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Thought streamers were supposed to build communities around themselves? This dude just seems like a self righteous prick.


That’s probably because he is a self righteous prick


Well, he could just be a self righteous prick.


Going out on limb here but this guy seems like a self righteous prick.


According to my calculations, he's a self righteous prick.


Hey man got the lab results back .. you gotta see this *He's a self righteous prick*


We interrupt your program to inform you that he is indeed a self righteous prick


The President has just been informed that he is in fact, a self righteous prick.


Aye Bruhz, Dis bludd be straight up self righteous, homie geekin an shi’ , MF betta chill wit da prick shi’ or I’m finna straight spazz G


By obeserving the wave patterns and the air current... I deduce... he is indeed a self righteous prick


Hey the Self Righteous Prick store called and they're running out of you!


He is indeed… a smug penis


Hey guys, I was looking for a steamer that's a self righteous prick. Anyone you recommend?


Pricking on a self righteous


Most streamers and influencers are self-righteous pricks


Especially ones that keep a collection of beer cans proudly displayed in background.


What kind of prick would build a community around themselves


Prickasarus Rex


Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, damn. Have some sympathy tho.


I learned that when I did a course for being a clown in hospitals


This video makes me sad…


Karma is real.


If karma were real Mao and Stalin wouldn't have died of old age.


Or Reagan


Reagan didn't murder millions of his countrymen. We may not all agree with everything Reagan did or stood for, but I think we can agree on the "not murdering your countrymen" aspect.


Yeah, he didn’t kill his own countrymen… except for the ones his administration and CIA got addicted to crack cocaine, and the ones who he sent to unnecessary wars, and the ones who needed help from the AIDS epidemic, and the ones who died of homelessness and poverty after losing their jobs due to his “trickle down economics”. Also he did sponsor the killing of plenty of other people around the world via Iran-Contra and selling of weapons… wait, I guess that doesn’t count since those people who died aren’t “our countrymen”. So yeah, besides those minor details I guess you’re right!


The economy was booming from Reagan. The rest yep. But it's still not comparable to mao or Stalin.


Trickle-down economics/Reaganomics boosted the economy for people who were already super wealthy… not for working class people. It widened the income inequality gap and still continues to do so today.


It widened the gap but it still went up. I get everybody wants to just look at the gap of income inequality but that's purely psychological. With the global economy your going to have that. Working class people definitely got boosted. Not as much but yes they did.


"It was bad, but it was also good"


I mean his stance with the AIDS epidemic was something Id put in the same vein to a lesser degree. Which is still pretty fucking bad. Also the crack epidemic and the war on drugs' real big impact being the huge rise of the Prison industrial complex's slave labor


Reagan laid the foundation and funded the research that led to development of AZT. True, AIDS was being reported as a growing problem in late 81-82, but for the most part the media and public didn't take AIDS any more seriously than the government. I was 10 in 81 and remember all of the stupid fear mongering about how you could contract the disease. I'm not sure what more he could have done, beyond putting money into research and relaxing FDA approvals so that AZT could get approved early. As for the crack epidemic and war on drugs, that clearly had terrible consequences and I would like to see the 13th Amendment further amended to strike the part that allows for prison labor. I would also like to see us getting out of the nation building business and focusing on fixing our own problems.


Stalin slowly died from a stroke on his own in a bed filled with his own faeces and piss he got what he deserved


If that’s karma, a little underwhelming I would say.


The karmic death for both is starving to death


Or karma recognized that they were doing the work of the lord 🗿 /s


And the Lord said, let there be massive depopulation in a couple of areas of the world and sent forth his two redheaded step children to slaughter their respective countrymen, and they did so well, they were granted long natural lives. /s


For anyone wondering Yes he made an apology video about this Yes its somehow FAR worse than the actual incident he's so self centred that he blames the viewer despite him asking what happens, he also thanks a follower mid apology video showing how little he actually cares Edit: oh mate...he made a 2nd video, it's equally as bad if not even worse


I thought you were being facetious about being FAR worse but after watching it.... That wording somehow isn't strong enough. He spent almost the whole video verbally jerking himself off about how little he cares about people's feelings. I'm.... Impressed. I didn't think someone could be that awful!


how to ruin your entire internet presence speedrun any %


It’s very hard to call it an apology video lol


Link to the vid, or just let me know who this guy is so I can watch please? Thanks


Streamers called wefoundthebody


Yup. And his viewership has tripled.


