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You're not missing anything - it's just that you're on the losing end of a choice - " I’m almost always using my iPad in portrait " Most other power/vocal users use theirs in landscape, and take their calls with magic keyboard attached.. That's why the change was made.


Landscape is pretty much the only way.


Definitely. Best change ever.


You aren't missing anything except for the fact MOST people were facing time in landscape in the old version of the iPad, and we suffered all the same issues... we looked like we were looking into the abyss and not at the person because the camera wasn't centered. Now on the M4 if you use it in landscape it looks perfect, but the minority... like you... that are used to FaceTime in portrait on the 11/13 inch iPads are discovering the problem we all had the last decade (but mostly since Magic Keyboard and folio cases became popular.)


It’s 2024. You use your iPhone in portrait and your iPad in landscape.


One exception: the iPad mini. I'm glad the FaceTime camera is in portrait mode. I hold it one hand like an iPhone while making a FaceTime cal.


I agree... I hope iPad mini remains the only iPad setup for FaceTime to be portrait primary.


This. Im so glad the camera is now landscape


Start using your iPad in landscape mode. It may take a bit to get used to but it’s definitely better when you do.


I think the decision to change it was not to benefit FaceTime but to benefit apps like Zoom. With the uptick in jobs that can be done from home people have needed to utilize apps like Zoom more often. Since they are usually work related apps they are most often used in landscape mode using a keyboard case. I’d bet more people utilize FaceTime from their iPhones for personal use while iPads (especially the pro models) are used more for work.


I think everyone that replied has chimed in fairly courteously. I can explain a bit more, but the short answer is, you use your iPad in what is, now, a fringe way. The first two iPads did not have a camera. When they put a camera in the iPad 3, at that time, even three generations in, the iPad was still *mostly* an upscaled iPhone. There wasn’t a whole lot optimized for it, it wasn’t a "laptop replacement," I am pretty sure there was no Magic Keyboard. In the first 3-5 years of the iPad, portrait was the default orientation, both by design, and by use. I will add here, that even though I have been using iPad since 2010, I have always used it in landscape, unless forced to use portrait by an app. When they eventually added a front facing camera, which was also well after they added the rear camera, portrait was still a viable use case, but that was shifting. Once the Magic Keyboard became a big deal, and as apps have caught up to the way people use iPads now, any app that is optimized for iPad, is landscape. Landscape is now the "default" orientation the iPad is intended to be used in, something that has shifted naturally because of both users and developers. For many years, the front facing camera being in the portrait position made sense, even as it became a holdover from an earlier time. Here is how I would describe what happened. In the first few generations of iPad with a front facing camera, the camera was at the top of the iPad. To you, and you are now a minority user, the short side is still the top. However, the majority use case is landscape. So, what Apple did, was to move the camera from what is now the side, to what is now the top. Having the camera at the top makes more sense, the camera is at the top of phones. The "top" has simply shifted in definition, as it relates to tablets. Apple had to choose a "side," as it were, and your side was correct for many years, but just isn’t correct anymore.


My guess is that Apple's analytics suggest that more people just use their phone for FaceTime, but that iPads are used heavily for zoom, teams, etc. Thus, they made the switch. It's a little jarring for the receiving party . . . but on the plus side made it will cause everyone to return to using video in landscape.


Made my first FaceTime call on my new M4. Landscape. Do I look different to people I call or do they look different to me? The person I called has an older IPad?


Should’ve picked up the M2 LOL. For the longest time everyone complained about the camera being in the portrait position and Apple finally listened.


It’s funny how these people who buy iPads still use it like their phone. Just don’t buy an iPad then. A tablet is a tablet for a reason to use in landscape.