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Evet Manav


Ailende renkli gözlü ve/veya açık renk saçlı kişiler var mı, my fellow Manav?


Manavlar öyle. Tatarlara benziyorlar


Kırım Tatarı bir arkadaşım var ve fenotipik olarak farklıyız.


Arkadaş Volga Tatarlardan bahsediyor herhalde. Kırımlılar baya Mongoloid ama Volgalılar daha çok Avrupalılara benziyorlar


30% Sintashta/ Steppe, 30% Saka and 30% Turkic 😳🥵


It’s almost like ……. Drum roll…… they correlate


They definitely do. When even an Anatolian Turk scores that much Saka and Central Steppe, there is definitely a big correlation 


However, Sintasha was 53% European HG, 32% Anatolian, 15% Caucasus; Saka was 34% European, 34% Baikal, 12% Anatolian, 8% Caucasus, 6% Zagros and 6% Yellow River; Turkic were 42-46% Baikal, 21-25% European, 13% Anatolian, 7-13% Zagros, 6-7% Caucasus, 1-6% Yellow River. And the genetic distances between them are, well, huge.


Indeed very nice lol


You got some high amount of Turkic admixture.


It is average for West Anatolian Turks I guess, at least for what I saw so far. In Bursa and neighboring regions (Balikesir, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Bilecik, Kütahya, Eskisehir, Bolu) it can go up to 40%


He is right😁 [Bolu 46% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/T8rn3Cq9hN), [Eskisehir 34%](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/N6e8z1m5bd), [Balikesir 37% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Cr7VBx8hlp)


What’s your haplogroup ?


Beautiful! Which districts in Bursa, on a three-generation basis, if I can ask?


All ancestors from Osmangazi and the same place (village and surrounding)


Thank you very much!


thats some sexy results


That’s more EHG than usual. Do you have a ancestor from the Balkans? Well, then you wouldn’t have that much Turkic. Weird


No, all known ancestors are Anatolian Turks from the same place


According to Byzantinian Chronicles there was a big migration of Slavs to Northwests Anatolia. While other Turks mixed with Anatolians, Turks of Northwestern Anatolia mixed with Anatolians+Slavs. The local Turks are called “Manav“ and in their results you can definitely notice a significant higher EHG admixture (15-20%).


This is true


Normal for Manav (Turks of Northwest Anatolia are called like this)


Do you have directly Turkic ancestry such as “My grandpa is a Crimean Tatar”?


No, all known ancestors are Anatolian Turks from the same place. No Tatar, Balkan etc


Cool results to be honest.




dmlerinizi kontrol edebilir misiniz? tesekkurler


İf someone scores 30% Turkic based on Western Gokturks, he/she have potential 50% Central Asian heritage which shows Oghuz Turks were like 25-35% Mongoloid 


Yes, Turks who migrated to Anatolia weren’t 100% Turkic. They had likely a similar profile like Khorezm Uzbeks with ~30% East Eurasian and 60% Turkic. Oghuz Turks had their first state (Oghuz Yabgu) around the 7th century in the North Eastern side of the Caspian Sea next to the Khazars and Cumans. Central Asian ancestry of Turks is very underestimated. Some samples of Oghuz Yabgus in Kazakhstan would break the neck of Turkophobes


Your analysis sounds a bit confused. What do you mean by 30% East-Eurasian and 60% Turkic (?) for “Khorzem Uzbeks”? One is genetic, the other is ethnic-linguistic. What were you meant to say? Anyway. Relevant samples from pre-migration Medieval Central Asia Turks hint at a 30-50% East-Eurasian component, with very few samples slightly below or slightly above those values and a solid tendency to be close to 40% on average, hinting at a pretty finalized and stabilized mix prior to migration. Further to this, and even if Yedisu Oghuzes would have magically been closer to 30% than 50% (it is not impossible, just impossible to prove with current data) it would just imply more absorption of neighboring sedentary Iranic elements, if we want to put it in simple historical/ethnical terms. Considering the fact that there were three different sources, times and routes of arrival of Turks in Anatolia, broad statements (and grand hopes) aren’t very realistic or appropriate. Even more so considering that, further to the genetic variety inside incoming Turks, Iranic and Mongol elements settled in Anatolia proper as part of and mingling with the broader Turkish penetration. The fantasy/desire to see pre-Manzikert ancestry minimized (because this is what this seems to be about) to anger people on the internet is neither healthy nor useful to educate, which is what science is about.


