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I had a homeless lady sleeping on my porch i just called the police, but I get it also...if the cops don't bother to come by, if you ask them to move on they will ignore you. The lady on my porch also immediately tried to get into my home when the cops came. I doubt I was in any danger but still not a situation I wanna be in.


And the guy didn’t run or yell. He stayed right there. Would have been nice if he had a sandwich to give, but I don’t think he a bad person.


Then he sues you because he got sick...yea nah. There's a reason restaurants throw good food away instead of giving it out.


It’s a shitty reason though that is perpetuated by shitty laws. I get why they don’t, but they shouldn’t have to worry about that stuff. If you’re giving something away as “old food” and someone happens to get sick it should be on them for eating old food, but unfortunately, that isn’t how it works in corporate America. I know I’ve been in more than one situation where I’d gladly accept expired food whether I got sick from it or not. Obviously most of the time you wouldn’t get sick though. Our society is to litigious now. Things that should be simple and even considering helping someone out can end up being a legal battle and it’s god damn ridiculous.


Then the guy is gonna come back everyday and lay there til you give him a sandwich…


Not to be that guy but living in NY most the time homeless people don’t listen to you and it’s fruitless to call the cops. Not saying I condone this action but at the same time I am sure this was not their first attempt to have him moved. I guarantee this has been edited to look like it was.


Yeah I’m not taking my family to that place if that guy is sleeping like that and we have to step over him. Seen too many clips of the homeless waking up in a confused frenzy swinging knives.


I was homeless for three years or so, drunkenly waddling around everywhere from Minnesota to California and Florida (and everywhere in-between). What you said is true. Though I rarely slept around businesses I did make an exception for bad weather in places I was unfamiliar with, and even then I would only do it overnight. I have never argued or refused to leave, and apologized. It's shit like that which gave the minority of us a bad name. That said, there are a million places better than in front of a business; freeway underpasses, parking garages, churches since they're closed for most of a week, *behind* businesses, abandoned places, etc.. haha the list goes on.


My brother was homeless at times because of his addictions. He used to sleep in public parks overnight and leave in the AM


I slept in a 91 ford explorer so I didn't bother anyone


Only Chevy drivers


Where would he go during the day?


To work. He had a job, but he would spend all his money on whatever. He never told me, but I do think he told our mom. I was young at the time (he is 14 years older than me) but he was in and out of prison a couple times (both were 2 year sentences). He got his life somewhat together since 2017. He ended up in the hospital for 3 months close to death because of an infection he got which to our benefit turned his life around. He was able to afford a room at a shelter and stayed there for a few years working as a cook for said shelter. He now has an apartment and still works as a cook for the shelter but to my knowledge he is the lead cook. I don't talk to him much these days because of the decisions he had made when I was younger not allowing me to really develop a bond with him.


When I was running a shop I always tried to be cool about giving the homeless folks time to pack up and head out. It rains a lot in Portland so they would often set up in the covered area to spend the night and the vast majority were cool about the fact that business hours meant it was time to leave.


Ahh, fellow Portlander. Good luck with all of that.. We have people that start campfires in the entrance to our medical facility. It feels increasingly difficult to manage instances like these.


It wasn’t a 100% success rate but usually they knew what the deal was. This was a place on 82nd so not a great neighborhood to begin with, thankfully we never had any fires though.


I've driven through Portland when I still had my car, I felt for the people because for the 20ish hours I spent there the entirety of that time it was pouring out. It's cool of you to give them a minute to get up and go, and we would appreciate it. It's only happened once that some dude started fucking with me and I wasn't even out front haha, it was me on 4x4 concrete slab out behind the restaurant's back door.


Naw, the only people I would immediately yell at to leave were the ones shooting up. If someone just needed a dry place to sleep I’d give them the whole 45 min we were prepping to open the store. We just kind of had that understanding, and usually they’d be out of there before we opened.


Yes you always try to be nice first, you definitely don't want to make an enemy of somebody who has nowhere to be. That doesn't always mean they listen though. It's unfortunate but I feel for the water throwing man, most likely he has asked several times


A lot are also so mentally ill they don’t understand what’s even going on.. I was homeless on and off over the years and lived in a halfway house with people of “dual diagnosis” (homeless with mental illness and addiction). It was sad because a lot of these people can’t ever fully take care of themselves. I was just lucky enough to get my shit together. Now I’m a business operator and I see both sides of this.


