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I believe the precedent is that everyone is seeing domestic violence as bad. Not that its going to embolden men.


It's just going to embolden men to speak up a lot more about women beating on them. And we thought the judicial system was overwhelmed already.


It's already having some effect in my life. A coworker (female) says "I just don't understand how Johnny Depp let her abuse him." Me and another guy were shocked. But I asked her about it she she said she doesn't understand how a man can be physically abused by a woman. So I tell her, men are taught it is unforgivable to hit a woman, even to fight back, and some abusive women take advantage of this. And they know the man likely won't say anything because they think it's embarrassing and people will play it off like it's not that bad being hit "by a woman". She sat silent and then said "Wow. I never thought about that side of it." That's one perspective changed.


I wouldn’t count on it unfortunately. Domestic violence rarely gets justice across the board. And just like female victims, male victims would have to report under the threat of further bodily harm. And DV can be pretty hard to prove without video evidence. What I hope this case will do is that when victims do come forward they’ll be taken more seriously by the police officers, judges and juries who are otherwise prone to victim blaming.


I didn't suffer DV, but did have a stalker in university. I went to the cops to file a trail of paperwork because she had a history of going crazy if/when she was rejected/told off and they told me to call them if it happened then. A temporary restraining order would "put everyones academic careers in chaos" (insinuating mine would too). This was a female DV officer because the department had no men who specialized in it. When I asked if I could have the RA supervisor for our dorm tell them about how she would try to sneak in behind people coming/going through the locked doors, the RA was told this girl wasn't a threat and was only trespassing. When I asked if it was inappropriate for her to switch into all my lectures, I was told that it was a smaller major and this could happen by odds... despite having two years of difference between us. The only people who took it seriously were other men, though most were dismissive of it - but the only gender which told me that "my problem" was overstated or something I was doing were women. Thankfully, society has shifted in accepting the total issue behind such behavior from what I've seen. While DV has a skew of violence committed by men, abusive behavior varies with gender by the way it is committed. This case has let me cut out people who ignore a crime because of the accused's gender, such as this... influencer... has. I think my life will be better for it.


“Oh no we can’t have that” - girl in the video prolly


I feel that the opinion in the video comes from a place of “if it’s anti-this woman, it is anti-all women”. And since this viewpoint comes hand in hand with an “us vs them” mentality, it feels like a natural logical step that men will take this as a triumph to speak out against women and thus be more anti-woman. It doesn’t make logical sense to the rest of the world because it’s absolutely not in touch with reality but this is what tribalism gets you. Like we’ve been told to band together and defend each other which is good but then people take it too far and start defending the rotten people like Heard just because if they don’t then they’ve let a sister down or something. A friend of mine is like this and I feel like I need to remind her all the time that you can be a good feminist and also condemn women who have done things that are wrong.


You’ve worded this much better than I just did. Exactly the way it felt to me. It hurts women, and helps men, and that’s bad.


Well done. Excellent analysis. No way I could have said it better. No way anyone in this thread could have said it better. This comment should be pinned.


Silver lining to your first paragraph’s scenario of men becoming anti-women: we’ll finally have a successful population control.


It should shift the paradigm, hopefully. So people can see that women are capable of this too. It needed to be seen on a big stage like this. This woman looks at it like anything helping men is bad, or that it will embolden them, I guess. I don’t see that at all. Feels like so many in society don’t care to see men get any additional benefits, as they’ve enjoyed so much throughout history. Which I can somewhat understand. But something like this does help men, and I think the takeaway should be that this is a very good thing. I think what she’s really mad about is this case shows that, well, some women lie. We aren’t supposed to talk about that though.


Yea but men bad :/


Also men are victims just as much as women, but she does not think acknowledging that is for the better.


Male here I've endured years of emotional abuse and am still recovering, I meet women I am attracted to and walk away afraid that I have a type. Funny thing is I've actually helped a few female friends to get out of their abusive relationships and I was going through something similar


I honestly didn't know who Amber Heard was before all of this.


I can't name anything she has been in.


She was seth rogans high-school girlfriend in pineapple express


OMG I've watched that movie more than four times and never realized that.


Had to check IMDB myself and she’s been in many movies that I have seen. I don’t recall her in any of those movies though. Probably not such a great memorable performance that I missed 🤷🏽‍♂️


If she acted as good on screen as she has in this court case she would’ve had an Oscar by now


A female other than Mila Kunis was in Pineapple Express?


