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What in the 1800s is going on in here?


A live demonstration of China's human rights policies... Or the lack of


This is the CCP’s world view. Chinese dominance of everyone.


Only white people bad is what's going on here. If we had the same standards for other cultures, we wouldn't be so accepting of their actual racism and actual slavery that is still going on today. Maybe we would boycott their companies, but no.


Nah, anyone who hasn't had their head buried in the sand knows China is one of the worst human rights abusers for the past 100 or so years.


You can go back a lot more than 100 years.


China and Israel


To be fair, boycotting these companies would pretty much be boycotting life, this happens so damn much and the companies are so damn big it’s actually insane.


That is a very ignorant comment to say. White people done horrible things in the past and some are still today that's a fact yes. But saying only white people are bad is being ignorant on so much horrible stories that happened back in the days. Just a small example about slavery, white people were buying the slave but do you know who where kidnapping those poor fellows to sell them to the white people ? Other black people unfortunately... The history is not black and white 🤔 every one can act as a monster wherever they come from...


>Only white people bad is what's going on here. Black people are being whipped and beaten on video and the most pertinent and "only thing" going on according to you is "white people bad". >If we had the same standards for other cultures we wouldn't be so accepting of their actual racism and actual slavery. Maybe we would boycott their companies, but no. Very good point, but this is your key takeaway? "The Arabs/Asians/Africans/etc... are doing it without boycotts or punishment!" Yes, lots of societies seem to have disdain and racism for Africans. No, this isn't being ignored because people are unfairly and purposefully focused on white people. For one, when you have freer media coverage and less restricted civil society/social activism then obviously Westerners and Western companies will be disproportionately scrutinised as opposed to non-democracies where similar freedoms aren't always guaranteed. For two, people are obviously going to be more engaged in issues they are closer to if they can directly influence them through elections. You may expect everyone everywhere to not be racist but what (real) power do you have to change, enforce, and/or police these standards somewhere different like China? Seems to me like many people don't care about the actual racial abuse in the video so much as about saying white people are being held to an unfair standard because [insert ethnicity] is beating Africans without repercussions yet the focus is only on white people because "white people bad". It just comes across as being mad you are expected to be anti-racist instead of being mad that racial abuse isn't as effectively policed outside the West.


I believe the person above you is saying that white people are constantly demonized in media for slavery 2 centuries ago, whereas actual slavery and overt racism occurs daily throughout the world from other cultures


That's exactly what they said. For that to be the takeaway from this video is tbh insane


There’s nothing insane about saying there should be more awareness through the world for slavery, racial abuse, etc beyond just media highlighting slavery in America 200 years ago and the oppression of African Americans that followed


That's NOT what bro was saying tho. He in response to see Africans being treated like slaves by Chinese people is basically upset because "but if a white person does it, then WE'RE wrong." There are no white people in this video so the only reason to be upset about the image of white people after watching it is because you don't want to be held to such a standard which prevents you from replicating it. As though there isn't prevalent animosity between Asians and blacks IN THIS COUNTRY. As though just because it's an Asian treating Africans like slaves that it somehow doesn't make my blood boil. This isn't about white people. It's about CHINESE companies doing this to Africans. The fucked up thing is that they are likely doing this because western influences taught them to. I live and california and I can't tell you how many times I've met an asian person who was IMMEDIATELY angry at, afraid, or just dismissive of me as a black man. (Though the number has dropped significantly through the years) The few who I eventually was able to converse with not only changed their behavior when they realized my people weren't... well, you know. But they then told me who gave them these ideas to begin with. Guess who? Many Asian cultures historically first came into contact (sometimes forcefully) with western cultures and we're often told about minorities by the hetero normative of the time; (racist) white people. The things they were told are still passed down to this day because actual examples of the contrary are few and far between where they come from and even in America blacks often stick to themselves. This is why when Trump says that Latino immigrants are... well, you know. I know IMMEDIATELY that it's bullshit because I've actually interacted with that group of people. How many black people do you think live in Korea, Vietnam, or CHINA?


Is this a Nike ad?


No, Nike is just filming their HR Training video for the plant floor operations staff. This part is going over what's allowed/isn't allowed.


"You're allowed to be whipped for not woring enough"


Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. -Bible


Don't act all high and mighty like you didn't quote that shit from it's always sunny in philadelphia




Old Testament law, Jesus brought a new covenant. Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he has anointed me To preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed— Jesus


Just do it?


Just do it!!!


The nicest Chinese employer


he's going to get Django'd


"I like the way you die boy."


Are U on a horse?




