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so your idea is to fundamentally change reddit's core concept? I'm not saying it's *bad* per se, but probably infeasible...


But what, exactly, would really change other than turning Reddit into a more open discussion platform? Pick the mods of your favorite sub. Convert them into content curators and subscribe to any of their curation lists. When you view the main page that is filtered by their list, it would look exactly the same as viewing the main sub page as it exists today. The difference is that I can still see content from that hashtag that your curators have muted.


I don't want to be only a content creator. I want to build community. There is so much less appeal for me to work for free if I get nothing back. As it stands there is enjoyment from the community. Reddit's new tag line is 'the heart of the internet', where is the heart in this? Communities are much more than their content. Your issues seem to be - * squatting - reddit is already working on this * bans - don't break the rules, and if you do appeal. If that fails, find an alternative sub. Same goes if if you don't like how a sub is run or curated. Or make your own.


As he said though you aren’t allowed to make subs that already exist. So if someone owns a sub you wanna create you’re just screwed. I kinda understand the whole “creating a community” thing but don’t you have to admit that stifles disagreements and thoughtful discussion surrounding those disagreements?


https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/17pb48y/removing_dormant_subreddits/ Reddit frees up names sometimes. They can be a little more creative with the name. Setting community topics will help keep it findable in search. It's fine for there to be more than one sub on a topic and there often are many. Building community doesn't have to stifle anything, you're creating a safe space for discussion to happen.


Safe space in my eyes means like free from persecution and bullying. Like if someone disagrees in a hateful manner then sure ban em. But even disagreeing politely gets you banned or shadowbanned sometimes. At the absolute least it hurts your karma and people on that sub don’t take you as seriously anymore. Safe space doesn’t mean free from disagreement


Agreed. I can't speak for other mods, each sub is moderated by different teams and we're all just users that mod in our spare time so anyone can do it. Each sub / team has their own rules and mod policies. But mods can ban whoever they want to. If one sub isn't a fit though, there are bound to be more on the topic. [How can I resolve a dispute with a moderator or moderator team? – Reddit Help](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205192355-How-can-I-resolve-a-dispute-with-a-moderator-or-moderator-team-) No one can control voting. Everyone is free to vote how they like. Downvotes get misused, but how many users know their intended use now? I know. Arguing is good, IF it's done well. Most don't do it well however.


Well i’m glad you seem to be one of the reasonable ones


I try. We are all human :)


What would likely change is massive swaths of Reddit's codebase, infrastructure, and strategic planning. What you're proposing is *very* much not a small change for a company that's as big and has been around as long as Reddit has.


my brother in christ you just invented twitter


It's not a bad idea, but it's not something Reddit would do... or even be able to do without drastically redesigning the entire platform and functionality of the site. One of the nice thing about the current sub structure is that mods and the communities have the ability to create a centralized area for specific topics/interests. And, while it's true that the name gets locked up (r/politics for example) it's just as easy for anyone to create a similar sub if the first doesn't necessarily fit their needs (r/politicaldiscussion, r/political, r/conservative, r/presidents, etc) tbh, what you're describing is mostly possible via Mastodon already


I like the idea of adding more global tags or global "flair," but the posts should go onto your profile or your own sub.


So… you want Reddit to not be Reddit? Not knocking your enthusiasm, but if you want to change things so drastically, wouldn't it make more sense to build something else entirely from the ground up? Addendum: Your ideas do sound cool but, as I said, they're just not what Reddit is about.


I just think hes trying to have Reddit be an open discussion forum rather than the echo chamber it currently is


You want to turn Reddit into a Twitter and Facebook-esque platform now (excluding "communities" feature)?


I just think he wants people to be able to have open discussion without getting banned for a disagreement