Don't disrespect Rosie Perez like that.


I forgot she was in that! I f****** love Rosie Perez! Not joking, or exaggerating at all, she has changed my life for the better! Her character in White Men Can't Jump made me excited about learning and soaking up useless information. I am a God on pub trivia night because of her! I so let her down forgetting about her. I'll flagellate myself properly when I get home.


"I'll flagellate myself properly when I get home." not the first time Rosie Perez has inspired this reaction.


Lol! First - Not what I meant by flagellate, but I like your style! 😎 Second - Her . . . costuming . . . yeah costuming, in White Men Can't Jump fueled many of my flagellation sessions as a growing boy.


Since you like Rosie so much you might get a kick out of the fact that the MTA uses her voice for some of their subway announcements. They use a few local celebrities but she’s the only one who stands out.


Sweet! Manhattan Transit Authority?


Metropolitan Transportation Authority.


I hope Rosie see this somehow and puts a smile on her face!


My introduction to her was on HBOs Subway Stories or something like that back in the 90s, hot damn.


She also did the choreography for The Fly Girls on the show In Loving Color!


Mila Kunis isn’t in Pineapple Express?


Is this a joke? Because Mila Kunis wasn’t in that movie…


People are pointing that out. I was mistaken. I was thinking of Date Night.


Forgetting Sarah Marshall is what you are thinking of


Mila Kunis is not in pineapple express. She's in this is the end.


"I heard that, I wish I hadn't heard that"


She was Jesse Eisenbergs zombie neighbour in Zombieland


Damn, I fucking love pineapple express and now I kinda never wanna see it again ... After maybe this next time. Idk.


She was also the girl Colombus liked in Zombieland during that flashback


I can tell you something Johnnys been in.


Amber Heard?


Amber turd


It's now Amber Turd... you know, cuz she... did stuff


Willy Wonka's secret of the Chocolate Factory....


She would be Augustus Poop.


Fecal Delivery is the phrase you are looking for


Right. Like Door Dash only with poop.


Turd birthing person


You gonna get schwifty right here!


That's what I heard


Pirates of the Caribbean….


Her turd was apparently in Mr. Depps bed.


I can tell you something she's pooped in.


Aquaman is the only thing that comes to mind without going to her imdb


Unfortunately I can, but only because she was a terrible actor


The Stepfather is a good movie.


She was Mera in Aquaman opposite Jason Momoa.


I liked the scene where she poops in the fish tank Aquaman sleeps in. Also the scene where she cuts off one of his fins.


Shes the abusive narcissistic sister in aquaman.


Elon's bed.


She was the bad part of the Aquaman movie.


she was the hot neighbor in some zombie movie whose name I can't remember EDIT: Zombieland!


I think she is semens girlfriend or something.


So you’re telling me you’ve never HEARD of her before?


Oh, but you have HEARD of me.


No, he said he never TURD of her.


"it will shift the paradigm a little bit on how things are talked about". Like the fact that men can get abused and nobody believed them before or they were mocked? I hope things change, and yes it will be for the better for everyone


She ALMOST comes close to reaching the right conclusion in that statement but then takes a hard-right away from the point.


I was thinking the same thing... "she was SO CLOSE!" lol


Well, no, because im her reality anything that makes women accountable is inherently bad. She thinks this will set a precedent that will bring the pendulum back away from "believe all women" and that is a bad thing because she has no power over men. It's all a game of power to her but she deflects to say no it's actually men trying to get power over her.


Its hard to say what the intent is. She may genuinely believe she risks being oppressed. That said... the sleep deprivation under the eyes says it all. Love to my fellow BPDers but you can tell when its someone who just identifies too much with the story.


My guess is that her brain started to tingle with the pain of cognitive dissonance, and then steered itself directly away from it to the exact wrong conclusion to continue ***fEeLiNg*** ThE tRuTh Of HeR rEaLiTy.


It’s pretty great, you could see the exact moment in the video where the synapses in her brain actually starts to make the connection but then she doubles down on stupid.