They out ther punishin lil Jodie for breaken eggs


I was going to say I hope that dude disappears in the jungle later


The D is silent


I see AT LEAST four men there!!! A beat down is DEFINITELY brewing!


beating the people who put the food on your table is not wise, that’s why his face isn’t caved in yet


Exactly. These men probably make $2 a week. They don't dare bite the hand that feeds them. So fucking sad this type of shit still exists in our current timeline


I kinda wanna go offer them each six months pay to just kick the everloving shit out of that guy. 250$ well spent.


Very cool


Yeah I don't think people realize that many plantation owners were also greatly outnumbered by their slaves. There's a reason they don't fight back


If I had to guess there's armed people on the side of the Chinese man, off screen ofc




That's fucking shameful, those are human beings.


They should whoop his ass. No way this is legal worker treatment.


I come from Zimbabwe.its not legal but everything is so corrupt that if you have enough money you can get away with anything there.Its even worse now because the government is kissing chinas ass with all the money they’ve been getting from them.That man will not be punished ,in fact he’ll probably get an apology for whatever reason he was beating those two men.It pisses me off so much but there’s nothing anyone could do coz if you speak up you’ll be punished.


You speak the truth brother.  And they’ll do the same thing they’ve done to Central Asia along the Silk Road.  Promise massive investment/loans to upgrade infrastructure well beyond what the country needs.  Lead these countries to be in an absolute massive amount of debt to China because the infrastructure cost much more to maintain.  Basically steal any natural resources and export them for a fraction of the price because the country will owe them especially when defaulting on the loans.  The Chinese government has been spending the last 10 years, even more setting up countries for failure and hardly anybody recognizes it. 


Like with that massive port they built in Greece.


Or the one in Colombo


Oh yes the belt and road initiative is screwing over a lot of African countries.


I mean, maybe? They don’t call Afghanistan the Graveyard of Empires for nothing. 


Don’t you feel it’s a little ironic that some of the most mineral rich earth on the planet has that nickname??


Europe and Asia have been marching through there on their way to conquer each other for 5000 years, in the meantime depositing the genes of their most fierce warriors. Afghans routed the US; Russia’s tanks are left to rot in fields and before that they slaughtered the Brits wholesale through the hills. Let China try! No really, let em. 


That is a rough spot to be in. Thank you for sharing.


Belt and Road policy in action folks.


Govs are starting to crack down on some Chinese investors that come. It's likely but not certain that this one is one of the illegal ones they are gunning down. If he's a legal one, he'll never face any consequence. But they make money so some locals need them. All around, China has been documented to slowly being taking over a lot of African countries through these means for about 10-15 years. Have been to my home country like 10 years ago and as soon as you left the big cities you'd see Chinese companies employing people to dig and build. This shit is disheartening.


The push for the materials needed for electronics and Africa having so many untapped resources. Its horrible. It is disheartening, This is all driven by demand by so many countries. Much of the metals are mined in surface and river bank mining in working conditions like this so that people can have a cheap cellphone or electronic trinket in their hand. It's messed up. I'm sorry, hopefully in our lifetimes there can be a change.


There likely won't. Because as long as it isn't illegal and they can get a quick buck, lots of African leaders don't care about putting the locals in danger. This is a Pandora box, the second they got offered money in exchange for Chinese infrastructures, it was game over. They'll take up the place and make money out of it, plus have the country in their debt because they'll need to maintain the infrastructures. If the Chinese take care of it, you'll be in their debt, because they cost more than you could afford. Africa is a golden goose for them, because they can produce stuff and sell them away.


Let’s call it what it is. Modern slavery and taking advantage of a country with no work rights/so much corruption. It’s horrible.


Modern capitalism is slavery where you can choose your flavor of oppression


Bro its africa. Chancea are ita completely legal


Africa is not a monolith. Africa is a continent with 53 different countries.


Depending on the country they might have rights that would protect them from an employers abuse, just very little enforcement, and even less employee education on those rights.


In Rwanda its different


No but theives in Africa are regularly murdered.


And yet petty thieves aren't the real criminal. The corrupt government giving them no chance at life are the one that should be dealt with.


Is that what happened, do you understand what's said?


White collared thieves never are.


Drug dealers are regularly killed and I apparently live in a first world country so I don't see the issue.


The Chinese presence in Africa, especially Nigeria, is ever growing. Africa will find out the hard way that they are getting in bed with the devil. And when they do, it will be too late. China will rape their land and consume their resources, and treat their people poorly. China has been courting the African governments, and Africa likes it. This is a case of " I didn't know the leopard would eat my face says the person who voted for the leopard eating my face party."


It's kinda sad since Africans are rooting for China and Russia are doing so only because of European imperialism's consequences..


Out of the frying pan and into the fire, as they say.


That’s the hard part of it. Obviously western corporations want nothing more than to exploit the natural resources and cheap labor that would come from Africa, but for the most part (doesn’t apply to the diamond trade), we are beyond the cruel phase of imperialism.


