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definitely picking Umberto up first, to fill in for Minsc in Slot 7 (I just started this account in the middle of the last event).


I may be wildly misunderstanding Ongoing Investigation, but if I'm not then I have no idea what they're going for here. Not the effect of the buff itself, which seems quite strong, but determining which investigation to pick based on how long you plan to be in that adventure. Assuming I got it right, my [slapdash spreadsheet here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1URQOLqKhOpOPoTr54Gtk0wkkzkU0qgpW4tPitlBjqRs/edit?usp=sharing) is based on using a familiar to maintain perfect uptime. It also doesn't factor in potions, which decrease the real time, but the relative values remain the same. Because of the 10 stack flat bonus, the two hour option is best between zero and either 24 or 48 hours. There's a wonky period of time between 24 and 48 hours where the 24 hour option is better for 14 hours, then worse again for ten. At 48+ hours the 24 hour option becomes and remains the best. At no point should you ever pick the eight hour option. If you want max stacks, you're in for a ride. The fastest you can hit it is 72 hours (3 days), with a feat. Without the feat, you're looking at 108 hours (4.5 days). If you take the specialization for 150 stacks, those numbers become 120 hours (5 days) and 162 hours (6.75 days), respectively. Potions can speed all this up 10x, but still... I hope I'm wrong with all this, but it just seems extremely unfriendly and unfun. Especially for an "idle" game, even this one. Taking a longer investigation is convenient, but could be a huge loss in stacks, especially the 8 hour option. Needing a familiar for peak uptime is punishing for newer players that might not have one to spare. You *can* save your familiar/investigation choice to a formation, but I couldn't find any way to view or change it without starting a new run and leveling up again. Tl;dr With a familiar, take the 2 hour investigation for adventures up to 48 hours. Take the 24 hour investigation for adventures last 48+ hours. Just ignore the 8 hour. Without a familiar... it's 2, 8, or 24 hours. How long will you be gone? ^^Tiny ^^unrelated ^^gripe: ^^why ^^is ^^he ^^in ^^a ^^different ^^slot ^^for ^^one ^^variant?


Imo it's only unfun if you try to grind it out ASAP in a foreground party. I'm assuming you can do this in a background party. Either way he'll just be another addition to a kill farming team that you leave in an area. Like If you want to stack DURGE kills in area that has respawning enemies and just pop potions? He'll be at max stacks soon and then you'll never have to do it again. I'm just glad this wasn't a per adventure thing because that would be so tone deaf with those times. Edit: Just noticed his Variant 2 decreases the time it takes for an investigation by **75%** Which means the 24 hour would be reduced to 6 and then x10 sped up by Potions would mean a 24 hour investigation is done in an ~~hour~~ 36 minutes? Edit 2: This looks to be the case. His Timer is already down by ~30 minutes in 2 IRL minutes.


the investigation window is very annoying; it would be nice if it wouldn't pop up once you have a familiar parked on it


I already got Not The Bees! I just set up an automated core. It wasn't even pushing very much. It was just Stronghold and the two new champs to lvl 50.