For the few days that people are curious and want to see what he says. It won't last.


Basically just the online version of rubberneckin


probably from hate viewers it can happen


You’re right. It is worse the more you see.


Where are the links my guy


Talking about 2 acceptable options...yet he chose the shittiest human response...lead by example you piece of trash


Thing is he changed the question. He didn't ask "how are you" he said "where the hell have you been" which has the implication of the person should of been watching his stream... This guy is a dick


That response makes it seem like this was probably a regular viewer too. This dude can't even muster some base level human decency for one of his fans.


Literally too difficult to say “That’s terrible I’m so sorry for your loss” dudebro was pissed a viewer made him feel emotions that day and made sure it wasn’t gonna happen again i guess. what a pathetic man he must be irl


beep boop this is the grammar cyborg "should of" is actually spelled "should've" and is a contraction for the words "should have" I know I'm a giant dick, but it bothers the hell out of me 😂 like, I'm not judging you for being incorrect. I just wanna help you fix it🤙


Which streamer is this?


Yeah I wanna know also, I'll give them a really big bummer BROH




Do people voluntarily watch this guy run his obnoxious mouth on camera? What’s the point of this? I can’t imagine having nothing better to do.


I don’t voluntarily watch him other than this particular situation, but I did see at least one fan defending him on his Twitter. I don’t think he’ll have many viewers or his Twitch partnership after this though.




Dr Disrespect I don't think is as bad. There have been times when people have donated or talked in chat about losses and he seemed genuinely empathetic.


The first one on twitter was alright, and if he had left it at that people would probably have moved on quickly. The video he made after that wasn't really an apology at all, it was him justifying his behavior and blaming the victim.


Is he really out of Calgary? I was embarrassed to find out he's Canadian but if he's from Alberta it doesn't really count-- they hardly consider themselves part of Canada. It's like Texas. In way too many ways.


Funnily, he sounds like some folk I know from Calgary (and not just the accent). I’ve visited a few times and this brand of self righteousness is quite common from people out there tbh.


Great idea, go befriend him then drop a bomb


Meh. Not worth looking into. He made an apology and it’s just as bad as this clip. FYI. He’s tripled his viewership.


These types of clips will make you lose faith in humanity but there are so many polar opposite situations that restore it . He's a loser that is mainly attracting like-minded toxic people or misguided people . It's sad


Google: A Twitch streamer was under fire for yelling at the fan that she said her mother died It'll take you right to it.




I googled it and all I got was this thread.


Yeah, I just did and the first 5 results gave me the info and this post wasn't even on the list of results.




The rules won't allow for it. I'm sure plenty of people want to flame this trash can with a mouth but reddit says that's bad


Honestly that rule is really unnecessary. Like come on.


I don't make the rules. Take up up with the mods.


Stop giving this loser attention. That’s the best way to make them learn


I hope whenever he shares some bad news on his channel, his entire chat just starts revolting because he's RuInInG tHe ViBe


Guy is most likely a narcissist. Has no empathy or care for others. All this ass clown is thinking about is himself. I hope his stream bombs.


"Oh damn, I'm sorry to hear that but I'm so glad you're here today." (Optional add: "Chat, please send them some love"). Is it really that hard to fake being nice for a moment even if you truly don't care?


That's what makes a successful streamer. You care about your followers. Or you pretend at least. What makes a streamer big is the followers having a sense of knowing you, a sense of being almost friends with you! It's a false reality but that's what makes streaming so Powerful! By doing what this guy does, you're completely destroying that illusion and removing the closeness you built up with you viewers! What he wants is closer to what TV was and the opposite of the direction that makes streamers successful!


Yet his views have tripled since this video. People just suck in general. You find your audience and you stoke it like a fire. His audience is the garbage of humanity and there are plenty of them to keep him well funded.


