


You don't even have to tell anyone it's a replica. Who is going to think you have a 100 million dollar art thing in your house?


Would art fall under investment?


Only if you ever sell it for a profit.


Only if you INTEND on selling it for profit down the line. Primary motivation and use in this application is displaying art.


Art is to be enjoyed by the viewer. If it is ONLY for you and nobody else, a private warehouse that is climate controlled with a comfy couch or armchair would be the best way to enjoy it and not benefit others.


I'd put it in my bedroom. Done and done.


Eat it


A house would increase in value just for being in existence. And that was in OP's example. I'd argue they're pretty similar.


Yeah but you can't buy a $100m house and pretend to folk it's a $10 thing you got from a thrift shop because you just liked the look of it. You could buy Sunflowers and literally no-one is going to think it's the actual piece, they'd just think you'd bought a poster or a print.


But you can't hide yourself when you buy, so everyone would know that you recently bought it...


Not at all. Most auction houses are very big on privacy. And in a private collector to private collector deal, privacy is basically guaranteed.


The same way a car would I guess. The art you actually have to display and enjoy. The car you actually have to drive and use.


It could but that would be stretching it at that point OP should just say you aren’t actually allowed to spend any of the money because in theory everything could be an investment


Personally, I assume any artwork displayed in my friends' houses are priceless masterpieces and am extremely upset when I learn otherwise. 


But it doesn't say *how* you have to use it. Throw it in your fireplace. You can "use" it as kindling for about 30 seconds.


That is genius lol. Considering I have a child, this is pretty much the only way I could do this scenario. Buy stupid expensive shit that I can just burn.


The fire cannot warm the kid tho, that would break the rules xD


It will be a great addition to the scrap wood I burn out back, at night, while the child and mother are sleeping lol


Then kick the kid out of the house for a while.


Given the wording around the house and the car, I'm assuming you'd have to use the things you buy for their intended purpose, though, since it's art, you *can* get a little creative. Most people would assume the intended purpose of art is to be displayed for others to enjoy, but not all art is created to be shared, therefore the "intended purpose" of art isn't rigid in its meaning. The real tricky part is knowing whether or not the artist's intention for the art matter. Let's say you buy a piece of art from the estate of a deceased artist; if the artist never intended for the art you bought to be seen, would purchasing and seeing it void the deal?


So Just eat gold shavings and truffles for a year?


Buy Banksy pieces and get fuck all in return. The art is the experience.


You proceed to burn it in your new backyard.


Everyone knows you can't afford the original piece of art...just tell them it is a copy...one of those computer painted copies you can get these days. Money spent and no one the wiser. Then lose your job. That get you out of buying gifts and such because you have to save money to pay bills.


Yupp. Just wink at him and say "Fair market value" at a hundred million. He'll both be delighted at the offer *and* that you winked at him.


Spending the 100 mil is easy. But a year without spending a dollar on anyone else? I Couldn’t do it. I have a wife and kids, and OP said you can’t spend your regular money on them either. As the primary bread winner, it just isn’t feasible.


Wouldn't having your employer pay into an account only controlled by your wife count? I don't see it being your money if you don't spend it. Wife giving or transferring you money from it also seems valid.


Give them all the money they need now, before the one year starts?


It says you can’t spend your “existing money”. Says nothing about next week’s paycheck. So just throw all of your existing money in a savings account or burn it or something. And spend future paychecks as usual.


If this loophole exists, easy. But I was looking at the question in good faith. Assuming any money of mine from whatever source wasn’t available.


>But I was looking at the question in good faith. Are you new here? 😀




i'm in the same camp with you. i have a dependant who wouldn't make it. period, end of story. i'll just wait here until the next hypothetical involving buckets of money arrives. should be one in a few minutes so it won't be long.


Just buy shitloads of watches and jewellery for yourself. All you gotta do is wear them. As long as you don't store anything irs not an investment. You can buy rolexes for upwards of 100k. Buy 365 of them and you've spent over a third of your cash. It's a daily rolex. Hell wear three at a time!


