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Yup. Turns out the doctors who couldn't treat my decade of back pain were unable because it was my super cystic ovaries all along. I also get a lot less migraines.


My back pain also was resolved!


I've had an extreme reduction in my ibs, food 'intolerances', migraines, other headaches, back pain, and a reduction in my dermatitis/allergies. My chronic fatigue (which I was told wasn't related) is also completely and totally gone. I haven't felt this good in a decade or maybe ever tbh.


Same! My digestion is on point now- always had issues before!


SAME! OMG! Also TMI but I haven’t been constipated since after the first couple days of my surgery. Like holy shit I was constipated for two years and no one could figure it out! And now I can eat again without having to feel like I need to pee every 5 seconds and being so bloated!


This gives me so much hope!!


That’s awesome.


Interesting, the reduction in IBS I would've expected to be connected to endometriosis being excised. But that's great!


I didn't have endo, I had adenomyosis and fibroids.


Ohhh this gives me so much hope. I’ve been in hell for almost 13 years. I told myself I would have to honestly give up if it stayed this bad. Few people believed how sick I was until I had proof. My mom and a few compassionate friends. I went through so many diagnoses. Come to find out, doctors have been brushing off a grapefruit, two apples, and a strawberry (fibroid sizes) and an enlarged uterus in a 4’11, very small body. They’re pushing against my hip and pushing my organs up.


Just had my 15lb fibroid removed that my old gyno ignored for 7 years. Why are we treated like this?!


Oh my God. It would be a dream if this helped with my chronic fatigue. Or food intolerance. Or skin things. I'm still trying to decide whether to do the hysterectomy or at least try ablation first.


Back pain, sciatica, urinary frequency, pelvic pain, general inflammation, etc. Prob headaches too. Thing is, all those things were either diagnosed as having another cause or such constants I never even talked to a doctor about them. I'm looking forward to what else will disappear by twelve weeks. :)


I’m 10 days post op and kind of wondering where my usual piriformis / sciatica pain is! Be interesting to see if it comes back once I can swim again


I'm eight weeks out, every day I wake up and it's still gone! I swear I'm living in fear of it returning, but it's looking good so far. That's with being much more active than pre op, too.


Wild! I hope it keeps getting better for you. I was hoping they'd find endo to explain all my other awful pelvic pain, but they didn't find a speck and everything seemed normal except for one small fibroid, so I'm still having random internal bursts of agony. Still better than before since I don't have periods on top of that and I'm so grateful my gyno believed my pain even without physical evidence.


I had endo and adeno, according to pathology. Neither was suspected or diagnosed. Imaging and labs fail as diagnostics a lot, whether this or shoulder injuries or whatever. Just bc they don't find it doesn't mean you don't have it. Just bc they find it doesn't mean you feel gross. I know it's not what we're led to believe, but there it is. Pain and illness are weird and complex. Good for your doctor and you, I'm glad you're feeling partly better! 🙂


Have these things disappeared?




So amazing! How did u have ur fibroid removed if you don’t mind me asking


Imagine it came out with my uterus, but really not sure. I was only scheduled for a d&c, so maybe it came out before they switched to the hyst.


My heartburn and gastritis are gone. I’ve been able to eat hot sauce and spicy foods again with zero issues. According to my OB and my primary Doc it was not related.


I used to have awful acid reflux and I haven’t had it once since, and I’ve tried real hard to get it. My OB and doctor both said it wasn’t related too. But I see an osteopath and the first thing she asked me after my surgery was if I noticed a difference with the acid reflux.


My reflux is better too! I no longer have to sleep with mouth open ( my reflux gave me stuffy nose and airway issues).


Y'know, this is making me realize my acid reflux has indeed improved since mine as well! It's for sure not cured, I've had mild heartburn on and off the last couple days, but still it used to be a good deal worse.


I didn’t actually notice either until a couple months post op when someone here made a post about it! I get actual heartburn now still, but never realized what I thought was heartburn and everyone’s universal heartburn experience, was actually just wicked acid reflux. So I still get that burny feeling in my chest sometimes but I no longer have acid shooting up my throat a few times a week.


My chronic lower back pain was gone practically immediately, which means that it was definitely caused by my huge ovarian cysts.


Wow that's great. Wish my lower back pain had been affected but I was only so lucky lol


Actually it’s recently come back! I wasn’t so lucky, after all.


My acid reflux that I'd developed a few years prior went away like, when I woke up from surgery. Turns out my uterus was so large that it was pushing up my intestines and pushing my stomach up, too. So everything was squished. It made sense once I figured it out, but I had no idea, I just thought it was stress.


My uterus was a normal size but I had baaad acid reflux. Haven’t had it once since surgery, and I used to get it at least 2-3 times a week for probably close to a decade. I had to cut fried food out completely but then the list of things that triggered it kept slowly growing. Wine and champagne, then fresh tomatoes, anything tomato-heavy or acidic, butter, then spicy things. I can eat whatever I want now and not a single acid reflux incident since, so almost 8 months.


That's so great to read! It feels so much better without that acid!


Wow, that is so intense! I had bad reflux too, but only when I had certain food so not sure if it was related. Did you have fibroids as well?


