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That last girl looked like she wanted to cry, she deserves the world, and a hug!


At 1:04 you hear her start to cry.


They’re all cute , but that last girl looks like a fucking sweetheart. That dude is nothing but a bag of dried up foreskin.


He’s a piece of shit




Her face she made at the end, broke my heart 💔


She looked like she was trying not to cry.




I would give anything to be there to tell her how gorgeous she is. I hope she sees this online and instead of pain, she sees the hundreds of people supporting her. That's for all of them actually.


I hope so too. She’s an angel and deserve love and affirmation.


The look on her face after he said that to her was heartbreaking. Struggles with her perception of herself, admits it in an "internet interview", and then is torn into by this sploogestain looking for internet clout. What a fucking waste of life. She seems like a wonderful person who is beautiful as she is, and I hope she sees all the hate against that sad-sack for making her feel that way.




Instructions on how to get "famous": 1. Find people I think are attractive 2. Setup some kind of internet interview 3. Ask them to tell me something personal (internet has broken them, so they will at least say something) 4. Mock them for the thing 5. Wait for the boys to give me views and likes


Views and likes and comments saying “based” and “go off, king” from edgy kids and man children.


Dudes just being mean. They all seemed genuinely hurt. That's a boy, not a man.


That’s a scumbag not a boy or man. Boys do that ish for attention, douchebags intentionally hurt peoples feelings for their enjoyment. These red pill bros are beyond pathetic


And still he has Zero chance with any of these women.


Zero chance with any women. Guy should never have a normal life after this. Porn, masturbating, and alpha podcasts for the rest of his miserable, smothered life.


Access to the internet shouldn’t be a right anymore.


Amen to that


Any male that finds this appealing will never be a man.


Imagine the kind of boy who finds this shit entertaining 🤮


Sad people think this type of shit is funny




Someone in a higher up called it funny as fuck. 🤮


Red pill 💊 bros


He’s wearing a hat so I assume he’s insecure about his hair. Eww, that hair! Did he wash it in lard? And why is it so…weird? He needs to stop going to a blind barber. Yikes.


The sunglasses at night are either proof of a) massive douchery, b) insecurity, c) can't make eye contact with people due to his poor character or d) all of the above.




It’s a stereotype that happens to be true at times. People who wear shades indoors, when speaking to ppl or at night tend to be douchebags, narcissist, egotistical lames.


Yeah and he's just a douche. It's correlated.




Hahaha wtf racist you were just itching to throw that out weren't you ya race grifting grub. I like how you're saying "glasses" and deliberately not mentioning that they are SUNglasses that he's wearing NIGHT. FO with that pathetic race crap. What a loser.


Like, why would You take opinion of some attention seeking, pseudo reporter to Yourself? Good the girls can speak about insecurities, f* this clown.


What a moron literally contradicting himself by saying humbling "baddies" Freudian slipping much?


This guy makes money off of treating people like shit because people subscribe to it. Lets be better, drop this chump.


What a clown


Seems like incel behavior


You gotta be a real scumbag to prey on people’s insecurities like that.


yea, he is a piece of shit


Ugly ass mofo.


Anytime I see posts like this, it just gives me bad vibes.


I hope he feels tired all day but when he goes to sleep, he can't and is wide awake.


Great butt, beautiful nose, and gorgeous body. What a sad human that guy is


Bellends walking around with a microphone XXIII


It was stated on the interviewers IG page that this was a skit and all the girls were in on it if that makes anyone feel slightly better for the girls


That last girl looked hurt. Maybe they agreed to an interview, but weren't fully "in on it" and were misled about what the "interview" was actually going to be.


Or maybe he's full of shit and just saying this to cover up the reaction.


That sounds like a lie in an attempt to cover himself against all the backlash for being a total POS.


Yo what's that IG?


This is absolutely horrible. My heart bleeds for women more and more each day


Same. I'm sick of the violence and animosity in *some/many/not all* men. They beat us by a LONG SHOT when it comes to rape, murder, assault, war, etc. I feel like it's getting worse throughout the world.


