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[Trimps](https://trimps.github.io). This game is so good that I can't stop playing it, and I just can't believe it's free!


I love Trimps, but my main issue is the repetition. After few days the game is just 'dagger 7', 'ultra mansion'....


> my main issue is the repetition. After few days I would not disagree about repetition, but a few days is nowhere near enough to see what the game is about. There is a year+ worth of content. After some point you stop even noticing when automation buys daggers and mansions for you, you focus on bigger and more important things, like beating new challenges and pushing to unlock new content.


I feel like that's part of what they're saying. It has so much content, so it's a shame that it gets repetitive so fast.


I hate comments like these that completely misses the point. If the game feels boring after three days it doesn't matter that it has more content later, you're now gonna see it.


Which still gets repetitive. Trimps is fun, but it falls into many cycles in the game. In the beginning, pre-automation, it's really boring and tedious. In the mid-game you're constantly just doing runs to get upgrades(essence/magma/heirlooms/Fluffy xp) and eventually 20 b2b C2 runs to push your C2s up. Then you unlock the end-game and get to repeat every single grind over again but with a different name and without your QoL upgrades.


Hah. I'm not there yet. So, let's see. So far, it's been super fun :)


You get automation for stuff like that relatively fast. Thing is, it kind of settles into a more relaxed incremental, and then a few months later it feels like it goes into overdrive as a hardcore active incremental which I'm totally fine with but I definitely got whiplash from the tone shift.


Restarted Trimps since it's a unique slow burn. but man am I dragging in U2 around zone 40. not sure if it's just a massive grind wall or what but with about 18 mill radon spent I can only afford like 2 points after each run and they amount to very little actual gain. I think this is around where I gave up last time. Never made it to Spire assault, progress just bogged down too badly.


SA is decent but has some weird quirks in it that can fuck up builds lol. I'm just waiting on a new release at the moment, although there is a mod talked about on discord that changes / expands on the base game which I've yet to look at. I'm currently around zone 340 in U2, so current end game basically (17 / 25 of the last challenge).


That's around the time I gave up too. Spent a couple weeks doing quick runs, getting to a little over 500mil radon. Just didn't feel like I was making any headway.


You're definitely at the point I quit playing, the progression just got too slow to be enjoyable for me. I've got the itch to start up again though.


i've put some proper hours into this for the first time this past month or so and while i kiiinda love the way it unfolds, i also find it to be painfully slow, and the balance between idle and active to be really frustrating before your typical auto-stuff unlocks. so i restarted it and went with the "turbo cheat" that makes it run at like 20-30x the speed and honestly, i'm really genuinely enjoying it now. it's obviously super active now, but i'm making genuine progress every day now and could see it lasting maybe 2-3 weeks like this, which is the ideal length for an idle game for me.


Unnamed Space Idle is still amazing right now. I'm up to zone 47 and still seeing some daily progress.


Magic Research 2- if you liked the first one, this is a great expansion to it. More quality of life adds, more elements. Idle Guild Master- It's interesting, I'm still getting used to it. I'm hoping some QOL updates happen soon. Magic Research 2 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mcolotto.magicresearchtwo Idle Guild Master https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.paranoidsquirrels.idleguildmaster


I'm still trying to get into Idle Guild Master, when does everything start opening up? I'm on the 2nd map and it feels like everything takes hours to progress even an inch


Tbh I am not entirely sure. I did buy 2 of the cheaper packs and that really helped. I think it depends on your team as well though? For your first team you probably want a tank, a white mage, and a red mage+archer or 2 red mages. For your 5th character get another adept and make them a necromancer. Then you can have the necro solo the forest, and your main team farm the desert and then the eternal battlefield. The more stages you can have farming simultaneously the faster you should progress.


It's a slow game. As well, if you have your team on a level that they can't beat without dying, they are losing 20% of their XP for that level each death.


[Melvor Idle](https://melvoridle.com/) The game had an interesting update a few days ago.


why the downvotes?


I'm also interested in this because the game has potential and is worth exploring.


