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Checking it out now, Until now it gives me Melvor vibes, but not as overwhelming as


One of the slowest idlers I've ever played. Glad I quit playing months ago, the thought of having to restart the entire thing after full release would make me delete the savegame either way.


Gotta agree with this, unfortunately. Maybe it's changed since I tried six months ago, but the game is crazy slow. Getting one level in the 20s for woodcutting took hours, I can't even imagine how long higher levels take.


Its somehow much more grindy than Milky Way Idle with less content.


Thanks for saving me time. Won't be playing if it's so slow.


interesting, 2 years of progress getting wiped seems like a pretty big deal


Everybody knew from the start that the game would be reset when a good level of balance is reached.


Wonder why, I hope it's the positive vibe of having some fundamental system changes that made Savegames incompatible. Rather than the pathetic reason of "look everybody, I am the first to reach this milestone in this single player game! Talk about me! Worship me! Be in awe!"... And yeah, I'm purposefully throwing a lot of shade here. I been having self-esteem issues and used to compensate a lot with gaming, it's absolutely unhealthy and pathetic and shouldn't be encouraged.


Bit of a leap


How so?


To say the same experience you have is what everyone wanting a wipe for the purpose of competition or integrity thinks.


I know it's quite of a leap and reflecting my own feelings on that situation. But I really fail to see any other way when the alternative is "keep the existing savesfile as is and let those who wanna compete do the competition", it screws over the people who'd like to keep their save. If it was a game with multiplayer aspects I'd understand. And I did read that the dev said long ago he'd wipe everything because of balance down the road. I find that silly for a single player experience. If you have an easy way to let people decide how they want to enjoy the content, let them...


First paragraph literally says "player driven market guilds and more social aspects later."


Yeah, not sure how I've missed that. I'm stupid...


It's utterly standard in multiplayer games. Otherwise dev's couldn't test wild ideas, else you'd even up with some small percentage of players getting gear or spells that are just game breaking. Plus otherwise it's really hard to attract players because they can't beat all the beta testers.


I wasn't aware it's a highly involved multiplayer title. In that case it makes sense, yes.


But it will be the same once the game releases, no? People that didn’t play since release will be behind and never catch up.


> Otherwise dev's couldn't test wild ideas too bad theres none of that here. you cant "test wild ideas" when youre slowly building a legally distinct clone of a commercial product.


Fantastic news, I've been waiting for a while now (played for about a month but did not want to burn myself out on an earlier version). Great game so look forward to trying it out again :)


Sounds good! Have been playing on and off since it was released, so will definitely check it out!


Great game, will definitely be there on friday


It's a pbbg, it's meant to be played over the course of years lol.


It doesn't have enough content to warrant that.


(on mobile) I logged into this game once before and lost the game, but after loggin in now it wants me to create a new character... But I'm on my same account from before and my character name is taken still. Is it being wiped on the 6th and everything starting?


Feel free to reach out to me on reddit or discord (@miccyboi), and I can help you with your account. On the 6th everyone starts fresh, yeah.


This game is awesome, I just started playing.


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so...its another melvor clone? but *even slower*? my god what were you thinking, and how did it take so long to make a melvor clone when the space station clone came out like months after melvor?


You go on like melvor is an original idea.


Anyone remember Runescape Idle Adventures? Decent idea, excellent graphics for an idle game, almost no content, pulled from Steam after no too long.


But it is a well-executed imitation that definitely does not lack content.


oh no, i get that. its just that when you copy the exact mechanics *and appearance* of another game, youre just making a clone.