I'm tired of fighting for the "some/many/not all men." I used to be offended when ladies generalized all men and called us pigs. I used to think, "I'm not that. It's not all men. It's some men." But I keep on seeing crap happening over and over again, and it makes you wonder if you're the exception, not the rule.


Thank you for recognizing the struggles. I've been assaulted, sexually assaulted, harassed, and bullied almost exclusively by men. My boyfriend is so understand when I say shit like "men suck". Do I mean every man? Absolutely not. It's easy (but wrong) to generalize so entirely but it's easier to say than "some guys are bad people". 😅 As individuals though, I always start off neutral with people and sometimes people surprise me with how great they are!


His family must be proud. Real piece of shit human right there.


Fucking no good waste of space.


He talking shit while he looking like a project roach. You wilding my boy.


He’s truly insecure


Hurt people hurt people. Some girl must have put him in his place once.


I liked her ass, I have a thing for noses, and last is just a gorgeous sweetheart.


What’s his name and location.


That poor girl. 😔 . Yes, we have freedom of speech but it's about time we *make* people pay the consequences. Sue for harassment. Arrest "prankers" who victimize people instead of making people happy. Take away internet access and social media accounts (yes, they can make new ones but it'll be harder and harder to constantly be doing it). Tax people higher that make millions through YouTube, TikTok, ect. 57% of Gen Z want to be influencers and I'm not making up that figure. This bullshit and mindless cesspool needs to end. No one wants jobs that *matter* now. Back in my day (I can't believe I'm old enough to say that now) kids wanted to be doctors, soldiers, firemen, ect. Now it's all about fame. I feel like we're dumbing down at a rapid pace...


:( those poor ladies! That is mean af!


This dude could not pull any of these beautiful women.


Those girls got all dressed up. Thinking they look better than usual. You can See they aren’t very comfortable on camera-they are kind enough to answer the question. Then this homely attempt-of-a-man is mean to them. He deserves every lonely night coming up.


Why is this douche wearing sunglasses at night? And why’s he built like his microwave’s dirty? lol


What a scumbag. These people really hate women huh. They were all gorgeous and this video sums up how women are told to hate everything about themselves and search for perfection for the male gaze while we still come up short. Imagine if one of these women said “nothing, I really like myself”. She’d be torn to shreds for being stuck up. We can’t win, that’s why we’re taking ourselves out of the game and choosing the bear or 4B.


That last girl omg 😍


Why do we like watching these assholes? When we upvote the post, is our intention to Internet shame the piece of shit? Wish we could downvote this piece of shit in real life somehow


all of those girls are beautiful and the first girl was caked up wtf


What is the point of getting interviewed? It seems obvious something bad is going to happen or put you in a negative light


Idk why people go about their lives actively making the world a worse place, do you really want your life to have a negative impact on people around you?


I hope this is fake they do seem like genuine reactions but they could be acting and like the things they said they were insecure about seemed like things they shouldn't be insecure about but I've known hot girls who definitely had insecurities just like these I just want it to be fake cause thats just so shitty if this is real 🙃 just leave me in my denial


Even if this dude wasn’t being a cunt he wouldn’t be funny


Bruh... what a dickhead.


Second girl is Eden rose (Edenr.osee on instagram) she does weird ass slap reels … makes me think this is a set up


Ironically this dude is probably insecure as fuck


Who tf is this? Fuck this guy




Obviously this dude doesn't have a legitimate job, but let's make sure he never obtains one


What an asshole, someone hurt him and now he's on a mission to hurt others.


This isn’t humbling, this is just mean. Might be stage tho. Can’t trust the internet nowadays


This is upsetting. I have no platform and very little means to do anything but I at least try to leave the world with people happier as a consequence of my existence and it's one of my greatest fears that my existence will directly or indirectly make someone's life worse in some way. This guy is out here trying to make people's lives worse on purpose and will likely be able to cause way more intentional harm than I could ever make up for with the little bit of good I'm able to do..


Women are already overly sexualized to a very unhealthy extent which leads to violence. This is crazy


Tbh, all of these girls look good. When I was watching this, it reminded me of a video I saw on Polish YouTube of 2 people walking around and doing the same thing BUT instead of being mean, complimenting the people they ask the question


"Humbling"? Nah dude is tryna make money off of humiliating women for their audience of teenage incels. Btw what kind of places are these, are they outside of clubs or something?


