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I'm not driving, I'm traveling..


She even screwed up that award-winning persuasive tactic by saying earlier "you don't need a license to drive a car"


This is sovereign citizen bullshit written all over it. That and I have the laws in my back seat. They think they can Jedi mind trick the cops into letting them go. The judge will get the same.


Dunning Krueger effect


Nah man, Dunning Kruger's throph requires that the person have enough knowledge to think they're right. This person straight up does not know her right and the law at all.


I mean technically she's right... under certain circumstances. If you're on private property, say you have a farm or a bunch of acres or whatever, you don't need a license to drive a vehicle on the property. Problem is, she's on the roads which is public property.


She’s a pilot now!


i get that reference !


You're in a sub thats name is the same as the movie. I would hope you get the reference.


Someone heard about the "right to travel" but never read the fourteenth amendment. It means you have the right to move between states without punishment, persecution, or obstacles that would impeed your rights because you're not native to that state. It doesn't mean you can drive a vehicle without a license. I'm always amazed how people who only know their rights from Facebook posts and their high school dropout uncle can be so confidently incorrect. There's an actual document that tells you your rights guys, read it.


THATS IT? That’s their base for this mentality? Boy howdy—


Is a paid for license not an obstacle?


You can move between states without a vehicle, so no, it's not an obstacle. If you wish to use a vehicle, you must have it insured, you must be registered to drive, the vehicle must have plates, in some states your vehicle must be inspected.  Everyone else's safety is more important than your desire to use a vehicle. If you cannot meet those requirements you're welcome to use an alternate means of travel.


If a license is required in the state you live in, and the state you're going to accepts that license and they don't force you to get a specific one for the new state just to visit, then it is not considered an obstacle. If you had a Florida license and drove in California and they wrote you a ticket for not having a license, that would likely violate this right.


Wonder why this isn't applied to CCW.


If you can't afford a license, you damn sure can't afford a car


I'm being oppressed!


Come and see the violence inherent in the system!


Bloody peasant


From the law library that she has in the back of her vehicle, you don’t need a driver’s license to drive in the state of Confusion. She knows her rights and she knows the law. She got her law degree from Costco.


Probably stickers on the back of her car.


And instead of a license plate something claiming it is really a ship so Maritime law applies.


You're....a....crook, Captain Hook!


reminds me this video from france where so called "sovereign citizen" says similar stuffs, and keep repeating "i do not contract with law enforcments" for those who speak french, its pure comedy gold [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-QUB7uBzoU&ab\_channel=TNVEVO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-QUB7uBzoU&ab_channel=TNVEVO)


This video is a sovereign cit. they just don’t like to identify themselves as sov cuts because it’s synonymous with moron.


This is a great video, thanks for sharing.


Another sovereign citizen moron


Do these people go to a special idiot school.


Yep, and they pay on average $150-500 in order to attend the school. It is one of the biggest scams out there that targets the mentally ill.


I was wondering why all of these people always seem to use the same arguments, despite it obviously NEVER working in the history of sovereign citizen history. So they have some grift school online that targets susceptible individuals? Have a link to one? I can't even find it


Did somebody somewhere win a case or something using this line of reasoning? Why do we see so many videos of this exact scenario playing out? Likewise a driver's license is neither expensive nor difficult to get, why are they fighting it so hard?


No. That's the amazing shit, no one has ever won a sov cit case. Why they keep believing it is beyond me.


Mental illness.


These idiots dig themselves in deeper with every word.


I wonder if I could fly a helicopter, even a commercial one, without a "travel" license, and not get into trouble with the authorities... I'll just try to bamboozle them until they let me go about my merry way. I know my rights and the law, but I doubt the professional law enforcers do. /s


You can fly an ultralight airplane without a liscence.


Please tell me that's not staged. He handled that so well. Okay, okay, okay, keep digging, okay. So you're not gonna show me your license? Okay, okay, okay. Please step out of the vehicle. Okay, okay, you're under arrest.


Some people have dealt with morons for so long they’ve become accustomed to dealing with them. You can’t argue with stupid, they’ll take you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Dr. Phil asking the real questions here


This is the second video like this I've seen. This is a ... "thing" ... isn't it? Like, there's a not insignificant group of people who actually believe this.


The Sovereign citizen movement has been around for a long time, and no matter how many times these people get arrested they keep trying it


You have to have a license to operate a vehicle in public.