Yeah, I had one really large submucosal fibroid which was responsible for most of my issues, and a couple of smaller ones. My uterus was the size of a basketball. 🏀 😩 In the months before my surgery, I would get winded walking up a hill that I normally had no issues with. I had such little space in my entire mid body cavity that it was hard for me to take a deep breath, I guess.


I've had a chronic cough for over 20 years and no doc I've been to could tell me why or make it stop. I've tried antacids, inhalers, cough medicine, allergy medicine, basically everything, to no avail. Coughing has negatively affected my life in so many ways, especially the years of 2020-2021-2022 because people were so mean to me when I coughed, even while masked up. It's like people forgot that you can cough for other reasons besides sickness. It's been like a miracle since my surgery because I hardly ever cough anymore. It's so wonderful and I hope it stays this way.






I am so sorry. I am in your shoes- chronic loss of voice and sore throats for 13 years. All I can do for work is write right now; I am so insanely grateful for my line of work. Can’t wait to get this awful uterus out.


Sorta! My face was puffy every dang morning, no matter how early I would go to bed and get up late. Always puffy, always absolutely exhausted. I had a sizable fibroid pressing on my bladder plus an oversized “unrecognizable” uterus. It came out on 11/7 and the next day, my face was bright and clear like it had been at least a year ago. I suppose that even though I thought I was getting sleep, my bladder being constantly pressed on most likely kept me out of REM sleep? Just speculation.


11/7/22 Yeeterus here!


I wish my migraines cleared up but they've gotten worse since my hysterectomy but I start HRT soon. However since last year I've had a lower back pain issue where walking for even a little bit and my muscles would get super tight and I basically had to stop walking and take a break because it was so painful. Have not had the issue since my surgery almost 8 weeks ago.


I've been able to drink apple/orange juice without severe stomach pains.


Before my hysterectomy I had low blood pressure as far back as I can remember, and sometimes it would drop to where I’d pass out (even happened once while at the doctor’s and once as I was brought out of surgery). I’ve had nothing of the sort happen ever since the hysterectomy, and my bp is always within normal range (even had a brief period when it was a tad high).


Hi i have the same issue. Did your low blood pressure happen when you were lying down or standing up?


Both! BP was generally low and would have sudden drops, mostly in the morning when getting up or right after in the bathroom, but it also happened while lying in bed and once even before or as I was brought out of general anaesthetic. Then after the hysterectomy: never again. It’s been six years now. (I’m no medic so this may all be coincidence and not connected.)


Sciatic pain has gone from regular 6/10 to occasional 2/10. And I used to get pretty gassy a while after eating, that's massively improved too!


Thankfully I no longer have migraines, urinary problems and I’m not freezing all the time. I also get a better quality of sleep.


I wouldn’t call them issues but I can go longer without washing my hair and my shaving rate was cut down significantly as I maybe only have to shave my legs once a month. I honestly can’t remember the last time I shaved my underarms. So I got that going for me, which is nice.




Thank you for sharing this. This is encouraging to hear. I too suffer from frequent headaches. I feel like I've had more days of my life with a headache than days without. I initially thought that the issue must be a vision issue, but yearly eye doctor visits ruled that out. I look forward to seeing if I can have a similar experience while I recover.


Yeah getting new glasses didn't seem to do anything for the morning headaches and doctors just said ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ when I brought them up. Good luck!!


My ibs has reduced significantly


I had a bilateral TMJ surgery two weeks before my hysterectomy. My chronic migraines have almost completely disappeared and the ones I do get are very low grade now. But I suspect that's largely from the TMJ surgery, not the hysterectomy. So far, nothing has been good about my hysterectomy yet. I have major sharp pains when BMs travel through my colon to exit. I used to go once a day but now I'm going three times a day and it feels like I'm dying every single time. 12 dpo


No mo ice pick headaches.


For me it was constipation, night sweats, fatigue and my gluten allergy which used to result in all over body hyves actually got better. Seriously this operation has been a life changer for me so far!


I developed a hive reaction to dairy at age 23. I’m so curious if it might go away post hysterectomy!!! This thread is amazing


Mine didn't go away completely but it is sooooo much better, I am.only 2mo and a half post op. So praying that the same happens ro you


One that was extremely wild and didn’t seem Correlated was the extreme eye puffiness I’d get. It never happened until I started having issues and crying would almost weld my eyes shut that how puffy they would get. Now I can cry and barely be puffy!


Lol, I am noticing everything else that is wrong since ai am not ruled by endo pain anymore - not a patch on that tho x


3mpo, and so far leaky bladder, shortness of breath, and reflux are gone. I'm keeping an eye on some bowel issues because my surgeon said it could be 6 months before that resolved, and really hoping that some varicose vein problems in my left leg don't come back because those HURT. But I did find references to a couple of cases where women had vein problems due to fibroids pressing on their iliac vein, so maybe I'll get lucky.


I don’t have to use a seatbelt extender on a plane anymore. My 15lb fibroid was the reason. I thought it was just a big girl problem.


It has hurt me to use the restroom for over a decade. We thought I had an overactive bladder and internal hemorrhoids this whole time. Had a colonoscopy 6 weeks post op and we can now confirm that, nope, my uterus was just squishing everything!


I'm only 1wpo, but my bladder hasn't been as leaky. I used to dribble all the time and had to wear pads 24/7 because of it.