When you dine with the devil...


“Will”? China’s been raping Africa’s land for well over a couple decades now.


So exactly the same thing „the west“ did with Africa for the past couple of centuries? It’s pretty messed up.


So in other words the Chinese are no different from all the other countries that exploited Africa.


They will be much, much worse.


What can they possibly do that’s worse?


Right? We plucked slaves from there and then dragged them across the Atlantic Ocean for 6 months in the lower decks stacked 9x9 in a damp shitty wooden ship strapped in place. But please, reddit, tell me how the Chinese are going to be worse. And to be clear, this isn't an endorsement of Chinese labor practices - they're truly terrible - I just can't see how it would be worse than the transatlantic slave trade.


Not much worse can be done. Westerners didn't hold back because "morals", otherwise they would have never began with it. They milked Africa to the greatest extent they could and it will be no different with China doing it.


>China will rape their land and consume their resources, and treat their people poorly. So exactly what the west has been doing since we discovered boats and guns?


Yes, it's important not to make that take away from the victims in the DRC, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and many other countries who are being paid pennies for kiloes of precious metals and materials. It's atrocious when the west does it and it's still atrocious and it's still atrocious when China does it.


Employer? Or owner?


China’s Belt and rod


.. initiation


I’m going to hell for laughing at this




I am so evil I laughed.


Gosh I cackled!


We've devolved 200 years.


it reminds me of that one Chinese employer whipping a worker in rwanda


He was sent back




"I hate the country not the people"


any context with sources?


Hes probably a Vancouver land lord aswell.


Where’s my rent, Crodie?


☝😲: What in the Twisted History Fax the Phuk is going on!?!?


really putting the belt into "belt and road initiative"


I love how of all videos on Reddit, this one conveniently doesn’t load


Why? Why don't they just overtake this pos?


Probably ends up with you not getting paid and then you dont eat and then you die. Just the reality of things. Also anything happens to that guy and of course its gonna get back to his people and China has so much power in Africa right now that there'd definitely be some reprecussions and probably retaliation.


He's better fed and has more energy.


Corrupt government is in bed with China while handing its citizens over to do their bidding


It's really sad because Africa as a whole is getting courted by China and mainland Chinese don't even see them as people.


Cut the slave master’s cock off


This is pretty mild for how bad the Chinese actually treat them.


You say this based on…?


Twitter and random articles on Google posted from unknown sources.


The Belt part of Belt and Road initiative.




The Chinese guy does start off by asking where something *indiscernable* is before whipping them with the belt.


he's going to get Django'd


Alright bet


This is like modern day colonization and American slavery


"Hold on, let me turn on the camera first"


this thing he's not even a man or human being


No way that guy is Chinese, he is not using a slipper to hit them.


Maldives in a few years.


What does "ola" mean?


gotta blame the corrupt African governments too.


Good thing they havent sold their soul to the chinese for cheap infrastructure.


ORDER FROM MANAGEMENT: "The beatings shall continue until morale improves"


Check out the book Cobalt Red. China has basically bribed their way into the supply chain for Cobalt (among other rare earth metals) and runs many of the middle-man type shops that buy the refined material so China can use it to make smartphone and car batteries. Terrifying conditions for the people doing the mining.


The whole belt and road thing was purposely designed for China to "legally" take over.


They should remember what happened to the Boers and the British who stole farmland in Africa. One day he has the whip and the next he is pinned to his bed by a knife through his heart.


A Chinese man did this in Ghana a couple weeks ago. They beat and chased him until the police caught him.


Why aren't the other guys stomping that guys guts in?


Must be related to my father.


I mean its two of them. Just beat his natural ass til Mr. Employer decides maybe coming to another continent to abuse employees was a bad idea.


He’s crying out for some retribution, hope those fellas get a chance to hold the lash someday soon


Putting the belt in "Belt and Road Initiative"/s


They could whoop this little dick heads ass in a heartbeat!


State of the Union


What the hellllll


Modern slavery


So that’s what they mean by belts and roads.


This guy puts the belt in “”Belt and Road Initiative”


The Americans: “hold my beer”


Do not post this on ig reels, just saying.


All you got is a belt? Shit, i'm about to fuck this guy up


Looks like he found the guys who knockout game’d his mamasan.


How sickening I hope they get their turn to whoop his azz


I thought we went through this already


This is abhorrent behaviour. Many of us would agree.


Them mothafuckas gettin they ass whooped like kunta kinte, they should’ve jumped em all


There’s the belt, don’t make me get the road.


Team up on this disgusting tyrant.


Rest rest rest rest


Tankies will defend this


Did they steal or something? I’m sure that guy won’t be around for very long if he continues that


What's the context here? This feels a lot like bait honestly


I felt the wrath of The Lord surge through my eyes. That man will not see above the clouds upon his death.