Why Rolex? I'd want to buy actually high end watches, not something made on an assembly line.


They hold their value. Especially if you buy already antique ones


I would be a 50 million dollar watch and say its off temu for 50 bucks lol.


You still won’t be able to give money to others for the rest of the year


I think the point is you live a normal year and so no one is suspicious - Counterpoint- you could also pay for the building of a 100M dollar thing- yacht/house - and it’ll take more than a year to build. No one knows if you don’t tell them.


I don't give people money now. LOL. It's only twelve months.


I think the point is that your friends and family will be very aware you are stinking rich, but probably hate you because it will look like you are shunning them.


Bruh if you think I can't recover from a measly twelve months of family beef...I can get over that with no money LOL. Bet that billion will help them get it.


I mean yeah imagine the explanation party you could throw next year.


Art generally appreciates in value, so this might go against the"no investments" clause. I'll let the OP weigh in on that.


Most high value art appreciation is kinda fake. If someone else paid a magazine and an appraiser for a review of a piece to artificially inflate its value, it'll lose value in storage if you aren't actively doing anything with it.


Spend the 100m on art, then immediate destroy it.


If you use it as firewood to warm just yourself, then that’s gotta be fair game


Pretty sure it's not the art that cost 100 million but the things they are actually buying and using the art as cover.


I can spend $100 million on myself, with no issue. Disappear for a full year, too. Private islands aren't cheap, after all. Neither are personal mega-yachts. And those places require staffs, which will all eat into that 100 million. Building the estate on the island, building the dock so it's capable of accepting my yacht and supply ships, constructing a helipad on the island, so I can fly to it from the yacht to the home, that'll take up that 100 million with no problem. Then sell it all a year later, because I have no desire to own and maintain any of that nonsense.


Oh good point on the staff, hire your family, with your spouse employed as full-time nanny who also does all the grocery and gift shopping for your kids if you suddenly can't feed them otherwise anymore. Can't tell them why but how many of them will argue with nepotism retirement if they know the money is legal?


Right, I would just start an LLC, employ my husband and pay him fair market wage (since the rules indicate I can’t give him an unreasonably large wage) but I can research the salary for a professional cook, cleaner, dog walker, personal trainer, lifestyle coach, and then combine all those salaries) same thing for my parents, rinse and repeat.


Don't forget escort


You could also hire them on call 24/7 for something at market rate and just never call them in. Depending on where you live it could be higher or lower but 7.25 an hour for a whole year is 66k. Not really a whole lot considering but if you can hire them for a better paying job it just goes up from there.


Or incorporate. The corp is paying them, not me.


If you hire the spouse that would benefit them so it’s a no-go


It says specifically they can hire crew for ships or cleaners etc to dealw with a house just can't give thr money to anyone or buy them things but hiring people is on the table.


My plan too, but I'd keep it. A billion...BILLION...can maintain that, though I would get rid of the mega on my yacht. Now I have a private island and a big ass boat, but not too big. Win back family and friends with a trip to a tropical paradise.


I had the exact same idea, minus leaving the country. I'd rather be secure in my not being suddenly kidnapped by some group that's just randomly in the know on billionaires. Which I'm sure sounds crazy, but consider if you suddenly pop up spending that kinda money in international waters, you could very easily become a target of some cartel or hidden organization involved with trafficking. And while security's a cool little expense in the grand scheme, I wouldn't trust the security to not be in on it.


Haha, I should have checked the comments because this was my idea too.


In game currency is about to be insane


2 days left to spend, it gets split between an insane amount of epic and steam credit.


Actually, this is brilliant. Want that new character or skin for your favorite gun? Is the next part of that gotcha game story you like out of reach? Spend a literal fuckton and buy the most expensive options on in-game currency and go wild. Soon, you'll never have to worry about being behind in those games again. Especially with millions of dollars in paid currency.