Not for long, the majority of those are just people looking to see his bullshit right now and will never check him out again


“That” being what? Are you saying what he did makes him successful? I don’t get it


Sorry, might have started typing mid thought! I mean that he does the exact opposite of what makes streamers so successful!


Lmfao brooooo what. He asked where he was…..and the guy just answered..? If you’re a streamer you literally need these people to watch and instead you go and, in front of all of them, tell him not to talk about what happened in “his chat” bro. You’re acting like you’re the only streamer out there. There are hundreds of thousands.


Exactly. He is very replaceable with so many aspiring streamers out there. Lots of other people to watch who won’t humiliate you for answering a question.


Dudes chat is limited to “subscribers only” too because he knows what’ll happen if he takes it off


lmao what a nonce. that’s embarrassing


Clearly the streamers I watch are not aware of this "etiquette" since we're always encouraged to use their streams for help and support.


Exactly. I watch julien solomita quite often and he does his best to make it a safe space. His chat and mods are all super nice too. He may or may not comment on something like that (unless he personally asked how you were doing) but he wouldn't berate you for bringing up the fact that you're having a tragic day, and you'd definitely get a lot of chatters and mods giving you condolences. Everyone needs someone to talk to, and for some people, that's the only way. I'll never understand why people like to follow and give money to these super toxic people.


I started streaming during COVID in an attempt to get some folks that might be struggling with life. I put my heart and soul into it. It's exhausting to try and produce fresh content every night and keep the community moving along. Motivation to keep going when there's only 6 people watching... It's tough! But I met some genuinely lovely people and really got to know them. I streamed for so long that I followed one guys final year in college. When he passed.... I cried! So this guy, with his generic lighting and disgusting behaviour. He can go screw himself.


This dude sucks


I really hope this is a situation where the streamer genuinely regrets their actions.


Look at his twitter, he is blaming everyone else for the hate but himself


He isn’t. He made an unlisted apology video still blaming her and he even started thanking some followers MID-APOLOGY. Dude does not care


They may go through self actualization and eat their words. The internalized thought might sound like "I'm a twitch streamer and the only 2 appropriate things that come out of my mouth are UWU and and dicks"


Off-brand Keemstar is a POS


Bearded DSP.


Self righteous prick. Total narcissistic personality


Narcissist indeed


Wow... lack of empathy, just like psychopaths.


Hes a paycho, literally telling his fans how to respond


What a POS


I love how he gives the viewer suggestions of what an acceptable response to his question is, meanwhile giving objectively the WORST response. He could have said: “Oh, my condolences to you and your family” and moved on. That’s not just good “stream etiquette” that’s good “life etiquette”. It’s like if I haven’t seen a coworker in a while and I ask him where he’s been and he says “oh a family member passed”. What you DON’T do is say “oh boy! Way to ruin my Friday Jeff! Don’t bring your bad vibes to the office!” And proceed to lecture him on how “you should’ve just said ‘fine’ or ‘alright’, I don’t actually want to hear your problems!”




What's the name




how fucking hard is it to say, oh, im really sorry to hear that.


Why would anyone spend their time listening to this guy? There's so much content out there and you choose this turd?


This guy is a fucking idiot.


I follow a few people on twitch, a couple of them religiously. When my mom died, and I came in to chat and the streamer said "how's things" I said "mom passed this morning" and you know what happened? He stopped what he was doing, took a moment to offer condolences, and so did the 100-or-so people in chat. Granted, he and most of the chat knew the day was coming as I had previously spoken about her cancer, but coming to chat and talking to everyone actually helped me - it's really crazy just how much some random stranger on the internet offering up their thoughts for you actually helps! I couldn't imagine what the feelings would be if this was the guy instead! What a dark hole to dig for someone Best we (the general public) can do is steer clear of people like this, and stick to streams where communities are built and grow because everyone is awesome


I disagree with it being "good etiquette" to not mention this kind of big news.


The second this streamerbro has something traumatic happen in his life he's gonna milk everyone of those viewers. Have some common decency. Jfc. I hate people with no empathy, go choke on an eggplant dudebro.


Is it just me or does the streamer have the most punchable face ever?


