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*"Starting in September 2023, the parents said they "saw significant shifts in their child’s behavior and noticed physical injuries on their child, including unexplained scratches, bruises, a lost tooth, a broken toe, a black eye, and other deep bruises on their bodies and feet," the law firm's press release stated.":* This clown needs to go down.


A lost fucking tooth.


Broken toe! She has been doing this way before the video. As a father of three, this makes my blood boil.


Yup I would love to pay all of it back with great interest.


She would be picking up her broken teeth with her broken fingers.


I'm in


As a non-parent, I too am incensed. Bro dislike of evil is not limited to parents. 🙏❤️


As a father of none this makes my blood boil.


Hope she got what was coming her way either from the parents or the law


The tooth could have come from the elbow she put into his face, hopefully it was a child's tooth.


This may be a rare instance where I’d call for life in prison without the accused committing murder or rape. Repeatedly torturing and maiming children for sport is akin to either. Permanently traumatized and ruined that kid’s life.


People are making a big stink about her getting out, but if I was the parent, I’d help her realize real quick that staying in jail would have been much safer for her.


💯 this is fucking heart breaking the amount of pain she inflected on children and that's only the physical aspect there's damage beyond physical she's caused. Needs to be in prison for the rest of her shit life


And the kid wasn’t even doing anything either!! Just looking out the window.. And she chose to do all that.. Because she knew the kid was not able to talk and tell on her. Disgusting POS Rotten Crotched Bitch needs be put UNDERNEATH tha damn jail.


That was a sweet little innocent thin little kid. The type bullies pick on. If I had to do it again, I would homeschool my kids thank God they’re seniors in high school now.


She needs to “think” about her crimes in general pop.


Broken toe?? She needs a taste of her own medicine on steroids.


![gif](giphy|s6q3Ej1ZBmsrRwpmwY|downsized) we cant expect god to do all the work


Oh hell to the no


This is evil as fuck. She deserves way worse than whatever punishment she will get.


That may as well be any cus apparently our wonderful justice system didn’t do a thing about it


Seriously??? They have video of child abuse and nothing occurred? Unfathomable!


Someone replied with a story where their eye witness testimony was declared as not happening. That story was separate from this video.


She's out on bail awaiting trial. She will almost certainly go to prison.


I *need* this to happen.


how do these people get jobs at schools?


Minimal background checks I'm assuming.


Background checks only check your criminal record. As long as you weren’t arrested you will be good. You can be a murderer but as long as you haven’t been arrested you will pass a background check.


It depends on where you are. In canada, you can do "vulnerable sector check" which will pull up EVERYTHING, including things that you were charged with but never convicted of. They also include the things you did when a minor as well. I should say, that VS checks need a have been requested by an employer and you can't just go and request one.


US background checks show charges not just convictions. I don’t know about charges as a minor though. I have a friend that works at the FBI headquarters as a maintenance person. They check all your social media history, interview them with a polygraph on, interview friends, family, neighbors, coworkers and even former teachers. Now that is a background check lol


My brother is a federal officer his background check was intense I got interviewed by them, I told em he's not a bad person but he also has a history of bad decisions. He still got the job lol


Yep… my first clearance was stressful. Assigned an investigator, questioned line by line over every last detail of your life. They hired me, but was conditional to clearance of course. Investigation took a little over four months before I was officially cleared and issued. And… I’m not sure if this has been implemented yet, but fed jobs/public trust/clearances are going to be reviewed on alerts/triggers (like an arrest or divorce) as opposed to the every *x* years (or not at all depending on position, no reviews past the initial). Many to most fed jobs don’t require such a level of investigation; IIRC, SF-85(P?)s are background checks only (credit, criminal, travel, etc.) and SF-86’s require all the extra un-fun stuff, including things like interviewing neighbors. (Fed’s justification for triggers/flags like divorces or bankruptcy is because the event could be a catalyst for arrests, financial problems, etc. which could impact an employee’s decision making in their position or crime like theft.)


Can confirm my mother was a bus driver during the late 90s early 2010s they do zero background checks on who they hire.


I kinda hated my bus driver while in school in the 90's. He was mean, constantly yelling at kids for not getting on and off the bus correctly. Yelling at other drivers in the road, and writing plates of vehicles parked at bus stops. Wasn't until college when I appreciated what he did, he got mad at kids when they would walk too close to the street or too close to the front of the bus but that was for our safety. Same with other drivers on the road. He really cared about us kids, just in an angry way lol


“I’m gonna protect you and you’re gonna fucking like it” -Grumpy bus driver


"Take my fucking kindness" That's how I read that


Absolutely! I like that… take it or else goddam you… inner monologue “do I do that?!”.


