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"mostly strategy" and "numbers go up" do not work well together. Sure you can optimize, whatever. In the end, you still win because NUMBERS GONE UP A LOT and not because of your brilliant masterminded strategy. Get Cell: Idle factory and be happy. By the way, stay away from their other game, something particle shit. It's bad if you compare it to cell idle.


I don't really understand your take here. The numbers don't just go up based on nothing. You can play AD for example really non-optimal and then it takes too long, or is impossible unless you strategically pick talents etc.


cifi you actually should live in game, for example daily routine is being online almost 8 h for chests and later you should be online 24/7 for hunters


As I said. You can get "there" faster, but i will eventually get "there" too. 🤷🏼‍♂️ The fuck i will LIVE in a mobile game, lol. Last time i did that in eve online. After 3 OPs one after another in AUZ timezone, which included a msg to my phone with "wake the fuck up they fielding four dreads" in it, i finally won eve.


At hunters you cant get here faster or longer. These guys can work in offline but only when your average run time and loot will be maxed. And any loot increase make your averages non optimal, so you should rerun it again. Any rerun for averages takes 10 real time runs per hunter. For example i at tr8 and my hunters beat first boss each and my Borge can reach 150 wave, but it takes almost 4 hours real time. And for maxing averages i should do 10 runs at Borge in same play session, otherwise it takes lowest possible stats for offline and you practically earn nothing. Then next time i earn more loot for Borge somewhere for applying it to offline loot i should redo all 10 runs again.


I've been playing Evolve lately (browser game) and it fits that brief pretty well I think. Feels like a successor to kittens game. Each run can be pretty different depending on your species so theres a bit of strategy to optimizing it


Antimatter dimensions doesn't need much tapping, but is heavy on the strategies to use (for example a big skill tree, with several branches that are useful in different type of challenges and have all there use at one point).


Hey, I designed my game Ballad of Heroes with that mostly in mind (not a clicker, game continues to play while you are away up to 24 hours if you change the settings, most of your decisions are behind the scenes while your party fights automatically). If you're interested, the link is https://talaxi.github.io/balladofheroes/


Heros and monsters: Idle incremental on steam, once you get going and have a set up its fairly idle


You could try melvor idle, but its not as much numbers go brrrt.