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why can't he just wear contact lenses.


It's expensive


Children can’t, I believe


I think its people under like 10


I mean not everyone can. My lenses are too thick for contacts


Basicaly glasses destroy his life.


I think its saying he couldnt see he wasnt the life of the party and now his narccisistic personality wont let him enjoy the things he did


Glasses made him a nerd, now everybody hates him


When society made us nerds because glasses ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Self-esteem and ego hate this one simple trick.


Pol Pot gang?


This post was made by the People’s Republic of Kampuchea!


glasses made him high on Andrew Tate


Upvote but with that pfp don't think I won't keep my eye on you


Yeah, after I read "LIFEISNTWAYTYOUTHOUGHT.............................." I got indeed very sad


Read that in David Hayter's voice


Life isnt wat..... Dep...


Lmao glasses stopped him from enjoying the party


Is this implying that checking for bad eye sight somehow ruins your life? Wouldn’t going blind because you have deteriorating vision that never got treated be worse?


I don’t think it’s being literal.


I'll be honest, I like this sub normally but I feel like it's sort of very hard missing the message. From what I could see, it was moreso due to the social stigma and stereotyping that came with wearing glasses (i.e being a nerd). To which yeah, as someone who in part received bullying for their appearance (which included glasses), i kinda get it. I can get it. Though tbh I've scrolled the comments and legit seen people interpreting this as "glasses in general and being able to see are bad", and like ngl at that point it feels like a willful misinterpretation. How so you even get that?


Wearing glasses really, I mean REALLY does not ruin your life the way this picture implies. This hyperbole invites mockery. I mean, they present wearing glasses like it’s a combination of getting leprosy and covid ffs. Lots of people find glasses an attractive accessory, you can wear lenses, you can fix bad eyesight… This is just silly.


The glasses didn't "ruin" this guys life, and nor did this comic depict that. This comic shows the OC losing confidence after wearing glasses, possibly due to the stigma assigned to them, and THAT is what ruined his life. Look at panel 7, no one is mocking him, he's not being isolated from the group. It's the OC that distanced himself.


This sub is full of actual 14 year olds that think they're being funny.


Yeah, the message in this one is pretty clear, no idea how you can't get it


why can't he just wear contact lenses? yeah anyways i know this is a metaphor for being diagnosed with autism


I'm pretty sure it has absolutely nothing to do with glasses at all, glasses are a metaphor - look at what the eye chart says When we grow up we mindlessly adapt to whatever circumstances we have, we feel good when we conform to them. Over time we start seeing how made up our internal motivation is, and we can't unsee it. And things that brought us joy may start feeling trite and cringe as we struggle to find who we even are and what is all of this as we go through motions of living it kind of on autopilot because that's the only way of living we ever knew and have ability to have, but without the same joy. In a happy ending we over time find that internal center, and find a different relationship to life and ourselves and our needs and motivations and feelings, and slowly build a different life out of that


Harold Ramis


So...soccer/football is not good?


So sports and physical activity bad, book good?


So.... Is this supposed to be "glasses bad" (which, bullshit, cos a lot of famous people have glasses, even Schwarzenegger) or that he finally realized life is bullshit and the cool and wonderous existence he knew as a kid would all come crashing down to a boring and mundane life? Cos if it's the latter, eh, so so depth. If it's the former, the creator needs to find a new line of work.


I actually don't think the message has much to do with glasses. They are probably symbolic meant to represent him getting a better understanding of life. It's like wearing glasses because just how glasses improve your sight when you understand the world better you start to realize that most things are vanity. I say this because the idea that glasses make your life worst is a terrible take.


The artist probably couldn’t draw someone dancing if their life depended on it


Bro, his life was good asf, why ruin it?


Life was easier before they could treat myopia.


It’s “what”, not wat, image 🤓


Man I need glasses but rarely use them. It’s not like they doctors surgically attach them


i dont get it, he got glases and he was afrakd that people would bully him or something


Is this saying it's good he gave these things up for study, or bad? I legit don't get it.


I *think* it's some "oh you enjoy life until you see how bad the world is" nihilism and.. yeah, definition of this sub. But fuck me this one's obtuse


Life isnt wat you thought it would be 🥺


So wait whats the point of this??? Is it “glasses make you unattractive”


I hate when my optometrist interrupts my clubbing to give me depression.


Glasses bad


What glasses do to an mf


Why is the 5th line down on the eye board just lines or dots?


We humans HAVE to learn to read and survive in this world. Doesn't matter if this makes us sad though.


Reminds me of the “they all hated me” line from meet the robinsons


Book bad,glasses bad,phone bad,human bad,school bad,now what? Universe bad?


Well no one told you life was gonna be this way


Rose colored lenses at the beginning of his fun life as a child until Dr. Reality came in the picture and showed him the truth in what reality as an Adult is really like.


Pol pot explaining why he banned glassed




Tf is this like anti glasses propaganda?


I mean that is true You can’t read bad news if you can’t read 📈


I got glasses at the end of middle school. Can confirm this is 100% true


How... How can he kick the ball if he needs glasses..?


damn bro like seriously who tf makes these, these are just dumb as hell


Kazuma Kiryu was finally provided eyeglasses and went from Yakuza to salaryman.


This is accurate. ever since I got glasses I have been antisocial too.


They don't like him at the club anymore after he got glasses, so now he hunches over the desk and draws deep comics.


The doctor in frame 4 hides disturbing messages in eye charts to make children depressed.


Why cant he continue learning kung fu?


Literally all three first activities improves your cognitive abilities, hanging out with a friend improved my executive function massively after months of loneliness.


So, why do glasses prevent him from messing around with nunchucks, playing soccer or dancing?






teacher, "the question isn't that hard, just read it over again", the question


This is basically just becoming an adult


I didn't even see thr glasses at first. I just assumed that it was a cynical message about how children are taught to explore and the crushing reality of adult life sets in.