Also an ex, homeless, drunk-waddler. Luckily I’ve been sober for 9 years and off the street for about 11. Everyone’s wearing jackets in this video, my guess is that he was cold and it’s morning.


>Minnesota to California and Florida (and everywhere in-between). How did you travel between these places?


I lived in my car for a little under a year, then I thumbed my way from place to place, rode the rails a time or two and Greyhound Busses if I was feeling particularly fancy lol


Plus in bad weather foot traffic is probably reduced anyway.


Yeah, there have been a couple other videos like this and there's always more context. There was one where it turned out the homeless guy was stealing, shitting in the doorway, and assaulting customers. Police weren't doing anything, so the business owner dumped water on him. He was universally hated online, but I kind of feel for the owner. He didn't have any good options.


Yeah, we have a homeless issue at our building. We are a medical clinic for veterans, so since many homeless are veterans, we were all fine with trying to help them out. Our office manager wondered what to do about them, and I told him to use his own judgement but he's responsible for anything they do inside. Not even sure if that lasted a month before we had to just start calling the cops on them. We were giving them water, snacks, and allowed them to use our restroom, but it seemed like there was no pleasing these people. We'd give them a snack, they'd ask for 5 more; we'd give them 5, they'd ask for 10. We let them use the bathroom, they'd try just barging in through our suite and then threaten to shit in our waiting room if we didn't unlock the door fast enough. The thing that really ended things was the constant trashing of the bathroom and I caught one of them trying to open all of the closed doors to our offices and supply closets. For the record if I was the manager, I would have stopped letting them in after about a week of that.


Reminder, Humans are animals, and some people are closer than others


Yeah these videos never provide context. There’s a decent chance this has been an ongoing issue and everyone has a limit.


I literally had a guy fucking zonked out of his mind in front of the only entrance to the business. People had to step over him to get in or out. That fucks up my tips at the end of the night, hurts the business cash flow, makes people feel unsafe and gives the bar a bad look. I will ask you to move once. If you're too fucked up or refuse then I come back with the other guys and you will be moved.


Exactly, people generally don't start with spraying water, but its a build up. People on reddit love to sympathize with the homeless but have never actually had to deal with them first hand.


im a shop owner and im kinda drawn to both sides of this issue tbh firstly its not a good look to be expecting clients to "walk over" people to get to your business, however i think the chap warren buffet said only yesterday that IF 800 billionaires started paying the appropriate amount of tax, and if this extra funding was deployed into building social housing and rolled out globally then homelessness would be greatly reduced. now the fact that this doesnt wont or cant happen, speaks volumes for how we as humans care about people: we fucking dont, and on this point and this point alone, we will fail as a species, what time frame i cant predict, but we will crash and burn, and all due to being seflish cunts


More housing will not solve this problem. If you give all the homeless people housing with no additional support, probably something like 25-33% of them will destroy the housing and create a dangerous environment for the people living near them. A fair amount of homeless people are mentally ill and need a pretty intensive amount of help aside from just getting them off the street. It needs to be a society wide fix because once a specific locality starts doing the right stuff, others will migrate there and overload the system. The solution is to both house and care for these people at a country scale, which will take far more resources than just some houses in a city.


You're right in your ultimate point, but man are you making some wild and disingenuous leaps to get there. You're making up those percentages, and not quoting others elsewhere so I don't think you're very well connected to this issue at all. The number one step to helping the unhoused - mentally ill, addicted, or otherwise - is to provide them with stable housing. That leads to an ability to FIND said person and provide additional social, psychological, and addiction resources to get them back on their feet. It will not work 100% of the time. But even if it worked 80% of the time you would have an *80% reduction in the amount of homelessness*.


> IF 800 billionaires started paying the appropriate amount of tax anyone can make a gift to the irs, its super easy through the website. so anyone telling you "only if xyz" is full of shit. they can do it. they dont want to.


We don't need independent billionaires to do this. The government already has enough money to handle it. They just choose not to.




the owner of the business posted the entire video you're seeing himself on twitter. it has not been edited in any way


I agree. I cant say that I support pouring water on people, but I can understand that at times, necessity calls for intervention. I work in an area where we routinely deal with thus sort if thing. I would just add that, doing this to one of the "residents" in my area would create a dangerous environment for our staff.


The problem lies in their motive. They think it's funny. Look at the smiles on their faces.