I request this failure of the human race refund all the oxygen he's wasted. Disgusting.




Dude has been trying to talk to girls his entire life, but once he realized they’re all way out of his league, he resorted to this pathetic shit. And let’s be real, the goof is wearing sunglasses at night, covers his hair (or lack thereof in spots), covers his face with a beard, and wears raggedy clothing to cover his soft, pudgy physique. He’s far more insecure than these girls, his schtick is so transparent


So he's ugly inside as well as out.




I hope there’s a place online where people collectively go after this guy.


I see all the hate for this guy n its deserved but let's be real. When men give women compliments they get offended and rude for no reason n call men creepy. We as men are naturally protective of women so we are sadden by this post. But how many videos have you seen of women calling men short, fat, broke etc n no one feels bad.


Humbling? Does he think that any woman out in public thinks so highly of herself and needs to be humiliated?


Those women are gorgeous and he is even lucky to have been able to speak with any of them. He is a POS!


This guy deserves nothing good coming to him. What a complete and utter disgrace.


2nd girl hmu i like tall girls with long noses.


Who is this idiot


He can’t even stand behind his words so you know he knows better, he just starts running away


That guy is so dumb. The very definition of body dysmorphia is you don't see your body how everyone else sees it, so to look at her and say "I see why" shows an extreme misunderstanding of the condition.


At the end of the day, he's no one his opinion does not matter.


we are all surrounded by idiots.


They’re all fine asf idk why pop smoke out his casket


They’re all fine asf idk why pop smoke is out of his casket


Fuck this guy


That’s so mest up… smh last girl you could tell is super sweet


That was just mean.


That’s so fucked up


Who is this dude?


What a bitch. Prolly got a little dick and this makes him feel better about it. Asshole.


That last girl was actually hurt, this is why people should do these street interviews views, they exploit ppls gullibility and naivety. You can hear the Asian girl cry at the end.


Dude is an asshole, no doubt. But also, maybe don’t tell a stranger that you met on the street and is recording you, something that is extremely personal about yourself? Should dude have used it against them, for being willing to share? Fuck no. He’s rude as fuck. Should the females in the video have told a stranger what their deepest insecurity is, on camera? Fuck no.


Bodacks can talk now, and they're farming


Knock them hoes down a peg. I love it.


Totally pos and he is not attractive


“Humbling baddies” lmfao


I am wishing the absolute worst for this guy. Like all the bad things in life that could happen I'm hoping happens to him.


I hate this guy with a passion.


This guy is a tater tot.


Lmao why even respond to these people


He looks like that and he has the audacity ? Weird


Also is he slow? “Humbling baddies” one he just called them bad, two what humbling? They’re admitting their insecurities that’s the most humble thing they can do, so again, is he suffering from a mental defect?


And they all wanted more of him...


All beautiful women! Guys do this to girls all the time, it has always sickened me.


Notice how none of them have boyfriends? Mf knows he’d get stomped


What a real cunt of a human being.


Yeah those females clearly look it bruh


This makes Frank Hassle look almost palatable


What a sick motherf*cker. Is there no one around him to point out what an asshole he is?


You act like you know these broads. Remember they see you their cruising you out bruh 🤣


What a piece of shit


Yeah what a fucking douche bag


No wonder if he follows Andrew tattey


The girl with the “long Nose” has some beautiful long legs. All three are beautiful and shouldn’t let this dogs ball sack of a human bother them. Had he now how to treat a woman he might have hooked up.


Dream the F on. These are the females who would surely be so rude. don't be a pickme dude


How do you know that? You've never Met them, For all you know these women could be the friendliest nicest women you'd ever meet, you have no idea.


I guess you don’t understand how to talk to insecure women. With each girl he could have simple told them what they wanted to hear and ended up with their phone number if he wanted. Insecure woman are some of the easiest to hook up with, had he said the girl had a amazing butt, cute little nose or hanging body other girls would die for, he would have gotten their numbers or more.


I mean honestly your reply by itself belongs on it's on thread. You are the reason females have doubts about every man. The "tell them what they wanna hear" bullshit. Building honest trust issues.


