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La Grande Trial


Grande comes after Trial, mon ami.


I see


Indeed, greatness shall come after the trial concludes... *laughs maniacally*




​ https://preview.redd.it/eorruuv37q8d1.png?width=1311&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f65df6b41ca28b619b54343a12a2246abba53a9


Yeah they would have been best buddies, but in my universe: the USA is under much softer presidents that see the Latin Union's pessimistic viewpoint "over-exaggerative" and "barbaric"


what mod is this


Essentially the previously democratic Latin Union went down the Austrian Painter path but instead of promising territorial EXPANSION, the new government promised territorial DEFENSE against the much more aggressive (and more competent than OTL) Russia. Similar to the Black League (TeeNO) and Enclave (Fallout) they seek to build underground cities and fortify ever acre of their land as they abide by the Roman phylosophy of "to have peace, be prepared for war". Oh yeah, and regarding similarities to the Austrian Painter, it is only the rise to power: through being elected during a time of instability and the policies mass industrialization and mass militarization. There were no ethnic cleansings or racial policies involved. Economically, the ELGNR is auth-center, with a large portion of the sectors and strategies being taken from socialism and being state-owned but also allowing strong corporations loyal to the regime to flourish in a very tightly controlled market. Outsourcing of manpower or production overseas (unless specifically approved by the League in times of crucial necessity) is seen as "Treason of the Working Class and Nation" and the head of whichever company did that is sent to labour camp, EVERYTHING that is manufactured, must be manufactured locally. In terms of resources on the other hand, the government encourages the utilization priority of imported resources over local as local resources are stached away for DOOMSDAY.


How are the religious and ethnic minorities treated there? Cool map btw


If no ethnic cleansing and racial policies were put in place, probably pretty ok


I imagine a ‘Roman’ approach, incorporation regardless, so long as you’re loyal


Yes you are correct


Is it fair to say that there would be some ethnic discrimination that isn’t based on the modern ideas of race, like in Rome they viewed Romans and Greeks as #1 but it wasn’t based on skin colour. For example they viewed Britons as savage


It would apply but only in one area: Northern Africa. Pied Noir (white Christian settlers in Northern Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) would be seen as #1 while Arabs would be the Breton Savages from your example. In terms of immigration, they actually ENCOURAGE IT but not many want to come in as they know that they will be forced into "industrial labour unions" (basically military sweatshops) for 10 years until they get their passport as the Latin League wants to milk all the manpower they can for the so-called "War of European Annihilation". This universe would have a meme: German Confederation: \*crying wojak\* Please guys, we can't take anymore migrants, we are struggling with the ones we have! migrant: \*chad side profile\* Don't care! Let us in or you are bigotted! Latin League: \*breathes heavily with demonic wojak face\* Did I just something about migrants? Oh we need migrants, we need A LOT of migrants! They will perfectly fill up the manpower pool needed for the GREAT PUSH TO MOSCOW!!! Come here man, you'll like it here! migrant: \*backing off\* Uhm, no thanks, I'm good...


That sounds like hell but thanks for that!




not the goofy ahh Tee Ehn Oh omsk flag


I really had no better ideas, I mean make it an Enclave reference is not really it chief


French (Omsk) """Roman""" empire? Humanity has no future


​ https://preview.redd.it/65w3ah9p0r8d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd9f63ac2b024aab5fc4255f1ccbfa1c1b544291


Is that a TNO reference?


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This is suposed to be dystopic ?


This is a utopia wdym?






The flag made me double take


The new order


> M.A.D.-ready > believes WW3 is inevitable Not a very promising combo!! M.A.D.-advocates are supposed to at least *pretend* they think it will make WW3 evitable!


I get what you mean and of course they aren't some comically evil nation that WANTS WW3. They just ultra-fortified their country in an event that the 'inevitable' happens, they would at least survive and not let their do the same. Sort Enclave-style "The surface is a wasteland but the underground lives on!" Type mentality. For them, MAD isn't a deterrence method, but a certain, set-in-stone event to which they must prepare and adapt to.


omg omg omg giuys is t a The New Order: Last Days of Europe refrensed !!!!!!!!!!! omsk is so FUCKING based and blackpilled and uhhhhhhhhh I love tno tnon tontontontontonontointotontoniotointointonontontontnotniotoniotnonttnotonontontonotnontoton




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[reminds me of something](https://youtu.be/RHHz6MWwsq8)


One of my favorite videos of his


Roman Femboys: The Great Trial


tno aside, this is also a western roman empire reference


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babe, western rome reunified


...Putinist Aggressor? Tf has Putin been doing for the last thirty years in your timeline.


