• By -


Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation


Yeah this is one ive been heavily looking forward to for a long ass time but havent gotten around to yet, think ill love it tho.


Les Rallizes Denudes This Heat - Deceit The Pop Group - Y Brian Eno - Another Green World


1. Already planning on listening to 77 live 2 + 3. never heard of but 2 sounds interesting and so does 3 in a different way, cool recs! 4. already planning and also ive heard music for airports which i know is very different but still..


Yeah 77 Live is the only one I know so far. I think you'll like 1, 2 and 4. 3 might be more mixed reaction, hit or miss. Another Green World is closer to Eno's ambient sound, compared to earlier albums which are a bit like glam rock. Happy listening!




Sister - Sonic Youth Chairs Missing - Wire Dots and Loops - Stereolab


sonic youth is definitely highly anticipated. the others ive heard of but never checked out.


Dots & Loops is great, but a Velvet Underground fan might also like Peng and Switched on vol 1


admittedly i’m only familiar with half of this list BUT: the velvet underground’s self titled (not the one with nico) meadowlands - the wrens marquee moon - television the soft bulletin - flaming lips more deep cuts - thee more shallows remain in light - talking heads songs about leaving - carissa’s wierd electro-shock blues - eels wish - the cure (really any of the cure) the new abnormal - the strokes figure 8 - elliott smith


The vu self titled is my second favourite record by them, I love marquee moon and have heard some Elliot smith albums (not figure 8 yet tho). I'm planning on getting into the cure and the strokes at some point and same goes for the flaming lips. I love remain in light as well. Thanks!


Talk Talk - The Colour of Spring Echo & the Bunnymen - Ocean Rain Parliament - Funkentelechy vs the placebo syndrome Fela Kuti - Afrodisiac Talking Heads - Remain in light Roxy music - Stranded James Brown - Mother Popcorn Kinks - The Village Green Preservation Society John Coltrane - A love Supreme The Cure - Faith David Bowie - The man who sold the world Mulatu Astatke - Ethiopiques vol 4 The Stooges - Fun House Al Green - Call me The JBs - Food for thought Cocteau Twins - Blue Bell Knoll Beck - Midnite Vultures Sly & The Family Stone - Fresh


Thaaank you!


Good shout on the Talk Talk and Mulatu records


I've been lucky enough to see Mulatu live four times!  There's s lot gems on those Ethiopiques compilations, especially Mahmoud Ahmed. Can't find the source now, but apparently Mulatu wrote arrangements for him at some point.


Since you like Slint, Britt Walford was in another band called [Evergreen.](https://evergreenky.bandcamp.com/album/evergreen-reissue) I would also suggest [Rodan - Rusty.](https://rodan.bandcamp.com/album/rusty) Rodan was also from Louisville.


Oh, I didn't know that, just something about spiderland that's so special to me...


Spiderland is awesome. I like the spoken word vocals in particular. Rusty also has spoken word vocals, though perhaps not as prominently as Spiderland.


The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin


already planning on this one and also yoshimi


Love most of these. Here are my recs for recent-ish albums: - Hum - *Inlet* - Mogwai - *As the Love Continues* - Locrian - *End Terrain*


dont think ive heard of any.. god what a bad band name: "locrian" lol, thanks for the tips!


[Sylvan Esso](https://open.spotify.com/album/1862qnxqsLeiNDblknjtiL?si=hIk_Ftv6Tua5y64EmFlmdg) [Father John Misty](https://open.spotify.com/album/2CXVonfqGwTQu8dgr2qkNS?si=IbxhA-SVSpCdAcQ0IjorFA)


I've heard of fjm, isn't that the one who made that futuristic concept album thing?


Chico Buarque - Construção Can - Future Days Mahavishnu Orchestra - The Inner Mounting Flame


Already planning on getting into can and Chico Buarque since I like songs by them! What's the other one tho?


Mahavishnu Orchestra was a Jazz-Fusion band.