I’m actually TRYING to imagine how much you’d be able to spend on stuff like this before you “unlock everything”. I legit think I’d run out of games to micro-transact.


How does this work if you’re married? My spouse and I have shared assets. Can she spend her share? Or is she inherently in on it? What about primary residence? What happens when she divorces me for buying a 90M dollar home and not let her and my son live in it? How does that work? Edit: Also kids. And I’m not asking about trying to buy them a Rolls Royce. Like, they eat food. I’m obligated to feed and cloth my son.


This is my concern too, I'm literally required to feed, clothe, house, and otherwise care for my children. If I'm not allowed to spend a single cent on my vulnerable, dependent children for an entire year that's full on abusive neglect and no I can't and won't do that.


You still have any day job you would normally have though. i think any pre-existing ability to care for others isn’t inherently taken away, you just can’t ise *this* money for it


The edit says you can’t spend any money on them even if you had it beforehand or earn it from your job.


yeah i realized i didnt catch that a few mins after posting. rip


Yeah the edit really does just fuck with the whole hypothetical. Only kinda easy for single people. Hard to just straight illegal for married people with kids.


Yeah, fuck that. This is a single person's challenge. The rest of us can get fucked.


Yeah, this means anyone with kids is out. Unless, perhaps, they have a partner with separate finances and somehow convince the partner that even though they’re a billionaire, the partner needs to pay for everything for a year.


Even if they can get their partner to go along with, which is a massive fucking if, most people won't be able to survive like that. Looking at my country that would be 1 income covering all finances and the majority of people would become homeless and have at least one of their cars repoed. This really is literally impossible for people with kids unless they flee the country they're in and go into hiding.


Quite clearly OP is not an adult and has no idea how it works having a spouse and family. My wife and I have completely combined assets and accounts. It would not even be possible to just suddenly switch it up like that so they could eat.


That’s all of these scenarios. The question is always a long winded way to write “would you abandon your spouse and children for money?” Way too much effort for such an easy question.


I'm going to assume that only matters for the $100m. Anything else is your money already - such as your salary - and you can spend however you want.


Yeah, that’s what I’m asking. Because his example is suggest it’s literally zero. No birthday cards?


Yeah that part made no sense either, it says you can't buy things for people but also says you can use your current money.. like I'll just keep my job and live like normal for a year with a rare Picasso in my living room that everybody thinks is fake


He clarified it with his edit. You can’t use your current money. But it’s literal abuse to your kids if you’re the breadwinner.


Yeah this edit is full of shit. Sorry, but I hate these posts where they don’t fully think it through before posting. And to not spend your job money on anyone also is just a dumb edit. What he should have asked would be “Would you be willing to alienate everyone in your life to have a billion dollars?”


All of these scenarios are written by kids that don’t understand the concept of fungibility.


That’s really what he wants to ask based upon his answers. I mean, he wants that alienation to be around you not sharing the money. But his rules are so strict he just wants guaranteed alienation. I can’t spend my own money to take care of my legal obligations? Yeah, it’s about alienating everyone for a billion dollars.


Yeah, this would make it impossible for me. It would end my marriage in a divorce, and when I have to pay child support and alimony, I would lose it all anyway since it would benefit my family. I guess anyone with kids is SOL on this one.


Yea the only way it’s possible is if you have some time in advance to stop all your automatic payments and just abandon your family for a year.


So easy for someone divorced and kids out of the house.


Yep I interpreted it as you literally cannot spend a penny on anyone else for a year without explanation regardless of where the money comes from


Can spend 100M in a day in principle - James List will sort that out for you, paperwork not being accounted for. Buy one property worth that much & everyone around me would be happy to feed me if they living on my island - I mean if I employ them all as workers on my island - that's cool yeah?


