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It’s great, I use it on all my Apple devices


I always have TrueTone on. For me it’s less the warmer tones and more the consistency in experience between multiple ambient light conditions. What appears one way in broad daylight does not look the same as in my dimly-lit bedroom at 11:00pm. TrueTone alleviates this quite well.


This. It’s a pretty slick piece of tech. Of course if I was in a static environment and could calibrate a display I wouldn’t use it. But that’s not me.


Never heard of anyone turning it off honestly. I always thought it looked better.


Photo editing


Same, I really like TrueTone but when it comes to photo editing, it instantly gets disabled for the time being; otherwise…it’s on.


I do. When painting my drawings or anything art related. Having it on affects color accuracy. But otherwise , for every other thing I do it's on


I turned it off on all my devices. Just dont like the warm color. I prefer it pure white


TrueTone is a MUST for me. I hate seeing a cold blue display in warm light, or vice-versa. It’s a brilliant feature.


Sounds of Everyone going to settings to toggle TrueTone LOL


Anyone else leave it off like me?




Me, on all my Apple devices (photo editing and consistency)


Always off for me too. I truly dislike warm tones and hate when my wife shows me her phone with it turned on. I find it hard to look at.


I leave it off. White shoud be white. Else, why have this beautiful OLED display?


That's the thing. What your brain perceives as "white" changes based on your environment. My non-True Tone laptop display looks blue to my eyes in my office which has slightly warm lighting. Only my iPhone and iPad look *truly* white, because True Tone matches the color temperature of them to the lights I have.


I use it except when I’m editing photos in Lightroom. I built an automation to increase my screen brightness and turn off True Tone when Lightroom starts.


Whoa that’s pretty sweet i haven’t Though of that i could definitely use this for procreate.


I keep it off because my phone/iPad would always flicker randomly between TrueTone on/off.


I only use True Tone + night shift when i am studying, since the white background is disturbing, otherwise i turn the damn thing off, It’s not ideal to watch any media. movies and other content has to be watched with their real contrast. It sucks when it makes it warmer. I appreciate that it helps with the eye fatigue but not much of a difference. Leaving it on forever doesn’t seem a good idea


I leave it on


It's great. Every time I hop on my ROG laptop after using my Apple devices, I'm reminded of what non-True Tone looks like and am briefly disappointed.


I turned it on from day one. This is one of the reasons why I can’t use any other type of monitor. It’s hard living without TrueTone.


I almost always have it on. I read a lot of comics and sometimes I like to turn it off when I’m reading just to see what that looks like and if I prefer it better. Even then most of the time I just turn it back on and never think about it.


My wife and I go back and forth on this all the time. I simply cannot STAND warmer tones on devices. She prefers it, including turning on night mode on her devices that I also can't stand. It's great that Apple provides this feature and I'm sure it works well. People who like it can benefit from it.


I hate True Tone,lol. Dulls the whole Apple experience on an iPad and iPhone. I’m shocked people leave it on. It’s the first thing I shut off when I get a new iPad or iPhone.


Shoulda called it POOTONE! ![gif](giphy|4fjXjv2nDhVHphVdjT|downsized)


I know it's bright but I am aware of my eye strain when it's turned off. I often alternate depending on the situation.


I have trueTone turned on on all my devices and they all switch to Night Shift every night at 10 pm automatically. I’m actually thinking pushing it back to 9pm. Blue light will fuck up our minds and sleep, especially if your job requires you to work with screens all day


True tone is stupid. Fuck apple for turning on a setting to make it worse