The Lemon Twigs - [Peppermint Roses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQNI6-VjKmk&pp=ygUWTGVtb24gVHdpZ3MgcGVwcGVybWludA%3D%3D) Caetano Veloso - [Tropicalia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z1qNsm-NUk) / [Soy Loco Por Ti America](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG04WQtJ6jQ&list=PLVnkoLiLMTm6RIArBGspMGPN7rCvnMlhm&index=10&pp=iAQB8AUB) Os Mutantes - [Ave Lucifer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WY0WnTxM64&pp=ygUXb3MgbXV0YW50ZXMgYXZlIGx1Y2lmZXI%3D) / [Panis Et Circenses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETqMNQw-a9M&pp=ygUeb3MgbXV0YW50ZXMgcGFuaXMgZXQgY2lyY2Vuc2Vz) Frank Zappa - [Peaches En Regalia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoYdeEDdtK4&pp=ygUgRnJhbmsgWmFwcGEgcGVhY2hlcyByZWdhbGlhIDE5ODg%3D) / [Shut Up N Play Yer Guitar Some More](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkLr8_Lp-aE) Lush - [De-Luxe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKrw5wOlSng&pp=ygUNTHVzaCBkZS1sa3V4ZQ%3D%3D) JVC Force - [Trivial Pursuit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tELFDVCdvEw&pp=ygURSlZDIGZvcmNlIHRyaXZpYWw%3D) / [Stylin' Lyrics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn0RUFcR7PY&pp=ygUXanZjIGZvcmNlIHN0eWxpbiBseXJpY3M%3D) Love - [Alone Again Or](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPbNpIG8x_s&pp=ygUQbG92ZSBhbG9uZSBhZ2Fpbg%3D%3D) Wilco - [War On War](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFy_ayCoB6k&pp=ygUQd2lsY28gd2FyIG9uIHdhcg%3D%3D) Throbbing Gristle - [Hamburger Lady](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O-52ty8Fq4&pp=ygUgdGhyb2JiaW5nIEdyaXN0bGUgaGFtYnVyZ2VyIGxhZHk%3D) Robyn Hitchcock - [Mexican God](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qena9fRZRpw&pp=ygUaUm9ueW0gSGl0Y2hjb2NrbWV4aWNhbiBnb2Q%3D) David Axelrod - [Urizen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3jv7dNKB70&pp=ygUVZGF2aWQgYXhlbHJvZCB1cmllemVu) Sonic Youth - [Stones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmYLUiMZTEY&pp=ygURc29uaWMgeW91dCBzdG9uZXM%3D) The Flaming Lips - [Riding To Work In The Year 2025](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDqn6z7GnP0&pp=ygUbZmxhbWluZyBsaXBzIHJpZGluZyB0byB3b3Jr) Unrest - [Corpse Pose](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvKaqmiNjhA&pp=ygUSdW5yZXN0IGNvcnBzZSBwb3Nl) of Montreal - [Disconnect The Dots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWIDuPYgzkc&pp=ygUeb2YgbW9udHJlYWwgZGlzY29uZWN0IHRoZSBkb3Rz) Nico - [I'm Not Sayin'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YSFsGaKt-M&pp=ygUTbmljbyBJJ20gbm90IHN5YWluZw%3D%3D) / [These Days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52ZdwZ7Ig-8&pp=ygUPbmljbyB0aGVzZSBkYXlz)


Haha I absolutely love Caetano and mutantes already!!! Thanks for the recs and effort, I'll check these out!


I also made a list with one one album per artist some years ago, we have some good matches and you will find good stuff there: [https://rateyourmusic.com/list/urbannomadberlin/favorite-albums-maximum-one-per-artist/](https://rateyourmusic.com/list/urbannomadberlin/favorite-albums-maximum-one-per-artist/)


Wow you have great taste! I followed you on rum in case you wanna see my ratings or whatever, happy listening!


rum=rym? I have no idea to access to it haha but pls feel free to share here, I’m really looking forward to listen some good new music!


Oh yeah i meant rym, anyway here's my account if you're interested https://rateyourmusic.com/~Fisherr


* Tom Ze - Estuando o Samba * Emitt Rhodes - Emitt Rhodes * Passo Torto - Passo Torto * Invisible Astro Healing Rhythm Quartet - 2 * Ultimate Painting - Dusk * Dogbowl - Flan * John Cale - Paris 1919 * Brian Eno - Another Green World * Big Star - 3rd * Big Star - #1 Record * Big Star - Radio CIty You certainly know some of these already, but I thought I would drop them in here, just in case.


Well believe it or not i haven't heard any of this, I know tom Zé but haven't listened to any record yet. Thanks!


Joey Valence & Brae - PUNK TACTICS


I've got mixed feelings from the song(s) i heard so far but i might like em...


They’re a sillier, modern day Beastie Boys soundalike. Otherwise, I recommend listening to Cutting My Fingers Off by Turnover :) PV is a no-skip album


I never skip anyway hehe


Beach Boys--Pet Sounds


Most overrated album of all time.


😍 ok you’ll like this track https://ffm.to/softer-silence


1. DEF LEPPARD - Desert Song 2. TERRENCE TRENT D’ARBY - Wishing Well 3. THE BANGLES - Hazy Shade of Winter 4. MARY MACGREGOR - Torn Between Two Lovers 5. WEEZER - Say It Ain’t So 6. DEAD MOON - Destination X 7. KISS - I’ve Had Enough (Into the Fire) 8. KISS - Tears Are Falling 9. WOLFGANG MADER - Butterfly Alley 10. MR. BUNGLE - Golem II The Bionic Vapour Boy 11. IDOL PUNCH - Nice Day 12. YOEKO KURAHASHI - 人間辞めても 13. SKA ROCKETS - 人民の星 14. CURVE - Something Familiar 15. BLACKMORE’S NIGHT - Highland 16. YODELING SLIM CLARK - My Happy Cowboy Life 17. DEADBOLT - One Day I Will Kill You 18. DUCK MISSILE - Sanctuary 19. ARCTURUS - Crashland 20. THE BAY RAYS - Integration 21. JOY WHITE - Sentimental Version 22. TERRY STAFFORD - Suspicion 23. ROGER WILLIAMS - Born Free 24. ROY ORBISON - Blue Bayou 25. BABY WASHINGTON - A Handful of Memories


I don't see how any of these relate to my taste in any way whatsoever, looks like you just named your top 25 favourite songs