So, if I spend the 100m in one day, is the catch completed, or do I have to wait out the year?


wait out the year. otherwise it wouldn't even be a challenge lol


oof. we still gotta wait the year. that's gonna suck.


So it's just Brewster's millions?


I thought they would have remade that by now but as Brewsters Billions..


My ex was completely blown away when she learned that the Richard Pryor version was a remake.


Of a remake of a remake! Just keep changing the dollar amount. It’s almost due for a remake again the world has just changed so much the rules would need to be dramatically different.


The book is in the public domain, so anybody could remake it 😁


It would be a great time for it. The "none of the above" campaign resonates now more than ever!!


That seems like an interesting fact, so I went to look it up and saw… HOLY cow it’s been made and remade so many times!


I found out it was a remake when I wanted to watch the movie and found it streaming somewhere, but it ended up being the original.


I almost feel like I want to go down a rabbit hole and watch a bunch of them.


As someone that's housebound, and has fallen out of contact with basically everyone - literally no downside whatsoever.


Absolutely. This wouldn’t be that hard. Buy some art, jewelry, take some chartered private plane trips, wait a year, be a billionaire. 


Why take charter flights when you can BUY an airplane? Taylor Swift’s plane costs roughly 50 million. One purchase and you are halfway there


There are private jets well over $100 million. This challenge is easy if you are single.


Yes, but why burn all that money in a plane when you can do other fun stuff? I am sure everyone can come up with creative ways to burn money. Remember Brewster's millions? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRWyQELLODg&ab\_channel=Movieclips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRWyQELLODg&ab_channel=Movieclips)


Buy a $90M mansion and spend a few Million on absurd vacations


Build a $100m mansion. Tell no one about the project. It will take more than a year.


This is the way.


That’s easy but if you have kids or wife it still would be almost impossible to not spend any of your current or job money on them without abandoning them completely.


Your edit makes it basically impossible to do for anyone in a relationship (let alone married with kids). I'd stipulate that you can continue to live your existing life (and spending levels) as-is.


Another op ruining the hypothetical situation because they are dissatisfied with people’s answers. Op is basically saying would you like to divorce your spouse if nothing you buy can benefit them even including a house you buy to live in


Yep “Here’s the reasonable way in which I would fulfill this requirement” “You’re not allowed to do that!!!” “Ok then I simply wouldn’t”


Easy peasy. Property in my area is expensive AF. Buy a house, set it up nice with any hobby and such I am into like gaming and start to get into 3D printing. Then expensive vacations with all the extras. I could spend that 100 million quickly.


I can still spend the regular money I had previously on other people. So while I have to be a grinch with the wealth for a year, I can still buy some things for other people. For the most part, it's just "Hide you are a billionaire for a year" challenge.


He put an edit that says you cannot spend your previous money or job money on others.


Honestly just ignore that part of the hypothetical since OP didn’t think this through very well lmao


Yea that part makes it nearly impossible


I think I once saw a documentary similar to this about some chap named Brewster.


Just fewer zeros :)


I’m buying 90 million in land. Hopefully located in the same spot so I can get 100’s of acres. I’ll have electric, water, access roads, and build a huge 4 foot thick concrete wall around it with the other ten million. That should take a least a year of if I spend it up front. If anyone asks why im stingy it’s because I need land. Then after 1 year has passed I’m giving away plots to family and friends under the agreement that they can only have a cabin built on it and can’t clear cut the trees. I’ll setup a trust to pay the taxes on the land and then use another 100 million to build a 10,000 sqft bunker either a shitty cabin above it. Then just live off the rest of the funds invested


At least let them clear the trees around their cabins? Makes less of a mess in bad weather when a tree falls. I would tweak it to be: for every tree you cut down, you must plant at least one of the same. Pine for a pine type scenario. I like having a wood fire, which often needs years of prep to dry the wood out properly, and family bonfires with leftover parts of trees are always a good night.


What’s the catch?


 Stonewall Farm, Granite Springs, New York is currently for sale for $100 Million. It’s my new home. 


