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I started this map many years ago but the project kind of got abandoned as I lost interest in it. I recently decided to finally return to it and finish it up. This world was an attempt to get accurate tectonic plates and plate movements, and I wanted to show a super continent that was in the middle of breaking up, so most of the landmasses present are connected, with the exception of some smaller islands and 2 larger islands. The world itself is set in an early Bronze age equivalent, so there hasn't yet been a lot of exploring, and there's no great empires yet either, mostly just city states that may one day become larger nations. And of course, the oceans have several varieties of Leviathans that hunt and destroy any ships that come to close to the depths. If you're familiar with Subnautica, then you've got the rough idea of what's going on here. I'm more than happy to answer any other lore questions you might have as well :) Also, I was forced to save this as a JPG in order to get it under Reddit's maximum upload size. The full, uncompressed version is on my Deviant Art, along with many of my other maps, here: [https://www.deviantart.com/stoneward13](https://www.deviantart.com/stoneward13)


Hey, this so cool. Could you give us any lore for this world. I think this is very realistic and a very well made map.


Thanks! I'm glad you like it :) for some lore, I have always liked the idea of a bronze age fantasy setting, and that's the initial idea that led to me making the map. So much fantasy is medieval, and I thought seeing something older and less advanced could be fun, especially where you could see the progress across several centuries or millenia. Watching a city state grow into a small nation, then into a larger empire eventually. The next idea I liked was that this world started out with no access to magic, but a meteor landed on the Silverlands island in the middle of the Aladric ocean. This meteor was quite large, as large as a mountain even, but when it impacted the planet, it didn't cause any kind of massive crater or devastating impact. But it did begin to leak a silvery liquid across the continent, and this "pure magic" was highly transformative stuff. It altered the flora and fauna permanently, and when it leaked into the oceans, it lead to the magical evolution of the Leviathans as well.


Would make a great Space Marine chapter homeworld, a goldmine for recruits.


looks like an eu4 map. would be awesome as a mod