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If the quantity of goods you currently have stored in your city (shown in the Trade Advisor) is lower than the target quantity that you selected in the Trade Advisor, each ship will try to sell you goods until you reach the target. If you reach the target but then consume some units, the next ship will try to top it up again. Each ship can sell up to 18 units, but this is also limited by the annual quota for each good from each city (you can check this in the Empire map). The quota resets every January. ComissarMarek has a great video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EzSnZFHRYY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EzSnZFHRYY)


I dedicate warehouses to docks and set limits for good. E.g. I have 1 warehouse to import 8 of each sand, bricks, marble, stone for building projects. I set it to import max, but if it's full I dont buy more. Warehouses that are not supposed to store goods from docks have boat trade checbox unticked.


Omg! I didn't know you can control at dock level too. Thanks, Til! I do what you do, but only control it at warehouses. I dedicate one warehouse to two types of any resource and set 8 or 16 (depending on need) and watch for how it's emptying over time. To OP's question, I am not sure I have an answer. If I say I am importing 4 clay, I assumed it was 4 clay for the whole year, but that's not the case. It seems like 4 every trip?