Ok bud. Let me guess you are still single or gay. Women tell men what they want to hear too. It’s part of the art of finding a partner. You must only know how to use tinder to find someone. 🤣


Neither. and also no tinder. I do muucchh better in person 🤣 Good try tho


Garbage human


First one, seemed like she was okay with the 2 word punchline but bro could’ve stfu or made her laugh rather than burying the hate axe deeper.. 2 girls after that did not deserve his disrespect at all! I wish there was a better word for bully because asshole doesn’t cut it anymore. We need something that tugs on that little string like what makes Karens hate the name or Incels cry when they hear the term.


I will probably get downvoted for this but this kind of content is watched by a lot of men thirsty for the “ woman dumb haha get served haha“. This pos influencer will have viewers for days with this content.


He clearly wasn't dropped enough on his head as a child


this is really cruel tbh, that girl at the end looks fucking crushed. BDD is no joke, that comment probably replayed on her mind all night. hope bringing down these beautiful women made his bitchass self feel better smh


Ain’t even gon lie.. that was a b1tch move dawg.. I feel bad for em girls man, u never know what they’re going through.


they’re all so cute thooooo, specially the last one, she has great legs!


Let me guess, his biggest insecurity is his fucking self esteem ?


That last girl 🥺😢


Whatta loser 😂


Humbling? That only works when people are arrogant jerks. None of those women acted like that, the only person that needed to be humbled is the one with the mic.


What a dick. How could anyone find that amusing. No talent POS


This whole thing feels fake, why do all of the women feature give a physical insecurity? And the last chick just made that weird face on cue, and then nothing else. These aren't normal behaviors.


Probably is fake. I know for a fact that first girl is an OF girl that does interviews on the street like that herself. Probably some kind of weird promo for them.


Honestly these girls get compliments all damn day, they deserve an insult here and there to balance it out


So women deserve to be insulted because men don't compliment each other enough? Caus that's who complements women the most, other women. Men saying they would fuck you isn't a compliment FYI.


Acting is so bad. This 100% staged


Everyone sitting here typing how the guy is a POS and down voting any one saying it's funny. Remember if any of these girls saw you standing near them they would call you a creep and belittle the F outta you. I bet my last $ they have all done it. So them getting humbled isnt the end of the world Go ahead and down vote it now


You sound incredibly self centered and insecure, I promise you if these girls saw you near them they literally wouldn't even look your way and just continue on with their lives. People aren't thinking about you as much as you think they are. If you need to make up fake scenarios of women being mean to you in order to justify your irrational hatred of them, your just a vile misogynist.


Bro what women thinks a dude is a creep just for existing? Never in my life was a women creeped out by me for just standing around.


Jeez, you sound like a sad sad man. Go get some help!


Ok Cool I'm sad bc you all are sitting here trying to be a pickme dude living in complete delusions. all bc these girls are (likely for the first time) getting a taste of their own medicine.


You incels always say the same stupid shit, but the only one's taking you seriously are other incels. Like I've said, get some help. You won't find happiness like that.


Lemme guess you the same simp type to be completely ok with giving a woman half your stuff and says it's ok females are out here saying "kill all men" ... remember that viral trend I bet you think you'd get brownie points with the ladies if you show them your a feminist lol


Remember that viral trend In which a woman is killed by her male family member or partner every 11 minutes In the US? When women actually start murdering men en masses for the crime of being a man, you can complain about misandry. Women hating men hurts their feelings, when a man hates women, women often end up dead.


Yeah, asshole for sure, buuuut….it seems staged, no? Like, maybe the first 2 we’re real, but I don’t buy the last one.




When I dressed like that I was at my most insecure. Looking back I was fucking hot too! Now I'm a chubby middle aged mom with more confidence than I've ever had lmao!


Not a mum but chubby, middle aged and blissfully happy too. High five, sister! 🤚💜




You have never talked to a woman in your life


The ol' switcheroo


It must be exhausting to be this fucking stupid huh?


This is pretty funny. Insults humor is a long practiced form of comedy. It's okay if not every joke is funny to you as well.


An incel at work. Groundbreaking!


all for the views 🤦