Sovereigns are so funny, I never get tired of these videos.


SovCit shit. They didn't drink the Flavor-Aid they mixed that stuff up with a whippet and snorted that MFer... 🙄


Surprise , get out of the car LAMO !!


I believe that technically she's correct, if she's on her on property, but the minute she hits the road, she needs a driver's license.


You're not wrong and that expands to private property in general but that's also where things get a bit messy. For example parking lots are typically private property (when dealing with commercial entities) but since it's opened to the public the DL requirement can be enforced.


Rèeeeeeeeeeeeee post


She got her legal advice from reddit it seems


Or from a Google search AI.


Taser time!


One of 'them'.


Holy shit! A video that actually belongs on this sub!


Billy Ray Valentine: "may I suggest using your night stick officer"...


when you lie daily and start to belive them


Is that the travelers seat or the drivers seat!


It's bird law.


As a Canadian, I cannot imagine trying these tactics in Canada and sure as hell wouldn’t if driving in the US. I even make sure the Mounties can see both hands on the wheel if I get pulled over here. Not that I get pulled over much, but people are so bloody jumpy these days.


"Sovereign citizens" are nuts. Idk how they can do this shit with a straight face.


You may want to look into a Supreme Court ruling


Funny if she needed surgery and the doctor was like, "I don't have a license to do this. I don't need one cause I'm just cutting."


Militia man made up law.


Ah yes, you know your judo well.


Fun fact, in NH you kinda don't have to have one. You can get a ticket for but having a driver's license, but if you show up with it within 24 hours, it gets removed.


These sovereign citizens videos just reinforce my decision that I did not have the temperament for a law enforce career.


The first vid I saw like this, I thought it was just a random fruitcake. This is something like the sixth and they all have the following in common: An entitled *Karen* type that seems to honestly think the laws requiring drivers license in order to operate a car applies to everyone but them. I see a disturbing trend starting (in the same vein as the Flat Earth Society.


Do SovCits ever wonder why so many cars on the road are driving “for commerce”? I mean they say you only need to register a vehicle if you’re doing for commercial purposes.


The other side of their delusion is they think they're the ones who're red pilled and based while the rest of us are just sheep sleepwalking through life.


Piece of shit Sov Cit!


It’s got electrolytes… it’s what plants crave


"natural law" I don't remember reading about this in Leviathan.


Really crazy that people ask for an ID? This should apply around all things; guns, tobacco, and probably the right to VOTE


Sovereign Citizens are the original online nutters.


Something just occurred to me: why do these people even pull over and stop? Not that I expect anything crazy people do to make sense, but… you’d think they’d just continue on their merry way until they get where they’re going.


sovereign citizen [https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/sovereign-citizens-movement](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/sovereign-citizens-movement) Or [https://www.reddit.com/r/Sovereigncitizen/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sovereigncitizen/)


This bitch crazy but TBH she’s right drivers licenses are a fucking racket


Until some freak barrels into you at an intersection because he is legally blind, a tard, or thinks he's at six flags.


That shit happens now bruh


Yes, it does. But can you imagine how much worse it would be if every swinging dick was given keys to a car?


Literally as soon as you’re tall enough and pass a very easy competency test you’re able to drive and revoking a license means you’ve likely killed people or you’re 105. Show me someone that wants to drive but just can’t pass the test because it’s too hard. That person doesn’t exist. Our current situation is a joke and is nothing more than a grift / jobs program. We’d be better off eliminating it all together. Edit - tall enough to reach the pedals. Basically you’re 16 for the average person.


Technically she is correct however when fighting the beaurcracy your going to loose


Technically she’s both incorrect and a fucking idiot.


Explain how she's correct please


She is traveling in the car, but she's also driving it. License needed, case closed.


No, she is wrong, there's no technical about it. She's arguing in multiple points that she is NOT driving, that she is traveling. She contradicts herself several times.


Okay, you’re not driving but you are operating the vehicle to cause it and you to travel. Therefore a license is required. Two can play at this game.


She’s operating the vehicle. License is required.


As I said.


Here let me help you….you are required to have a license to OPERATE a vehicle on public roads and in public spaces. You wanna travel your vehicle solely on your own personal property, you’re good to go. Using the word drive, travel or conveyance doesn’t change the fact that a license is required.