If you're married this is entire impossible. Buy a massive house your spouse is going to live there. If I buy a yacht, my wife is gonna be on it. I will say this though you only said I had to spend 100 million of the magical genie money on only myself. If you have multiple bank accounts you can separate it. The 1.1 billion is in its own account I'll use it to build a big ass house/estate build the big ass Yacht. Do the vacations with that money, but then pay for the food and any other gifts for my wife using my normal non genie given money. He'll I'll take out a ton of credit card debt and use that so my wife can enjoy everything, and then pay it off after the year is up. Edit: I say build because I can plan something out so it takes a year for it to reach completion. And then my wife and I can live in it happily


I think your wife would understand you having to live alone for 1 year if you have 1 billion to spend on whatever you want afterwards.


But you couldn't tell her about it, you would have to find a way to leave her for that year without an honest explanation. I would make some shit up like "I have an amazing opportunity to work in Antarctica for a year".


I think you just tell your wife about your obscene spending sarcastically.    Honey , I bought 6 Ferraris today.     She’d never believe you. You’re Ferraris would arrive after a year anyways due to the wait lists. 


Nah, I'd much rather be able to spend that time with my wife. We had to do long distance, I'm not ever living away from her again. Also there is very little I personally want so if I can't do something with her the money is damn near useless. I'll use the money like I said above or I'll do what someone else down below said and just buy a shit ton of art, gold or precious gems and just store it away for a year in the bank and continue living my normal life for another year. And not touch a cent of the money again


Correct. Completely impossible if you have a family without ruining your life.


Am I able to pay any girls for the 'girlfriend experience', if you know what I mean? I'm single, this is gonna be super easy.


“You know what I’d do with a million dollars? Two chicks at the same time.”


You can only do this if you don't have a family how am I going to feed my kid


As a sole provider for my wife and kid, this would be pretty difficult. I wouldn’t take this deal, because I can’t discuss it with my wife up front, and so would likely lose my whole life while chasing that almighty dollar.


But can I still work my job and use that income for buying my kids stuff and my wife? You say I have to use $100 million only on me. But what about the money I already have/earn? If I can, then yes. I can use the $100 million just fine. New work chair. New cell phone. New clothing. Can I use it to pay off my debts? I mean, I can easily figure out ways to spend the money on things I’ll use without it being for anyone else.


What you’re all missing is that it takes a year, or more, to build a yacht. Buy a 99,999,999 yacht and an Arizona Ice Tea. Done.


I can't buy my kid food? Fuck the no thanks


“Nothing you buy can benefit your spouse” Tell me you’re single and don’t understand married household finances without saying so…


Cool. I’m getting crispr and mechanical upgrades.


Buy a mega yacht. Those things are easily well within the price range, and then some.


I'd be buying ships for myself and explosives. Modern day pirate wars on yatch ships. Cannons and all.


I can make that happen just on boats


I could spend the $100mm in one day. Does that trigger the $1b and end the gag rule? Or do I have to wait 364 more days?


I am 16. I'm broke anyways, no one would care if I don't buy them gifts and stuff bc that's normal I'll just buy some random painting or antique coin and wait a year


If I were unmarried, I'd buy a $100M super yacht, tell my family I'll be away and out of contact for a year, then when I come back I'd share my riches. If I were married, I'd decline the deal, $1B isn't worth losing my spouse.


Impossible since I'm not giving up my relationship with my wife for any amount of money.


100 million in one year. Simple. A call to the family to tell them that I am taking a traveling sales position and will be out of touch for at least a year. Then, find a super yacht for sale that needs some repair, buy it, fix and renovate it, live on it, and staff it. Add expensive food and expensive alcohol and I can easily spend 100 million. Or I could buy a large ranch and do something similar.


I was trying to imagine it until I read that my spouse can't benefit. Literally no amount of money would make it worth it. My spouse has been the best part of my life for 25 years.


