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I’m 6WPO today and I had my six week follow up this morning. I was cleared for all exercise and lifting, but no sex until 10 weeks.


At 8 weeks I was cleared to start any exercise I wanted, as long as I followed the rule of stopping if I started to feel too fatigued or sore. I did not start trying to run again until like week 10 though, and it was a very slow start


Start slow. Expect to walk, run , walk intermittently backing off to avoid pain discomfort. Be gradual. Be measured. Walk, walk faster, break into jog, back off and repeat. Watch for landmarks to measure distance of how far you can go before discomfort. Walk until there is no discomfort and start up again if you can. Then. 1-3 days later, do the same thing and see if you can go a little farther.


I am so sorry. Wishing you a better 2024 and the clarity you need to move forward, whatever that means for you.


At 10 weeks I can’t imagine it being a problem unless you have something unusual going on. Maybe worth a call to the nurse at your surgeon’s office. I called about lifting weights and they had a quick answer.


I’ve never ran ever lol I have bad knees..I started exercising at 10 weeks by doing strength training..5-10 lbs weights and it really helped my mental, physical, and over all health to really sweat and do it..by week 13 and on I felt like a bad ass!! And was really getting into it..maybe try some weights first before running. And when you are ready and strong you can run.


Hugs on the relationship part. Relatable. Hope you guys can figure out what will make you both happiest.


I was watching support videos on YouTube, and one video said that if you can't jump rope for an extended period of time, then you shouldn't start jogging yet. I hope that helps. I'm sorry. I don't remember the time that was said. Good luck!


I'm not there yet but at my 2 week I was cleared for things like yoga and low impact cardio. She told me if the healing was on track at 6 weeks I'd be cleared for pretty much everything.


I was cleared at 6 weeks. I’m 7 weeks now and still haven’t had sex or anything 🤣


Abdominal here and cleared for all exercise at 12 weeks. The jostling is still pretty painful though. I hope you find the clarity you need out there in the open air. ❤️


It's not the same thing, but my surgeon wanted me to wait until 12 weeks to ride my horse because of the jarring motion. I imagine jogging is similar. But, my surgery was also unusually intense and I had freaky complications at 3wks, so YMMV


I had my two week check up on this past Wednesday - and cleared for any exercise (including running) or movement that feels okay for me - just no baths or intercourse for another six weeks. If you are nervous, check with your doctor/care team to be on the safe side.


I was cleared for all exercise at my 6 week check up, that included running. My doctor did say to take it slow, and gradually build up to back where I used to be pre op. For peace of mind, can you just call your doctors office? The nurses can make a note of it, then call you back with the answer. I would think you would be ok to run at 10 weeks post op, but I don’t know what your surgery or your health is like.


I am 2 weeks post op and walked 2 miles two days ago and it felt great. I would walk today the same but it’s freezing! I am not into running but I’d say do what feels good as long as you don’t overdo it. Sorry on your marriage situation, but what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. I am a believer that if people aren’t happy - better to split up and find your happiness than struggle. I was happily divorced for almost 10 years until I met a love of my life at 42. 🥰🥰🥰


I'm 8 WPO and still not clear to do anything; I go for another exam next Friday at 9 WPO. I had an abdominal incision I had my second PO appointment at 6 weeks and was not cleared. I think for me it will be about 12 weeks, we shall see after next week.


I would call my surgeon and ask this. We are all going through this together but how our bodies are healing is an individual journey. My surgeon told me 12 weeks before starting my PT activity back up and to start off lightly. My PT won't give me more than small core workouts until he does a new assessment with me at 16 weeks in. Find out what your surgeon wants you to do just to be safe.


I am so very sorry for what's transpired in your life. I hope you get your health back so you can pick up the pieces and go on. Take care of yourself and be good to yourself.


I was cleared for everything except penetration at 6.5 wpo. I could soak in a bath, run, lift anything I wanted, etc so long as nothing was inserted.


I ran/walked a 5k at 6 months post op and I started training around 10 weeks. Be very, very vigilant about listening to your body and take it sloooowwww. Like, slower than you think. You still have things healing inside of you (someone told me surgical soft tissue recovery takes at minimum 6 months) and it’s an adjustment when everything starts jostling around in there. Also, I’m so sorry about your marriage. I got divorced after being married for 10 years and it was the hardest and best thing that ever happened to me. Sending you so much love.


I was cleared for light recovery exercise at 6 weeks (gentle yoga, walking but not enough to really raise my heart rate). At 8 I could do more lower impact things but no weights (power walk, cardio machines). At 10 I was fully cleared but if I felt any pressure it strain I needed to stop.


I cheated. I started slow jogging around 4 weeks, 2 weeks before I was officially cleared. Not more than a couple miles. I also started walking a day or two after surgery. I mentioned this to my doctor at 6 weeks and she said the only cuff repair she had to do was on a runner and to take it easy- no inclines or speed work. I was more or less back to normal running activity by 12 weeks. Edited to clarify


Any chance one might be well enough to run a marathon at 12 weeks, do you reckon, if say one is already walking up to 8km at day 10 with no discomfort? Asking for a friend 🤔🫣


My doctor telling me that cuff anecdote put the fear of God into me. I am a step machine. I love walking and running and I’m convinced that intentional, slow, walking right after surgery aided my recovery. I could cover longer distances after 12 weeks, but longer distances for me is 5+ miles. I get the urge to move, but a marathon would be a wild feat! What does your doctor say?


My doctor said very little before discharging me and my follow will be at 6 weeks (hopefully)... He said "don't drive yourself home, but overall you're looking great for 2 days post op"... So *technically* no driving restrictions outside of that. I haven't driven yet and it's day 11 so I'm being sensible. "Don't lift anything heavy", but what's heavy and for how long??? "Just take it easy for a while".. I'm a gym gal, 10kg is a light lift to me... Taking it easy is walking 1-2 hours (vs running). Yesterday walked close on 2 hours (slower than usual but not slow, and a 30 minute break on a bench at a stream, just enjoying nature and eating my sandwich, not because I felt tired) Great surgeon, bedside manner needs work (no complaints, I'd rather he be better at the surgery any day!). I barely have any bruising around the incisions even. But also barely any direct guidance, hence I'm getting feedback from others and combining that with how I'm feeling too figure it out. Think I'm doing an okay job of it so far.


I hear ya. My surgeon didn’t release me officially until 8 weeks because my cuff wasn’t quite healed completely. Better safe than sorry. I was surprised when she told me because I more or less felt great. Your doctor should check your cuff at 6 weeks especially being as active you are to make sure it’s structurally “sound”. Sending you lots of good vibes!


Well I made it past the 6 week mark, got the all clear to return to everything, no restrictions just be careful and mindful. 3 runs over 5 days, short and easy, but I think I might possibly maybe just be able to complete the marathon in 5 weeks time. There will be a LOT of walking and no record times, but I’ll be delighted just to be able to be there and get through the course.


Holy shit. I’m so sorry! ❤️


Start slow when reintroducing any physical activity. I would also highly suggest seeing a physical therapist ladies. It should automatically be a part of our recovery and I’m hoping doctors start encouraging it after a major surgery like this.