OP is welcome to post how many homeless people they let sleep on their property


This is more than that, too: it’s their livelihood. They need customers to be able to afford food and rent and water. If some homeless person is scaring them away, that undercuts their ability to survive. I’m sorry you’re mentally ill or an addict or whatever circumstances led you there - but you don’t get to ruin my income because of that


True. Idk if you've seen the bus hammock guy, but that's a prime example of not letting someone act out because of mental illness. This guy isn't acting out but he's blocking an entrance and is in the way. I'm also sure he may have been causing other problems too. I'm sorry for these people, but they can't go around interrupting people's lives or causing any disturbances.


The bus hammock guy is a hero


He was definitely hilarious too😂.


love it when people talk about my city on reddit LOL


I'm glad you can feel for both sides but this doesn't help the person who's trying to better themselves and provide for their community


To add a bit of context to this, after a bit of research, the homeless guy was asked repeatedly to leave and refused. He was belligerent to the owner and customers when asked.


Maybe dont sleep in the entrance to someones store/property?


A. With the way the internet is these days, I'd bet this is fake. 2. Don't sleep right in front of a business door. There are tons of other places you can sleep that don't imped traffic.


Surprisingly based comment section


People are getting tired of it all


Dude it's all bullshit. I walked by a homeless man shouting and aggressively posturing at people on the street a couple weeks ago. He was clearly high as fuck on some type of drug. I saw a police officer half a block over and told him about it and he didn't do a fucking thing; he just stood there watching the construction people work. This is what causes people to arm themselves and just shoot other people, because the leaders of the city don't fix these very basic problems and then they feel threatened. And in many cases, state legislators make the problems worse.


I saw this on a different sub (can’t remember which one sadly, probably one of the ____ infuriating ones) and every single person was outraged. It’s interesting seeing the dynamic.


A little shocked tbh, but refreshingly


Also it isn't winter which is a mitigating factor


I’m pleasantly surprised by the Reddit reactions and downvotes.


Yeah the guy sleeping in front of their business and making it hard for them to get customers who may be deterred by the man sleeping in front of the entrance? You’re right he’s a total piece of shit.


Time to break down "homeless" into some subcategories. Addicts. The insane. Criminsls. Not every person on the street is a sob story worthy of pity.


If you say that in other subreddits you’ll get downvoted into oblivion. Remember last year the SF business owner spraying a homeless lady with the hose? We need more people like him.


yea then it turned out the business owner had called the police several times and gotten no response, and that the homeless person had been emptying out the trash on the sidewalk in front of the business. business owner got fined.


Yup, everyone was in SHAMBLES after that video came out. I think it’s one of the top posts on this sub, which pisses me off. Maybe it’s because he hosed down a woman, and the white knights of reddit just had to put in their 2 cents. Even though you know…. she was a crazy fucking hobo and the cops didn’t do anything to help the actual victim (business owner). I feel bad that he was fined for that.


his mistake was acting in broad daylight.


Not even that. Twenty years ago he wouldn’t have been filmed at all. Nowadays everyone is quick to whip out their phones and videotape anything and everything. His only “fault” was that he was recorded protecting his property.


Where I am, about a quarter of the homeless have chosen to be so. They don't want to work. They don't want to pay bills. They honestly would rather be homeless and a beggar than be told what to do. Our city offers a ton of resources to help people get back on their feet. Nope. These people have chosen to be homeless, they weren't forced into it.


Homeless is the asshole, right?






If that was their first attempt, then yes, total piece of shit. If there is more context to it, maybe a little shitty, but also doing what you gotta do.


Best take here


Yeah...the dehumanizing attitude here is sad


I am guessing the POS is the homeless person who decided to take a nap in the doorway of the restaurant.


Don’t blame him


Plot twist: Bro had a warrant and is thankful for bucket of water treatment instead of dealing with cops :)


The guy is literally blocking entrance into the business….im sure this is not the first time this has happened, not sure this fits the sub OP




What would you do if he was sleeping on your front porch and your kids were heading to school?


Hell, I would too, you don't want nasty ass people sleeping on your shop front. It stops business


Does the OP think the business owner is the total piece of shit?


This is what happens when you make regular people responsible for those with mental illness and drug addictions. You're trying to run a business you tell them to leave and they don't. I'm sorry but if you don't want water poured on you, maybe you shouldn't sleep right in front of the door of a business. Sounds like common sense, right? I have to deal with them all the time at my work and they can damn right piss you off, especially when that business is your livelihood. The police won't help you because they can't put a fine on somebody with no money. We never should have closed the asylums.


