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Mine did the same thing! I just really babied it. Kept a piece of gauze there to help.


Have you had any other surgeries in the past? Did those have delayed healing as well?


I did have my appendix removed in 2008, it was a robotic surgery. That was a small incision and I do not remember it having difficulty healing. I suspect, after reading some other posts, that it is typical for belly button incisions to heal slowly so fingers crossed that is the case. Thanks!


keep it as dry as possible after you clean it, neosporin or anything Vaseline based prevents air flow and can trap moisture which can impede the healing process. antibacterial soap and water should work just fine, then leave it to dry. hope you heal well!


You could try putting a small piece of iodine dressing on it, and a clean dressing over that. It worked really well for me! Leave it there for a few days, and it helps to dry the area out and allow healing.