She gets so close to the right thing when she says that it might shift things, but then she ends it with "but I don't think it will be for the better", so close and yet so far


Right? She just sounds like someone who enjoys that these cases almost always goes in the favor of women, whether deserved or not, and doesn’t want to lose that automatic belief that they were in the right


I understand the point she’s trying to make. However, I was abused for years by a woman (I am also female) and it wasn’t taken seriously, and most people didn’t believe it or felt it ‘can’t have been that bad’. It’s like people don’t believe that women CAN do these terrible things. I hope this case helps men to speak out without fear of being silenced. I stand with them. I eventually had the support of people who understood, I know a lot of men don’t even feel like they can talk about their experience. Men experience pain, we need to build a world where they can get the support they need too


Thank you for sharing your experience and I'm sorry you had to go through that. Separately, as a man who has been drugged and raped by a woman, none of my friends of any gender say anything but "you wanted it though I bet even though you were unconscious". We have a serious problem when abuse is allowed to happen to ANYBODY.


I’m sorry you went through that


Right. I’m a woman and consider myself a feminist, when she said that I thought “uh….you mean it’ll push us more towards equality 🫢🤯 in domestic violence cases, so that the big chunk of men who get abused aren’t ignored any longer?” Oh my! I’m really scared now! Like imagine not being an abuser of men, yet still being narcissistic and delusional enough to think there’s any way this could possibly be bad for women??


Bad for some. The ones that like to hit men and get away with it. Normal women aren't going to be upset by this case if they paid any attention.


Part of the problem I keep seeing is that misandrists hiding behind the label of feminism (like our "friend" in the video) give all feminists a bad name. I'm in complete agreement with you and this hopefully will set a better precedent on handling cases with abuse. I hope this will give those men who are being abused, the message that it's ok and to come forward and get the help they deserve.


Here here, as someone who has worked with folks in violent relationships the sexist mythology that women cant be aggressors has to go


So I am hesitant because of how the narrative could now shift on abused women again in a “maybe he was only defending himself” pattern. I’m so torn on this. And as an abuse victim myself I hate this trial being so public. I can’t get away from it. I can’t not hear her voice and the way they spoke to each other. I hear myself in Depp and my ex in Heard and I can’t really get over that. I am really sad that people have not been this invested for a lot of women in similar circumstances. But then again the public turning on Brock Turner or favour for Britney Spears coming to light is great. I wish we could do the same thing to Chris Brown we are trying to do to Amber Heard though. TL;DR: the matter is complex.


Getting raped by an attractive women and telling others about it is like telling a grown adult to believe in the tooth fairy no one will believe you and the close friends and family who say they believe it you will be able to tell they don’t really believe it 😒 cold world


I'm glad this old conservative mindset is starting to die out.


I wonder if this woman knows that Amber Heard hates black people too. I wonder if that’d make her suddenly less sympathetic.


Came here to say the exact same thing. Take my award.


Para-ligma balls


I'm not sure what her point is. She had nothing valid to say here.


We don’t need to spin anything in this case, because Heard was abusive. It actually sounds like the relationship was toxic and nobody was the “good guy” overall, but regardless of sex or gender identity, abuse within a relationship is never ok.


I get her point of omg now men care! But do you see women getting excited over a man being abused? I think people care about things that relate to them and that’s just all that is here.


God forbid men finally relating to someone who has went through the same thing and feel vindicated


Right? I also think a big aspect of the high interest is you can watch it live every day. Before the live trial started I don't remember seeing any memes. I myself didn't get interested til it popped up on my YT feed (and I'm not a man) it's an interesting story and you can't help but feel for the guy.


Plus none of the memes really have much of anything to do with Amber Heard specifically, they're mostly just making fun of her incompetent attorneys constant use of heresay.


Right! If anything having Johnny fucking Depp have the balls to stand up and admit he was a victim, maybe it will help other men get over the stigma of being a victim. It will empower people to take a stand, even if a few. And a few is a good God damn start.


No no see, men obviously only root for Johnny because as a gender we hate and seek to oppress the other gender, didn’t you get the memo?




I think I understand her perspective. But she's not understanding anyone else's. Maybe men are standing up and cheering because EVERYONE knows someone like Amber Heard. Karen's are common enough to be a meme. The movie "Mean Girls" got made for a reason. Every John Hughes film ever had those bitchy characters because people encounter them every day. Maybe some people are waking up to the terrible thought that THEIR shitty behavior might have consequences one day, and they're not happy about it.


No her perspective is legit garbage from the jump. Her initial observation of “more men care about this DV case than other DV cases and that’s odd” is ignoring a crucial variable. It’s Johnny fucking Depp. Of course more men are interested. More women are interested too. It’s an A list celebrity as the victim with an A- list celebrity as the perpetrator. She’s jumping to conclusions. It’s not “men finally have a hero to point to” it’s “damn life sucks and this mildly interesting thing is happening with celebrities im aware of and enjoy”.