This is the way to deal with these people. They have to go to the relevant institution /office, not causing that load of problems for the business. It's a restaurant, man; it should brag about cleanliness; that guy looks the opposite.


Right in front of her door? This is absolutely the right move. Homeless people don't move for shit, doesn't matter how many times you ask them nicely.




I feel bad for the homeless guy, that’s a dick move to pour water on him. At the same time, I feel for the business owners too. Him laying there is bad for business, customers will avoid coming in as long as he’s out there. The cops won’t do anything either.


I was homeless for a short while and I would sleep in my car. However, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I would sleep in empty apartments because they had running water, also they weren’t showing the apartments over the weekend so I could inflate my mattress and sleep better knowing I was safe.


Well to be honest if your a business and they basically half blocking your door. And you try and calling to them a bunch of times what you gonna do? Call the police every other day? Some places it's so common police just laugh at you and not even show up. And doubt you get much customers when you have to step over homeless people to get in your business. So you know gotta do something.. Or less you gotta lay next to the dude your self cause you trying to make a living right what becomes impossible if you just ignore it. So seems like a dick thing to do but bet it's pretty common problem. Why people treat those people that rudely. Cause it make business very hard.


Wait, which one is the POS? 


Fuck him he shouldn’t be there. It’s not a hotel.


I mean if it were my business…water would be the nicer route.


I don’t know how many homeless people you see or deal with but you harden to it pretty quick. If you asked already, what do you expect the next step to be? Walk over him all day?


Water not fucking molten lava


People need to understand distanced sympathy. You can feel bad about the conditions that homeless people live in, the systems that failed them, etc, but that doesn't mean you're obligated to deal with them/excuse them when they're screaming racial slurs at you at fast food restaurants, sexually assaulting lone women, sleeping directly in front of business doors, shitting in bushes, etc.


Every now and then you have to think. Why do I have to suffer for someone else. I feel bad, I’m not sure how they got here or what it did them wrong. Or what get did. Why do i specifically have to suffer because some stranger that I don’t know is suffering in a completely different way? It’s simply because life isn’t fair like that and because people don’t know how to handle that they can turn the business owner into a bad guy but in other lights the homeless guy can be the villain. Life’s just not fair and neither is wrong or right here just in the cycle of this “civilized” life. Nobody should have their livelihood or work threatened due to Someine else. But the other dude of the token nobody deserves to be homeless in this day and age or have water splashed on them either, it’s degrading. What to do here? Who’s “wrong”? In my opinion it just sucks to be on either side of the coin, or fence, or spectrum, w.e. The end.


He thought he was dead


Good. Get off my private property.


I had a homeless guy sleep near an atm at my bank idk how he got in as the door will only open if you tap you bank card but they door was slightly tweaking so he probably got in that way, anyways... I was on my lunch and being the only bank in the area I had to use it thought about calling the Police but seeing as he only wanted to sleep I just left it


Nothing wrong with this. Get off the stoop and take a nap in an alley with the rest of them.


Honestly the guy with the water was cordial and friendly in the end. He basically said “you can’t sleep here bro, I’m sorry”. They probably tried getting his attention before this. And he didn’t want to physically touch him either. People also say “not condoning this action” really? What’s there to even condone or disavow here?


more like "throws water on passed out drunk man"


Actively stopping people from partaking in a business. It’s the least hurtful thing that this guy could do, other than speaking French


That's one way to get him to relocate


I don’t blame the shopkeeper one bit


Probably the closest he’ll get to taking a bath for the next month. So who cares


Probably needed a bath anyway.


The POS is the homeless who was certainly asked to move several times if not more. FOH.


Bring out a bigger bucket


Homeless people are people, and people who sleep at the entry of your business are inconsiderate.


Interesting way to potentially provoke violence.


nothing wrong here


This seems staged


Yeah, don’t sleep in the front of doors.




Hmm. I’m neutral on this. Need more info.




Fuck yall, homeless people don’t belong on the steps of someone’s business.


This is reasonable


Who’s the piece of shit here?


Get off our fuckin' property.


Actually, this didn't seem that bad. I assume the guy said "calm down, it's just water. Please don't sleep there. Move somewhere else." Seeing how poorly homeless people are being treated some places in the US, I find this quite wholesome. The homeless guy probably was scared someone was pissing or puring gasoline on him.