Everyone in the idle space should know this game, "has potential" - Nah this game is known and enjoyed by a lot of people. I wonder if it's infamous for any reason at this point. I haven't heard anything


it used to be fully free to play but then it switched and that upset a bunch of people. also ive noticed that people here seem to be ok with paying for games now whereas i feel like back when melvor was first announced people were not very receptive to that.


Yeah was supposed to be free to play, then the 3 content patch were told to be free if you bought the game .. so yeah. Myself my problem is that it takes a year + for one skill to be added, then stay broken for like 10 months before being fixed like township (if it get fixed ... atlas ...)


I love this game so much. Been playing for months. I like cuz it’s cross play and I’m in ios


Very fun game, but mostly idling instead of clicker, so if you are looking for a clicker, don't play this (except on April Fools ig)


I'm playing Evolve. Currently playing as the Capybara race and trying to black hole reset.


I made this reply late at night and maybe could have expanded on it more. First, here's the link: https://pmotschmann.github.io/Evolve/ Progress discussion because why not: 70 total resets, 51 of those were MAD, 16 were Bioseed, and 3 black hole resets. I recently reset out of the antimatter universe and into Standard, and now I'm trying to collect enough plasmids to buy the (first?) Anti-Plasmid CRISPR upgrade. I sometimes get like, decision paralysis around picking races, so I've decided to just do a whole genus at once, and then run Fanatacism and do an upgraded reset on the third race in the genus. I'm currently playing as Capybara, and played as Centaurs and Rhinotaurs the last two races; Centaurs require horseshoes and rhinos are "heavy", so I didn't think those would be good for long games or space. Capybaras only require some wood to chew on for each citizen as their negative trait, which basically doesn't matter. Because Centaurs and Rhinotaurs both give combat related major traits via Fanatacism, I decided to do a black hole reset, since I'd need a strong Hell presence. Though I think I will reset back into a Standard universe- I still need plasmids for that anti-plasmid upgrade!


I've been playing evolve but have it running 24/7 on a small mini pc. I use an automation script and check in on it once or twice a day. But I've got 216 MADs, 23 Bioseeds, 3 BH resets. Been doing them all lately in 4 stars. I would not be able to play without the automation script. MADs can just get way too tedious. Sometimes I'll start a more managed run with the script and turn it off for the end of the run. I like this way a lot more. Managing what the automation script does is a game somewhat and it's more like I'm guiding things and still get to make the fun choices.


I can see that being the case- somehow I haven't gotten bored, but it is repetitive. I always do things 4 stars- I have no idea if that's efficient or not but I want the achievement credit and plasmids lmao. I have found in the past that automation scripts have ruined idles somewhat for me, or at least that was my experience with Trimps. But I wonder if maybe what I should try is writing my own script, I bet that has potential to feel fulfilling. Is the script you use published anywhere? I'd like to look at it :)


Sure thing, this one. https://gist.github.com/Vollch/b1a5eec305558a48b7f4575d317d7dd1 There's a lot of stuff posted about it in the #scripting channel in the evolve discord I also use a script for making accelerated time permanent. There's also one for making accelerated time carry over between resets, which is the first script I used. I cant find easy links to those on mobile atm. Can look them up when I'm on my pc if you're interested.


Unless you are going specifically for the goal of upgrading the "White Hole" achievement, there's not much benefit of playing standard, because any achievements you unlock in most of the other universes will ALSO be unlocked in standard automatically (with the specific exception of "White Hole" which is for Black-Hole resetting out of standard) If you want to grind plasmids, I suggest Heavy. It's the same as standard for MADs, and the higher resets get bonus resources (though they cost more in fuel)


Ah.... I just did my black hole reset last night, think I should reload and do heavy instead?


Personally, yeah I would hit "Restore Backup" and then move over to heavy and churn there. Alternatively, if you have NOT gold-starred Standard, you could consider doing that, if that's your playstyle. If you go this way you should do a MAD on your starting planet to get the bonuses and set up your fanaticism. I'm a fan of doing a quick Ent MAD and then playing an Avian species for the BH (because Avians don't need to make Cement).