There's that one clip that gets posted here on Reddit about this guy on a talk show saying how he was raped by a woman and the women in the audience started laughing before the host called them all out on if that counts?


>Do you see women getting excited over a man being abused? Looking at you FDS followers




I don’t understand why people seem to be so quick to judge his reactions when she’s the primary abuser. Like the victim is just supposed to remain totally composed while they’re being abused? This is why toxicity relationships are so insidious.. the break apart everyone in their path.


>nobody was the "good guy" Brave to say that on Reddit.


The crux of the issue for me is that despite it being toxic, Johnny was fine just walking away. But not only did she want to bury him, she was hellbent on using the Gone Girl strategy of destroying him with lies and being the helpless female victim. If she abused him, that's bad, obviously. But the fact that she was going to abuse and then flip to make it that he abused her and will ruin his life for it... that's what it makes particularly captivating and cathartic for people.


Domestic abuse apologists are bad for everyone. This is a great example of one.


This is a Defamation lawsuit. Johnny is suing Amber for making false accusations of abuse towards her and ruining his career because of those accusations. She has been proven to be a liar multiple times throughout the trial.


And not even a good liar. Which makes me question her acting ability. Because actors are supposed to be essentially “professional liars”.. I’m definitely questioning her councils ability. Like I’m assuming her legal team barely passed the bar at some correspondence College. Because that’s about the level of professionalism and performance they’ve put on during this trial.


Good lawyers don't go to trial with a case like this. They look at the evidence they have to work with and figure out how to advise their client to take the most painless loss possible.


I don’t think this is a domestic violence case. I think it is a defamation case.


It's certainly a defication case lol


She seems surprised that men can be victims.


Not so much surprised I would guess but more disappointed that this case is so high profile, because it doesn't fit her usual narrative.


The idea that they could be serves to damage her perception of reality. To people like her, only women can be victims, because the victimhood mentality allows any grievance to be considered "punching up".




She seems aggressive


She’s living in a black and white world when, in reality, there’s plenty of grey. I’m just really against her ‘Oppression Olympics’ mentality; men who are abused take nothing away from women who are abused. Her aggressive stance takes away from all victims.


Lol right only woman can be victims


I think she’d prefer only women victims be heard but that hurts everyone.


I wonder what her FDS mod name is.


Has that vibe doesn’t it.


Tell me you hate men without saying you hate men.


She has plenty of hot takes. Like on national Women's Day she advocated for men to not post on social media or speak to women to give them a voice or some weird stuff like that.


Right. Dear lord. Omg men are happy about something. Let me tell you how this is wrong and dangerous


She looks like she's been up all week trying to make this video.


And fell down a flight of stairs a couple times 😂


I'm tired just looking at her


By the looks of it, she is too.. lol


And other than memes, she had an agenda with nothing to back it up. Didn’t Reddit just ban a whole group of like minded morons like this?


She was trying to learn how to do the TikTok


She looks like a really exhausted Jar-Jar from Star Wars.


And they still wonder why men don't talk about domestic abuse.


This girl literally just said standing up for yourself in abuse is dangerous and sets a bad precedent. I can’t 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh no, not the memes.... wars over, damn patriarchy wins again. The memes are here.


>Oh no, not the memes Is it weird that I read this in Nicholas Cages voice?


Mean memes mean wins.


Not the bloody memes. Anything but that


She talked for 50 seconds with no one interrupting her and never actually made a point.


She’s right. This will set a precedent. Finally something will shine a light on the abuse men suffer at the hands of women as well and will send a warning to all women who think they can make false claims and get away with it. It will change the whole “guilty until proven innocent” narrative.


“..and it will shift the paradigm.” Lmao bet money she has no idea wtf that even means, considering the context in which the word was used.


Her mentality is literally "big words=smart"


We found our FDS subscriber!


I feel like I lost brain cells watching this video.


Oh for God's sake. Her iq must begin with a -


I swear I’ve seen this girl in a Taco Bell before


In the toilet after you ate???


She seems really upset that men might be belived more in domestic abuse cases


She’s someone that abuses men and doesn’t like attention is being brought to it. And it’s making her realize how shitty she is, so she’s trying to justify her own actions.