Don't judge the guy from a 2 second edited video and label him as a piece of shit. This was probably his property and the bum was likely unresponsive (it looks like he was passed out COLD) and not leaving his property.


It‘s not freezing cold, snowing and night. So it‘s okish


Water thrown into you < being arrested for trespassing


This isn’t total piece of shit, if you’re conducting business this is a major problem.


It's a situation that shouldn't be... The government should do more. That said if this guy was on your front doorstep I'm sure you'd be pissed. This guy was stopping customers from entering and it would be a fair bet that they have tried to get him to move on with little success. Frustration makes us all do things we regret. Reactionist films like this annoy me on so many levels. The initial thought of what an A hole followed by why did they do this followed by this is exactly what the poster wanted. Dam you I just want to watch low level trash with minimal emotional involvement. Stick to the rick rolls please.


Man bro messing with there bussisnes


Keep this thing going until this business owner out of business, so much out he’d become homeless himself.


Not like it was boiling water


Don’t blame the business owner. This could have been a persistent problem, where gentler tactics were being ignored.


I woulda Socked His Ass


So what? Don't lay your stinky ass on other's porch


Yo if I tell you to leave once and you don’t listen your lucky if its water and not booze


I don’t see any issues here at all. Whatsoever. That idiot needs to fuck off and find another place to slum out at instead of scaring off paying customers and being a moron. Fuckers probably all doped to in drugs or whatever. Good for the owner.


Homeless people don't listen and cops won't do anything. A little water never hurt anybody. Op os a bot or dumb


I don’t see the problem


OP posts like a boomer. They fall for a bunch of rage bait


dont think belongs in this sub.


Yall truly deserve homelessness if you think this is okay. Sick fks.


I have absolutely no problem with this. The guy wouldn't move, he's parked his ass in front of his business and wouldn't move. A little splash of water on his face to get his attention- not a problem.


Party on Garth


This comment section is my own personal hell


Id do it dont fuck with my money or business


If you are going to splash someone, you should either be splashed yourself or have dry clothes ready for them


I approve of the use of water in this case. Bravo.


I’d say internet justice are going to have a field day on this business


Probably not the responses OP expected…


Yeah, I’ll allow it. I have seen business plagued by homeless in Ca.


Yeah definitely not a piece of shit. I did security for a couple of years and can confirm they are the most annoying pieces of shit. I absolutely have no sympathy for them. Fuck the homeless.


I doubt anyone here is going to volunteer their property or business for homeless people to sleep in front of, just saying.


He tried waking him up first.


Good, shouldn't be sleeping in front of a business.


I can’t tell if I just can’t hear what they’re saying or if they’re not speaking English


Man's got a business to run and police will take forever to show up. Lesson learned, drugs are bad.


The dude probably deserved it. If you ever had to deal with the homeless on a regular basis you would stop giving a fuck about them.


God, seeing that makes honestly ashamed of being Canadian, even more to be a Quebecer, I know sometimes business owners can feel that homeless people can draw away customers but that is not the way to adress the problem, having a proper system to help them get back on their feet would be much more profitable than pouring water on them


I'm proud of y'all, keep it up with the comments


I'm not against it.


Frenchies too


I assume you mean the total piece is shit is the guys blocking this guy from being able to support his family by choosing to sleep in the entrance to his business and only source of income?


He’s not a piece of shit, but he needs to try to get a job and a place to sleep that doesn’t affect other people from their business.


TIL Reddit doesn’t see homeless people as people


Imagine this is your front porch. Water is the least of it.


The piece of shit is the OP posting this and unnecessarily villainizing a person. What's a business owner got to do if a vagrant is blocking what seems like the entrance to her store?


that homeless can claim squatter rights. legally he can live there


Haven't been in Canada have you


I thought it would be a random homeless people sleeping in the park or sideway, but he's literally in front of the entrance and keeping customers away.


Definitely a million better ways than to be a cunt like this. Looks like a semi nice day but getting all that man’s clothes wet like that could be a death sentence for him. Disclaimer: I do not know all the context leading up to this or what happened next and just stating my opinion which does not reflect the views of reddit or any other redditors using this platform!


That's so mean.


That's a bit shit but I understand his frustration.


He had a good night sleep AND a shower Win.


I don't know what's more disheartening, the video or the comment section.


Homeless dude with nice sneakers and clothes? As much as I do not agree with this persons actions there is no context to the footage and I wonder if they are homeless!


Not a POS


IDK. . .