Oop, already restored and went heavy! I've not yet gold starred all of standard, but I'm not thaaat far off getting all species. I think heavy will be funner though. I'll keep ent/avian in mind :)


Manual 4-star player here. I love how this game doesn't need a guide, auto-clicker or scripts. Fantastic design. Total resets: 237, MAD: 137, Bioseed: 33, Cataclysm: 2, Blackhole: 14, Ascension: 48, Demon Infusion: 2, AI Apocalypse: 1, and 8 pillars left. Working on Seraph with Nano inheritance/Heat Imitation. Gonna have to hop over to the magic dimension to pick up the new races to finish out my pillars :..) I'll miss my buffed up planet. I love how this game is slow enough and with enough storage cap upgrades, I can casually play it when I have time to sit down at the computer. Fantastic incremental and my personal favorite.


Got back into **wizard banished**


wish the updates were more frequent and that it didn't run like a cryptominer...srsly it takes some damn minutes to load on my pc and on top of that it only runs like 4 fps


Would you kindly provide a link?




I prefere [https://debug.wizardbanished.com/](https://debug.wizardbanished.com/)


How come?


More content.


yeah thats what I played. I did lose progress after I cleared my cache tho Prob gonna wait for a steam release if it happens next time I play it.


Am I stupid or is there literally nothing to do but clear space for ten minutes (or more??) It takes forever, gives me one space, and everything I’ve unlocked requires hundreds of gold or way more energy than I have Edit: ugh…. Part of the screen is missing on mobile…


Earn gold to level up, leveling up can give the option to unlock new stuff which personally I highly recommend picking anything that gives more attack and the ones that give gold cap and gold income while the main priority should be hard focusing getting the map. Another thing is some stuff is locked behind dungeon clears and random events such as Gunther's event chain. The xp earned from dungeon clears can also be used to buy stuff to help you massively.


Looks promising, but how to get rid of mother of curses? It's stopping my progress completely and I keep getting more curses and mother of curses


There are a lot of ways actually. Some quests, gardening, etc. But the main idea - not all quests are useful, you should consider take or skip.


Just finished antimatter dimensions. Absolute gem and the best if not close to the best incremental. Now I am hollow. I think I'm gonna start og cookie clicker. Looks like it gets pretty advanced


tried ngu idle yet? its super long


It is. So is the game that inspired it, Idling to Rule The Gods. And the game that was inspired by NGU, Wizards And Minions Idle. Personally of the three WAMI is the best to me although iit's beginning throws a bit to much at ya which can overwhelm people particularly if not coming from NGU first. There a good number of games that been actively developed for 3+ years and thus gotten huge. NGU I quit partway through Sadistic difficulty which lived up to it's name, the dev had zero respect for his players at that point from the amount of manual grind it required to get less than 1% drop chance just to do so again with an even lower drop chance in next zone. IIRC the dev had burnt out on development long before that point and it shows.


TBF, 4G (NGU dev) didnt originally plan on finishing NGU and added more and more stuff once people wanted more. At some point it was unfinished and he started work on NGU Industries (sadly abandoned now). Not many people played that and so he decided to do one last update to NGU Idle instead to make it finishable, because people kept crying about it (not really crying, 4G is a surprisingly chill guy and he just came to the same realisation). Now he works on NGU2. (I may have developed Stockholms. I beat the game in ~8k hours over two-three years)


Nope! Ty for the rec. I'll peep it


there's an achievement in cookie clicker that has an entire quids to get it involving 18 steps and about 12 of them need to be done within 30 seconds


I did watch a video about it actually 😂 We'll see. I like the non active stuff I've seen from cookie clicker. Hopefully the end game isnt just all RNG ability stuffs


as someone who is in endgame of CC, im so sorry... its all RNG


the end game is all rng. and so is the late game. and so is the mid game.


I went back to CC recently myself thinking it's been a while since I played and I know there's been new content, and boy was I surprised at how anti-fun all the RNG elements are. The game is slow enough, especially without offline progress, without needing the RNG and drawbacks involved in all its more interesting features.


* [CIFI](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.OctocubeGamesCompany.CIFI) Trying to unlock >!e888 mp & Ouro!<, but damm, that's hard. Hoping for next week. * [Idle Elemental](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.everlastinggames.idle_elemental) It's a nice and original concept but very active. Also, currently it has auto-save issues (beta slightly fix it). Minimizing the screen causes progress loss.