“Damn sorry to hear that, well I hope the stream can give you at least a bit of comfort!” It is literally that easy. No excuse to belittle someone for answering a question you literally asked


I’m bout to staple the man’s mouth shut


I’m a small time art streamer (was more active in the past). I had a regular too who was missing from discord for a while. He finally logged back on and joined a Twitch stream I was hosting. I was excited to see him and just casually asked him how he was doing. He said that he nearly took his life and was in a hospital recovering and also getting a lot of psychiatric help. This guy has been my online friend for a while so I paused the stream to just ask him if he needed to talk. he didn’t want to interrupt the stream, but he did miss talking to me, so I just drew while sending him messages to him on discord so they were just between me and him. I almost had to stop the stream because I was getting emotional, but i continued for him because he wanted to watch me draw and didn’t want to interrupt. That was a good couple years ago now, he’s doing so much better and we met in person last summer. Just a really good dude and the world and my life are better with him in it. He’s my best friend and we talk daily to make sure we are both doing ok as we both have depression and still have our rough days. We get though them together. It doesn’t take much to show someone a little compassion and understanding. Videos like this make me so sad and angry because this is not what we need more of in the world. There’s a lot of toxic streamers and influencers out there, do your best to be better than them because it’s easier and more rewarding to be a better person.


You sound like a great guy. Yeah I don’t get it he called him out on something serious he was dealing with and kept continuing on and on about what (not) to say. Like why would someone lie and say “Oh I’m feeling great” when they are not.


Hopefully he fails as a streamer


People are accusing the girl of trauma dumping, saying that he doesn’t have to provide emotional support, and saying that this is an example of a parasocial relationship because she expects him to do so. I’m truly at a loss for words. He did not have to become this girls therapist. All he had to do was say “I’m sorry to hear that. Hope you’re doing okay.” And then he could have moved on. Anyone who says otherwise is just a bad person.


What an ahole


What a fucking dick


piece of animal


There's something wrong with this dude. Not quite right


So who is this Keemstar from Wish?


I swear streaming goes to some people's heads, they become a little too concerned about controlling the narrative of the stream with themselves as the main character that they seem to forget that not everything that a viewer states falls within these vapid rules they set up to maintain that narrative. This wasn't trauma dumping, it wasn't aimed at derailing the stream away from the attention the streamer was commanding, they were literally asked the question, replied in kind and in no way started making it all about themselves. I'm glad streamers like this get a little dose of reality every once in a while and are dragged through the mud for their shitty behaviour - I don't want to take away anyone's livelihood, but being a streamer and having that job is a privilege, not a right. Fail to treat your viewers like human beings and you're eventually going find this out the hard way when those numbers drop and you're back out into the job market, wondering wtf happened.


Oof...These sort of beards are like a giant billboard saying "I'm an audacious, selfish prick with a ton of attitude"


Poo beards.


Hey I have that kinda beard 😂 I’m not a audacious, selfish prick with a ton of attitude 😂


Sounds like something an audacious, selfish prick with a ton of attitude would say...


Love watching this right after coming from the "Are streamers artists?" thread.


I sure hope this Kirby person didn't take this to heart because this guy is fucked in the head lmao


Just a heads up - googling “we found the body twitch” is gonna hit you with a lot of sad stories about the dude from Ellen.


Thats sad, way to belittle a person going through a bad time.


I bet this a****** calls his his "community" too. I would hope he lost a few followers for this.


Have another liquid death and comb your beard. The streamer, not OP Edit: don’t take advice from someone who thinks beer cans are decorations.


The biggest bummer in that stream is his attitude.


Hope he lost the few viewers he had


Lol why would people watch this loser?


Really hope he gets cancelled. No need for this negativity!


The internet has killed empathy.


"I'm just subtly trying to tell you..."


Not very Emo is he? Despite his choice of music.


So this streamer just wants disingenuous conversations so he doesn’t have to think about bad stuff what a gigapussy


He didnt ask, "how are you?" He asked, "Where the hell have you been.?" Prick got an honest answer and couldn't handle it.


That's about the emotional intelligence I'd expect from someone that stacks cans and calls it home decor


It would be good to see if this impacted his subscription numbers. Quantify the karma.