I meant if we would test them with the same samples like here (Western Gokturk) that they would likely score 60% Turkic. The one sample with 45% East Eurasian clustered mainly with Nogays and Kazakhs. Ottomans were known to let Tatars (a umbrella term for all hordes of Norther Central Asia) fight for them. There were also settlements of the Mongol horde in Anatolia who later assimilated within the Turkish population. This one sample is very likely not representative for the main ancestors of Anatolian Turks. It’s not about the desire to reduce pre Manzikert ancestry but to finally silence the Turkophobes who desperately try to deny the Turkic ancestry of Turkish people while they aren’t pure themselves.


I’d say MA2196 is a good example for to look at what Old Oghuz Turks were like. She has less ANA ancestry than Western Göktürk individuals except for DA224 but more BMAC ancestry than all four Western Göktürks. I think she actually has an additional Iranic ancestry rather than additional East Eurasian ancestry. When I modeled her coordinate with Western Göktürks, Yaz and Slab Grave cultures, the result is %65 Western Göktürk %35 Yaz.


The East Eurasian admixture is part of what makes them Turkic, it’s not foreign. All Medieval Turks are a mix of West Eurasian Steppe and East Eurasian Steppe, some where more West Eurasian, others more East Eurasian.


Medieval Kazakhstan Turks were anywhere between 29-49% East Eurasian and there are many around the 40-49% range. We do not know exactly what the profiles of the Oghuz that came to Anatolia were like. Until we have samples from 800-1000 AD from Magystau region in Kazakhstan, Western Turkmenistan and western Karakalpakstan to compare from that period, everything else is hypothesis at best. The best way at this time to evaluate what Oghuz were like genetically would be to use Ottoman samples and to try to differentiate the native admixture from the Central Asian and figure out what was the makeup of their central Asian admixture. And that is very hard to do because every sample is different and will have a different amount of Anatolian admixture and the Oghuz were likely diverse as well.


I wish we had Oghuz samples. Measuring Turkic ancestry in Turks with Kipchak and other samples is not fair.


The Turk of Theseus


Like Onogur Bulgar Sample


What are you counting as Central Asian heritage exactly?


All iranic , BMAC and mongoloid heritage in migration Period. Even his extra Caucasian genes may come from Alans. Because Oghuz Turks emerged from assimilation of Alans and Sogdians


More like Chorasmians and Parthians. Sogdians was the Karluk and Alans got assimilated by the Khazars.


Anatolians also had existing EHG as well, and some Zagros. I think your calculations may be overlooking that.


14,4% Eastern steppe on illustrative, 14,61% East Eurasian on gedmatch but it just shows 12,4% East Eurasian on hunter gatherer. Does someone know why illustrative shows less East Eurasian DNA whilw showing more Eastern Steppe?


Could be a error


Maybe ANE based mongoloid DNA counts to EHG


This could be indeed the reason thanks


Which test was the last image?


I think it’s Gedmatch.




Yes it is Gedmatch






Would you please share your results for „Customize modern ancestry“?


Please could you share 2-population results esscpially with Onogur Bulgar samples


Kardeşim merhaba, MyHeritage dan 2 tane kit sipariş ettim şuan yolda, rica etsem bana bu verileri hangi sitelerde analiz etmek lazım, senin attığın resimlerdeki sonuçların genel mantığı anlamı ne söylermisin, bi rehber falan varsa direkt onun linkini atsan da olur


nerelisin kanka




sana özelden anlatabilirim


Çok iyi olur


Can you share your distances? Or your coordinates?


Cok güzel sonuclar


ben de manavım düzce’den. sonuçlarımız benziyor baya ama bende iranian plateau yoktu tamamen kartvelian’a ekliydi o yüzdelik. profilimde vardı sanırjm


Senin sonuçların harika bunu bugüne kadar nasıl görmedim aq


Normal Turkish results for Manavs


Turks smh have a decent amount of iranian ancestry, like a very decent amount.


Do you mean Iranic or Iranian? They are not the same


There's an increasing number of posts here of Turks that show incredibly more Turkic than the entirety of the samples in the regions they say they are from, hmm..