Hello Sotheby's? When is your next auction for stupidly rich people? Great. I'll take the Monet. Hang in lounge. Win.


Aircraft and houses make this VERY easy. I could also easily “hide” the aircraft as well.


There are no conditions about hiring or paying people you know for goods and services, so I'll just buy my parents' house for 99 million and live off the last million in my childhood home


I'd tell anyone in my life I was going on a journey to find myself and disappear off the face of the earth for a year, traveling, staying in the most expensive places, dining in the most expensive restaurants and doing it all anonymously. I'd schedule to get back a couple of weeks before the year is up and then blow all the remaining money on a house/cars/whatever the fuck else to get in under the deadline so I'd only be publicly rich for a fortnight and wouldn't have people building up resentment for a full year. Then I could tell everyone (provided this also includes them magically accepting the "a genie made me do it" explanation). Or I'd do it all publicly and anytime anybody asked me about it I'd invite them over to watch *Brewster's Millions*. Never say a word about the money, just anytime anybody asks I'd bring up the movie. That wouldn't be telling.


Impossible to do this for me. I'm married with kids and I'm the main income for the family. The wife works, but wouldn't make enough to pay bills and buy food by herself. Her and the kids would be starving and homeless very quickly.


This is easy. I build from scratch and pre-pay into escrow the cost of the largest mansion in the most expensive place to live on earth. I fill it with the most luxurious furniture art and other things that money can buy. I buy a completely customized vehicle. I pay a designer and buyer to handle it all and be exclusive - no other clients. I rent the most expensive and secure storage for all the furnishings and appliances that will go in the home. I’ll have spent the money in one month and will not have to worry about being the sole resident because something like that takes two or more years to build. Edit: I also continue working my job and spend all my work money being generous. The two never mix. Also I take out the biggest loans along the way from any source that will lend it to me without awareness of the billion, just to be an even bigger dick about the terms. My credit tanks, but then I get a billion and nobody cares about that when it all goes away.


As a married man with a child who is a single breadwinner, the conditions would be impossible for me to comply with.


I can't make investments, but I can buy property if I use it. So I'm buying a house every month, and staying in it. After the year has passed, I will rent them out.


This is a no brainer. This is so easy. Also, the failure situation is you go back to your old life basically. And if you lost friends and family, since you’re back to your old life, you can now tell them why you seemed so selfish. ALSO, you didn’t say I can’t tell my friends and family “just wait. Trust me.”


$100,000,000. So what, I rent the Nurburgring out for myself to drive at a high rate of speed and motivation on for a couple hours? Done 🤣 Edit: Holy crap, it’s only $60,000 to rent it for a day. Well then…*does math*…looks like I could rent it for 4.5 years. NEW PLAN, buy an island, build a racetrack on it.


If I can’t tell my man the requirements I’m out. I’m not going to not provide for my family without explanation. I might gain a billion, but it’s not worth potentially losing the people that mean the most to me.


Naw; my wife and kids leaving me or dying of starvation since I can’t buy them food isn’t worth it. This is a stupid situation. Rather be poor and have my family than rich and alone


If you are unmarried and without children, easily done:[https://www.jamesedition.com/real\_estate/all?eur\_price\_cents\_from=6220693744&filter\_location=heroBar](https://www.jamesedition.com/real_estate/all?eur_price_cents_from=6220693744&filter_location=heroBar) Buy something from there and disappear for a year. If you have kids, well things just got a whole heap more complicated. You probably need to weigh up if your husband/wife will take you back if you rock up on the door step with 900m in hand and a luxury penthouse after a full year of ghosting. Because if I'm reading the edit right, then you can't spend a cent on anyone else, even if it's money you earned from your job or whatever. I can't see any other way you could do this without risking losing everything than to disappear. Edit: Maybe fake your own kidnapping or something like that


I’ll buy an apartment in NYC and still owe money


easy. buy every single game on steam.