What? That is horrifying. Anyone working for an organisation/business that deals with young people is Garda (police) vetted in Ireland. As a teacher, I'm re-vetted every 3 years.


My male bus driver in middle school used to flirt with one of the girls on the bus. I was jealous at first because I had a crush on her, but now I realize that it was just weird


They even do on the job training for the license iirc. My mom actually drove a bus for a bit too.


Background check can’t detect assholes if they haven’t been charged yet


How the world misses public shaming


I've met many people who would act like this that could pass a background check with flying colours. Background checks even extensive ones cant tell of a person is a piece of shit or not, just if they've been caught doing something in the past.


I can confirm. My daughter's high school fired an assistant principal last year for diddling kids. Turns out he lost his job a year before from another school for doing the same thing.


I've heard a story where a teacher was found out to be a pedo halfway thru first semester and they let him finish the YEAR. They knew for 3/4 of a year there was a pedo teacher.


And desperation!


Lps has fbi background checks, so idk how Omaha is much different.


Also, the process can be slow, and a person is hired while the background is being done. Sometimes, the background gets stalled and nothing comes of it. This has been my experience working in a private school.


This is a bus attendant, most likely hired by the transportation department of the school system. They often have no clue on working with special needs kids. I work school security and I will follow up on my comments with an update.


It's a disabled child too


A sweet innocent and DISABLED child. Yeah let her stay in gen pop. No commissary.


I assumed as much simply because a comment above said it had been going on a while. You’d think the kid would tell someone if they were able. Plus she looks bold as hell in this video. Breaks me heart to know this child was probably confused and wondering why they were being treated that way. Throw that wretched bitch under the worst prison available as far as I’m concerned.


Bro, I reported behavior like this when working in the classroom [abuse to kids from other teachers] and lost my job same day.


I'm curious. Do tell more. Were you a teacher? Why didn't kids self report?


I was a parapro, working as a teachers assistant when 20 years old. I was working with a migrant populace of all Hispanic children 4-5 years old. I don't believe the children knew her behavior was wrong. After lunch time, while the teacher was very frustrated, she grabbed a child by the cheeks tightly and threw them onto a child's stool knocking the chair backwards. The kid cried. I reported the teacher to the school midday, shortly after the incident, and they asked me to never return at the end of workday stating the teacher denied ever having touched the kid.


Damn that's awful. It's a shame that happened to those kids and if it happened once then probably plenty more incidents. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Have a great weekend


Or bus monitor used to twist our arms behind our backs. It was only stopped when he slammed a kids face into the window and a motorist saw and reported it.


Minimum wage


Maximum rage.


It’s shockingly easy to work in the school system. Many public school teachers are POS. The culture they develop as teachers too is sooo anti-kid that many of them shouldn’t be near schools at all. Source: I went through courses to be a school teacher, worked with teachers and staff, and got out as soon as I realized it wasn’t just one or two bad apples


Lower expectations


Is she a driver assistant? What ever her job is, She is sick, cruel and needs to be severely punished. I can’t imagine seeing my kids in this position.


She’s an Aide on a special needs bus. These kids also represent the majority of non-custodial child abuse victims. Most aides are true angels, but then you get worthless cretins like this heifer. Live with this fear daily, my daughter is special needs and also non-verbal.


Where I'm from they put sometimes put school staff on the bus with students who need extra support because they're not being safe on the bus. Usually just not remaining in their seat.




Wow. A non verbal child at that… it’s already deplorable to touch any child this way— but especially so when it’s a non verbal child because he was chosen for the fact that he *cant* tell anyone what happened.


She is obviously a psychopath that needs to be jailed for life. Protect society.


Man, poor little guy😣 That bitch deserves many years in jail.


"She was released from the Arapahoe County Jail on a $5,000 bond on April 5." WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING FUCKING FUCK?!?!?! 5000 bond? Thats it? What in the hell


Crimes against children don’t matter unless it’s rape or murder. I was sexually abused for YEARS until my mom found out and her husband was arrested. He served 30 days. I’ve been in therapy for years. Fuck our justice system. I hope this animal gets what she deserves…but she won’t.


Holy shit :( I am so sorry. I hope you find the peace you deserve. I can't even imagine.


she has privilege


To an ass beating


So that's what 500 bucks cash?


They had to make it high enough that she thought they were letting her go but low enough she would pay it. Now when she "skips her court date" it will look like she ran and no one will check for shallow graves really near the city.


my girlfriend was a para for a few months at an elementary school. her and two others witnessed one of her coworkers striking a non verbal student. after a lengthy investigation they concluded that it did not happen and the principal and woman “accused” of hitting the child went after her, making her do all of the dirty work (diapers, tube feeding, etc) she put her two weeks in soon after. i guess its not all that uncommon


That is horrible, I hope she reported the institution.