IdleElem just doesn't run when minimized, and at least in the browser it has a huge memory leak issue leading to it ballooning to 5-10GB used pretty fast. Dev has stated they are working on it in an earlier thread, though.


i downloaded the Play Store app for this exact reason, it is somehow better optimized for phone from my experience


doesn't you need to buy upgrade for offline (I guess minimized is offline here) activity?


Yes, But it's 5 minute per upgrade. So real offline gains is kind of hard.


I turned off background art and it worked a lot better.


Maney recommended that, but it still blew up memory usage. But, I can see the game has been updated past the v4 mark, so maybe its been fixed now? The game doesn't have a built-in changelog, and I don't use Discord.


do you have access to the discord of cifi? their link in the game doesn't work anymore


https://discord.gg/octocube They've rebranded CIFI discord for a company discord. EDIT: I've also reported that as a bug, they'll fix it soon hopefully in the game client.


I appreciate ty


Ouro is very fun, adds a lot of content, but the grind is still there, just on different levels. Still, CIFI is my fav currently, I'm trying to get to e1000 this run in Ouro, and it's tough as shit. Still very fun though :)


Dunno still stuck in Zeus. I just reached e200 mp gonna grind a lot kinda annoying


Make sure to go to look at pinned messages in the discord in the appropriate channels, there's a ton of insight there, it'll help you get over a couple walls.




Thank you dear MVP


>!I'm also working towards e888 mp, RN I'm at e760 accumulated for next LR!<


Towards e850 things slows down extremely. I had to do week long runs getting me to e883.


I feel like I'm always way behind where I should be, only at e180 and that's on 3 week long runs (from e150)


Early game runs should not be more than 1-3 days max. Are you using the spreadsheets to invest mp/crystals/coins/crew? Investing in the correct stuff can make a big difference.


This is part of what annoys me about the game. Don't get me wrong, I'm playing it and I enjoy it... but the idea that you have to use tools and spreadsheets to keep things moving forward is a sign of poor design. It should _always_ be possible to look at where you are and what you want progress on, and to set things up to make progress; even if it's not optimal progress. Right now, I'm stuck on trying to get more projects done (to get CM 15) but I'm absolutely stalled on 38 Blueprints. I adjusted my missions in what looks like a reasonable way, but still it's just not moving. I need to go adjust them again and try to figure out what I'm doing wrong. But it's super frustrating.


nice, im at a similar spot in CiFi :) (e730 so you may be a bit higher)


[Incrimental Mass Rewritten](https://mrredshark77.github.io/incremental-mass-rewritten/) It's cool but I do have one consistent complaint: there's like dozens and dozens of resources and perks introduced where you get little to no idea what they do, other than the vague sense of "My numbers go up better now" Does this new thing improve my general output or just a specific resource? Who knows


I never got lost in that game, the only problem I had was that randomly your game can NaN out and you lose everything. It's better than it used to be, but it can still happen and ruin your morale. It's what happens when you throw a bunch of game code you found on other games into yours and hope it works out.


I had a situation where I somehow ended up with -lots of all my resources so could generate nothing, had to do a soft reset, and now for some reason my fermion challenges have the requirements... continually scroll down the page, making it bigger and bigger as the scroll bar shrinks. It doesn't have any gameplay implications, but it's *weird.*


If you ever NaN with no backups you can just use a generic base64 decoder to save edit back to where it happened.


That’s exactly what I thought running through this. Kinda sucks that after you get incomprehensible amounts of a resource, you never have to use it again. The scaling is ridiculous but there’s so much content, I can’t stop playing it.


I found it boring without the use of console for timeskip. It has too many timewalls and too many times you have to just wait for something. Also it heavily relies on short runs and small gains. UI is atrocious imo and the further to the end you get the more difficult it gets to remember if you were supposed to click somewhere not to get stuck.


there is a guide "IMR Guide" somewhere on reddit, it follows you through the steps of the game and is pretty useful in explaining things, I will say it does spoil some things if you look ahead. Otherwise, it gave some great insight on this problem


I quit around glyphs cause even the guide was useless at that point.