What are you talking about? Western Anatolia is known to have very high Turkic and East Eurasian ancestry. Wait until you see results from Bolu and Mugla with 45% Turkic and 20% East Eurasian lmao EDIT: This Greek user immediately blocked me after his reply. Everyone who follows Turkish genetics knows that Turks from Western Anatolia get above 30% & in some provinces like Bolu & Mugla above 40% Turkic. He tries to push his agenda, this is why he blocked me so I can´t reply. Here some results from Western Anatolia: [Denizli 43% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1ca6ehq/turkish_results_from_denizli_very_high_turkic/) / [Denizli 32% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1cona3h/turkish_from_denizli/) / [Burdur 31% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1csl9kt/turkish_results_from_burdur/) / [Burdur 33% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/16xlzf2/turkish_result_from_antalya_burdur/) / [Adana 34% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1cwc6lv/turkish_results_adana_varsakafshar_turcoman/) / [Adana 35% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1ck0jvj/turkish_results_from_adana/) / [Zonguldak 30% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/152tyhu/so_lets_do_it_whats_my_ethnicity/) / [Zonguldak 30% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1c8q2i3/illustrativedna_results_from_turkey_zonguldak/#lightbox) / [Mersin 33% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/13mowa1/my_illustrativedna_of_turkish_y%C3%B6r%C3%BCk_from_anamur/) / [Bolu 45% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/18ssrjx/turkish_from_boluk%C4%B1br%C4%B1sc%C4%B1k_illustrativedna/) / [Mugla 46% Turkic](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1bbd38i/turkish_from_mu%C4%9Fla_result_face/) I could list till tomorrow. Are These outliers? No, these are average results from the region. Turks who are from Central Anatolia get less Turkic around 20% Turkic like [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1d14flf/turkish_results_from_yozgat/) but even within Central Anatolia are outlier regions like Kirsehir & Kirikkale who score above 30% Turkic like [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/comments/1czmncy/turkish_dad_from_central_anatolia/). Spineless you are




The irony of a turk writing this with no argument is hilarious


Not really though? Most such plots that sites like Turkish DNA project publicjbhighly inflate Turkic DNA. In reality in most samples it peaks at around 18-20% and that is in a small minority of all the current samples lmao. Edit: Lmao I blockeed you because of your comment history that shows that you have a series of trying to inflate trukic in turks through such inaccurate metrics. What you have shown is exactly that, in reality most of what you show for western anatolia isn't turkic as it is an inaccurate plot for turkic that takes much of the inherent dna of the region and considers it as such for no reason whatsoever. It is honestly sad that turks in this sub are really that delusional. The only one spineless here is the one who can't comprehend the extent of their inaccurate plotting.






The funny thing is that there are people who call us Turkified Greeks, but like many modern Hellenized Slav-Anatolian-Albanians, I say this only for mainlanders, in other regions there is almost no Hellenic DNA, they are completely assimilated, but according to them, we are Greeks :D However, even they themselves are not original Greeks.


I love when turks fail to understand how inherent anatolian dna has been to the greeks and how arvanites like both Albanians and Greeks, have shared a dna for millenia as paleobalkan populations but it is honestly funny to see you circljerking over inaccurate plots that show all steppe as slavic while coping so hard with the fact that reality doesn't agree with you all the while perceiving such comments as attacks because you can't even fanthom that much of the dna that you want to consider turkic actually isn't.


"gods way of punishing" by using a anatolian shifted and islander plots to model mainland and northern greeks is a very delusional way of looking at things, especially when many companies have started to shift from this idea towards perceiving this steppe as more and more inherent to the region. All the while ironically turks try to present more and more inherent dna of the region as turkic for no real reason other than to inflate their stats. This comment really must have hit a nerve to warrant such a response, which ironically is a lot more filthly, honorless and baseless than anything he has written, and rooted in such delusional propaganda, and then you wonder why we block people like you.


You are writing so much bullshit. Just gtfo already


Lmao the irony of turks coming here and writing such comments while having no arguments is sweet.




ironically the exact opposite is happening, in reality most turkish plotsd are inflating their turkic dna thorugh incredibly naive pcas while on the other hand trying to present all greek steppe dna as slavic by making anatolian based plots with no real argument whatsoever and through disregarding much of the history of steppe dna of the region far before the slavic migrations.


Turks literally get 15% East Eurasian on average on gedmatch. How are they inflating? Related Central Asian Turkic groups like Turkmen and Uzbeks have 25-35% East Eurasian. Medieval Turks had 30-40% East Eurasian. These are very accurate results.


Gedmatch is a bit more accurate, but most of the time in posts like this these plots are indeed inflated as they take much of the inherent DNA of the region, including much of steppe and consider it Turkic for no reason whatsoever. The argument that "they get 15% of this autosomal DNA that is found as 30% on these people so these groups share 50% of DNA" is an incrediby inaccurate way of looking at things and by far it isn't accurate.




Because this is not at all how you compare autosomal DNA. The fact that this is the argument most Turks use shows their complete lack of knowledge on the topic.


Check his edited comment, he cooked you