That was my first thought, too.


No no.. let us not claim that Amber didn't say on a recording that she hit Johnny. Ignore that. Let us ignore also the time she ridiculed Johnny about her attacking him..."What are you doing to do Johnny? Tell the world that you are a domestic violence victim?" Which was also recorded. Let us also ignore Johnny had a section of his finger removed when Amber threw a bottle at him. No no go on.. let's spin that against the ladies....well just one Amber.


"Have you ever seen so many women afraid of accountability?"


Oh no! Men are speaking out about being abused by women! Help help, I'm being repressed.


The angle is this is proof that yes, women can be emotionally and physically abusive towards men as well.


amber is a man beater and deserves to be canceled in hollywood


It’s a domestic violence case, Johnny was the victim, you are trying to spin this so that Johnny is in the wrong for being abused.


Well, someone hates men and is going to likely be miserable in life.


We dont get excited over domestic violence, we get excited that we can hear an innocent man’s side of the story.


What a fucking donkey


i read that in gordons voice and i love it


” I don’t think it’s going to be for the better.” Why? Is it because you realize that due to this case you won’t be able to relay on the false accusation tactic if things don’t go your way in a relationship? Or that because of this case, incidents like this will be investigated far more thoroughly than they have been in the past? Or perhaps that society might start taking domestic abuse victims that happen to have a penis between their legs more seriously? Domestic abuse is fucking horrible, and it’s blatantly obvious she doesn’t really care about that. She’s just pushing some radical third wave feminism rhetoric for the sake of.... being a dick? But in all honesty, to any domestic abuse victims out there REGARDLESS of gender. My heart goes out for you. Oh, and this lady can trip and fall in a hole.


Omg I can’t believe a man is tired of being abused this is unbelievable 😂


how dare he


But when women spin domestic abuse allegations against men it's OK.


Don't worry. This will only be really bad for crazy bitches. Oh... Wait...


Maybe she should focus on the evidence and not the memes.


Somehow her stupid nose ring punctured her brain.


Your right it’s a great opportunity for men to stop being branded by so many fucked up women that think they have a right to destroy a man’s life with lies… welcome to equal rights ladies…


She even looks like she hates men. I wonder why 😂


Please get some sleep


Lol, I feel like I’m packing for a vacation just looking at those bags…


Who is that filthy hippie ?


She looks like she smells like farts


Domestic abuse can be both ways.


This crazy ass has got some serious baggage underneath those angry eyes, she should really get some sleep.


She’s screaming “domestic violence was OUR thing and you fucking men ruined it by getting beat on”


It’s so interesting when people that fight for equality start to see examples of equality and decide that equality isn’t what they meant when they wanted equal treatment. Now a days, people who fight for equality, really want preferential treatment, and sometimes a 180 reversal of the existing norms, not fairness balance or equity There is something to be said about things applied to more than just one case, as even in my comment, but there is also a hypocrisy in arguments like this because pro woman shouldn’t mean anti man. Johnny Depp isn’t representing misogyny, he’s representing a victim. And a victim is a victim regardless


She beats her boyfriends


This Chick looks like she takes poops in her bed as well


those eye bags tho… get some sleep jeeze


I'd hate men too if I looked like that


She's defending a bed shitter hahahahahah


She is from female dating strategy


We get it. You're a lesbian. You hate men.


I’m a lesbian and I definitely feel for male victims of DV/sexism :(


An ideologue can't tolerate anything that questions or contradicts their world view. No matter who or how may are harm are being harm in any particular circumstance, they will always work to undermine and silence them. Because they value their beliefs over the wellbeing of others.


I bet she licks her turds before she puts them in the toilet


Lol how did you even come up with this insult. It's hilarious.


Surprised she didn’t say me me’s


She's the worst type of person and someone I'd never associate with.


Oh no people won’t take the side of women every single time and ignore clear evidence against them because “all men are evil”


Good to see Weird Al staying busy


It's people like this that cause the division between men and women


chick is a perfect example of what toxic feminism looks like smh


She sounds like the people I used to hear raise their hands in my undergrad and then just vomit whatever thoughts were in their mind and end with "What about that?" P A R A D I G M


It’s not a Domestic Violence Case or Suite. It’s a Defamation Case. 😉


Please name another publicized court case about domestic abuse involving two celebrities please. Also, yeah, men love to be vindicated. Amber is obviously lying and men are tired of liars. So makes sense.