Thank you for the update. Hopefully she goes away for a long time


What an absolutely vile piece of shit.


How is it suspicion when there is video evidence?


It's just a legal term, remember people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That's why the police always arrest people under "suspicion of." This is also why the media will use "alleged" when reporting on a crime before a verdict has been given.


I read the first time I saw this that the kid was mute. Literally can’t even vocalize what’s happening right next to his classmates.


Someone tell me this cunt was arrested. Edit: I see she was


And then released on a 5000 bond. I want off this planet.


That’s crazy.


It's how the legal system works. Lol.


And the cunt is out on $5000 bail.


Yep, called it. Fuck the system


Women need equal punishment as men. Idk why they still get lesser sentences, it’s all fucked up!


Wtf? Do you have a name I can google?


She's all over the net now. Just Google woman on bus slaps child


You're on Reddit. I thus know you're lazy. Update- Video shows Littleton Schools bus aide punching and striking nonverbal student. Kiarra Jones, 29, was arrested on suspicion of assault after a video showed her striking a boy multiple times in the face and on the body. LITTLETON, Colo.


I see you out here, doin’ good deeds. 😌


A finger tip is a terrible thing to waste.


Thank you for taking pity on me! Lazy and also have shit luck with finding the things I want for myself when I search. A friend needed WWII propaganda, I found several sources. I needed gender roles in classical maya and I get articles about the 1980s and some fishing reports.


Bye bye job and hello trauma for the kid. What a piece of shit indeed. Put her away for life.


Looks like she even stomp him on the last bit of the video. How can one be so evil, specially towards the most vulnerable ones?


The amount of shit that someone can get away with, she does it so casually too, probably abuses her own kids, and probably has abused other kids as well I understand the system is what it is, but imagine if crimes were punished based off the crime itself. She's gonna get a light sentence, a slap on the wrist maybe, and she'll be back to her child abusing self in no time, being smarter about not getting caught, filth.


Sometimes Hammurabi’s code sounds like a good plan.


I have a special needs son and this is my Worst fear.


me too. the anxiety every day is unreal.


Kiarra Jones is her name.


And here you are doing the Lord’s work, thank you!


Now to make her life miserable


I’d like to beat the fuck out of this lady


Drag her behind the bus.


*infront of


She better be in jail


Out on bail unfortunately


I would almost never wish harm on anyone. Almost. I can tell you if this was my child, this woman would not be breathing after a very long and drawn out process. One way or another, she should never see the sun again.


Agreed. Although I wouldn’t want to end their life. It would go something like this. “Oh hey….I’ve always wanted to ask how you lost both hands….” “Well….learnt my lesson a long time ago - but now I just spread love and positivity. Thanks to a kid on a bus. I apologise and thank her everyday by writing to her…with my feet”


Happened in Denver. Families have good legal representation. Children must be protected this is nuts


Enjoy prison you evil bitch


Out on bail


If that was my son she would be all over some forrest


Well time to fire up the wood chipper


This loser bitch. Way to prey on kids… what a piece of shit.


Some people deserve to be nailed on a cross


I wouldn’t stop until she got the death penalty


The things that would happen to that woman if that were my child. Loss of her job and Jail wouldn’t be a sufficient punishment.






This made me instantly nauseous and pissed off


I highly doubt that's the first time she's done that.


Should be mandatory jail time.


Absolutely and never allowed to work in any capacity around children


Even when I was 5 I knew there was a camera on the bus


Wonder what motivated her to do it 🤔


I hope the kids parents see this and kick the shit out of her ugly fat ass! Put her name, address and location of the school on the internet with this video!


Im not saying it is, but that looks like a special needs bus. So that kid could be non verbal and cant tell anyone whats going on.


Yes, apparently he is mute. She's a fucking animal preying on the weakest and most helpless.


Fucking racist mf


Looks like a hate crime. But shocker this woman will never face punishment better sweep it under the rug because it does not fit the narrative.


Downvote me all you want Reddit but this kind of stuff made me sour on Democrats. They preach so much about anti racism and compassion but when a certain race harms people, they never ever EVER show an ounce of concern, won’t even speak up and it condemn it. How can I support a party that will only show they care about things like these if the colors were reversed? Then they go onto enable these anti white sentiments and sow division, for what? To make it worse they put these stupid pro criminal reform laws in place that allow this monster to be bailed out. I’m tired of them pretending the only bad people in the world are those who don’t think the same way they do.


Stupid fuckin racist bitch


I'm hoping firing happened


She should be in prison but she’s already out on bail and will probably get a slap on the wrist cause reasons.


