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Boutta blast this into the teams group message 😎


I hope you have better luck than I did. Didn't even get an emoji reaction :(




Then they’ll tell Jennifer in accounting and Jennifer believes it is her moral duty to send a ticket in on behalf of everyone in the office. “Jenna is having an issue, no idea what it is, please giver her a call ASAP!!!!!!”


"NO ONE can print, all 2 of us in the office are affected, can you remote in and start the printer online?" "AUTO REPLY: I am out of the office until Blueberry the third please forward my mail to the folder."


We've had one come in like this today. Except it came in as a new starter request, not an incident. Just call the helpdesk and they'll sort it out.


I allready did. 🤣


There was a moron like this at a former job The IT director retired, the replacement director hired this moron to take my boss's place.. the guy who refused to submit tickets.... can you tell it worked out great?


Honestly, I don't understand why you'd leave this comment with such a fail-proof plan


>User tells something to you in passing >Ask them to submit a ticket because otherwise you'll forget >User does in fact not put it in a ticket >Forgets the problem >User gets mad that the issue is not resolved >Fuck you


"Hey, I got an error code" "What was the error?" "..." "WHAT WAS THE ERROR?!"


"it said something about the connection being down. Can you remote in and fix the issue?"


The error Lebowski, what is it!?


Repeat after me: The problem started last week, but now I need it to work because I have a deadline.




Only a week would be nice for this sort of thing that crops up occasionally. Instead of the user having an issue for weeks-months then only mentioning it offhand in a meeting where a manager-type happens to be present. Then getting a complaint email/call "this has been an issue for months pls fix asap" from the manager that doesn't even know how to put in a ticket.


"The problem started 3 or 4 months ago, but it didn't bother me until now" / "I had no time to call for assistance"


That is always the thing that infuriates me the most. If you "have no time" to call for assistance, you dont get do complain about having any problems. In fact: you do not call = you do not have a problem, period!


I don’t know what’s worse. Not putting in a ticket for help, or putting a ticket in with bare minimum information. “I CAN’T LOGIN”


It's not working I got an error It wasn't working until you got here... Quick question *casually inquires about major changes*


"It was working, until you changed , and that definitely broke it!"




“Oh while I have you on the phone can you set up this new printer?”


"it's yellowish and says "ok data" on the side. I plugged the control box in but the signal lamps aren't firing. "


“Everything in my cube is not working” i go up there just to find they are doing maintenance in his cube and turned off the power strip… “My coworker is having issue…” then never named said coworker


You should feel blessed that you have colleagues that would go so far as to fuck with the power strip


I think most of us can write a whole book on this subject.


I, unfortunately, can only write a meme


We all have our strengths.


I'm fortunate in that every place I have worked has been "no ticket, no issue" and has communicated this to the user base. It doesn't stop this from happening, but it does make it not our problem in the eyes of management.


Same. It usually goes something like: Enduser: "But I told so and so this is all messed up" Boss: "Do you have a ticket number?" Enduser: "No, but I told them" Boss: "Prove it" Doesn't change that people get mighty butthurt that I don't drop everything to fix what they told me about in passing


I'm fortunately off the front lines now, but once I was in my old job for about 6 months, it was pretty well known that I wouldn't work an issue without a ticket. I remember it would even be a stop on the new hire tour. "Here's our IT department. That's BruteSquad44, but don't bother talking to him unless you put in a ticket. Or he won't help you." https://preview.redd.it/cnl6cw0t8bad1.png?width=558&format=png&auto=webp&s=12a48bcdc1b60e770dc84abfaeb0fb9aa1f1e81a


Setting expectations immediately upon hire? That's absurd


In all fairness, I had annoyed that HR person by not helping her without tickets a great number of times.


You annoyed THEM?! The audacity


Oh yeah, typical HR narcissism.


I want to harness this energy.


"this is urgent, I don't have time to put in a ticket", and other ways to ensure your teams message never gets acknowledged.


What I learned, at least regarding our customers who have a ticket system, is complete and absolute zen-like apathy. Is there a ticket? Is there any other form of written documentation? No? Then it doesn't exist. If there is a ticket, are the information good enough to work with? No? Then it can't be that important. Whenever I get a ticket that's "XY doesn't work!" or something like that, I usually just reply with a prewritten text to get some informations (What where you trying to do, what did you do, what buttons did you press, does it show an error, etc.) and go on coffee break. Since a timer starts as soon as I reply to a ticket, the process of the customer trying to find that information counts as my working time. And while they look up what I asked for, I can open the next ticket and repeat the process, which always earns me a nice bonus, since I "juggle so many things at once"


No ticket? No service!


Everyone in tech support should read the Chronicles of George. As to why: [https://arstechnica.com/features/2012/10/what-the-chronicles-of-george-can-teach-us-about-technical-support/](https://arstechnica.com/features/2012/10/what-the-chronicles-of-george-can-teach-us-about-technical-support/)


We is all havening a george in our office


There are some users I’ve just had to resort to making tickets for that would not summit one to save their lives.