I hope something ruins his days left on this blue rock.


Aaaaaand you lost your subs


LMAO "good or I'll make it through" sounds like a workplace response.


What a fucking loser 🤣


Don’t kill my vibe, bro.


“His response is a big barrel of buttcheeks” - Penguinz0


I'm kind of regretting bringing kids into this world.


Don’t raise them wrong. They might end up like this guy.


Mother fucker!!!POS


How hard is it to just say, "Sorry to hear that." And move on? WTF


Who is this dude. What platform


Hope he loses all his followers


Wow someone falls on hard times and all he does is basically flip the script and look like a victim because "etiquette."


i thought this was keemstar at first


When will people realize that most of these streamers/influencers don’t give af about anyone but themselves. Stop idolizing and funding these people


Just say you don't know how to console people


Who even is this clown


Definitely a POS


I wanna punch him. I wanna punch him so bad.


For someone who doesn't like to hear bad news, he sure rambled on about it and said it's depressing for people to hear. Did he think his point of view was awesome and uplifting? What a fucking guffaw


Wow, he literally asked where he had been. Sounds like the guy was loyal, hopefully he lost a fan. This guy is pretty horrible.


Who is this PoS? I want to go berate their streams


I bet if his mom died—- this fucker wouldn’t be doing any of this ego tripping bullshit till his dad tucks him in for a week. Social media brings out the worst in some people. So sad.


Lol I'm just using this opportunity to teach you chat edict. .....good now I know Incase my mom died again. FPOS. I hope he lost all his followers or was at least reprimanded some


The kind of comment I'd expect from someone who has stacked aluminum cans in the background.


Dude’s an Oxygen thief


Lol damn dude what a dick. I’m the type of person to do what he said tho. I would never put my very personal business on front street like that. I’ll always just be like yea I’m ok. I don’t really like people who lay their miseries on you all the time. We all know people like that. They just call you to tell you had bad their life is going. But this was not that at all. Lol


I Hate dudes that think like this and all of them have the same ass beard!


I wanna spill a the big bucket that’s this man’s head. Watch it all spill out


I hope karma comes at full force on that a**hole.


This why you shouldn’t spend your days wasting away watching “streamers”. Go out there and live life


I agree with him nobody wants to hear that


All this Twitch communication is fake, and he proved it Edit :If you didn't understand me, im against him


I can see where the streamer's coming from


I think he is actually right don't share to random people that your mom died or some thing like that but I would the say the way he said it, way he said it was rude but the thing he said was right


He specifically asked the viewer where they’ve been, though. The viewer responded by saying they haven’t been present during the streams because their mom died and didn’t elaborate on it further. It wasn’t like the viewer randomly mentioned their mom died unprompted. This guy just explodes on a regular viewer for answering his question when he could have just said “oh sorry to hear that” and move on.


I Know he was rude like out right dick but what he tried to explain unsuccessfully was right


His supposed “point” of not dropping traumatic things on random streamers out of nowhere is irrelevant, though, because that wasn’t what happened. He has continued to blame the viewer for something they didn’t even do and refuses to genuinely apologize.


You are getting confused, I said "don't tell random people that your mom died" , what you think that I said "don't go in random chat and randomly say your mom died" I know he asked what's going on and he answered


What is wrong with someone who is a regular viewer (who the streamer recognizes since they consistently join his stream and support him) answering “my mom died” in response to being asked where they were when they suddenly stop joining the stream? It’s such a simple thing to respond to. The dude could have just said “I’m sorry to hear that” and have left it at that. But instead he went out of his way to berate someone already going through a tough time like a psychopath.


Ahh how old are you?


A thoughtful response dodging the question.


Not dodging a question just checking if its a time waste or not, explaining you


You are definitely dodging lmao




Your analogy doesn’t work because he did ask the viewer where they went (since they are a regular who stopped joining the stream completely). It’s more akin to being in a group of people with one person who you’re seeing again for the first time after they had stopped coming to your gatherings, asking them where they went, and then going out of your way to berate them for “trauma dumping” when they answer your question honestly.


idk what kind of world you're living in to have that kind of mindset, but i can imagine it's definitely a cold, sad one.