Scott Adams. 😳


Can we get an update on this?


the amount of anger this fills me with ((((: (i’m black so don’t even try the race card😂) these are the ones i’d like to personally strangle


I want to kill that bitch. I have a 2 year old boy I can’t imagine him ever going through this.


"white devil"


Looks like a hate crime to me


God and good lawyers help me if that were my kid.


Didn't she know about the cctv? thick and sick?


This shit is sicking


Anyone who does this to a child is evil!!!


Straight fucking evil


This makes my heart hurt


I can’t imagine this being my child . What a pos


That is a sick person who should'nt be allowed to be near children. But knowing the US. The school probably tried to cover it up till the video came forward. I think. What do I know


This woman sucks. That kid didn't deserve any of that.


This would never be acceptable or excusable under any circumstance outside of a child coming at someone with a lethal weapon, but what did this kid even DO??? I know there’s no audio but he just looks to be sitting there minding his business. It would be one thing if the kid was harassing her and she had a moment where she lost it (although still unacceptable), but ffs this is just pure malice.


Ugh you can tell she’s done that so many times, look at the kids body language, he can’t even face her, already having arms to chest bracing for a hit. And he is also special needs AND non verbal? What a fucking disgrace of a human being. Attacking such a vulnerable individual, this makes me so so angry and I wish parents could treat her the same way


Normal behavior, to be expected


Man…if that was my kid I would go after that woman and end up in prison myself


If the races were reversed....


The ghetto gonna ghetto.


Fat bitch.


She’s a racist piece of shit


I believe she’s racist


As a parent of a disabled child I want this ladies contact info and a place to meet … fuck that bitch


Bet she lowkey racist too 💀🤦🏾


Bet ya she's a racist cunt


Racist ass bitch


So that’s a hate crime hate and child abuse right?


Switch colors and the world would be up in arms. That is the problem right there, hypocrites. All while, wouldn’t you know , harming children again. But inclusion right?!?


To the noose with this one


Racist piece of shit 💩


needs jail time.. what is he supposed to do.?? she is an adult..!


Oh, so many childhood memories






She was trying to abuse him, when he refuses she hit him


I hate people. wtf I’d wrong with that bitch??


God someone needs to cut both her arms off for using them to do that to someone so small. Makes me wanna scream.


Find her for me now!


Please tell me she's now in jail


Usually I get tired of a repost where its practically posted every other day but this one… this one right here? Repost it daily, this woman CANNOT be allowed to live this down as long as she remains living


Cruel bitch


How did no one else notice nor hear this? The child IS non verbal but hitting someone still makes a noise???? What was this woman thinking????????


Jesse Lee Peterson is 💯 correct


Couple teachers I had in school were like this. Physically abusive for no reason. Early 70’s/80’s. Told my parents. Nothing was done on the schools part.


If that was my kid, that woman would be looking over her shoulder for eternity. Not saying I would do anything to her, but if my child and family are gonna suffer long-term trauma, so is she. Psychological warfare is underrated.


let’s see… counts of: child abuse, and assault. (if there are any other charges that could be pressed lmk)


How. How could you do this to a child? Bury this trash in the grassy part of the local dump.


As a childless dog owner who never ever wanted kids, this makes me furious.


What's terrifying is that she could have done WAY more than that, and no one would've known or paid attention.


Only a 5k bond. wtf! She should be in prison for this. Hope they upgrade the charges apparently there was other children too


Rqcist women. Oh holup


Yeah she needs her ass beat, fuck jail. Some of these people never had to deal with someone who can put them in their place, or they actively avoid it. That bully shit doesn't fly where I'm from lol the whole neighborhood kicking your ass by the end of the day 🤣


What a piece of shit


Kiara Jones is her name. She’s from Colorado. This bitch should get her ass beat every time she walks outside.


Im a teacher and im pretty confident my coworkers and i would happily watch this woman experience some very terrible things. Don’t touch my students you slime.


He's white, he probably said something racist.


Do you want republicans? because that’s how you get republicans.


When I was in high school we had a bus driver that not only allowed bullying he prompted it. He was a total pos. Finally one day I couldn't take it anymore and stopped one of the kids from beating up a freshman who was small for his age. Bus driver flipped out on me for stopping it, started yelling that i wasnt allowed to do anything on "his bus" ... I snapped and so I popped him in the face a couple times before my friends stopped me. Dude was a bully and bully's never like to be faced down. Got kicked off the bus system permanently but no real trouble as the other kids explained what happened. He got fired. Moral of the story, beat these people's faces in and they stop


Not to mention the child was non verbal. Unable to communicate that it was being harmed by this evil person. How does a school district with video monitoring allow this to continue?