Well, I live in the USA, so I will buy me a judge. 100 million is probably a little for SCOTUS, but a local judge in my pocket, for my future needs would beneficial. And, theoretically, no one would know, until it is too late.


Could I buy a Vegas casino for myself? I'll live in it


What if I run for office? Advertising costs a bunch.


As soon as you said it couldn't benefit my spouse the Game was over. I'm not basically divorcing my wife for money.


If I continue to work can I spend my work money to feed my kid? How would this work for a single parent?


I'm already a watch collector. I'd buy a closet full of Patek, VC, AP, RM, ALS, etc...and no one would even know since most normal people can't even tell the difference and my close friends/family already know I have lots of them. But instead of buying $10-20k watches, they'll be >$100k. Stash them in the closet and even wear them...and no one will notice lol


Definitely no deal. My spouse is worth more to me than that sum of money. And I suspect most (happily) married people will say the same every time.


Cool. My kids are gonna starve


Couldn't do it. Since I couldn't use any of my other personal funds, and I am responsible for my kids and wife...wife doesn't work....so I coopay my own mortgage because it goes to a shared asset.


Pfft easy. Hire all my friends and family to be my own personal Marie Antoinette/Synecdoche New York entourage making my estate all nice and pretty. Room and board is of course included and family game night is an enumerated duty.


To accomplish my dream I need employees. Mind you this project would be for me and myself only. No one will ever come, even after it's open. Staff is all for me, to serve me and what not. The company for my employees would be called International Genetics Incorporated. All serving me, no board or anything. Let's shorten that name though. InGen. I buy myself an island off of Costa Rico or the PNW or Hawaii. Gather the smartest people in the world. Unlimited money towards them to get me, and only me mind you, dinosaurs. I want a pet velociraptor from the GOATed Lost World. Best dinosaur designs. No I don't want an accurate meter tall raptor or 6 ft utahraptor with feathers. I want that monster-freak-of-nature velociraptor with a friendlier temper. I want to eat dinosaurs. All for me. I wouldn't share any of this. Isla Sorna would be mine.


As much as the money would change my life, I couldn't ignore my family for a year.


So keep working my regular job for a year so I can use that money to pay for all the regular stuff like housing, food, etc for friends and family. With the genie money I'd buy all the best hardware for my gaming computer. Buy every game on steam and xbox. Order food delivery for myself almost daily (at work) where the food is prepared by my personal chef. Then start buying video game art/collectibles that are absurdly expensive. Like a prototype gameboy with tetris or whatever. Then if that still isn't enough money spent I would store the collectibles in a vault with armed guards (paying them their salary of course). And if that still isn't enough, I'll just go to a casino. If you play long enough, you always lose to the house.


Can I buy my 17 month old food? If not, I am 100% not doing this.


Since i didn't see it in the prompt, I'll just give ppl a credit card. It's not my money. I'll pay it off after the year has passed.


Guess my family now works for me and wife is going to be doing a lot of illegal activities.


Sounds like a fucked up *Brewster’s Millions*


>If you’re married the same rules apply. Nothing you buy can benefit your spouse. So you just made this one super easy for singles & a "is your divorce worth this much money?" question for many of those that are married. Here's my tactic: My wife trusts me & we're in an incredibly unique situation that would allow her to draw fairly accurate conclusions to understand without any attempt at telling her, so I tell her about the genie money only & explain that there are details I cannot divulge & to trust me for at least a year & establish a "safe word" that I can say that will let her know that whatever I'm doing is part of this secrecy & for the long term good. All she needs to know is that our life will be great if she trusts me completely. Since I will be buying everything for my survival, she will be free to sell my car since it's in her name anyway as well as no longer buying groceries for me, so her monthly bills will improve, as will her cash reserves. Seeing this, plus seeing what I'm doing will set her mind at ease that something really is happening & I'll reenforce regularly to trust me for the long term good. I've already done the math & I would have zero trouble spending the $100mil.