Incremancer Can't put this one down for 4 days now. Addicted to it. https://cirusdane.github.io/incremancer/


This one is fun, but very short in content. You can beat it in a handful of hours if you go for the right upgrades first, namely: -the one that makes dead bodies spawn more zombies -the harpy bombs -the one that makes dead zombies explode


How do you "beat" it? I'm on level 500 and there's no end in sight.


it's endless, but there's a limit to the 'content'. numbers might keep going up, but there's nothing 'new' to look forward to.


you can't beat it in a handful of hours, what? you must've played a very primitive version


Yes you can, of total active gameplay. It will be open for longer than that for sure, but you can absolutely beat it within maybe 3-5 active hours. I have played through it a number of times and each time I'm able to beat it faster. Its one of my favorites of this genre in fact but its just unfortunately short with content.


Wait a second, I've been playing that here: [https://incremancer.gti.nz/](https://incremancer.gti.nz/) I wonder what the difference is?


OP's link is a modded version. No idea what changes were made.


More end game content, but way beyond where the original endgame was, thus making you grind the same thing for a long time before getting the new content anyways :/. Badly made mod IMO.


[Milky Way Idle](https://www.milkywayidle.com/) - been consistently playing for 6 months now, i think its the best in the space right now, that space being runescape inspired idle mmo, a la farm idle and melvorish. It does face some boring moments but the ability to run both a normal account with marketplace and an ironcow account that is more single player focused, gives you a decent amount to do. incredibly easy to participate without any real money, the monetization is very fair IMO. Recently added group combat and new highest tier dungeon system that has energized the high level playerbase and market. [Space Alpha](https://spacealpha.net/) - Im about 3 weeks into this now, and i really like these types of idles: social focused(join an alliance) mixed combat/marketplace. a sort of idle eve online, but no ship level control, only sending fleets and mostly growing your planet(s). What the game does well: i think the blend of mechanics are smart and fun with a great general system design, and the progression of short term mid term and long term goals are pretty compelling, ive had the game window open basically 24/7 if that tells you anything. I think the community, at least the alliance i joined, is filled with genuinely kind and fun people. What is more mixed: the game feels pretty young in development, resulting in quite a few bugs and odd behaviors, as well as undercooked features that mostly exist on paper. The dev does seem quite active though and none of the bugs have been a problem so far. Quite a few game elements are not communicated very clearly. What is bad/concerning: There are several systems in the game that i have not interacted with or understand very well(so i wont be too harsh on i), one of them is some sort of crypto integration. it seems extremely minorly impactful but does set of alarm bells. You can buy premium currency with real money and sell it in game for credits, the amount you get per dollar is actually very generous. Credits dont solve literally every problem in the game, smart strategy is way more important, but its definitely a big pay-for-advantage. There are also a lot of light gambling aspects in the game, both with simulated stock markets and with loot box style chests. generally speaking: if you have a problem with addiction or gambling avoid the game. otherwise, if you like social or space incrementals, its worth a look.


Are PBBG Incremental?


> PBBG I think some of them are, i would consider SA one just because it is focused like 85% on growing from one planet with 10k dudes on it to a 6 planet empire with 1 trillion population on each. Ive seen plenty that arent incremental.


no. cashgrabbing to bypass waiting is not incrmental.


Milky Way Idle is very, very similar to Melvor Idle. If you like MWI, check Melvor out.


Grass Cutting Incremental on Roblox. The game is fun, a lot of mechanics, but...the 3d space is horrible; will probably drop it soon, I'd just rather be fiddling with menus than running around.


It's interesting to see people do not like the 3d environment it provides as I am the complete opposite, I thought that was one of the coolest aspects of the game and probably wouldn't have played it for so long if it wasn't 3d. No other incremental game is like that basically so it's quite a different change of pace to the usual incrementals. Being able to move around and interact with stuff and new areas that was always ever unfolding into more new mechanics was so cool when I first played it and is what got me addicted.


As a huge GCI fan I can see both sides. I enjoy the 3d space because it makes your progress feel more impactful because you're running around in all the features you unlocked. On the other hand though, when you start doing things like looping U1 a bunch, all the time spent running eventually becomes most of your playtime. Of course it's still a lot of running between places pre-looping, it's just that looping is going to really make it impossible to ignore.