The same as OTL but slightly better. Here is some brief lore: The Cold War ended in the signing of the Peaceful Coexistence Treaty of 1991, where Gorbachev's USSR and Reagan's USA signed it's official end. The Cold War in this universe was in a MUCH closer draw than OTL, both sides were at the brink of collapsing. Gorbachev's reforms were much more gradual and hence his USSR managed to hold on until September 2002, where in a span of a month, the Communist Bloc fell apart and the USSR decayed until there was only Transnistria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan in it. As the small USSR refused to fully fall apart or give away succession rights to Russia, Russia and the CSTO: Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia and Georgia invaded the Soviet rump state in a 10-month invasion known as the Soviet Succession Crisis. This successful invasion gave Russia a green light in annexation all of the ethnically Russian lands in Northern Kazakhstan while Ukraine annexed Transnistria and Armenia Nagorno-Karabakh. Eventually Georgia would leave the CSTO but Russia would spark separatism in Ossetia and Abkhazia and invade Georgia, establishing a Lukashenko-style, Kremlin-bootlicker dictatorship in the country. The separatists were promptly annexed into Russia. Russia, taking advantage of subordinate regimes in Belarus and Ukraine would annex the two while creating a satellite state of Galicia-Ruthenia. Soon after this, Azerbaijan would nationalize their from Russia and Russia and Armenia would invade BUT! their invasion would fail as Turkey and Iran would threaten involvement, causing the CSTO to pull out after 3-months of brutal fighting. Azerbaijan is now independent and... well not "free" but under the new management of Turkey. As the years went by, Russia, Iran, Turkey and the US would find themselves in a four-way proxy conflict over influence in the Middle East and Central Asia. When Estonia and Finland agreed to a union-state referendum, Russia responded with a series of terrorist attacks aimed at disrupting the success referendum, instead this pushed the two nations closer together and soon the two joined NATO. Russia was not pleased with that. Poland, in it's dreams of creating the Intermarium, proceeded to invite the Vilsegrad Pact nations: Slovakia, Czechia and Hungary. This was a success and intermarium was formed. Russia was VERY not pleased with that. And the last straw was broken when Latvia joined the Intermarium and Poland and Lithuania united, creating the Polish-Lithuanian Federal Republic. Russia sparked up a pro-Russian separatist conflict in Eastern Latvia and Byalistok (Poland). This caused the Intermarium to go to war with the CSTO, this conflict is the "Ukraine War" of the universe where after an initial failed "2-weeks to Warsaw" Blitzkrieg attempt, the conflict stagnates. Overall, Russia is just ONE and no more step ahead of OTL Russia: Yes it realized it's "Union State" ambition with Ukraine and Belarus. BUT NOW it is bogged down in an attrition conflict in the fields of Poland and the Carpathian Mountains. Not very good or effective. And to respond to your comment: If you scroll down, you will see that other NATO members see the Latin League as "pessimistic drama queens" as eventhough war with Russia is still quite far away from them they are acting like THE ENEMY IS AT THE GATES!!! THE END IS NEAR!!!


The Flag looks like Omsk from TNO


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I had a surge of patriotism for that, am I ok ?


Putinist aggressor? How many wars did Russia start, from 1989 onwards? How many wars did the USA start, from 1989 onwards? Believe me, if there's one world power the world must watch its sixes from, it's not Russia. I know, I've participated in quite a few of the ones initiated by the US.


