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super interesting !!! would you mind elaborating on the non-human peoples ? what are they like ?


Sure! Amazonians are taller than humans and are all female. They can reproduce with humans or through parthenogenesis and offspring is always female. They are more violent than humans and are physically stronger too. Amazonian Cultures are mainly inspired by those in the Arctic, Ural Mountains, and Paleo Siberian Cultures. They cannot digest grains. They are closest to mainline Humans and are sometimes classified as such. Amazonian-influenced Societies are always matrilineal and matriarchal. Ichythyophagi is the fish eaters encountered by many Greek travelers. They can drink salt water and have webbed feet and hands, sometimes scaly skin and a second pair of transparent eyelids. Are more resitant to scurvy. They can dive deeper and longer than humans can. Evolved more or less naturally from Humans in the Islands of Soqotro Archipelago. When threatened they can spit bile like some seabirds do. Skin is like those of hippos and despite being thick dries fast and can lead to health complications if not kept moist throughout the day. That's why Ichythyophagi of land usually travel covered in wet blankets. Anumites are a race of all-male people who reproduce by cutting off their thumbs and planting them like seeds. From there grows a date palm-like tree and its fruits are baby anumites. Anumite blood is brown and thick like sap. They can survive long periods without water and drink loads of it when they find some much like camels and in fact, some members have hump-like growths on their backs or on top of their heads. They have a rich magic tradition that can accurately predict the future by means of observing stars and sand dunes. Eloks are essentially Liliputtians if Gulivers travels were written by George RR Martin. They have large insect-like eyes and sharp fangs that can deliver a venomous bite. They are the dwarves of this setting and live in colonies resembling anthills. They are the most numerous of all people however most of them live deep underground near the mantle of the planet. Only some colonies breach the surface. Sunlight turns them into stone and clean water burns them because it is too alkaline for their tastes. Giants are essentially living mountains and hills reawakened by the catalyst comet which heralded the second age of magic when it impacted the Caspian Sea. Pieces of this comet become a race of stone people that are called giants. Only one in 1000 giants are able to craft other giants. Yes, they craft their offspring like a sculptor. Giants have an innate understanding of Magic and craft legendary weapons and too-advanced-for-the-age machines frequently. Serpentines are half-person, half Snake people that are more snake than people. They can hypnotize people and their venom turns humans and other Mankin into serpentines too while causing paralysis in giants. That's why they were hunted to near extinction by Giants towards the end of the first age of magic(pre-Ice age, some 4 million years ago). Serpentines have a well-deserved reputation of being hedonistic and cruel however they are also known to never back away from a promise and die for their friends.


All these all-male and all-female cultures, and especially the Amazonians giving birth to identical clones... have you watched Worldbuilding Notes by any chance?


Yep. Thats how i got into worldbuilding to begin with.


I ought to watch that? On YouTube?




Yes. It is a cool channel


I ought to watch that? On YouTube?




sneaky SCP reference, nicely done


I was waiting for someone to notice :)




The main point of Divergence precedes the formation of Earth since magic exists in this universe, Implying laws of physics are different. A relevant point of divergence is sometime around 300 B.C. a comet struck the Caspian Sea, heralding a second coming of magic. This caused some mountains and hills to "wake up", creating giants and leading to magic traditions of various earth religions starting to actually work. Overuse of magic caused groups such as Amazones and Anumites to split off from Humans(Ichytophagi is an altogether sister taxa to Homininae that evolved from early Hominids that somehow made their way to Soqotro island and evolved into the "Water Ape Hypothesis Humans" before the comet hit). Serpentines are descendants of Snakes that were used in religious and magical ceremonies. This leads these snakes to develop human-like sentience and magical powers as well as starting to resemble humans in other ways. Eloks are offsprings of Humans with Venomous burrowing Beetles and are the dwarves of this setting. As I said, magic is real and works by the power of belief, making all religions technically true. Gods are created by Humans and are sustained by worship and can grant miracles. They can be killed by weapons left by a stone age culture, however. In fact, many cultures hunt each other's gods and ancestor spirits constantly because body parts of gods can be used to craft powerful magical items and other utilities. Because of this, some gods contracted themselves into service of more powerful gods creating pantheons where they share the devotion(the chief of the pantheon gets the bigger cut but protects his underlings(Hellenistic Judaism is born when Some Hellenistic deities such as Minerva, Janus, Charon, Nike, and others contracted Yahweh after Jupiter was slain by Amazonic Khatun Zabergeta, Basically a Gednerbent Atilla, in single combat Yahweh already had many underlings and managed to repel amazon invasions but was mortally wounded and have not been seen by his priests ever since.) Other stuff includes an evolutionaryu tree of Dragons and an Underworld realm known as Lands below which can actually be reached if you dig deep enough or strive too deep in certain caves. There is also more lore I have not finalized that include space travel through domesticated space moths who öigrate Between Our Moon and Jupiter's Moons.


I assume most OTL cultures are gone off the map cause of the comet.


Yeah, more obscure groups gained the upper hand.


Damn this is so cool! I like the ideia of the beetle people, its similiar to a fantasy world of mine where big people are rivals of the dwarfs


This is super cool! How did Judaism spread so far? Did it become missionary in this timeline?


Basically Judaism absorbed Hellenism and a bunch of other religions and yeah it became a lot more missionary. The fact pagan deities were tangible and solid threats to both the people and god Yahweh but could be killed and there being benefits to killing them(like magical materials) probably helped to give them incentive to expand. Judaism in this timeline is divided into three groups. Old judaism is basically second Temple judaism but certain magical practises are permitted because they are useful. Hellenistic Judaism is essentially christianity but with some of the jewish practises like circumsision and ban on pork still preserved and there being multiple lineages of saintly figures similar to old testament prophets or sufi saints of certain sects instead of a single one like Jesus in christianity. Folk Judaism is anything from ofshoots of judaism to paganism mixed with judaism to mass cargo cults that worship believers of more orthodox judaistic practice.


What’s the status of Jesus in this timeline, he was Jewish after all… along with His Church’s very foundation. Great map btw!


I'm curious, what happened to Christianity in this timeline?


Amazonians who are violent and matriarchal and live in Siberia and the Urals..... very familiar but where....🤔


Schytians and Cimmerians.


What is the most spoken language in the ,,hellenic-judaic sphere" and how ,, Hellenistic" is said language