Personally, I think it's a good demonstration of how presentation can be very important in an incremental game. I know some people are in it purely for the raw numbers and would play an incremental game built in a spreadsheet but I, for one, love being able to visually experience growth - like with GCI when new buildings occupy a new physical space.


Try "Really Grass Cutting Incremental" by redshark, I believe it's the exact same game but without the 3d. \[Link to game\](https://mrredshark77.github.io/Really-Grass-Cutting-Incremental/)


Nah the scaling on that is completely fucked. Took me over an hour to prestige, then i could crystallize and grasshop in less than 5 mins after that. Thanks for the link tho, hope they get that fixed


not the exact same game, its much worse


and redshark is too stupid to know what ui design is


He did it on purpose on that one initially, to catch the 'feel' from the Roblox game, but is too prideful to accept the criticism and change it now. Because that would be equal to admitting he did something 'wrong', and a lot of people are so silly they have trouble admitting they're wrong about something...


Damn redshark has some good games but this is an atrocity... I feel bad for people that only play this web version and are missing the real game, which is the best incremental as of the last 3 years or so


Yah, grass cutting incrementals the best incremental ever to be made imo, so many unfolding layers.


Agree and I've played close to all of them to be a judge. Of course it won't click for some, but the unfolding aspects in it are better than any other game out there. Impatiently waiting for the new update arriving soonish.


I thought I read it was like this month. I dont remember if thats accurate. I did a new run and set myself up at the end of a universe 2 reset for the update. I think the entrance to it is in the lake, in the mushroom biome. I stumbled across it on accident the other day.


• Melvor Idle. Almost 100% on TOTH expansion and debating whether to do AOD or the new Abyssal expansion. • Farmer Against Potatoes. Surprised how much I’m enjoying this one. Only on Ascension 2 but I like the pacing and how playing active vs idle doesn’t feel lopsided. • Tap Titans 2. Probably cringe to most people because of how P2W it is, but I’ve been enjoying it and how quick the prestiges are for me (about 8-12 minutes to hit my wall). I personally think it’s enjoyable to play F2P the majority of the game until stages 100k+.


I’m also at transcendence on TT2 (180k) and I don’t think I’ve spent a dollar on it in years.


Nice! I sometimes wish I played it more consistently. I played it day 1 when it came out but I’ve been super inconsistent over the years. I’m at around 105k atm.


Tap Titans 2 was one of my favorite experiences in incremental gaming. We had a guild and discord. Shit was really fun. I had to kick it because it was taking too much attention at the time.


I'm currently playing magic researchers 2 and really enjoying it but need another mobile game to scratch that incremental itch if anyone has suggestions


Some I've played and liked on my ios mobile: Exponential Idle, Universal Paperclips, Idle Dyson Swarm, Spaceplan, Magic Research (1&2), Leaf Blower Revolution


Po Ta Toe.


i became fond of idle iktah, though it doesn't really have active content like MR


[Synergism](https://synergism.cc/) I am so close to the last platonic upgrade. I just know that i'm still waaaay off from the end tho. Looking forward to whatever is after that.




no. the games link is https://spotky1004.com/Calculator-Evolution/


Wondering if galaxy.click have permission to embed other peoples work like they do, seems pretty shady.


The owners of the games put them on the website...


Nice, I can see that now that I actually read the about page :)


Always click "Open Original" and just treat it like a link library.


it's a non-profit open-source site the fuck are you worried about exactly


Finally finished Magic Research and started on Magic Research 2. It's even better, although I'm not a fan of how the main character is characterized.


How active is Magic Research 2? The first one was pretty tedious.


Slightly less than the first I would say. But more complex.


Definitely more idleable. Potions being passive/auto-use rather than active fixed that.


I’ve started playing pylon of the mass from redshark and it’s interesting so far.


Link for anyone curious [https://mrredshark77.github.io/Pylon-of-the-Mass/](https://mrredshark77.github.io/Pylon-of-the-Mass/)


[Beltmatic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2674590/Beltmatic/) it is more like wathcing smaller number grow. Sure I could speed up but I prefer to sit and wait building often only minimum required.