It's the same as OTL but slightly better. Here is some brief lore: The Cold War ended in the signing of the Peaceful Coexistence Treaty of 1991, where Gorbachev's USSR and Reagan's USA signed its official end. The Cold War in this universe was in a MUCH closer draw than OTL. Both sides were at the brink of collapsing. Gorbachev's reforms were much more gradual and hence his USSR managed to hold on until September 2002, where in a span of a month, the Communist Bloc fell apart and the USSR decayed until there was only Transnistria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan in it. As the small USSR refused to fully fall apart or give away succession rights to Russia, Russia and the CSTO: Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia and Georgia invaded the Soviet rump state in a 10-month invasion known as the Soviet Succession Crisis. This successful invasion gave Russia a green light in annexation all of the ethnically Russian lands in Northern Kazakhstan while Ukraine annexed Transnistria and Armenia Nagorno-Karabakh Eventually, Georgia would leave the CSTO, but Russia would spark separatism in Ossetia and Abkhazia and invade Georgia, establishing a Lukashenko-style, Kremlin-bootlicker dictatorship in the country. The separatists were promptly annexed into Russia. Russia, taking advantage of subordinate regimes in Belarus and Ukraine, would annex the two while creating a satellite state of Galicia-Ruthenia. Soon after this, Azerbaijan would nationalize their from Russia and Russia, and Armenia would invade BUT! their invasion would fail as Turkey and Iran would threaten involvement, causing the CSTO to pull out after 3-months of brutal fighting. Azerbaijan is now independent and... well, not "free" but under the new management of Turkey. As the years went by, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the US would find themselves in a four-way proxy conflict over influence in the Middle East and Central Asia. When Estonia and Finland agreed to a union-state referendum, Russia responded with a series of terrorist attacks aimed at disrupting the success referendum. Instead, this pushed the two nations closer together and soon the two joined NATO. Russia was not pleased with that. Poland, in its dreams of creating the Intermarium, proceeded to invite the Vilsegrad Pact nations: Slovakia, Czechia, and Hungary. This was a success, and intermarium was formed. Russia was VERY not pleased with that. The last straw was broken when Latvia joined the Intermarium and Poland and Lithuania united, creating the Polish-Lithuanian Federal Republic. Russia sparked up a pro-Russian separatist conflict in Eastern Latvia and Byalistok (Poland). This caused the Intermarium to go to war with the CSTO. This conflict is the "Ukraine War" of the universe where after an initial failed "2-weeks to Warsaw" Blitzkrieg attempt, the conflict stagnates Overall, Russia is just ONE and no more step ahead of OTL Russia: Yes, it realized it's "Union State" ambition with Ukraine and Belarus. BUT NOW, it is bogged down in an attrition conflict in the fields of Poland and the Carpathian Mountains. It's not very good or effective. And to respond to your comment: If you scroll down, you will see that other NATO members see the Latin League as "pessimistic drama queens" as eventhough war with Russia is still quite far away from them they are acting like THE ENEMY IS AT THE GATES!!! THE END IS NEAR!!!


Nah Brazil would be the leader of it


Latino-American and Euro-Latin Unions are two separate entities


Why does it not have romania


This union came to be after ww2 to combat communism under deGaulle. At the time Romania was on the opposite side of the Iron Curtain. When the USSR collapsed in 2002, Romania wanted to join but was rejected as Romania was going through some conflicts between Bulgaria and Hungaria and the Latin Union did not want to risk the Balkan chaos spilling over into Western Europe. Now, Romania is a NATO member alongside the Latin League, but it promised the Intermarium (Poland-Lithuania, Hungaria, Czechia, Slovakia and Latvia) to not unite with the Latin League. And both Romania and the LL want to maintain a good relationship with the Intermarium as "an enemy of my enemy (Poland VS Russia) is my friend"




It was formed by Charles deGaulle to combat communism. And it would make sense to NOT have it allude to Rome as they just killed Musolini, the guy with Roman ambitions. It is French-led and Rome is in Italy.


Can you tell me more about Zapadoslavia?


Union between Poland, Lithuania, Czechia and Slovakia. Was formed after the CSTO (Russia) declared war on the Intermarium (Poland's Little Entente)


The Grand Trial


there's actually a language called NeoLatin that is designed to be if Latin developed into a singular romance language instead of multiple barbarian influenced ones


That is what I meant by Simplified Latin, they took the Latin spoken by the Catholic Church and gramatically simplified it to be more accessible by the French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese masses. This Latin Union was a democracy formed in 1951 by deGaulle. So the French identity REALLY influenced the language.


Is that fucking TNO reference


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