Can’t do it. I’m the primary bread winner in my house. If none of the money can benefit anyone else, and I can’t spend my normal work money on them either, this isn’t feasible in the slightest.


The difficult part here is my wife and kids. Just not feeding my children is simply not an option and I wouldn't be able to do this unless there was a way around that. On top of that, my finances are shared with my wife and so if that money can't be used by my wife then it's literally impossible because as soon as she spent anything it would technically be my money being spent on someone else. The only way this is in any way possible is if I have some prep time to move money around in order to separate our finances. I'd have to be able to explain to my wife that I'm doing something for a good reason even though I'm not allowed to say what that is. If I could do that, then maybe I'd have a chance. Now, onto the spending. I'd buy an island on the west coast and have it developed. This would be my main residence but I'd only move in when it was ready and I'd make sure there was enough that had to be done to take over a year to complete. I'd pay in advance. The cost in getting the materials and manpower to the island would make 100 million much easier to spend while still not spending money just to throw it away.


Well this would be impossible for anyone married.


Just continue working for that year and spend all the money you earn on your family and friends, easy.


Lots of land, and an underground habitat. I'll make it self sufficient, with geothermal power generation. That should cover the $100 million.


The lear jet 85 costs 20 mil. Plus hanger fees, private pilot, mechanic, and wait staff. Fly it all over the world staying at the most expensive penthouse suites imaginable and its going to eat into that 100 mil nicely. Plus its out of sight from friends and family. I also see nothing about gambling it all away so a trip to the races or Montecarlo seems in order, plus designer clothes and jewelry to qualify as a high flyer. Now to place some truly awful bets that will have people wincing. I feel like I could easily spend over 100 mil this way. I'd just close up my apt. Do the above. Leave for a year. Send vague emails to family how im enjoying traveling.


So I can't even buy toilet paper or groceries because someone else could potentially use them?


I'll buy a holiday destination island, but one that will take a year to get prepped (all the infrastructure etc. that needs building). I'll use it as soon as it's ready, which will be after the year is out.


So what, I have to let my kid starve? That's some bullshit right there.


That is literally impossible without abandoning every single person in your life. And this genie's a dick.


A $100,000,000 yacht it is... I'll go on vacation at the end of the yr.


I'll keep my job, and keep my normal bill contributions going from that. Stop giving myself my "allowance" and use my new wealth for all of that. Keep the 1.1B in a separate account. Buy a huuuuge private island, and hire a lawyer and an accountant with prepayment of 5 years for each. Create plans and prep for roads, a school, an airstrip, a dock, and a store on the Island. Divide into plots for my home, and 1 for each family member, so that plots aren't too close, plenty of screening landscape, etc. After a year, tell husband, apologize for secrecy and not team planning, build our dream home, slowly tell friends and family, and have them move to our compound.


This was a movie in the 80s, I think it was called Brusters Millions.


I'm to make a plastic surgeon, a private chef and a personal trainer very rich.


Ok let me get this straight. 1.1b For only the *first year* upon getting it, and only the first 100m must be spent only to benefit yourself. You can't *explain* why you're being a stingy scrooge. But that doesn't mean you can't *hint* if they figure it out, that ain't on you. This is so pathetically easy to loophole the wording of. Get it like 2 months before the end of the year, redecorate my condo, do some custom work to my car. Blow 100m easy, toys from japan, all kinds of stuff i want... oh and my dream pc, that's like 12k minimum. When the year changes over, boom new year, i can do whatever the hell i want.


The whole “you can’t tell your wife and she can’t benefit from it” is a kicker for me, honestly. No amount of money in the world could get me to betray her.


It doesn't say you can't spend money on others, only that it doesn't count towards the $100 million. You could easily spend $100 million on yourself while still spending money outside of that on others.


i run a recording studio, checkmate


Nope. Can't do it. I'm too generous a person