Oh, a Shapez clone, looks nice


Not really sure that counts as an incremental, its more of an automation game. And while its fine for the price, it does get a bit samey.


what idle games are there that have a idle system like melvor idle, meaning the game still plays on background tabs or when the pc goes in sleep or hibernate, i got pretty fed up with losing overnight progress because i forgot to close the game tab and put the pc in hibernate






Still playing [CIFI](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.OctocubeGamesCompany.CIFI&hl=en_US). Keep loving this game, keep playing it. Finally started farming stages past 210 wirth Borge, and feels like I'll get him going to high stages very soon. Currently in TS5 run, and only 100 hours left for c4-8 to finish. After that, I expect my progress to start zooming with main game. Started playing [ISEPS](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AppSociety.ISEPS&hl=ru) - it will get lots of QoL updates soon, Juno will finally release, so I thought "why not. I liked CIFI, and if the same man will start working on this game again, I guess I'll like it more in the end too!" Waiting for se4 to be done - after that probably will be much better, as I can't really do much with Helion particle which I just unlocked. Also started playing [Exotic Matted Dimensions](https://alemaninc.github.io/Exotic-Matter-Dimensions/) - it's good, but I feel like I'm doing smth wrong.


Lol nobody will know what you mean with the CIFI details, you are definitely a fellow CIFI Discord user 😂 Congrats on the progress there. I'm probably a month behind you.


> you definitely a fellow CIFI Discord user Oh yes I am xD thanks! Also, don't forget that Knox comes out soon, so it's better to have 200k orbs ready for him. I haven't saved them so I'll have to TR after he comes out, so I still have like 15-20 days to finish this run, but I'm not sure i'll be able to get ts5+7, which saddens me a bit.


I picked up Astrodle, which was released on Wednesday. It seems really well made and has some really interesting mechanics, so I really enjoyed it. I think it's well worth it, despite being a little on the short side (assuming there isn't a big twist that I haven't seen yet, I have 11/12 zodiacs). As a note, while the game seems idle from the name, it it really should be played either actively or in conjunction with another game. Leaving the game on overnight seems like it can trivialize the game. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2853130/Astrodle/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2853130/Astrodle/)


Agreed on the overnight point- I left it afk on my 2nd run, and now i feel like I'm basically "done".


I'm looking for something Similar to [Sword Fight ](https://tovrick.itch.io/sword-fight?secret=8Hzj2Jy7jLfX0PIDq78u7wA4)


Lost souls idle www.lostsoulsidle.com Medieval text based idle game!


Expect to get downvoted for this one, this community is pretty anti-registration


We're not against registration in general, we are against *pointless* registration and *blind* registration and most games that come through here requiring registration feature both flavors of it. Such as this very game. If I have to register to find out anything about your game at all, it's getting downvoted and I'm not going to play it. If your game has no multiplayer interaction to speak of yet requires registration anyway, it's getting downvoted and I'm not going to play it.


Oh okay. My bad. Didnt realize that


upvoting this one, just because of that, if you don't want to register, then don't, but why downvote someone's else recommendation?


I didn’t downvote. I just said expect to. It’s very commonplace to mass downvote recommendations to games that require registration and I was just warning them of that


Yeah, I didn't say you did, don't worry ;). IMO that's shitty practic in this community, doesn't things like beloved melvor require registration too?


Melvor doesn't require an account for the f2p


So if there was a Single Player Version where there was no registration then the game would gain more players probably...


I don't believe Melvor requires it, but it's HEAVILY encouraged for the sake of cloud saving.


But is loving Play Store. Make it make sense.


Play store? Like, the standard app that comes pre installed with android and is a common platform for every game installed on android?


Checking it out. Is this runescape style clone # 1500? Or or there something unique with this.


I can't argue with you that its not a clone. But its been a fun project to work on tho! I mean its not unique in a way that its all about cows or something like that.


is there a starting guide to this?


No theres no starting guide yet. But theres a Manual/Game Guide and chat is pretty helpful!


Are you the main or only developer of "Lost Souls Idle"? Because if you are the "Forgot your password" button is less than useless considering that after i have written my username and email nothing happens, I cant press any button either to make something happen.