I saw this video posted the other day saying the two men were stealing. Is that right?


NO, it isnt right. Someone assumed that they were theives (For some mysterious reason that Im sure had nothing to do with skin color) and said, "What if they stole something, tjis is how they deal with theives." Then like a twisted game of telephone, it ended up with, "Well, I heard he stole something." and people were very glad to accept it.


Deport him! Ship him away in temu packaging.


I am amazed that dude did not go missing immediately after this, to the utter bewilderment of the locals, when questioned. After the 3rd or 4th supervisor, I think home office HR would get the point.


There is no way on earth another man half my size would ever whip me and not suffer some horrible injury for it. No paycheque is worth that.


What a butt face


If that man who is sitting changes his mind to stop tolerating, we'd see a chinese guy folded and flattened.


American CEOs are taking notes


Taking the whole “Belt and Road Initiative” literally.


Magic John been real weird lately…


We are so back (literally)


I’m just here trying to learn what an “emplyer” is.


Painful to watch


Haha nice joke...if someone do that they will eat him a Life in Africa


And they just sit there and take it? Weak


Where BLM at?


At your mom’s house


No ones going to talk about how this is actually partially all 1st world countries fault for buying everything from China and enlisting their factories to make their products, mainly the US smh…


A three Chinese men in the Philippines beat a waiter because they wanted to take out the waitress, despite the fact that the waitress kept saying no. The waiter reacted because it was her boyfriend, and the three Chinese men pulled the waiter outside and began spitting and bashing this Filipino man in his own soil. Seeing this made me disgusted, but I made sure these three men went on a tour of the hospital and won't be using their hands and legs for four to six months.


What you don't see behind closed doors. Their government probably has something since the look the other way. There was a video a while back of a Chinese boss getting jumped because the employees has gotten enough of these beatings


I'm assuming the Chinese man is someone important to the CCCP. Or I'd like to think that the workers/country men would fight back against him. Power corrupts weak minded people into thinking they are above you completely and you are just a tool to be used. I also assume no one is doing anything because they do not want to lose their job.


Slave owner whips slaves, colorized


Damn these chinese people are hardcore. China’s “whatever” view on basic human rights and Africa’s tolerance for human rights violation is not a good combo.


Yet their is no voice for the slavery happening today.


Stuff like this goes viral on Nigerian social media constantly. It's crazy how some of the Chinese people come to Africa and then treat the locals as lesser beings. In Abuja, the police raided a Chinese supermarket that refused Nigerians from entering the premises.


Racism is primitve and indecent


Them being racist doesn't mean you can be, you are very foolish.




My bad, I totally missread your comment.


Had to rephrase it, it did sound racist


Are you sure they weren't thieves? They do that a lot over in that hole.


Sex with relatives is the big thing in your hole


I seriously hope this guy gets some really bad karma. That is insanely cruel


Translation: "Get your ass to work and keep digging for lithium! Those electric car batteries aren't gonna make themselves! How are rich Americans going to feel good about themselves if you can't get it done!"




I don't think that thought is much relief to victims. They are in a waking hell. And they need humans knowing and helping. Not appealing to some cosmic justice that will sort itself out. Same uselessness as "karma will get em!" Good for some abstract vengeance head cannon ig, but living humans trapped in inhumane conditions need people to actively help save them now.


Wake up. Hell does not exist. That bastard will just sleep well tonight.




That’s your take from watching this?


You're gonna lose your shit when you find out more than one person can be wrong at the same time.


Yes after watching one Chinese guy beating couple of people all colonialism , imperialism and ongoing exploitation by white people is excused. What an educated take there.


It’s not about apologizing, anyone who would ask someone to apologize for the wrongdoings of over 150 years ago are asshats. It’s about recognition in the hopes that such cruelty doesn’t happen again. Though unfortunately slavery is alive and well. It doesn’t look like the Atlantic Slave Trade or most slave systems of the past, but it exists in many if not most parts of the globe, including the US.


There is a long history of anti-African racism in China


There’s a much longer history of anti African racism in Europe and the Americas. Wayyyyyy longer.


Not mutually exclusive. Europeans were not the only ones to enslave black Africans, Arab merchants did so too and sold them in China among other places. Also slavery was (and sadly still is) a very widespread practice across cultures and time periods, including in Africa and pre-Colombian Americas. Race is only one among many categories that allow our species to justify this kind of cruelty. Edit: iirc, the historic Chinese term for black people is kunlun. Don’t know the hanzi for it though.


Communism in action you love to see it


Riiight because that shit totally didn't happen the last 300 years the lovely capitalist imperialist nations exploited Africa.