I continue to be between incrementals, at EOC for USI, and just plugging away at Idling to Rule the Gods.


Grass cutting incremental on Roblox Just hit >! mega loops 3 !< and can’t wait to breeze through a whole round of the game in sub 2 hours (no time skip)


Your spoiler tag didn't work because there's a space between the first >! and the word it's meant to start spoilering. You always gotta have the two touching.


The tower. Idle tower defense and unnamed space incremental. the latter is the better game


I've beaten Dodeca-dragons! 108 hours (and 6 seconds). Which I think is about average. Some do it faster, some slower


CIFI - though it's slowed down a lot. I think I need to TR and cash in on the 4 million OO I've got waiting Underworld Idle - I love the sacrifice lower-level units to buy a higher-level on mechanic. Though, a week or so in and the main prestige loop feels kinda tedious Unnamed Space Idle - multiple mechanics all interacting in interesting ways. Great game And finally NGU - my second play through. I just can't get enough of seeing those numbers go up!


CIFI is so good. Still an active player after 6 months. The complains about in App purchases are legit though. I think getting rid of adds should be cheaper, or adds less annoying. After that initial small purchase it is an amazing experience.


I've been playing [Slime Castle](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.redtailworks.slimetd&hl=en_US). A bit money-grabby - progress is highly impacted by a few purchases - but I've been enjoying it more than I thought I would. Anybody know a subreddit for it?


Playing generator incremental [https://www.roblox.com/pt/games/16111537752/Generator-Incremental](https://www.roblox.com/pt/games/16111537752/Generator-Incremental) It got updated recently and there's tons of gameplay, each generator adds something different to the playstyle (some are just passive bonuses for example) In the beggining there's some grinding because unlocking a new generator resets all before it, but some are persistent (as you progress they usually warn you if they will reset anything or not). Apart from it you'll open up a few possibilities on how to progress and it doesn't really feel like a drag. I like how everything is straight forward and doesn't really need some sort of guide so you can progress quite easily


I keep trying to get back into it. The reset loop is so unpleasent. I just got to like gen 9, I realllly dont like having to do all the earlier generators. Games more tedius than fun. That being said, I havent completely dismissed it because i hold out hope the dev will add something to make resetting less awful.


Gen 10 gives you a bunch of much-needed automation if it is the one that requires level 101. The game seems to have one 'major' wall every big update.


okay, maybe next time I play it i'll try to unlock 10, and see what it does :P


Damn you gave up just before gen 10, which will automate most stuff and make the game a lot easier, there a few more persistent ones and sometimes it gets a bit grindy but overall you can advance pretty easily without any major wall


I played a bunch this weekend again, but ultimately gave up towards the end. Spoiler for current end-game content: >!Between water, electricity, and wood and changing back and forth I feel like I am missing something. When I unlocked the HUGE square but also realized how much manual setup/farm I need to get 10k water to make the tree grow just, urgh. And I am 5 charges away from the 25-charge generator upgrade. But everything grinded more-or-less to a halt. !<


I remember playing through some of this awhile back. It was decent. But I definitely hope the fruit collection got reworked from the state it was in then. Any amount of excessively precise mouse movement to collect stuff can really make a game painful to play. It nearly made me quit the game outright.


Iirc, at some point the fruit turns into a mechanic of click anywhere on the fruit growign section and it'll collect them all. My real problem with fruit was that collecting them basically froze the game for like 10+ seconds. So yeah the fruit is just problematic in general.


True, but the time it takes to be able to avoid the obnoxiously painful precision wasn't ideal. I vaguely remember the game struggling to obtain all the fruit for you but I think I was more so amused by that.


 IdleMMO by Galahad Creative , its available on Browser , android and IOS. and the community are good too. this game doesnt have Ingame chat , so they're active on discord. Theres also many Guide in the Discord   https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dawsn.idlemmo




please elaborate on how its an incremental


It's not an incremental, it's an exploration platformer. And in my personal opinion it's also way too expensive (25€).


If anything it's underpriced.


Not everything needs to cost your firstborn child.


$25 isn't bad considering it's an actual game unlike the $60-80 triple A slop.